“When I reported this to Becker the next morning at the Union Square Hotel, he was furious. He said that the delay was dangerous as: Whitman was now interested in the case. “‘llon't let this happen amxin,’ said Becker to me, ‘walk up and shoot this -â€"-in front of a police- 'J}8[uoqa 1 .01 um.“ uu.\' 3! umu him and the next Monday the ‘World’ published the liosentfhal afli- tiaVit. I called up Webber and: told him that Rosenthal was surely go- ing to squeal. We met to talk it over. Becker asked me how the sentiment was. I told him it was all for him. He then said that we 1n,u.~‘t g-et Resenhhal beinre he could go befure the grand jury. and order- ed m: to gather up the gunmen that night. and take them over to do the killing, which I did." LONG EXOI'GH FUR Hl'SBANh Mrs. Knickerâ€"Did you hold a short wession with your husband ? Mrs. Hawkerâ€"Yes, I merely had him pass an approht‘iation bill. "Yes, and a pleasant sight it was. If it hadn't been for the pre- sence of the district attorney, I would have reached over and torn his heart out." “We went over to nhe restaurant and found that Roscntvhal was there. The boys were ready to do the job. but they saw a man following them around and decided thathe was 3 Burns man. as there was a report that a Burns man was guarding Rosentxhal. So we went away. Describing Becker's attitude when they met after the murder, Rose said when he asked him whether he had seen the lqody. the lieutenant re- plied : Rose said that he did not see the actual killing. He took the gunmen to llridgie \l'ehber's uamhlinghouSe and waited there while they murder- ed the ganrh‘ler. As soon as he got. the word that Rosenthal was dead. he went to the Times square station and ‘phoned Becker. but the ollieer already had the news of the killing. Afterward Becker met Rose, Welflmt'. and V-allton at Sixth aVenue and 42nd street and told them to keep their nerve, that. it would be all right. He said Becker told him he had been to the station house. that Whitman.was on the job, but that the auto number had been given wrong and there would he nothing doing. In many respects the most remark- eble tale of munrler erer heard in a court room unfurled before Justice 005 a!!! a jury in New York City. "Bud Jack" "one. Chief witness for the state against Police Lieut. (liar- les Becker. accused of the murder oi Herman Roeenthal. calmly told in the minutest detail how. he alleged. the accused polieeunn passed the death sentence on Rosenthal and how it was executed. "Becker said itosenthul would make mailers out of others. his killing would act as a warning to any future squealers. and so he. was killed by the men Becker forced me to hire?" said Rose. Nervous and excited at the com- mencement oi the day's ordeal. Rose quickly got iuil possession oi his heme. and he told his story oi murder as calmly as he might has‘e satin the look-out's chair in his own gambling house. iiis answers came (wickly. and as he told how the plot to murder Rosenthui in the very heart oi the White Light dis. trict was curriedv to culmination with Romain! lying (lead in the street in iront oi the Metropole. every sound in the court mom was huehed and judge. jury. and specta- tors hum: on every WON oi the ac- cuser. Rose flatly charged that liedkcr at, all times. from the moment he and Rosemhal broke. following his mid on,the gambling houue in which the policeman was a silent partner. in- sisted tJhat ltosenthal must be killed. He declared when he â€tiered to haVe Rose-nthal beaten to close his mouth. Becker would have none nf it.a de- manding death or nothing. and as- serting that the police would give a medal to the man who “cmakcd†the â€squealer.†Even in the 'l'nmhs itself murder was plotted. lime said. telling of his trip to that primn in an t-zl'au't to get Junk Zelii: in detail gunmen to «in the actual killing. Inn Being lull! in New inriin Payments Aggregating $55. 900 me Breatest Increase in in ine‘iiecker irial $545 iieve Been Paid in .3 Automobiles, iarrn Implements â€"~ last Nine Mnntnsfm; ann Manufactured Batten flEMlflKABU IAlf A Pleasant Sig-ht Insistod on Killing .u .mmnmns m manta .gzrgmun nu MINES 7 g The Abitihi Pulp and l’apm .‘Jiils, 'L imitod has been incmpmï¬cd wnh .1: capital uf thx'ec.milli0n dollars. I'I'his companv roccntlv purchased lfmm the â€Marin (imemment the Jtimber and pulpwood rights of two ‘limits in tho District of .~\-hitihi in chase of materials from New York to San Francisco to be completed in time for general use. to the Panama Iï¬xposnion in 1915. ll \vfll take ten million dollars to provide $5,000 worth of material for each :mile â€" but one-tenth of the amount has al- mmklmm mmnfl amlflmsmï¬mm has 'not been scratched. The plan. as orig Carl C. Fisher of 1 his associates, pro chase of materials “Come up and jine de army of do Lord. sister !" â€Ah done jine." “Where you jiue ?" “I jine de Baptis' Chu'ch." “Lawdie. sister, dat ain' dc» army! Dat's de navy !"â€"-Judge. Highway From Ocean to Ocean mnm-rn. nrcm‘dlnq tn 'l'hc Hntnriu “motto. is divided into 30,000 shar- es at $100 each and the head ofï¬ce will lw lm'ntcd in Toronto. Thrfnl- lnwinu iU‘t' tho prrwisiunnl directors: “-00er Henry Kihnor. John Alfred )It'A'ndrow, William Henry lr\'in9:. Honry Hamil: Davis, John Rudd Rumhall. James Stanley Beatty and Nollie Boynes. limits m tm- anstru't n! :Vhltlhi In Now Untariu. Upcrutinns have begun :lll'it'ld}. The (-upitalizatinn of the vuncorn. acmx'dinq to The ()nturin in additinn to the dividendu‘ ol the 1-35 mnnpanien in "HQ. mentinnml a- bore. i~' the declarations 0f nine securities huldini: cnrpnratinn-s which by reasnn of their holdings in operat- im: companiei. were ahle tn distri- lmte atmmz shareholders durimt that periud $1...t,l‘30.00‘l. This mmpares with $ll,til!0,021 in the same per- iod ol Wll. and $l0.992.':')23 in l910. Since inmrpuration these nine com- Panies have paid nut in diVido‘mds $147.3‘t2399. 0f the 101 mmpanies classed as It'ohl. silwr. lead. zinc. prnduoers. 68 operate properties in the I'nited States. and these contributed $14.- 037933 to the nine months' total and $173,397.760 since incorporation. Seventeen Canadian companies paid $ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜lrl7'8 during the year with a total to their credit. since incorpora- tion of $39.0‘IJ'2.TH. while 16 Mexi- can companies paid $3,834,476 dur- ing the year and $53,141.94! since incorporat imt. THREE MllllflN Will Have Much to do in Set- tling Country Around Iroquois falls of flï¬lflflï¬lfl. As compared with the name period in 1911. when 13‘3 contributed. thia is an increase at $517.3].123. and an increase of $11.. 023.130. with 1‘33 contributing. as compared with 1910. The total disbursements. since incorporation. of the 135 companies paying diVid- ends in the nine months of 1912. is no less than $766,867,932. which ox- oeeds their total outstanding capital by approximately W3H000000 thath in no other nine montha' period have mines and works on this continent shown as large dividmd disbursements as those in the per- iod just ended. From mports made to Mining and Facineering World it is learned that 135 companies en‘ richer! shareholders to the extent Tl { 1C WA T EH ROFT E llflllflfl BflMPflNV nriginally outlined by of Indianapolis and provides for the pur It would be a great help to own- ers of properties in this district and muohappreCiate-d should the South Porcupine Foal‘d of Trade take the matter up and help in any way pos. sible. .~\t the present time what this dis- trict most needs is a winter road, connecting it with South Porcupine. The Miracle Company will soon commence cutting their own road to the 'base line and then should be assisted by the other different com- panies in South; Eastern Shaw and Southern Carman. A fairly good road is already cut through to ; the Redstone through Ohaw and the new road into Carman and Lang- muir would connect with it and then ï¬nished into South Porcupine. present both for development work at the mine as well as at the mill. The mill will also be a convenience totliose working claims in this nei- ghborh-ood. Winter Read Now from South Porcupine into Carmen and langmuir In order to carry on their own work as well as being an aid to Chose working properties in Carmen Langmuir. the Porcupine Miracle Mining (70.. of Langmuir Township is putting,r in a complete saw mill which will he in operation some- time during the, next month. Mach- inery is on the way and a 40 horse power boiler will he used for the present both for development work at the mine as well as at the mill. 'l‘his'larcc growth in the exports to Canada in recent yearsâ€"an in- crease of practically 100 per cent. in three yearsâ€"occurs chiefly in bitu- minius coal. autos and other car- riages. manufactures of iron and steel. lumber. corn and manufactur- ed cotton. Comparing the exports in the ï¬scal year 101?. with those of 1mm. bituminous coal" shows a growth of over $10,000.000â€"fmm lsl'ssmme in 190!) in metric: 'in 191'); lumber. or the class de- signated as hoards, deals. joists, etc†from $11.79!;Jï¬3. and corn front $3,432.06“ to $853051)“. ('lf iron and steel 'nntnut’actures as a whole the exports to Canada increased from $Iil.-l.')-l.7t'rl in 1913; notable 'increascs ilaVe occurred in steel rails, iwhiuh advanced from $745.35 to I$Z$,Ifli‘.l,e~‘w; structural iron and steel from $1.2'H5Jii-7 to $3,150,353: elec- trical machinery from $5lHl.151 to liilï¬mfï¬l. and typwriters from iililï¬ilfliia“ to $944,600. Scientific in- struments and apparatus, including electrical appliances, advanced front $1,742,564 to $3,7(K),!)37. and agri- cultural implements l'rom $2,313,556 to SLISLITJWL the chief growth un- der this head occurring in exports of plows. which increased from $793,- 829 in 190!) to $1,7(N‘HHr5 in 1012. Of automobiles the growth in ex- ports to Canada has been especially marked. their vulne. including- parts, in 19123. $9,053,247. against $1,087,- 638. NEW SAW Mlll {a halfflnillion dollars a day. the total value of exports to Canada having thus doubled in the three years in question. In the corms- pomlimr period of WOO the value of our exports to that muntry was $67,500.01». 0r an nwrage of alit- itlo nmro than a qnnrtm‘ of :1 mil- Ilinn dollars. [X00010 03003 0. 0. 1,000,000 PER 00V Articlos That Show Increase fflfl MIHMIlE MINE l‘H E PURCUPINE ADVANCE For tickets, reservations, etc., write H. Foster Chalice, G. P. A., Toronto. Steamer “Belleville†Leaves Toronto €2.30 p.111. daily ex- Toronto (5.00 p.m. every Tuesday. Steamer “Dundurn†leaves Hamil- ton 8.00 a.m. and Toronto 5.00 p. m. every Saturday. Low Round-trip Rates in- cluding Meals and Berth Iflflfl Islands and Return $15.00 Montreal “ “ $24.50 Quebec “ “ $55.50 Saguenay River and “ $46.50 Very low rates on this line includ-*} ing meals and berth. Leaves Toronta 2.30 p.111. daily ex- cept Sunday up to Sept. 2131: and from Sept. 23rd to 2'8th, Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Bank of Toronto INTEREST Cor. King 6: Simcoe Sts., Toronto. District Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert 00......0000000000... CCCCCCCCCCOCCCOCCCCCCO OCCCCOCOCCOOCCOCCCCCC A Savings ACcount THIS BANK 100 Branches In Canada Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 SERVICE Toâ€" SAVERS I Tanks, Filter Presses, A itntion Tanks and motive Power for 0 rating the above. 8 13C . Our complete line H! Air Compressors, Receivers, Rock Drills, etc. is particuiar 7 up-to-date and worth your consideration We can supply Hock Breakers, Rolls, Ore Bin Gates, ()re Feeders, Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, Ball Mills, Pebble Mills? Plates, Classifiers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide CANADA fOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. We wish to announce the opening of our new FIREQPROOF WAREHOUSE at MINING MACHINERY is added to balances half- yearly. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other loss. $3.1m Porcupine “Kin gston†STEAM ERS “Toronto" AND “ADVANCE z A. J. FARR, G. F. p. A. North Bay : +***++++++++++++++++%$++++ *+*%+++~3"l Daily service between North Bay and Cocllrane Local service between Englehart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. . N. 0. Agent. r++$+++++ 0:0 0:0 v. 0000... v0.0.0.0 0 00000....0...0..0.0000 Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and 4' '3' ‘4' Englehart. “1° 4+++++++++++++++$+++++++++ :TEMISKAMING 81 NflflTHEflN flNIAfllfl flMlWAVi 0000900 0009006000. «44‘ v o o o o 0 00303030303090 303030300003303030303 oooootofo’o om. om. >0» 0 o o .0. O. O. v:.:.t.D D b D D vPD.» b.» b0» b0. t.» p.» .0. p.» ..- -O. .., .k D D 0 0‘0 Through trains daily between Toronto and 'i‘ Timmins. operating through Pullman Sleepers to and 4' from Timmins. making connections at Iroquois Falls 3: for Cohrane. or. 0 00 o o ‘ 0 00.0 0.0.. o.. 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 0 .00.00. 0 .0 0 00 00 0 0 0 00. 0 0 0 0 .0 00 0 00. 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 00 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0.00. The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe TRAIN SERVICE HOTEL CONNAUGHT Beautifully Located, overlooking Porcupine Lake and South Porcu- pine. Fitted up with all modern- conveniences. . Two minutes walk from the T. \ .0. Station. 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 o '0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 o ’0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00. O ’0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 o '0 0 .0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 D '00 Effective, September 15th, 1912 D. A- FROOD MGR. “1' o ’0 O .0 O. O. O O O. O O. O O O O. O O O. O O O. O 00 O 0 »:~ 0 O .0 O O O. O O 0'. O O O N.†O O O. O O 0'. 0 O O. o ’0 the 99 . 64:4: BENIIIIIIII IIli . 0f IIUllfllll lion Being lold Iii New look _in Payments Iggreoaling $05. 900 line Greatest Increase is ilie‘Beclier trial In mar} y.:p..-~. 'i- l‘. is? warm“. slits lsll‘ 'ii, It; l'.'l". ~‘--‘- - titl ‘?i I Hmi‘ 7mm v,‘ N E“. t . .l zs‘. Hull and .I r. ‘...t \»"i (‘i‘\ "liaml '.i- x lo â€" . rum: it,» state against l‘ - I.‘ 2' Vita: it" liit'l.ni_ ,lw'iwwl ; it; Itlllrtlr‘l i of llt‘t‘tlmn Il'N-‘tltiiaz Ia Pili\ told in tit“ Illinnti'NI IIV'II i liivzl hr .Illt‘g'r‘tl. 73w amass-d I"r‘2"“li|\?i I|.l~"‘l the 'lt‘ilh vr‘tlt“"il‘I' Heist "5314 and 2: ml “as v\v-';'-~-l -lill lira»- kllllilk’ ‘l'm it-i sa ll li'us-ti'i. i: v. vii tillit‘le. lil‘ szIth I s mit would and .is .i uatniiii: tn .iizt flll'ltv‘ and ... he “as ~killi'd lov si‘l‘l'dit': -‘ tl‘w trio-n l'wv‘iu-i f..v..-.I rim t-. l‘l'v"“ ‘Jld RIM“ \. i-s-iiis .iiril gauntv-I .it til lHtIl' “)Hfll‘vnhlyfl â€I tiis- il.t\ ‘s It'll-‘Jl. linsn- quit-kin L'HI fiili Illr~~°‘~~iUll of his ltt't‘M'. and lit“ tulil his ~I1Il} «it Illlll‘tll‘l .|‘".|lllll\ .is he liliL’lIl haw satin lhv liuil. wit's I'liaii in his own LLIIIII'IH‘II.’ llulisr lli~ .tll~\\o-ts l',|"]o' sinii'Rl}. and as he told how the pint tn intudvi Il'lsi‘lllltal lII lilo‘ wry lio-ait ml the White l.iL'lit disav IllI‘I w... t'.IIlil‘tl'lii i-iiliniiiation “till lbw-nthal hint: llr'.ltl in tho- li‘unt I-l' llll‘ \li-lii-pnli‘. lllo' tiellll sll‘t‘t'l Ill likeâ€! \\'.I\ spt't'l ,I“ Mviy ‘llllhil in hushed and judge, jlll\. and lots lIIlYtL' UH Mi-t't \\Hl‘ll ml thi' ar- t'lhtrr. Itisistwl on Killing Rose tlatly charged that lh'ttlo'r at all tunes, from thi- moment he and Rosenthal broke. following his raid unthi- gambling housi- in which the policeman was a silent partner. in- sisted t'hat Iiosi-iithal must he killed. lli- di-t'lari-d when he ntlvi'ed tohave Ilowttlhal beaten to t'lti~t' lll‘ iiiouth. Iii-t-ki-r would haw l'iHlIt' nt lI.i de- mandini: tli-ath oi llt'llllilll. .iiid a.- si-t‘titn: that lllt' pnlu'i- would I'l‘v“ .l medal to the "rroak-d†thi- â€Stilts-zllt‘l‘." I‘IH-ii in lllt' “as Irlnlti-il. man who ll|trllllts llv‘ll viiludvi‘ lit-\v' siti-l, It'llvll‘." Ill- tliat [lll‘ltll :ii In Ill-l In 'I. Zt'lt; in ili‘l.t.l to do lllt' :ii'tual lsillill‘.’ Rust- said that lll' did not we at-tual hilllIlL'. llt' took lllt' In lll'lllL’It' \Ni'ltlic'l's and waitml llIt'li‘ whili- tlim ed llll‘ Lramlilei. .\s soon .is llt' Lfnt the word that liosvntlial hi- wvtlt to the 'l‘iiui-s squari- station and ‘phoned llt‘t'ht'l'. III†the lllllt‘l'l' already had llll' Ilt'\\s of the hlllllILf. Afterward Iii-i'kcr Illt‘l Wi-lilii-i‘, and \Hilloii :ii Sixth avenue and 013ml street and told them to keep that it Would hi- all llm'ker told him he that that LE'IW'II nothingr his trip to an I‘ll-iii :lllllllitll lilt‘ gunmen Lz'illllltllIlL.’ housi- iiiiiidi-i - was dead. liIN'. their Ilt'l‘V'i', right. llt' hail lri't-ii lo the station house. Whitman was on llll' joli, but the number had “runs,' and then- would lH' doing. said auto lH'l'll .-\ l’li'asant Stu-ht. I when Ruse him whether he Iii-scribing Iii-t'ki-r's attitude after the asked had $0th the liody. the lieutenant re- they met murder. said when he i l plied : “Yes, If it hadn't been for the pre- sence of the district attorney. I would have readied over and torn his heart out." ’ "We went over to the restaurant and found that Rosmtttllal was there. The boys were ready to do the job, but they saw a man lt)ll0\\‘lnL,'lllt‘.lIl around and decided that llt‘ was a liuriis man. as there report that a liurns man was u‘uanline: lioseiitiial. So we \\’t‘lll away. "When 1 reported this to Becker the lli‘\l morning at the I'nion Square llotn-l. he was ï¬irious. lie that lllt‘ delay was tltllLL't‘I'OlH as Whitman was no“ a pleasant sight it . I and “'11 3' . “31‘ ll ailltl llllt'l'tistt'tl in the vase. †‘lhill‘l ll'l llll‘ limiter to happen llgllitl.' ‘\\;ill\ up and in lllllll of .t. [l-IlIl‘tf‘ said “10'. ‘Iitriil llll‘ Urll uaii'i 1 _ui Hill“ in». ,._ ..iuii him and llll‘ llt'\l Monday thi- ‘Woi'hl'published tlm liosvnthal allis tla\it. I called up \Velnlii-r and: told him that liosentlial “as .iii-i-l}, gâ€- ing to squeal. We Illt‘t to talk it over, liei'ker asked me how the sentiment was. l tolil hurt it was all for him. He then said that w.- Illll>i {v‘l lliht’IilliJi lri'Z'Ifi- lti- i'.iiil,l in liuiorr the :iaiiil _‘,Ill_‘. and onion- i-d iii- to gather ill) lllt‘ gunmen that night and talu- then: It) do the killing, which I did." â€\i'l LUXU PIXUI'Iill FUR lll'SliANir. Mrs. Knicker‘Did you hold a. short ; session with your husband? Mrs, Knockerâ€"Yes, l merely had him pass ' an approlut‘iation bill. l[:ill‘l an†enormous {option llli nuns Sill Have Been Paid in ,5, last lline llontlis_::,;t;;;;. l"w1‘~i'h' - . ‘ I‘..â€.‘ v..«‘..,...}:- I'I'Flll ' - till \\ mks v“’t.s n†l‘ .' er- l~ in: its, at "ul il .-. is 't ‘s t~ . , t. p ..I ,,-9 w']ll4"l I‘piiii :niini‘s t‘llll ' i ‘0' Vs: liltl l':"" ItiI‘Il'l" \\ A! ll ~ ‘v‘i iml "i l' '1 ’-‘i x- uniii'iia-s w: .i» Ilv'l miller s to the o .. â€\it'i. oi Ht? "Wt 'ili \s lrtlllll.lli'tl anti. " «am-i :r- ' ml 'V‘ " 'li Wrinr: i '1‘ ...'1ti;ln';l..l .1,“ 1‘ Jr; iii-l-‘J‘r‘ ml \’i"..‘i.l'.'3 .Il“l ,l". :‘TIII‘J‘V wt. Ni V u 'l‘ l'_'» "t'llitlt‘lllll: is l‘tl†The total lill‘tbllhtl.|li'tll. Ili‘lvl I‘tl'j. is “In-ll ~‘\» 173’. I in «unintrml \\:’?' Cl,~ltll.‘~.~tvtu'tl" “new til Ill" li'i innit-titres paying the urn-- months -tl '1“ iv“ ti: in 57â€Â» ‘0'? ~32, on-ls in total -illl~l.lltllill£ inipita‘. lit :ippr'uuitiatle $3,000,000 In .I‘l‘l.'ll|.". tn tll“ 'll‘l‘lt‘lltl‘ til tliv l 13 t’uIIl'LIPIlt‘s in l"l_’ i-vo-ds llll'll iiiunitnui‘l .t elm I,H,|t:utl~ HI lwv'u'. is the Hill" sm'iiiitms lwldm; I“blI"'l.l'i"lI~ “hi-‘h in unison of then llhllllllL’s in iipo't'Jl' .Iltli' 1., distii iniiw .tt"Hll.: ~ll.|l~'ll'rltl0'ls iltlllIlL' that "ll Hilï¬mi This $ll,tvl".|t.'l lll ilto- Mime twi- I"ll. .inil storm-.2323 in I'll!t llII‘~‘C‘ iii; (‘iiltlllfl'ni's' ui-ii- pniiuil ultli l-Nl Hf ‘III"" in union res iiii-iitiiotati-uii nine I‘DHI' I’Jlllr's lt.l\i' I'Jlll out in din-lends , I‘l Ii...I"_’..l""_ , Hi the lit] nompanzes i'l.is~wl as ‘ siIn-i. lea-l. IlIll' proiliiwrs, tin ' "IN-tati- tillll‘ei'tii-s in the I'nitml l States. and thus.- contributed $lI.- ‘, “H.935 tn the intal i and $lT.l_Si‘tT.Ttilt ‘llll't‘ lllt'til'Pnl‘utiun. ‘ nine months' Seventeen ('aiiailian I‘utnpanii-s .Sliï¬t'ildi'n durini: the year with a total to lllt‘ll i'ri-dit suit‘v iiii'ol'tlura- ti-in of $~l‘i.lt"'_’.Tll. while- 11') )lexi-i ran i'nnipanii-s paid $5l.513l.l723 diu- nu: the near and $3.50 ll'tll sunri- lllt â€rpm: :it it'll THREE iuiuoiii A ooiuiii oonrniii uni Have Muchâ€"Ptoâ€" do in Set- tling Country Around Iroquois falls l The .\liitihi Pulp and Paper .‘Il'll~. Limited. has llt‘l'll iiii‘oi'poiatvil v‘llll a l‘.i|tit.i| ol‘ llii'i-v-.iitillioii dollars. This company l't‘t't‘llll\ isiii't'niisi-il Itâ€!!! the Ontario livnernriii-nt the timber and pulpwmid l‘lLt'lIls ..t' cw.) .\liitilii iii Inn-rations h.i\.- l)t“._"llll i-:iiiil;ili/atioii of the ilillt' l'llllll'lli. lia/i-tte, is iliViili-il into 30.000 shar-l limits in llll' llisti‘it't of \i‘\\ Hiitai'iu .tll‘t'ltl.l\ 'l'tii- I‘Irlli't‘l'll. .H‘I'Hl‘ll‘ill‘: In $lltll earth and lllt' lit-ail oilin- ’l‘llt' lul- lowin‘.r are thi- [ii‘iivisional ilii‘i-t'tiii's' ‘ Os .‘Il “Ill llt' llil‘.’tlt‘tl Ill vl‘iil'rllllli. (imii‘iri- llt‘lll'\' Kiliiu-i'. .lohii Alfred : .\li'.\iidi'.~\i, William lll‘lll') li'vimI.I llt'lll\' Ila-:in- 'lhnis. .liihn lludd lidlllllllitll. .Iaini-s Stanley “unity and \t'lllt' lli))‘llt‘s. ‘ l l Highway From Ocean to Ocean the tune of shillhhtliit) i [llt‘ proposed (Nisan-l Impetus, to has lit-ell ::i\ en to â€wan National Iliu‘hway l|_V the , lietiitlï¬'t‘Jl' 'l‘ll'l‘ .Illil lllllilli'l l‘iitnltgin)’ nt' .\hl'rll]. Hhio. lllllll'llli dollars has already been pledmnd. .tl‘iil ‘ lI\'i|1‘ ti‘Ilt‘ suiiii- of th†largest makers of anâ€" ioiiii-liilvs anil at'i'i-ssories haw yet to lll‘ heard from ‘ 'l‘he plan. :is ni'irinallt' outlined hy ('ai'! ti, Fisher of Indianapolis an! proVides for the rim . \Mw Yuri; to Sun l"t‘:it‘.i'isi‘ii ti» lll‘ i't-ltlplifli-(l in his associates. «law oi lll.tlt‘!‘l;ils from (min {or :t'Y‘it’llll use to the Panama l‘llv'i It turn million: dollars to provide 513.000 l“.\positioii in will take worth of material for eai'h mile ,_ iiut intent-nth of the amount has al- rvailv lit-0!) st't'lll't‘tl and tlto- s’ill‘lllt'i‘ has not li-N-n si‘ratl‘hed. 'l'l i If WATER HUI 'TFI. ‘sti'vl. paid 1 ‘~I.'.~"llillt'(l a. ’i.. summits: illlt‘l'_\' is on lllt‘ :ill llli‘ I'l‘lte Illtlli’iii- I‘HE :lIP0lllS I000 II. II. 1,000,000 Pill 0“ e Automobiles, iarm Implements and Manufactured cotton \-«‘i‘-l-‘; -. i l." lt-slrafi‘h it ~".. “1332153"? 'ltv l:i‘t..l \t I"\;>~i' ? s l..u1.ltl.\ ,.; “:31: L: it'll "(It .I ll [3 Tiu'i‘. H“ t“ H“ rt--\\ .n “It lo'v swung “:3, Tha‘\ Unpigml .l lIJli illillIt-I‘. dollars .\ il.i\ .Ii"l J 'l'tit't‘. “an. 1;†tit-w _|\v‘[‘.|§:0‘ll .l quart"! "l iluflirs l ilt\ ‘l'ltr‘ .\1lL! 0‘\‘H)",_‘ .i tii'il'wn .t its-riwi'l .it' )‘lst "I‘ II\ II‘,“ li‘ltr‘Ji Ilf l‘.ttlt‘lfl'l‘. Jllll [Minustii Iiiiiiiiiiwiw‘ sit-ins that tltf‘ ' \.|llli‘ {it llir'll‘llJl‘itliv‘ unturned to ' n l .inada lltnll the in: the 3H ilaxs from in ,\ii;'ilst'.ll. l"l'..’ i- ;s'gtlnrilitum, ..: in l..~ I'ttitvvl Statesllur January l Drni‘tu‘allv morv é‘JHT'JIJfl. zit the v-ii’h-spu-nding t’lL'llI tiinnths or" l'rti‘t ill" '-.lllio‘ oi ltlr""ll.lll'll~t‘ t‘\IP'tlII‘ll to Canada “as il'JNJL‘N‘rVJ, 'rl :iti .tW'ram‘ (if .i ll.lll‘ltllllittll dollars .| dav. lhr' inlal \.ilue ut' u-ximrts tn l'anada ll.l\lIlL' thus aluiilulml iii the three! wars ill Illlt‘~ll'tll In the vm-res-‘t \ .llllt‘ of I‘-illlll i'v I'MNI th.‘ ..iii o'\‘|Hvll~ to that hli:.â€"il"|.lhhl. -il .ii: [mulling [Mind of \\';|~ ,|\-il‘.|t:t‘ "l .i minim»: of .i mil tl-- ll‘inlt‘ thin lion dollar s Slit-u Itii'ii-ase .\t‘t ll'lt‘~ That 'l'ltis' lam-v growth in the t‘\Iml‘t\ tn (‘anada in ri-ri-iu sears-1m ur- i‘l‘i-asi- of Ilt‘al'til'allt l0" pvi‘ wilt. in ihrm- yi-aix-sn'i'ur‘ itliii-tly iii liitu- ininiu. coal. mum and other t‘ar- i‘iiim‘s. manufactures of iron and llllllltt'l, t‘iil'll and manufactur- i-d cotton. ('oiitpariin: the imports in the tisi'al yi-at' I‘ll'l with those of l‘m‘t, bituminous ui‘owth of “dull ‘ tin-i- $lII‘I"III,lIl"F-â€"fl‘l"H $1.3.HJtthl‘l in l'rti‘t to é‘JliArITJtrJ iii litl'l; llllllltt'l. oi' the i'lass‘ deg lionli'ils, illull‘, jail-‘0‘} from $l l..-‘tl..li.ift, and «mm l'iotti t'lt'., $vi.lll'.l.ll"l It! $li..-rli.‘.ti7l Hf iii)†and stm'l iit.Liiiil;ii'tiii'i~s a. a \thll' l';iii.ul.i l‘ll'.’ the i-Vports t-i ini'ri-asi-d .éiiild'ililil in .nntnlile .n't'tiii'i-il til sli'i-l "iltl~. ll'iilll int'i'i-asi's li.i'~~- \\lllt'll :lnl'lelI‘i'll t‘iuiii STISRZV) to $35.?itv‘l.-“tl . ~llllt'l‘lldl non .uid sit-cl finâ€, $‘Af.).\l‘\.l.:1_ t.) §.-)Vl.‘ntl_.l.'i.l; Q‘II‘C‘ limit! and tyimritc-rs ï¬'illlilm. Si'iu-ntil‘ii' iiiâ€" ~Illllllt‘lll‘ and apparatus. inl'l‘udini: eli-i'trit'al ttllltllztllt‘l's, ilthiUH‘t‘ll $l,7l’_’.:‘il‘.l to SILTINIJMT. and acriâ€" ll‘lt'ill lll.ll7lllllt'l'} §l.\'l’r‘l..‘til. 53.33.33.- to id .1‘ l‘w ss miintilo-t » mart. l .l lll~‘ shows a . I i i i l l I l l l I .â€"SERVICE 'I'Oâ€"â€"'E $.3‘lll,l='il to ' from ‘ from ‘ cultural implements from 543.313.5343: llll' t‘lllt‘l- growth un- ili-r this llt'illl iii-i-iii'riiii: in t'\])l)l’l\‘ of plows. which lllt'l't‘il<l'tl from $7â€;- H‘J" in l‘lltfl to $l,Tt'yIt_Ii-I.'i iii l‘tl'_’. â€I. automobiles the growth in ex- ports to l'aiiatia has ln-o-n i-spi-l'ially inai'lu-il. thi-ii \.|l!li‘, invludini.r parts. in l‘tl‘l, $‘t.'t'>.'l.‘_‘~lT. (nix against $1.067,- urw slur-inn l0ll Minion ninr Winter Read Now from South Porcupine into Carmen and langmuir lit order to carry on their 0th Work as well as lit-in}; an aid to those Working: properties in Carmen a Langmuir. the l’ormipine Miracle Mining (2).. of Langmuir Township is plitllll‘: in a complete saw mill which will lie in operation some- Mach- ;inil u tithorse lllllt' duringr the llt'\l month. w :t_\' power lmilei' will he used for the pin-sent lioth t'iir ill-\'i-lopiiieiit wiii'k mine as well .is‘ at llll' mill. mill will also In- a t'oiiVi-iiii-ni-e “writing claims in this llt‘l' L"lll)til‘l1tii)(l. what tlii. dis. .\t the present timi- ll'lt‘t iii-1st needs is a winter rout], t‘irllllt-Utlllt: it with South l’t‘it‘mipine, The .‘lll‘lfl’lt‘ mmnu-nce t-uttinu their own road to ('ompanv will <Imn the base line and then should in.» uss‘is‘ltxl by tltt‘ F‘lllt‘l‘ lllï¬i‘t't-Tlt "(Hit- Siiuth. Eastern Shaw and ('arman. A fairly good patties in StillLllt‘l‘n road is already cut through to the liedstone through iihaw and the new road into ('ai'man and Lang- ‘muir would eonnei-t with it and then "(‘omv up and jinn do arm} of tie Lord. sister l" “.\h done jine." "Where you jine I’" l “I jine de Baptis' Chu'eh.†“Lawdie. sister. dat ain' de armyl Dat's de navy l"â€"-Judge. ï¬nished into South Porcupine. It would he a great help to ownâ€" ers of properties in this district and muohappreCiated should the South Porcupine Foard of Trade take the matter up and help in any way pos- Bible. I l PURCUPINE ADVANCE Our complete line of Air Compressors. Rcrcivvcrs, Rock Drills, etc. is particular '\ MINING MACHINERY We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE=PROOF WAREHOUSE at South Porou ine where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote 5 upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide 5 Plants, ready to run. We can supply Rock Breakers, Rolls, Ore Bin Gates, (ire Feeders. Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, Ball Mills, l'cbblc Mills, Plates, Classifiers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks, Filter l‘rcsses, Agitation Tanks and motive Power for operating.r the above. up-to-date and Worth your consideration CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED Cor. King 6: Simcoe Sts., Toronto. District Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert Bank of Toronto SAVERS THIS BANK renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. A Savings ACcount is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent, and it. keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other loss. W is added to balances yearly. Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 hallâ€" 100 Branches In Canada t l l i l t I i STEAM ERS “Toronto" AN D “Kingston" Leaves Toronto 2.30 p.m. daily ex- cept Sunday up to Sept. L’lst and from Sept. 23rd to 28th, Monday Wednesday and Saturday. †Low Round-trip Rates in- cluding Meals and Berth I000 Islands and lleturn $15.00 Montreal “ " $24.50 Quebec “ “ $55.50 Saguenay Iliuer and †$40.50 _â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€" Steamer “Belleville†Leaves Toronto 2.30 pm. daily ex- 'l‘oronto 43.00 every Tuesday. Steamer “Dundurn†leaves Hamil- ton 8.00 am. and Toronto 5.00 p. m. every Saturday. pm. Very low rates on this line includ-- ing meals and berth. For tickets, reservations, etc., write H. Foster Chaï¬ee, G. P. A., Toronto. I 4, to any T. . N. 0. Agent. .1. l++++++++++++++++++++++++++ l l IEMISKINIIIG It llfllllfllllll 0IIIAIIIO 000W; an TRAIN SERVICE Effective, September 15th, 1912 .1. q. .p .1. .1. .1.- .1. 'I' 4' Through trains daily between Toronto and ; Timmins. operating through Pullman Sleepers to and .1. front ’I‘immins, making connections at Iroquois Falls ,1, f at. .1. .1. .1. q. q. 4. .1. 91" .1. or Coltrane. Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and Englehart. Daily service between North Bay and Coclirane operating through CPR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. Local service between Englehart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer +++++a+++++++++a++++++++ ii: A. J. PARR, G. F. a P. A. North Bay +++++++++s+++++++++++$a+++ 090.90... coo. 0090 on 9......“ 0.. ooooo oo oooooooooooo , . . .00. .oo.u.oo. 00.00.90,...» â€.00.. ................. .00. .~.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.o0.»:0 o o 0 000000000 0 .0. ° 0 o o o o o o .‘O. .‘0... O. .Q'.‘ Q... 3 9.0..oo:oo.oo 00.0.00â€Â«M.oo.».u.«.oooo0590.00.00.09...â€.............................. 0:0 0:. l . i '3‘}. 000000 0 .cgoooooooooooo °:"° 0:. Oz. . O .‘O . . . 9:. 0:. .z. 0:. .3. .:. . 0:. 0:. 3. .8. 0.. .3. .:. oo o.» .3. .3. .2. 0:. .3. .3. 0'. 9:. .3. .8. 0.. 9;. .:. .:. 0.. 9.. .8. .3. 0.. .:. 0:. 0:. 9;. 0;. 0:. 0:. 0:. 9:. .g. .g. '2' 0:0 D. A- FROOD MGR. ‘3' '3' Oz. 0:. . o . O 0:. 0:. .3. .g. 0 O O . ... o . 0;. of. O‘. oz. 0:. o? ... .3. 0,0 0.. .°. .f. 'O. .‘. Q . 3: 1:: o. v , ' ‘ , . x . :5. :5: Bi-ziiitilull} Located, overlooking 3: :i: o o ' : °;° ‘3‘ Porcupine Lake and South l’oreu- †... ... 0.. .‘O o o ‘ ‘ ' ' . . I" ‘3' pine. l‘llltfll up With all modern- 'i‘ ‘:° :. 0:. . . y ‘ . 0:0 0:. '3' ‘{ conveniences. lwo minutes walk ’i’ 'i' 0:. 0:0 . V r . _ ‘V ' . . '0. 2'? 1mm the F. a .\. 0. Station. °-"3‘ 0.. Oz. 0.. .‘O .1. «.0 0:0 0:. 0:. 0:. of. 0:0 0:. 0:0 9' 0:0 0;. 0'0 . .i. O O 0.. . . . . é. o? of. of. Oz. 9:. .E. .z. 0.. 9.. . ' . ' .0. .0. : : ‘3. ... o:oo:«:~:00:“:“:":°‘:“:":":â€:“:â€:â€:â€:â€:â€: o:oo:oo:o;. .:..°’.:«:«:..:..:..:..:“:..:â€:..:..:â€:":' :3: :3: O C .;..;..;..;..;..:.. «: : : :«z»: : z»: :~:«:~:~: ;..;..:..:..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;. Subscribe For the “ADVANCE†The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp . VWL-ei‘és‘ ‘2