THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Sl’l'l’H PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25th. lull. No. 3'“. Vol. I. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KNOW When the Dome Mine is to Announce the Dividend and How Much \',t'it» _s .l with l"'ll?t heti'fl’i‘to property .i capstan/at si'ytiolttt'tl pat vain: V: share, with all stock issued tilt and ilL'llH's piildished. t 3" ..' 3' lei â€His .ilJl lt's trier. ot {main .4. st .iiidini.’ owner s .u‘i‘ Who are t'.tl'tl.tii~l~ and lltlllltlL’ moi. until Lfi‘‘.s it Mill .. 1.! tlz'l. M; ..l ill catill .tl llii‘fll ll. l’ll.“ ii .ti i' and tin know led.†l"\l tort-in .tli‘l l’-‘t:ct.rv Mil; L': “ital where '. 'i‘l i: ".tll in .t\' llllt‘u', .‘dto-ly sotiir-t tum: llu INI],~ l-‘o w .y-ti,tlri' i.i.~ t .stitrli. ol the I'..ic=iiii:o tn L'XQ'IEt. .‘i '.lliil’ "' .l‘r lli" 2i'..ii.r'cil '.' Jop olistt r7 li.l'llt“ .t "it'\t'lrr|'ltl'lll .. and ti» property (“will llit'lil this by itiipottant that over of them. has entered the district. .‘t the been ".ll'l’al las present time the l'iillli‘ Mine is iii a lltillt‘ls‘lllllt: o'iillillllt'l.. tire to the amount of lift tons helm: mined and hoisted daily. The development of the one hundred toot level is proceedini: with speed and the results. as far as can he as- certained. are satisfactory to the management. The best practices in mining are ohserved, and the result is that the of min- in: are much lower than those any other property in the camp and probably lower than any other pro- perty in any camp. The. enormous size of the (IUH’t'prlnL' ore hody has helped larirely to make this posâ€" sihle. The ore is broken down in glory holes, {alls into sliutes on the forty- tch foot level. dumped into cars and hoisted up an inclined shaft to the crusher house. All the running and hoistini: done on the day shift. the night shift worliini: only on de- velopment. 'l‘he stalled a ‘\ ('ris‘tS ls lllllllitL't'tlt‘lll haye lately w. Word drill sharpcuiiu.r ma- ohine and the hlacksmitli with oil the a Mix coriiplete machine 'l‘he house contains two four hundred and lifty ll.l’. which furnish drill lland hoistin: t‘llL'lllI‘>. INCREASED lllllltï¬ con i pped :tlsti [)l'iipt't'ty' lHl‘L’t". llil‘ shirt) and c.’irpenter shop, Hulrliâ€"i'iitt(Nillllil cllJl-i “s. l ?‘\‘~“ 2" l'i‘v H :tl‘ul tll lit i .yoi' to it i‘iiltll'l‘i'ssi it's ltl on i‘illlFHllltS the Porcupine lpex Has Shaft Bewlck-Moring Syndicate lln-z llown 118 feet and Will Cross-cut North The new shaft on the I‘orcul‘ine adjoining: the Home feet .-\pe\' l’roperty l.2lhi‘ which now down llN at is depth considct‘alile sulphides appear in the win with increased start- pri viiiisini.r Values. .\ cross-cut has hecn to pick vein that has heen tincovs the surface about Sill feet the shaft. The company is 'considerahle prospectingr near the Dome Lake line in a formation identical with that in which the Lake have found such pheiioiniiial values. The results of this work has been so encouraging that the ('ompany has decided to put an additional force of men at work to prospect it furthâ€" er. The .\pc,\' is in L'Utid territory and the work done within the last few months takes it out of the of good looking prospts'ts and makâ€" es it have the appearance of a mine. ed up a very limhitl‘: ered on north of didâ€! their ground :thi “ll lbtllllt‘ of ‘ Pt i'\\'t‘l' list. .1 worth l? l‘ “»l"')\tl that? an t: . Tile “awaitat‘. hall. power Ilil‘ \\ "Muir! ipi \\ill mine 0. liat ' o ‘1’.†“‘l tlli h‘ :ii i" ilillVitlt‘iL’ to :l‘\li? ft ll i.. ‘- - ,li illi' "lint! '.“‘. :iii. ilil'ttllL'l’ the mill -'r't'..tlllt'll t .s lie 1'0 n oi minim.r ll‘ii‘ll t' the v" t'zi- reâ€! heads :L l'2s i. zllmn .tl.‘l ;l..'. lir'illL' ,- ti'ritl.l";l‘;'_' 1.. the $4000 per day or sz'fiiiiiiii \II of month. of â€H operations at will llHl ckccml si\l\ thrill- month eycn takint: amount of . property sand dollars per into the large permanent construction under 1way. This means a net proï¬t of 13400.00“ per month. it 'nust he Un- tit-i'stoml that this amount esti' mated only hut prohahly lower ithan the actual tiiriires. With these facts in mind. it safe to assume. that with protitsof $700,000 per year. that the declara- ‘tion of a 'dividend hy the directors [of this property will not he lo‘m.r ‘delayed. It hoped that the deâ€" lclaration will he made shortly. ithe takini.r of this step will practi- cally assure to Porcupine its place as one of the leading.r gold dis-- .tricts of the World. .icctillllt now is |~ is is 118 It would seem from this unauthens data that Illlf‘ home could at any hefore the hegiiinini: of the WM declare a dividend of 120 ilN‘l cent. l With the installation of the :power from Wawaitin Falls the of production will he decreasod 'Sl‘Juinio pct‘ year. . l tlt' . time T year "i i.\l 'l‘he‘L’ll per cent. (lividend is liased ‘oi. $10 ore. and known heâ€" :yond any question a doiiht that tonnage of ore on run into it is of their isahis: :this property that will lt‘atltci' high timires. lllï¬ll llllf lllllNl] , cover lillllll looking sum While Doing Assessment Work _._.â€"._. Hntario l‘r H'cupine lh-Vcl. .pâ€" ('o_, the liewick- Moi-int: syndicate l lli‘ ment which translated means have been and still are (ltllllL' :‘issessment l I lie the work on their claims adjoininr.r South l’i'ircupine townsite on l.\'orth. While the men were trenching: last week some veins were uncovered in whioh some pop shots were put 'l‘ he \\'il.s‘ in and free gold hlown out. in w‘liit‘h the free «:old are small lint claims are three quar- Post and \t‘lll‘ found show L'U‘Nl \‘al- ues. 'l‘hese mile north from the imp-o or King George IlirlPl :iimilt the only free cold showings which have. been found in this im- mediate vicinity and would he on an [east and west strike of the Porouâ€" pine (told Lake Mine on the East “side of Porcupine Lake. The ground low all through this part of :Tisdale and Whitney and tie heavy goverburden makes it difficult and ex- ' pvt “per-t, tcl‘s (if :1 IS I - ~\\‘. hon“. . , I’ll I the . lllllllll [It “Will Mining News Mining News The lilynn ‘ytiilii.iti working t';~. Foster at "cluilt tlttllsllill lt‘tlse_ tyne iiic iiit.. â€it†a. and the old ct tl‘r l cent Mutated near tin taei‘t .l‘ltiili’: .lllil I‘Mltl Lake sti-i'hs ii.l\t‘ he .ir1i'se ones dorms: the past ttit re tmdet ,\ l'H't‘. t and it would ttt't lie â€Wot .liipitei Lake within a w rot». and rrld t \oiiis v Q~. ,o p‘l'rl‘tii}. ‘,\.$ so-e lt‘dt‘ll I‘eai l \\ ltt‘t e that k g. rutiitri'“. 'o-sf "‘i who lit-iic‘r that the IiiilltttL't‘t not stop liaiidiiu: out mind tlttttL's and that a immis- will he declared with may of the regular dividends. many \\ ill walla not at 'I‘hete .it‘c 'l‘ownsite mine at Uolvalt last ‘urday tret‘aitse the employees l"'lliitlt‘ day .\ltiiost trilt‘h Olii‘fl'lt‘ was 4 .ill to undergo: nmd ed a suitaca- men \U't‘d work \E' 'll‘l.’ ‘\ \\i-t is. -,.__.._.,,-- murmur: and Ada i.v~i\ .tgi‘i‘ntl in! ,| fr\\' The l'oiiie lake \l‘i‘i'llL' l‘Httll‘Jl‘A l'irti'llt';t‘:ip has ril'taitied .ts int. to t‘sx. \l‘izitit: i‘trtt‘» ti» tl.t\‘ l.IItlllt1l Hi l'i'IIlli“iH~'i lt‘ li‘.ll.t:' From time to tlttt" their are lion. lair \lfllll’L' .t"-|l .., ‘J stutter of .i ti“~ -l‘ll‘l'03 .i'I'l i‘lt‘ltJ'lfaltll \litics It i. swlts of tho 1;: H ‘m‘. that dies under way. The i‘apital is to â€ml in. fqiiititln= lrt' ti'llllI‘Hl lit-l". 9‘... .rm' â€ll“ tH ‘ii-F‘l“: report at present. The â€it“. I't'illl Iilht‘. the drill} out side: i itt‘il'lTllL's merger of pant. lit . op.- “.1 to!‘ iiiw‘ii‘p. «l ;. Ni â€x J pretty. ltiol‘. stittlis like to it"t‘. lot the \li littyli'. would stop l-‘lJ'i‘ll'l‘ to an wc'ld s cool production .2. ..,l\ ;"\I mill†at t’rill‘illlll it :..,; ..iko- Sect ion. 0 down ltltt \‘i‘wr, "mid r.- \li'l-}:i.i:ie‘. .tlriittl "i it", \\,|s 'il‘iitliuotl Q'l Ii\\' L... tii‘i-ilttl‘tfliz‘. .l‘i iier, la“. in†lil‘." .tl start ‘.s.'.‘_‘_i.l'..'u'ui .is .t;’.l;l‘;st .s.:ii,s'.'.l,ooo m .lii'l l"ll ‘..lillill tlni‘a' ‘ulh'i :l.l‘~" .s t'lll on: t'.is l't‘l lMliin-s ll‘ l".|‘llllt“~ in I ‘ 0 il iii.ll witlzin tiltccn days alter the , l ‘l". of arrives machine! \ ' 0.... ‘. ‘ . ., . .n .v . .., t'o- \.t‘. '. , . .. ..I 'iffc tllll" '.ls «iiiltril infilll‘lll ls luiilt‘il in tlt-~ ,llJl liarâ€!!! tn; the liist .lll‘i ii I:."\\ he I It!!! Ital! . .q l q 0 ll"'li sitilit. , 'll' o_',il'illllilt‘tl .it'lhiitilctl :ttlvl ll reitn's w: up ' ' lllr' ll 'l'l ‘~‘-|ll ln‘ .tlltl illt’li' t‘ that E: ltlll‘ Will in than... lW'lrr' 1}†.t', " l’llll" lll‘; -_, ..i tirillliti'lli‘. \\r'l".t"l llit whzcii w; .),‘: ll“iilll-: \eitt iriiil llldlll “' ilf.lllt'r' will ltl ll . certainly has li'\r‘l, tiet catiildrrti' shall reputation of too illlgiiu' L'tttll" l'lV‘W'llI it ““1' il"“' l" ill" “in "l a l'cpntation. i‘ this camp. the \lcltityic. dilpitct‘ \t'l lllr' dition notliiiii: 50"." to the lltill «it tlw lintrer. 'l'lie l'leiiauiuiii had already where and l ....-- liiirlil 'l'hct'e are â€n this lping at the lioldlields Limited tllllllllL' has heeii Lardcr Lake and it hoped it! feet each way lllltVt‘ ill! criishini: ore hetore The electric power plant is in nine order and is supplying: the llailcyhiiry, Met. :31. -In the course nurtiVe power for the mill and the of (lowdopnients on the 'l‘oumh claims lmine, while there sutticient at Swastika two more Veins. appar- [horsepower harnessed to prodec an ently as rich as those that caused of power available for other the rush into the Kirkland Lake properties in the district thatf re- lsection, have heen discovered. 'l‘hey sume operations. 2are narrow but so rich that they .have hee‘n covered up again to pre- 'l‘he llollinger mill has hecii in op- -lvent the surface heim: hiehâ€"gradml. eratioii since last May and in this 'Mr. ('. IC. F‘oster. who purchase-(t time has shipped 23?! hars of gold. an interest in the claims, has gone totaling in value SitildKNl. 'l‘his north toâ€"day to look at the new means a little more than $00,000 iti‘nds. each month of actual shipment and does not represent the entire out- 'l'he 'l'orontt, World says: .put. lhlt'lllL' the early stages of the President ('artwriuht of the Pearl ltltlll the output was coii'iparati'vely Lake (lol-d Mines, Limited. returned glitz-ht in comparison with the last to Toronto from an inspection of the two [last week mine. â€There is llot.hillt.,' Pitt'llt’-'tllttt"l ly new to tell of the property," lWi said, “Work is going: on with cant- i ioiis haste. and the vein at the 400. foot level improyinL' tll'llllllL’ day l't' a mighty u‘ood asset proceeds. The driftim..r has proceeded 'l‘emiskamitn: Mining (.'o. The ahout Tin feet on either side from ilsknllllllt: reports its: financial lllc citisst'lll. and :l lllli‘ liiitly tlf «ii‘t- ltion 119 {OllCHVS 3â€". put sight." ; 'l‘lie company has cash in ('aitwiiu'ht now :20 stamps drop- standaids. new wide \‘ein till this lt'Vt'l It'tittlpll‘llt'tl illitilll and assays show $30 ore. in long. ac- Is is (‘XCt'SS .â€" -â€"~_-â€"-â€"- or three months. six liztt‘s \y'et‘c sent out. lt is not a faraway cry to t that the .‘(orth llome will some is as of the posi- lifllllx's‘ There the i has lrecn in Mr. 'Iï¬lt‘ilï¬t‘tl was particularly ‘ had had which ii\’t*l' 5-)») iii aiiiountinLr to 5427).").05tlstl-l. ' “Willi: is a sum of Signhtlflllil, ,mine from the smelters‘. .is $Il~l.‘_’til.;’ll worth of ore on hand. Sitit'lx'n with an assay he [made clear across the \‘citl. and showed in :‘old values the i‘ecciyalilc and insurance and It) tiller†;il|tt‘[] t It’ll. it"('(tlllll> on hand together with t;i\es unearned hrinr.r the total when the the halance of deferred payments for the \'orth stock taken awp'. leavi-s a faVoi' of the The payment .\ desiratci: from Montreal hi'nted‘ the usigs‘tuo. in high ‘)" ('rown li’eservc. .m, which stop that utituin sold yesterday's markets. the fact that the struck a two-inch silver Values (lVl‘t‘ttL’lllL’ 3000 ounces i:;in~- to the ton at the 1:30 foot level on their ('ooalt property. llespite the of fact that the are Montreal in ‘ and to had with a-'coiiiits payalilc il‘ was due it.‘ which I company Home is .st l'lIlL"t't' halance in fsftl‘hl leer; lc:i.\'i' $73,000 which will \‘t'l'ï¬' .wt 11 cotnfortalde liala'nce in the lit" t‘\_t‘t'llli\t‘ iilllt‘t'.s Illi' ;ilili\'i' may inspired. local Upin-- . tends to the heliei‘ that the (‘_ ll. cert liuyingr hy the insiders has: hoe-n Iltrinll' i-..;m-,;...] tin- lo the ltlL’hly laVoI‘alilc -.‘i visit to \e\\ \Iru'k showini: ot the l’orcupine holdingdihile 'l‘oi-onto he 'than to any developments at (‘o-: 'halt. The )lcl'inaney is fast makins! 'Lr'ood and already up as one the his.r producing mi of the s'ttllc“ iiuisso-ssnir‘. of and company. it‘ 11¢ iiient he the \ii- after 'l‘or‘oiitin 'il“ . l’Hil'lcl. manager of ion ti. mine and ohtaincd data di'e moi“: ' in that will guide him in the adoption iof a 'he Vipond. cyan'de plant for , l o mines of the other Vipoii-d *ln com‘iiion with ;llli' flip that :i.iii:i‘.r.:aiiiation :l’lt‘. Will not trivi- ' liig'h I‘H'M'cry and the t from a 7:? cotter": to he passed out will go inâ€"' properâ€" four. lHUIIlS has found .(ll “'5‘ camp. ’L'iiltl camp. pure and enouu'h llat'ry IIol- SIS the north. 'l‘rit‘titttfl tri Illlllt‘y- Weldy (‘. Voting and - '.‘.t'll known in from Monday and ‘I'ilrl til‘i' lluVi' liii: land. ho?“ mill with came Ml htii‘y last to (iowganda to which they hold :ihmit miles north-west of (iowgaiida and the direction of West. Shining .tlie Vipond. hut The properties consist (if four '.il 2Ԡlots on work for patent "with the introduction of the cyanide has just licen completed. It is :stat- solution into the hall _\'n at ed that there are several good Sll'itr'nlpt -will he made to adapt the ver showings on these claims and ‘iiicrrill pent-(«s it, a direct treat llllll lllt‘ anticipate SOI‘IlC‘in‘ngnt \Vllllï¬llt (tL'llltlIUJl ;f Stlf'il U thiner tmvard actual development in épractiee can he workod out. If this a short time. 'I‘hevirsit plan can he pursued it Will he pos‘ looking out any additions to the existing snow silile to add the cvanide plant with- ihziildinir. Ill) an ultimate hut remote View of ie- ltiirii HVM‘ t'ii\'t‘l‘_\' in" (“Villlltlll‘ltfl No details hays- yet lit-er.- announc- lllr‘ lies cd of practice to he pursuod at in it will pi'oliahly en- 'l‘t'ec. .. elimination of amalgamation which the mills. Ii\‘.'ttt‘l'.~' the course of now is for the purpose of l . the claims before the 5 over 1falls. _..... -W.«-~.-.â€".â€"~‘ _~, 's _ in . of “er “Hill ill" "â€"ll’iUU' “it" KN l’t'“ led the property last week-end, iwere \vell satisï¬ed with the They expect to be about the run- ; ’ Ol\ll‘. 1 n . - shitts heiiu: pre- . 'l‘eiii- ? there ~ $33,000 . 0f the dividend entails an ext‘ienditure simâ€" ' THE HUGHES Snoiir (’orii‘s S Mini-3 CcSts. IN NORTHERN BELT Have Uncovered Several New Veins and Seems Bound to Make a Producer it» \‘h‘l lQi i-l too“ 31' t~- \ ï¬l'i‘tidg i.. {in " ‘~:. l'inlay l}. st\ lliiL’hes I last about tic ~.tidr-lthteiliy one . 2h. Wm Hf flu tlisi:\3t?L' i- from: \ :t {iii \rittlJt‘lj so“? â€1} ivi ii†i amp and Mlllkltl‘; ;ri sin-wine's and work Ii'ilit“ \‘llll t‘l:o L‘tloiti Chl" ~ it†IIlJiiOI "o iv-i .lli"t'. ll IL"; ' ‘ \l.ltl ‘r. '.Lllt" l 'TJ lll.lli.lL'"-’ . it.» . in 'ly. and .\n éioi‘ It'lllll. ll‘illl lio' lil‘llt'd ! O ..;. '-..-~_ My. E. lo‘ll \ 0" .l i" | liL: f ‘IYY t :.l' L't'l Int". ' .‘2OIIQ.II .l‘ star? liiil ti- lie l'i' ilt't':!ji t’,;!fc"? 17inâ€, ffâ€. no. be secured l-: .tdditn-i: \lt \Hti. ~a\\ tn.ll lhc «Cairns prepari- mill, .\ temporary electric llL'llllllL' plant is hemp: installul at the mine. It is l00 light capacity. arid will he the falls. working force consists twenty-eight men at present. worked. lturint: wer and light from of three the llllllt in ruins Ill 1 Plllllllll’llll llllll’ llooil Showings Were Made In all parts of the camp there are evidences of renewed faith in I’oruu- .pine and oompanies are startim: and lcontinuini: development work and on .a more liheral scale than was i Work on lleloro claims Where i at-- tempted in the earlier stages of the camp. the ("oin- lii lleloro. the properties of il’orcupine ('onsolidated .\line pany now in active operation 'and lloincr l.. tii'hson has a l(ilil\'lllt..' are (‘Ull‘ drift on one (if the which lllth ‘ promisiin: veins and tract to sink a shaft ‘and cross-cut other veins lti addition shaft. the further opcic already heeii uncovered. to the sinking: of the loi'ce of men a large working" on sur- strippini.r and the iltitiu\i-t'etl. fare in lli‘." up \eins already partially twenty claims in dili'eient parts the camp and it has hecu decided to (‘airv on at'tltal development work the fall and sour sriiiuc’oi during" winter. This company has some ' of ‘ “J\l to \\ the .lmeloptiiint has the Hitches .tl .:.. l'vH i-mt .it-oiit months l-i‘t tt (Iii \t‘lll li\\rl l-t'sl‘. "H t'lL‘oll 't. .is i'lit Until. I!†shaft l‘as lu'ot unit's Who li' .i \‘tii ? toward ‘-l,tl‘.t li-\ O‘iv siimp tut? nlo‘wt. tli tltc \iilli. i tilsst". a f I Wâ€: .li van .s dippiia: ‘I ‘lit ‘1 _. ll 0“! shalt ililfi‘ (o'lt'tl ’l‘t’ I iii.i:t.t-.'vinon:t up another titutii-ity ti\\'ttt‘tl lr\ ‘l‘igs ‘itill h .3 mm on thi ‘liitt Linc: . teet ironictl .ii'ir'll l.lttl' its saini \ shalt tli'lit ll iii llu‘ dew it to .i \" 'l \tll'. ..ind distant .tl'Iilll l'\ w ill lie sunk “w 1111! shall latci shalt, over to H iltlii'i't ell l“ the lvtlt‘vlt'tl, Ml lcct in .s is iliitli', \O‘Stl ‘liitlilï¬l i‘iissi‘iit l‘..|‘.i' \t';tl l‘,' llli ,-,- luei: stimpml for li‘i'l llllL’lits \i‘lli, paralleliin: will titty snowiin: has liven locatod nwzl': . '. 3'.“ here, with yet} which \.tttt‘s tiom underground toiicent rated This “lli‘ti‘ .t lci‘t Since that to the 1300 limt cut lli'lt in width time the \\' us is now hemp: the lie ti: .it â€a, Ili‘L'l H's lw llUlll will tigtiic- reached the .ii'ranired to the south company. ‘ll‘ surface. and soiilh of lvc lct‘l. put the lluu‘li- li'cl. .\ and will lllt' NIL l heavy Ml places. the manage- ment will he a little handicapped in opening up the veins. The directors of the company Visit- being made. ,the amp again the nmnth. lltlllllll Mlllllllll K and progress in end of l l snows coco riosricis Porcupine consolidated llesunie Assessment M pas Been lin- isheil and Shatt to Bettunli lluriog the Winter The l)elot'o~.\lohtt\\'k Mines Co. , haVc just tinished the performance of :sixty days assessment work on their lusts. claim in This property Ilcltil'ii adjoins the Kendall 'l‘owiiship. l'orcupinc Mines (,‘o., on the north. llurint,r the tlevcloptl'vllt work which has just heen finished, a num- ’her of good lookiiit.r \\'L‘It' ([uart'I. encountered. all being heavily veins Tsiulpliided and carrying,r Very encour- jauiug gold \alues. It is quite prohahle that this comâ€" pany will arrange to do considerable no lie tlchli illltlclll work on that pro- perty during the coming: winter. and ll in. let gi, tlcplll «it north .H‘lllis at that is ltllllt‘ possililc a llltl lit-cl and level. cuttiiiLr The head ollice of located in Lynn, Mass, and New gti-l'i's'l ("i it‘. tew l‘inzland this “-u contract for the sinking.r of a and theï¬ slilllll investors are may shall. to (‘t'tis‘s to out the this (company is quite a iiiâ€" proposition. lllliSl [ilWlllls Stock Quotations Will try linoâ€"tick Up Mcinanpp llein atllll loot level The l’or'cupine lii‘ist .‘dines led whose property adjoins the Me. litlnaney and in line for the exten- sion of the rich ore hody heirâ€: Limit- (teâ€" Il‘iH' 0f lilll lt‘ilViitftl \eloped on that sinkinLr a shaft feet. When ftli'ifts and ed to thoroughly explore the [it‘iipct‘ty are to a depth that depth ls cross-cuts will he extend- [)I'U’ (it quite cei- and from the known trend it picked up in the propos- K‘rist. owned pcrty. the Nlt'l‘iiianey vein is ,litlIl it) in- ‘od workings of the The coi'iit'iany and opera- :ed hy the Baron l’oleriz inter~ Baron Von Poleriz is: general jmanacer with ottices at Montreal land London, Eng. W. H. Boyer is ISuperintondent at the property. '."he iCcmipany is amply financed and have levery prospect of opening,r up a producmg mine. i; \v()n .9513. The following,r are [’oroupine. up to American Holdlields Apex Iltiliit‘ ........................ ('row'n ('hartci'ed l)t)tllt‘ Extension l‘lldorado Foley H'l’n‘ien ............ '(i’tli'l‘l lit‘t‘l l lol line-er Moneta ...... l’eai‘l Lake Porcupine imperial l’reston l‘iast Home ltea Swastika ............ 'vitmmi i‘thsl Home, ............... i Jupiter iIlome Lake _.\.'orth Home the prices orcupine stocks, furnished by A. S. Fuller in Co., (iihson Block, on South noon (lctoher 13:3 : Bid. Asked. 40 .023 .31") 0:3} .113 .013 5):) .03 l -l . 77') .lté') .26 .0?» .fl-l .33 .02 .0‘11 .32). .lf‘i .38 .13 .75