Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 15 Oct 1915, 1, p. 5

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Next Door Empire Theatre SATURDAY CASH 0N LY In Highs-ems Ladies and Gents Furnishings Begs-3 to announce that he has opened Business T0=day Ulll Sm‘tfihcs Tmnhlu Suur m: I! inmi .M'lt (3" Cabin! Opp. Kings Amusement Parlors :=: Timmins for? 0:1 1‘! FOR CASH ONLY I" MERCHAN “QAILOR f 3'. D RW AY McLAUGHLm g “ith your mum) "I WATCH OUR WINDOWS. iiflif‘i lg "u .3 GEILS I’i!‘l§lt‘~’. S" (“HIW CIIUW lils MUCH 3H; "ml :WUM ”It: rush Timmins, Ontario 10c 10c ._ 25c 25c 30c $1.00 1.50 25c / nvssrmw. Wm. A. . BARKEOUSE PINLAY EOURDIGNON. r2: n: BROWN. 020 A. ..... .nnown. JAMES ..... vmxsn FRANK ..... BURROWS, ARNOLD . COULES. JOHN J. ..... . cor-Imam. JACK HU'I‘CTUPISON. Kilt}. ........... INHO‘A’I’K. ANDREW .......... IIIROULL JOSEPH E. .......... LEDRARI.FRANK ........... MICK. LA‘VFBNCB C. ......... ‘;-.I.~IP.'IIN. PHILIP S. ........... MAIIION. JOHN ............... MITCHELL. ART. E. .......... NRCCNAI-D. HOWARD ........ LICIIITYRB. ARCHIE .......... MCCHESNBY. JAS. ............ McMANUS. GORDON ........ .. . OLMSTBAD. WM. A. .......... gO'CONNOR. NEIL ............. PRANRELEY. ALBERT E. ..... PHAYRE. A. RICHARD ........ ROBERTSON. ANGUS ..... . .. RICHARDSON. FRANK ....... ROUTE. HORACE C. .......... REID. HUG ................. ROWE. JOHN C. ........... SIMMILL. JAS. H ............. ’ STEVEN. R. A. ............... STEVENSON. THOS. ......... SHIELDS. WILLIAM ..... SMITH. ARTHUR ............ SCHLEMULLER. GEO. ........ THOMPSON. ROBERT ........ THOMPSON. JOHN M. ........ .TALBOT. EMERY ............. VUDALL. R. O. ................. WAY. S. W. ROSCOE ......... WELDON, LESLIE S. ......... .‘ WELDON. JOHN RUSSEL ..... \‘MCLENNAN. DANIEL ......... 'BAILLOD. JAMES A. ......... LAROSE. MAC. .............. . ' BIESONTHAL. CHARLES ..... COTE. JUILLAUM ............ '.‘.KBNNBDY. GERALD A. ...... \PBI'TBS, FRANK ARNOLD GILBERT. EGEAN ........... . PAPILLION, NED ............ MORSTEN. NORMAN E. ...... BRASKED, SAMUEL MURRAY McGRATH, WILLIAM GEORGE McKEE, LOUIS ............... CRAMP. FRED A. ......... BEATTIE, ROSS .............. HUGHES. OWEN J. .......... ARMSTRONG, PRESTON P. * REID. JACK .................. i WILSON, SWAN ........... { CLARK. RUFUS .............. CRETNEY, JOHN HENRY HAYWARD, PAUL D. ........ . HARRIS. TALBERTE ......... POINTER, ROY ............... NELSON, FRANK ............ LINDSAY. SAMUEL P. ........ DRAYCOTT, ALBERT E. ...... COULIS. LOUIS L. ............ COLEMAN, FREDERICK ...... COUILLARD, WILFRED ...... DONNELL. JOHN J. ........... GRIMES, PERCY ............. LACHAPELLE. OMER ........ MAINVILLE. HARVEY ....... MacDONALD. JOHN ...... MCGRATTON, HARRY ........ PHILLIPS. GEO. .............. TRIPP. NICHOLLS ........... [SIMPSON FRANK ..... . ..... g MULLOY. FRED A. ........... General laa Hamilton. in command at the Allied threes fighting the Turks had been telegraphing repeatedly tn lmnl Kitchener t'ur additinnal truups tn he sent to the Dardanelles. "You'll he el'ying next for the nmun." Kitehener wired hawk. “Why nut..'° replleql General llam- iltuu. "it' yuu “ant the (‘reseent‘?" lmnclun. ()ot. lii.â€"-â€" The f'nlluwing slux'y is \‘ulwlwd fur on authority that mmnnt he dnuhtml: CURTIS. wax. 'r. ....... coRRIS. FRANK ...... SAMPSELL. SE0. v. .. CALLUM. ROBERT DUOIIARMB. ADLORE . DRAKE. SAMUEL WM. DINSMORB. WM. HERE. DUNSPORD. LEONARD DAWSON. WM. 0. ..... IRAchs. us. 3 ...... FLEMING. JAS. S. ..... GRAHAM. ERED. HAMILTON. JAMES .zxopxms. RUSSELL .. HALLIWELL. RALPH . HAWKINS. PETER HORNB.BBNNBT ...... ONE HUNDRED PIONEERS ((‘nntin Minn fn l fmm Toronto arrival in mint-«lav evening and win a of the tarious «mesa! ti! ‘fue departure ul‘ the “’HY NOT? "'1 vl from page. 1) (‘H HQ” THE PORCUNNE ADVANCE l tn hi nnh' Ml HIPS KI \' and m (‘SII‘U mt Can: Engiz’sh Canadian English . Canadian English . English . Canadian Scotch . Irish English . Canadian English . Russian Canadian English . Canadian English . Cana English Irish . . . Scotch .. Canadian Canadian ..... Scctrzh ....... Canadian . . . . English ...... English Canadian . English . Canadian Pinlandcr . . . - .............. Miner Canadian ............... Carpenter English Carpenter, Railroad Canadian ................ Bushman Canadian ............. Lumberjack ................... Sealer “ ..... - ......... Pipe- fitter ............... Prospector English . . . Canadian . English . Canadian 'l‘he stureess whieh has attended the Beaver anal 'l‘emiskmning mines at (l'uhalt, especially the prnut' that in this seetiun ul' the camp are not unly L'UOS tn depth but nnprm'es in value at the lmver levels. has emmxragetl the re-upenin}: nt’ hm prnpertles which have heen shnt (lnwn t'nr sev- eral years. The Huehester has been taken uver hy the 'l‘rethewey ('mnp- any, and mm a new enmpany has been t'nrmed tu eunnnenee wurk on the Shmnmek. Canadian ..... n 3311 DA lit Ii diam 0" dian {an ,ian accent oooooooooooooooooo ............... B ............ Railwaj ...... Telegraph 0 .......... Section F 1 ............. Rail ..... Elec. Construc ......... - . . . . Rail NSF? Mechanic and Timber-man ................ Laborer ................. Minor ............. Prospector . - ............ Carpenter ............ Cort-keeper ................. Miner Mining and Prospecting ......... Storekeeper ........... Electrician ............... Miner ........... Contractor ............ Carpenter ........ CivL‘ Engineer ............... Rigger ............. Teamster .. Railroad Sectionman ...... Bank Clerk . Bushman and Former ........... Electrician ........ General Labor Pro ......... Railroading ....... Mina Samplc: Construction Porcma: .......... Electrician ......... Railroading Barrister and Solicitor ............ Mac-hank .......... Electrician ....... _. . . . .. Barber .......... - Tinsmitii ........ Railroading .......... Mill-hand Miner and Bushman .- ......... Bushman ...... Railway Clerk Telegraph Operator ‘ . Section Foreman ........ Railroading Elec. Construc. Work .. . Railroading .............. Miner ........ Lumberman .. Miner, Prospector .............. Miner .......... Carpenter Oarpcntzr. 3:3 ., Ins.Agt., Sun. ...... Pipe-fittcâ€"x Electric Lineman ...... Carpentex ..... Olcrk. etc. . . . . . . Minoan; Mining Englncex ...... Tcamstc: and .. nwrcadin Ins.Agt.. Stu Mm means i H Prospector fiime m1 Methane . mm: TC 8 Teamster Bushman hell’ not- nls Local Patriotic Relief League Report l'l‘flW .\ I! 'mlam "pull “Plil'f Tum-- "It's :1 I. \YUI'O'S \H'ilh‘n In lwurt. 'l'lzvy mm much it um! mwvr ‘.'.'u!'!'.\'. .\ml I'm sun- it \\'.»:2'! ho lull‘." Whm: Ruh- h'itmmin. lh'iturmiu Hulvs Hu- Waves. 'l'lu-y'll ho muting: climu'r with (310 Kuism‘. Ami sillL'imr this sung. Stop and think it «MW. and I'm sure there isn'l um- 'l‘l'nt \x'nuldn't tight fur h'itnin i!’ thv timv \vuuM lww In mnw: \Vv'vv gut] tn slmw the Horuunm Hm? We have ”10 rm! hm-k-bmw. And you're ”no Inn‘s In mukv the start, And bring: the lmmm lmzmn (‘hurusâ€"us uhm'v. H 's a lull: way in 'l'imwrm'y. .\ml uur stt pals must purl But we'll givv tlu'm HH- has"! n! '('un:~w tlu-‘v'vv slmwn u 94.": 'l'ln- ('bntbznn ('it)‘ ('nnneil Monday innde 1 grant of MO!) inwards- linnm- in}; the reernitinj.r lengne 11-(entl;\ lul- med. 'lbe ennnty qnnncil Inns pledged n siinilnr amount and $300 has been subscribed by private individuals. :0 0:0 «:0 ‘0 0:. 0:6 0:0 9:0 0:. oz‘ 0:. o:- 9:, 0:. Darin \l POROUPINE ' S WAR SONG. Are You Satisfi Bring ba'i; PVV ul'n‘ _\'t :mmvlim um 'I '1‘ ul' $33.8“ \V .' Svllmmn-hvr- .- anmlinn lh‘ Hm dissnlmiml ’ lwnmw. Sum. and C‘ N'll hi0"! "9| If It Will Cost You Nothing WITH THE CLOTHES YOU WEA mulls. $1 mended a entire ( Hobberlin Clothes guaranteed lln A”!!! 9}! .47 BILL SMITH 1:4 9:. 9:0 0:0 0:0 0:. 0:. v}. 0:. 0:. a} (o 9:. 0:0 9'. 0:. a}. 0:0 0:. 0:0 0:9 «:0 0:. (o 0:. 0:0 «‘0 o} 0:. 0:. o}. 9:. 0:0 0:. 0) 0:0 ‘0 0:. Wu \‘Hll mu 1' I’I‘Il’. mmry I: 1: “HP. H ll “RN” choose :11 “\‘s and surv ul' ”'0‘!“ .mcl, Il'lu' H ".il.! .. O 0 nlulnhu Hm N’.“ momma nmnmunnn « 1 BY pansnmsamx mama N D" MASONIC CHURCH PARADE A}; SERVICE ON SUNDAY. CASE OF T. M. WILSON. J.P.. DY S. ALFRED JONES WAS DISMISSED BY MAGISTRATE .\ [mint a:' law whivh may inti-i'vst “HUN :1 largz' number «of lm-al loam-- haloh-r.‘ was that whi-n Mngistrntv Atkiamn saw tzzs ile'visinn last night at'ti-r a wm-k '5 i-mmiih-ratinn in a ram- hl'anght by S. .Ut'l'i-ii Jam's. K.('.. nt' t'uvhranv. against 'l‘. M. Wilmn. J.l’.. at' 'l'innnins. .‘Jr. Wilsun haul a three yi‘ar loaao an a hnihlinu from Mr. Janos and mun-d thi- hnihling. Mr. Janos ('ittiltl- ml In: haul in) right tn «in St) nitlmllgil aihnittinr: tin «Inning;- was ilano ta tlw building. Mr. Wilma vunti-intml that nmh-r his Ivasv lu- hail iitl' right and tho Magistratv titSlttin'St'tl thi- case (to- i'iiiin: that Mr. \Viisnn hml ”i-nlnl' of right '° ninh-i' thv lvaso granted. LADIES' GUILD WILL HOLD TEA AND SALE. If there is any reliable mining news of the Porcupine Gold Camp or any interesting local event The Por- cupine Advance gets it. An eight- page full size weekly paper, it is con- sidered THE ONLY POROUPINB NEWSPAPER. Are you a subscri- ber? If not, be placed on the list now. .\ 1sz will be given in Hill ul’ tlu- Lauliw' Guild «W St. Mulllww's Alig- limz: Flmrvln. 'l'immins, (m 'l'hnrmlu)’. ()lel-(‘l' 215:. Ill Mrs. Huts. Aum". nsiulvnvv. Malltugumi. Mrs. Sanctum and Mrs. l’ritvlnn'cl will have vlmrgu ul' :1 mkv 11ml vainly sulv. J. given by tho v: ; vhmr um! hu'm ”(ml furwnrcl m 1mr and "in“ '1‘ ['3 was M l‘i .Itll .‘ SQN‘I Whil'h spvvinl music- wi Hm vaumbh- mnl turn-n «I lm'xv rnx'._..';‘(‘;;utmlm m ul‘ I“ f TIMMINS. ONT. zmnm'r u: luml lmnsv- hat wlu-n Magistram- lzis cle't-isiun last night mmidc-rmiun in :1 ms:- “I'm"! Jum's. K.('.. nf' HI '1'. M. \Vilsnn. J.l’.. let‘ll \\' mu- "2133‘ ul‘ mnl’u Hun-l: will kill.» ml- Jnl juill llu' lruly Ilzliv azl‘v Mrtlivlly .\ll:m m :mvml (lu- spm-inl music- will FIVE II“ "1‘“ “1m alml with 'rm‘s WIN m" from s’lmlgc' in nssvrt :1 mm- will u "flit'ifllt' NI Sl‘TVH'CN [‘0 k hut tn H1 lei}! HF H l'(' llov 'll M IS

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