Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 18 Oct 1912, 1, p. 4

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of tic V! The Porcupine Advance The declaration uf war in the “al- knns has sent the price of Wheat upward and stocks down. Tho pen- dulum smings hack Rand fnl‘tll and all can not be helped at uncv. Down in New Hampshire there has been found a man who had never heard of Roochelt. lip in this country there are many pmple whn It costs one billion dollars to run the Government called the United States. and there are people who claim they will do it for three hun- dred million less if given the job. Canada. -Ucmcd St at n Men Who are afraid of their wives are feared at by men who tre :- fraid of their stenographers. Fear is only relatiVe after all. en V I" cousin :1 similar law will d rcn by I \owet‘her. Probably tho most wild lilnmled plans in varry out a munler are now being told in New York City in the Becker murder trial. Before going on the stand to testify in this trial Rose made this statennnt: "lzm going to make good. lknow what I'm going up again, but I'm going through with it. I don't care what happens. I have only one re- gret in going on the stand. I have met and known some decent people and now through me they will be besmirdied. I wish that nobody but myself need be drag-ted into this, 'but I suppose it is part of the penalty. I shall tell every de« tail of the most awful plot that was ever hatched." 'l‘he crops were so heavy thie year in the West that the railroads in answer to the call for 20.000 more men to huish the llzll'Vvstlm: had to ma an another excursion votmnene- ing October 14th. a thing that never before has been necessary. The ques- tion now is whether the bumper crops will lower the high cost of liv- ing,or will it be left for the trans- portation companies to zrah off the extra slice. Do you put dogs and cats above the lives of your children ? You lmow that. they breed disease and carry di- sease and you have the power to stop it. Some contend that dogs are protecmrs and savvl's of life. but for every life suvvd by dug‘s. there are ton linw fm'fcitml. would be cut down more than fifty per cent. if cats and (logs wore kept from heing fondled in your homes and driven from crowded cities. The child with iliptlici‘ia, scarlet fever and diseases of that kind car- ried from place to place plays with a pet dog or cat. The dog or cat wanders around the neighborhood. comes in contact with other dogs or cats, and the disease is sent into neighboring houses. Especially in the cities or in crowd- Especially in the cities or in crowd- ed tenement houses every oflicial of every health department knows that the cats are carriers of disease. that they cause epiaemica‘. In almost all cities [here i< uni ordinance to keep chickens, ducks, cows. pigs and almost every otherl live animal in the country wherel they belong. and these are relatively l ‘ontammus Advertining Rate- FurnidIA Pinon. %. 'ublished eVery Friday by SJHSCRIPHOI RU’ES: FRIDAY. OCT. 18 0E0. lAKE, PROP. disoa so $2.000 nu. mo 0 you - of oh i 1d 1‘ L‘H home. all its Very mm. What is the greatest thing in the iworld fora ni()t-lierâ€"-an) mother! 9Her child. of course! It is the ldearest part uf herself. It saVesf gher from heattbreak when the wmld looks darkest. ll: haln puweri 'tlrag's her back from the brink of] It-he river ul suicide. And when the ! Lhusts of evil driw: her to that'l :blacker suicide which lets the flesh I ’live and km.- the soul n is her ehiltl \V‘lllull saws her. What then is the greatest thing?| l l i Can such work be done 'by a 3state '? It is done by the state of 11- linois. Can it he done without waste of money? No amount of money so used would be wasted. But as a matter of fact Illinois saves [money by this new and splendid benefice-nce. How does it do this? tBy a very sinrple and sensible plan. iThis is the plan: To all mothers fwhose husbands have died or dis- hppeared or are incapable of sup- pul‘thm: a family the state pays a .little income in money. It pays en- ioug‘h MI that the mothers and Uhil-d- ‘ren van li\‘e tnu‘ethet' under the same 7z'nnf ; N) that the tires may he kept 'lmt‘nim: on the altar Hi the hearth ; Um that these intimately dependent on eavh other in lmzl} and spirit may nut lose out of their li\'e~‘ the sense the state can do fur the mutshers :iml (’lllldl't‘ll w‘lmm :iiisl‘urtuiw is :1- built tn separate? 'I‘u keep them in- u‘ellicl'. uf ('n'urw. in preserve in the little «mm ilii~ mutliei' principle of the ilii'ty. tn sine tn the mutlicl's this sziviui' principle of the child. 'l'urifi will 53“: money but this will ’szive liiim'in sullls. ("Turn-Hey reform ‘will. it is said. prevent linimcial panics but this will still the ravag- .im.: hurricanes of despair wliicli :wi’evk families and sti'ew the ’coasis of hell with the pitiful win- «li'uws 0f the lost: and the casta- way. Trust control will perhaps :lowei' Llie cost of living but this 'will uplift life itself for thousands“ of those for whom the man of Gali- :lee deemed it meet to be a husband fluid ‘a father. This is fitting work {for the christian state. harmless. in the carrying of disease in mmafison «avian in many and lives 0! your children. Fathers and mothers ought to know enough to keep cats and dogs away from children. They outfit to accept the statement of scientific men that cats and dogs are respon- sible. as carriers of disease and de- velopers of disease. for one half of the death of young children and many who are grown up. In almost every home. you will see women and children and men kissing and fondling cats and dogs. in face of the woven fact that they are the matest of any nf the carriers of disease. It is time for intelligent human beimrs that protevt their diildren from all kinds of dirt to keep those children from the animals that revel in dirt and that almost cnnstnntly carry disease. er! Better than the finest omhan'a home; better than scientific sanita- tion ; better than smiling attendants to whom each child is a problem merely and a duty. For the child the mother is a soul sacritlc personi- fied. a lo‘v'ing pl‘oVidem‘e of the home all its Very own. mate“ What i world for thv state. C and uhildrvn bout to seep; In one week in August, Cook ooun- ’ w, in which Chicago is situated.: paid out to these poor women Len ‘ thousand dollars for home saving. Experts say it would have taken three times this sum to have main- tained the same children in orphan asylums. This is the mothers' pen- sion system of Illinois. Does it appeal to you ? Does it not warm your heart with a desire to make it universal? "I see society people at Newport had a baby Show." “Where did they get the babies?" “It was a loan exhibition . I believe. ' '-â€"Washington Herald. )ITIC ward com dumb these thv he boy I)!” mats cats and d thinu rirl ease and the of the health I" A mot h- orphan ' s only mun (hr Internal diflenfiinn which has aris- en among the insiders in the Golden Rose Mining Co.. MAL. with head office in North Bay. has resulted in the issuing 0! a writ West the pmsident. vicepresidem and acre. tary‘tmsurer asking an injmcticm The now has been brought about by changes that the directorate had re. trained from sendiniznut a financial statement and from calling an an~ nual meetimr. and went- consoqm’flu)‘ acting illegally in carrying on the business of the company after their term of office had expired. to preVent them from taking iny ac- tion reminding the company's aflairs until they: have been reflected by the shareholders. A general meeting of the share- holders was held in the summer of WI] in Hrillin. when it was arran- ml to hold the next annual meet- ing in July. 1912. .\'o sueh assemb- ly was called. henee the present ac- tion. The plaintifis ask for an ae- eonntimz of the linnnee-z and for the rolling of the annual meeting ne- i'onlituz to the bylaws of the m- puny. The annual returns due om theeompuny in Mareh lust hare not heen sent out as yet. The Holden Rose Mining: (‘nu Ltd. has an authorized t'npital of $3 .- 09". and was im'urpurntfil 1900. The properties are in the T'imutmmi For- est Reserve. The first head office was in Sudbury. but it was later on moved to Drillia. mid last year to North Bay. There have been several internal rows among the directors. and on various occasions writs have been issued against the officers. The defendants in the ease arelld- ward J. Townsend. president; John Annis. Vice-president. and Jas. 'l‘mmsend. secretary-Treasurer. J. H. (‘lary nf Sudbury. acting for the shareholders. is the plaintiff. . . The Golden Rose property has been known for many years and until Porcupine was discovered was look- ml upon as brim: tho host prospect for n mim- of any in Canada. SUI'TH [’UIK‘I'I’IXI‘I I‘RI‘ISBY- 'I'I‘IRIHX CHI'RCH. Hlnnr Avenue. REV. HRHRUI‘I K. HANH’HRID. NOTICE is hereby given that. a dividend of 3 per cent. on the capi- tal stock of the Company, being the first regular four-weekly dividend. has been declared. payable 2nd Nov ember. 1912, to Shareholders of re- cord at the close of business on 25th OCtOber, 1912. . . - .,. Shareholders. in order that divid- end dheqiues may be mailed to them personally, should have their stock recorded in their own names. This can be done on application to the Toronto (leneral Trusts Corporation. Transfer Agent in Toronto. or the Montreal Trust Company. Transfer Agent in Mont real. Hated 123th October, 1912. l’). A. DENIAP, cnt l’.\ 5"“ ”2. Sunday. October 20, 1912â€"- Morning service at ll mm. Rev. G. K. Bam‘brd will proavb. l'-ninn Sabbath School mvcts -; at 2.30 p.m.. Mr. Henry Supvrintend- SERVICES AT THE HUME. Hivinv svl'Vim' will he conducted by Lin- RM'. (’i-om'g‘o K. Hamfnrd on next? Sabbath aftvrnnnn m 3.30. Every- body invited. ' I'Ivoning sui'vim' at I p.111. Rev. H. S. Lovm‘i'm: will [H'PKU'iL All seats fnw. Strangm-s (-m‘dially invited to all our sm'vivvs. Hollinger Gold Mine Limited, (No Personal Liability) MAJESTIC POPULAR Mining N cws \thn‘ ‘le mm Sou Clczm Vaudeville and the latest and host pictures prmlucml. an Honing ut' rare mnusmnunt when you fail to go tuthis pop- ular play hnusc of refined cntcrtuimncnt YHI' ARE DIVIDEND NDHDE THFATRE Secretary-Trcasurel‘ THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE PRICES "US$111! :l"un(l. They would like to put in, at ithe least. a Hundred Uollar Library. "l‘hns equipped. when the school is ivnlill‘g‘fil. the peOple making South l’nreupine their home van feel as- lslll‘t'll ul’ exm-llent mlncathmal ail- :Va'ntages for their children. 'l‘here are others whose names are not on Tthe list yet, who we feel sure are lwilling to help along the good work. Any further contributions may be ‘given to Aubrey Walsh and Edmund lMeDonnough. or sent direct to the .‘tcachers, and will he acknowledged 2 later. .......-- the Amount token is Very loo- ost, and should Be Raised Without trouble Illll’ llfllfi "It The teachers and pupils uf South Porcupine Public School wish to ac knowledge, with thanks the following t'ontrilmtiuns tn the school Library l"uml. They would like (0 put in, at the least. a llumlrml Uullur Library. The next 'l‘cauhcrs' Institute of 'l‘emiskaming District is to he held in South l’oi'uupioe. This will bring teachers, who haVc taught in all parts of the Province. to our town and they should we that in this Northland the Public School facilities are equal to those of flurther south. Bank of Toronto ............ W. G. Whi‘teside ............... '1‘. D. Dipton .................. H. StC. Clayton ............... Jim Nizncsill .................. A. C. Brown .................. Stenson Bros ...... U. Deacon ......... . H. N. Joy ......... A. S. Fuller ........ A. Tomkinson Ray Turner ........ J. Bardwell . ....... C. A. Culbert ..... Jim Young ........ Uhas. A. See ..... Chas. A. Cole l. E. Dunn .......... Vunuuchr Cafe .. W. W. Wilson ...... .l. A. Brennan Miss A. White (Teacher) Bert Dewar ................ Geo. W. Moore ........... Charlie Elliott ............. F. Bennet .................. G. Dickson ............... A. Hancock .............. R. Daley .................... G. Kersey ................. Kenning Earl ............. - STOVES! CONT RJ BI E'l‘EUN S. 'ullagher llflflABV flllll 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 2 .00 5.00 1.09 1.00 of Mrs. F. Starr ....... Mrs. Howie ......... Mrsf W. Olton ...... Mr. and Mrs. Boyd .1. (-‘rib'bons ........... \V. (J. Hig‘ham ...... Mrs. W. Rayvoft .. Mrs. B‘Iclhrlcne Mrs. Balluid ........ Mrs. Harrup ‘ ........ Mrs. Burnand ....... A. E. Baxter ........ Mr Mr Mr Mr M! A REAL ESTATA DEAL. Easterlyâ€"«Did you get rid of those houses in Kansas ? Westerlyâ€"Yes. Easterlyâ€"Who took them ’? Westerlyâ€"A cyclone. “Is insomnia a contagious dis- ease ?" asked the 500b, ' “N0,” replied the wise guy. “Why do you ask?" “When my neighbor's dog can’t sleep at night I can't either," re- plied vhe boob.â€"â€"Cincinnati Enquirer. Total to date We have just x'eceiwd a sax-load. so we are prepared to sup. ply you with any quantity and style. Our stock comprises GRAND JEWEL HEATERE (all sizes). Ql'EDEC HEAT. ERS; MAXITOBA JEWES. STANDARD JEWELS. BOX STOVES. CAMP HEATERS. GENUINE QUEEN HEAT- ERS. YANKEE HEATERS. also alargwe variety of Wood and Coal COOK-STOVES and RANGES. Deal with “The Store with the Big Stock” EVERYBODY’S DOING IT! ! Now is the time to nuke changes in your heating wean tus. Conic in and talk it over with us. We know. Marshall - Ecclestone store. Prices as usual. the lowest Stove Pipes, Elbows. Stove Boards. Coal nods. Fire Shovels. Ash Sifters. etc. In fact our stock is as complete as shown in any City PORCUPINE T. Shovel ...... Miller ......... MacDougal H. Sollers .. The Edwards Company Be attic CONTAGIOUS is without «luaht the Greatest Gold Mining”r Ca'mp the world has over prmlucml, considered at the same stage «if Dcvvlupmcnt. l'lltlm'vlupml prospects can now lw swan-«l fur a uu-rc fraction at what tin-y will ('ust a littlv later. Yuu lllissml ymu'nppm‘tunity inCnlmlt aml utlwrnmv ramps. llnnit makv tlu», salnvlllistakv again. (let, in bcl'urc tlu- gum! Ullt'S arc all taken. All ('m‘t‘vspnlltli'llvv will haw. uur prmnpt and val'vl'lll attmltiun. MINING AND REAL ESTATE Box 309 South Porcupine PORCUPINE, Ont. l’mpm'tivs I‘lxzuninml livpm‘ts Furnished LIMITED $81.50 1.00 25 60 ‘25 1.00 1 00 1.00 uh ‘\ 311th. day of chober, 1912, fior the purpose of hearing and deter- mining appeals against the Assess- ment of the Township of Whimey'fior 1912. TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision will be held at the Gaol at Porcupine, Ont, from 10 a.m. to 4. p.m. of the22nd., 23111.31111 Dated at Porcupine this 9th day of Omaha. Shack and contents, camp out- tit. eta, $50. Also furniture. Apply Electric Light Office, Bruce Avenue. Tenders are 'un'itcd and will be received by the undersignml up to November lst. for the following ar- ticles, \'i:/.., 1 Safe, cost; $135; 1 Toledo Computing Scale, cost $170; 1 Cash Register, cost $186; 2 sets sleighsfi 1 stage sleigh, and 1 wagon. All these articles are {practically as good as new. The safe, scalevand register can be purchased subject, to the Vendor’s lien paying the diflerenoe in cash. These articles can be seen at Ken- nedy's store, ’South Porcupine. Tenders can be sent 30 King Street East to Cook Mitchell pine. RESIGNEE’S SALE FOR SALE." NUIIL'E McLeod 'I‘ew 00., Assignees. J. M. FORBES, '. Clerk. to TOW 00., , Hamilton, or , South Porcu-

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