Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 18 Oct 1912, 1, p. 1

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This eig-hth game ended the series with Boston winning 4 games. New York 3. and one tie. In the eight games New York made 31 runs and Boston 95. The vighth game with the teams (three. games each was won by Bos- tam with a score of 3 to 2. Wood pitched for Boston and Mathesvn for New York.‘ The seventh game went to New York with a score of 11 to 4. New York got. to Wood and ...!10 was re- I'ieved by Hall. 'l‘esreau pitched for New York. Errox‘s‘. New York, 4, Boston 3. Hits'. Boston 9. New York 16. Sixth game was won by New York by a score of 5 to ‘3. O'Brien and Radiant pitched for Boston and Mar- quavd for New York. Errors. New York ’2. Boston 1. ”its Boston 7, New York 11. New York. Errors, Boston 1, New York 1. 'Hits. Boston :3. New York" The filth frame went to Boston. with a score of ‘3 to 1. Bedient pitched for Boston and Matheson for Third gaune was won by New York of :3 to 1. Hartman] pitvhml for New York and Bcdiont for Bmton. I‘lits “(ow York 7. Boston 7. Errors New York 1. Boston 0. 'l‘hofonrth {ramp wont to Boston with a score of 3 to l. l‘itvhers for New York were 'I‘esroau and Ames, for Boston Wood. Errors New York 1, Boston 1. Hits Boston 8. New 1. Boston ] York 9. Tho wound game was an clmen inni'm: tie with the score ‘3 to (i and. called on amount of darkness. “its Boston 10, New York 11‘ Er- rors Boston 1. New York .3, Pitch- urs for Boston Collins, Hall and Bodiem. for New York l‘lthNOn. 'I‘his gunw did not oount in the wr- 188. In the World’s Series between the National Giants and American Red Sox. eight games had to be fought out in the most hotly contested strugglo for championship honors ever 500" on a ball ticid. The first game was won by 130;- ton, 4 m 3. Each team made one error. Base hits Boston (5, New York 8. Wood uf Boston and 'I‘Mreau Of New York pitchers. [If all Sad Words of tongue or Pen, the Saddest of Mesa, Wood Pitched lgain 'l‘hc' public has followed very close- ly blu- development of this mim- for the past three years and shareholders have never lost faith and expecta- every four wm-ks or thirteen timo-s a war fur tiw first war is n wmr- what tidi «um of money fm' any mine in pay and in tho vmmm-nce- meat of this dividend the Hollingcr people have surely justified their faith in the Porcupine camp. flflfiIflH flffl 30X BHAMPIUNS NH 1912 but low who mum hnvv m bho earnings would he «1 this early stage of mini velnpment. wmfld and haw hover horn in doubt. 0n “unlit-r 12th. D. A. Dunlap. secretary-treasurer ol the company sent out an oflicial notice from To- ronto that a diVidcnd of 3 per cent. would be paid on the capital stock of the company. being the first regular four-weekly dividend. payable November 2nd. 1912. to shareholders of record at. tho vlose of business on October 23th. 1012. While all had faith and hopes pinned nn ”llfi property then- were but few who multl haw 21108910“ that $90,000 DOLLARS EVERY FOUR WEEKS Is What the Hollinger Mine is To Give It’s Stockholders in Dividends 3mm) The wise ones always know that Vol. I. diuhm‘sv $90,000 Hollimzer »ropert)‘ more were Id have guessed that nld be so lame at ’c of minim: and do- or thim mine c)! div THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE ,donds mad It now looks as if the. price of coal in South Porcupine for the winter if any is to be had locally -â€"will be in the neighborth of $14.00 per ton. Preston East Dome Rea Mimes ............ Standard ............ . Swastika .. Vipond ..- .......... West Dome ........... J upiter . McIntyre Big Demo: American Goldfields Apex...... . ”Obie .................. . Holling‘er .. ‘ M’oneta ............... I’ezu‘l Lake ........... Porcupine Imperial l’Ox‘cupine 'I‘isdale . Crown Chartered Home Extension .‘ Eldorado .......... Foley O'Brien ..... Gold Reef .. l’rogressn'e ‘andldate from makmg; an hours' speech just after the Slmot- é ing occurred. All engagements will : probably have to be canceled ‘exo eept one in New York just before the election. The assassin was balanced and bugs on third texvmers as a menace to the people. Colonel. Theodore Roosevelt who was shot by John Sohrank at Mil- waukee last Monday night will.re- cover unless blood poisoning sets in or other unlooked for complications takes place. The bullet (lid not penetrate the lungs. but lmlg‘od in the. chest. He is now resting easy in the Men-y Hospital in Chicago. Bullet «lid not stop EEKâ€"president and The following are the prices on Porcupine stocks. furnished by A. S. Fuller 8: Co., Gibson Block, South Porcupine. up to noon (K'tolmr thh: Xn um- wants in he stingy in L'ix’im: credit tn the Timm'ms-Dlmlop- MuMnrtin crowd. which backed Por- mmim' with faith and money and: in their united work did more for the vamp than any other gram) of capit- [ax-President and Progressive Candidate Saved from lleath By Wonderful Bonstitutian alists. flflflSEVElT RESUME EASY AT BHIEABB ing to the pl $90.0“. every probably be than over. The w payment mcnw'ho N! public tha expected whether in Porcupine or any other part of the world. ”:1 September 27th this paper roughly estimatul the output of the l-lollinger mine for the year 1913 as 92.5“).000. The prediction was more or less guessing in the dark of couree but is not lar wrong accord- ing to the present dividend basis at $90.000 every four weeks. and will nmbahlr be under the mark rather lodm tions haw been realized 3mm Stock Quotations he very .lact that so larcc a first. 'mont has been decided upon by nwho have had experience enough know the came thoroughly. says re than anything else for the Mn earning power of the corpora- n. and will fix a stationary know- n” in thv minds (if the nut-tide Ilic that Porcupine is a gold ID to he ranked umum: the liq-st the continent or that they had any expect from any gold mine. in Porcupine or any other SUUTH PORVUPINE. ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18th. 191.2. .10 . .33 ‘) m 33.30 14.60 16.00 .04 .05 Bid. Asked. 40 .025 .022 01 03 01 0!) 900110! (k3 O3 .33 than 05 ‘)M .035 .02 .30 .02 095 33; 1 3 ()3 ‘16 ('auatunwrs and vrvditm's of the late firm mi .|. 'l‘lms. llvinlmnlt. ('0. 'am- plmmimly surprised to learn of -tlw sillv Hi the lilM'k Hf slm'k (if gtlw l'urvupim- ('i-ntrul and Porcupine ».\'nrtlu-rn ('ompzmios at public auc- itiun. on which some one was willing ’10 pay 3913.0“! for the lot in real 'nioncy. According. to. the Toronto :“orld the transaction is reported as having occurred at the Adrian H. Muller 6; Co. A'uction Salcsrooms in Voscy street last Wednesday. A block of 120,000 shares of Porcupine ’(‘ontraL 90.000 shares of Porcupine Eorthern, and 497 shares of the [M'olopmont ('o.. of Porcupine were knocked down to a bidder at $13,- {000. 'l‘liis looks like so much found intonoy for the creditors. an option ohtained from owners of the Veteran. 'I‘he quartz is husky, looking stuff with blue qtiartz patch- es and stringers running through the main body. So little work hasbeen done on the property that anything like an opinion can not be given In the North half of Lot, 12, Concession l of the Township of« Hoyle. which adjoins Whitney to the North there is a veteran claim which gives promise of being more than an agricultural piece of ground. The discovery of a quartz vein some “.20 feet wide in places and narrowed down to possibly eight feet has been discovered by Mr. Lonway and to start work on as soon as the mill is ready, while on the dump there is enmigli broken ore to pay fur the mill. Whll‘ll will rest in the neighborhorxl of $16,000. The work of continuing the shaft has been started. the intention being to go down for another 100 feet. Straight :uiml‘gumution and con- centration is the. practice to he, fol- lnwed at present. with the addition of u Cyanide plant later. experiments on which are heim: tried now. Amal- L'zimatinn will he done on the plates and in the pebble mill. l‘mlergrouml pi'tmpet'ts are for this mine. There arc twenty feet of quartz in th< tu start work on as soon as mill is ready, while on the GOOD LOOKING VET IN HOYLE TOWNSHIP 'l‘ho excavations for the founda- tions for the Lucky Cross mill are practically completed. and this week the work of building the cement foundations will be commenced. Free Gold Found On Vein Which Runs From Eight T0 Twenty Feet Wide 'l‘liv llnmv people haw sampled the \‘ipuml mim' and mm tiww is n mmur that this promising property will he taken over by Home inter- ests. Xutliing ullivinl lins horn gin-n um but it is pun‘sililt' that an en- gineer lium the homo will not its consulting v ngim-er lo: the \ipuml mine. it is also undorstoml that. grim-or hum the “our will avt as consulting vngincor fur the \‘ipund mine. It is also umlm‘stoud that the owmlinp: oompnny, the Form- pino (Sold Mines ol .\'vw Yark has sold control. The Timminrhchartin‘Ihmlon sy- ndicate. owners of the Hollinger has purchased a 1500-foot Sullivan compressor for the Dixonoflillies mines. Amending to the'C-ohalt Vttmt it was just three years ago that. the. Presidents of the Nipissing and in Rose mines issued strong denial. of rumors that they were unloading their stock in the comhanics nwing to the "mans-(aviary mnditions of 010 "wt mines. Both properties fire “in pun-pvrnus tn deny the rumor. An examinat sampling of the dale is heimr m It has been rather considerate and shows a high degree of inborn oourb mm. and :1 ml t ht H‘ t Worn .-\n vxaminmion and thorough mpling of the Success Mine in Tis- do is being made this “role with v mssihlo chance of this property imr mkc-n over by mm of the larg- mlnos of the camp should report satisfactory. that so many "warm 0! Porcu- mincs haw hm! thu-ir directors business meetings in New York nlsilwfis meetings in New Yorl {mum during the wm'kl's sen" tattle fur lmwhall honors b0 thv Giants and Red Sox. Mining News umpccts are bright There are over quartz in the faces y The Calvert Hahn-Hon ('n.. their claims in townships. (3m had from the Buffalo capital ' 'UI‘C. “.Ol'k a ‘vlaims in Lnn have been whim: result a. The township of Hoyle as well as Murphy to the west of it is entire- ly made up of veteran claims and stalling is out of the question, and it is somewhat difficult to deal with the owners who are nonsresi’dents of the camp, and not mining men, and to Whom in many cases the fimding of free gold means a rich mine. but through the quartz in some. plac- es fine gold can be seen, but no as- says results have been given out. From the surface indications it would seem well worth while in the expenditure of considerable money in sampling and development work. [Inpatumcd minim: «minus are not subject to municipal assessment for taxes, according to a decision handj ed out by Judge Kehoe of Sudbury. sitting on the court of reVdsion of the assessment in Tisdalc towns/hip at South Porcupine. The decision will afievt much DI‘OD' city in Whit'ney and 'I‘isdale town- ships, although next year, all claims that are staked in that section that have their work done. will either ham to be patented or have their (‘lai'mscancelled and it is not likely that for the sake of the municipal taxes for the claims will he allowed to elapse. The most rem-m fields are in the l'ngzu'u llistrirt when- tut year. there huVe mine vague rumors of these previous 91mm han'im.r been found and from where at the pre- sent time some straggling parties are returning. with so far as learn‘ ed, hut little sum-Ms in locating the beds from whit'h the diamonds in the l'nited States are supposed to owe their origin. There seems to be but little douht in the minds of those who have returned from We I'mzu'a District and almost unknown region around the Hudson Bay vhat diu- monds and Valuable minerals me to be found. The judge found that unpatcntcd claims at‘é crown lands. and as such are exempt from taxation. 'l‘ho ques- tion was fought out by the lawyers relative to the assessment of some $41,000 of un‘patcntod claims which came up before the Judge fit the course of his hvaring Wednesday. It has. been held hy {hr high court that. unpatuntml claims, a9 crown lands, are alsn exempt from sheriff's (‘xemv tions and it was alum: the same lines that the assessment cxmnption I‘osp0(.‘ti'rlg mtrnioipatitios was given out. The production 0! the Cobalt camp for the first half 0(191'2 amounted to 14,313,403 ounces 0! silver. Valued at 87.3%.“. Thisdmmpatc-d with 1:3,- ‘2311'11' ounces. Valued at SLMLZNID produced in t»hc~ mrrcapnmling period last year. It is thus quito apparent that the present your wt" so? :1 new 'l‘liv prmlm-iiun ul .~il\'m' lrnm the. (‘olmlt since WM and up until June .‘lflth this your hag hem $72.2fi'llk'72. This clues nut im'lmlv any of tho products sin-h as nicklv. mlmlt or arsenic. it la a far all prediction hut in :mmlwr vlL'lll yvars m-mnlim: to the prosont umlonk. tlu-u- will have been shipped from tho Porcu- pine camp. cold to the value of smommmo. Were all the promnters and own- ers of the Rolling" born under. lanky stars. or is it only a rare Mutation-of judgment and dam in: that makes their mining ven- tures a success. that the present year wm see a new record cstnhlished try thr camp. Mining News :heir surface In! is hohifld 30 far this angmuir and ml 91' sih‘m' Hum the. MN and up until June hm hcon $72.3fi'31k’72. ‘orcupinc Mining and has Marin! work on (‘armcn and Shaw s hopn mumiukfl. ludv any of flm nickl’t‘. t'ulmlt or far 0“ prediction .«au It and Harman must vnvnurmtinu this 8'03" W I n gs been V 1‘" ( "I ‘ The great gold camp l’orcupime is gto hear and see described the great. fgoldcamp of Klondike. l’rof. Arnold ll", George, :1 twelve-year Klomliker ‘lwas chosen and equipped by the government to rem'esent Klondike at the beautiful Alaska-Yukon-l‘aeilie Exposition. in Seattle, and with his varied and extensive knowledge, his ‘pulilie speaking,r ability. and his mag- i .. . . lnihcent collections of colored stere- 'nptican slides, created 1 [:rtlcund impression. At the eonelnsion of that successful exposition .Vlr. (lounge was awarded a handsome medal by the management of the fair. was rewarded by the Yukon (l-m'ernment with a substantial remembrance, be- came possessor of his incomparable colored Views, and discovered his services to he in. instant and popu- lar demand from the Pacific. to the .Atlantic coast. ' His now famous i1- :lustrated Klondike lecture of gold, geold and adventure has been deliver- ed #45 times in the biggest institu- ;tions :of America, 46 times in New onrk City, in Temples. 'l‘a'bemacles, Y. .\'I. C. A's. universities ind the great auditoiiums, while the oomd iplimen'tary notices he has received iwould fill a barrel. 2 in his lecture at the Presbyterian iOhureh, South Porcupine, Wednes- iday, Oct. 23, and the Lyric Theatre, iPorcnpine, Friday, Oct. 25, Mr. ;(’}eorge will show the same handsome iviews and give the same stirring lec- iture which has been so Vastly suc- leessful elsewhere. The ('ustmns returns from April lfith to September 30th, according to the report of C. Fl. Gordon- Rogers, acting Sub-Collector are as follows zâ€"V’alues 3f goods imported $97,404.08. .\t the head ml the hall» a eun- erete dam 9* feet hum llils been built. arm» the t'iwt'. .\ “all the height. ul the dam has been built [rum the western end for a distance of 23.30 ft. .~\ wall connecting the eastern end of dam with the intake of the head race has been built. The gat- es in the dam proper will be clos- ed and opened and the supply of water regulated by a system of drop logs. ‘ The Mom! ram. has been built in three section. 'Nw total length is three manners of a mile. The in- take is located 50ft cast of the eastern end of dam and is an open concreié flumc 40 ft. wide and 1'5 ft. deep. This section is 1:300 ft. count at lurk of [mum and nlrrady preparations are in progress so as to ho ready to start operations as soon as power can he delivered. LOCATION. \\'mmitnn Frills are situated 20 miles south of Mattngnmi Landing on the Mattmmmi Ilium 'llu- rixcr runs north along thc- \wstcrn hound- nry ui tlu- l‘on'npim- (Sold Al’t'it. and is a stream liming in Width Vary- im: from 50 to 101! yards anda constant minimum lluw throughout. the your. The Falls are within 15 miles, as the crow flies from the contra of the gold district. flffilllflflfi III "II l'llfllllll’lNE BAMI’ In See Views flt Another field Camp Next Wednesday Night The power plant at. Wawaitin Falls will be ready {or a trial by the first of November and the mines will receive power not later than Decent- ber lst. and this is allowing for all resistina-hle delays and minor ac- eiilents. Several mines and proper- perties lime been elused down ilnr- Will Be Ready For Trial Test by the First of November and Power Furnished to Mines POWER PLANT AT m: the Duty collected, $13,294.63. Customs Returns H IWER [DEV ['JIXI‘I’M EXT th r00 mo 1‘ WAWAITAN FALLS on 3C (in Hot. 9th the plant. was nearly mmpletml. There is at present 100 ft. nf (-unvrvti- mull tn put. in along the head rave near the intake. 'l'liis .mnvrvte wm'k will mmplete the head ram entinrly. The estimated time it“ (in this work is 1’3. working nlays. 'l‘vlit' tail ram- is living ex- ,(‘nvated and at the present rate. simultaneously with the head rm ‘The powei house is finished, the iwheels set up and ready, the genera- tors in place. and finished except for the winding of the armatures which is at present under way. This ’should be finished within 10 days. There are three miles of wire to ibe put in on transmission line. wvas being found. Later on account Iof the low water in the bake, Mr. LJaoohi discovered a small 10 inch {vein at the waters edge which 'showedl a little gold and with a few gpop shots a considerable quantity of irich looking m‘o was found. "‘hc |win is M'itlvntly a rich one but narrow. but enough to justify the owners tu put a gang of men at wvm‘k in avtual flcvelopmwnt. With- ioutlmuch doubt there will be some The Night llawk Lake section has ’heen dormant since 1907 when there Jwas a small rush into this section, :many claims staked and even a small Emill installul, but nothing seemed worth while and the section was mostly abandoned at the time .without much actual development iwork being done. Two years later El’orcupine was (lisoovered which cov- It-rs a territory only about six ;miles to the west. Still no work iwas done of consquence but many Jinn-g: on to their claims, re-staked ;antl «lid their assessment work. l Two weeks ago the -\dvanee made fa short item in its colunms that illon Jacobi, oi llaileybury was in lthe Nig'ht Hawk Lake section doing assessment work on claims south of itiol'll Island and that some free gold ‘was being found. Later on account The Foley-O'Brien Mining C0,, has asked the (sounCil to move the bodies of the six people hurried on their ground. The matter will be attend- ed to this week and a rer'urial take plam at Dead Man’s, Point. Those interred on the mining property durv im: the year were Peter Blue, who was drowned in the lake while hath- ing; David White. Henry Bradley and the bodies of three children. out.|mucn (mum them Will be some good mines opened up in the iown- ships east of Whitney an‘h Shaw. Bodies Taken Up And Rea-Buried long. This concrete ilume is manual then to meet a 1‘: it. pipe which compriaes the second section of head race. This sm‘tion is 1900 ft. in length. This pipe runs into a tank llflllV IHWNSHII’ 20 it. in diameter and 30 it. high From this tank two parallel lines of 8 it. pipe lead tlit‘et‘tl)‘ to two 3,- 450 ”1’. Turbine wheels. The length of this pipe is 1100 it. These wheels are designed for 3450 ILP. under 1110 it. head. As a matter of fact. the head under whieh they will operate will be slightly more than 1‘30 ft. and therefore horsepower developed by them sheultl be between 7000 and Hill". Each wheel operates a West lllKllt nm- in-nerat or developing under normal load L’E’riHl ll.l’. 'I‘hese man-raters are built to sustain an ”\‘etlmid of 50 per cent. The Wheels and unmet-atom are housed in a eonerete steel power Montreal People Uncover llien looking Veins While lining llssessement lllerll housml m a mmvrvtv stool power huusv. ahmlutcly Iix'v pmof. 'l‘lu- wan- ” aflm' Ivamm: tlu- whm-ls drum in- to a tail rau‘v 400 ft. in lcmwh from when- it is rammed to the river. I’RHURBSS OF IDE\’I‘ZI.UI’.\IEN'P. Smut}: ('urws 5 Cams. l5 Hfflflll fflllM

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