cl dc ti By a total 01’ “‘2 to 290 the Australian Crickel eleven defeated the New York ï¬fteen in a two- dny match at Staten Island last week. Previously the Philadelphians beat the Australians by a score of {59 to 257. .Ine Moï¬inity after three years as manmr-player and part mmer of the Newark hall team in the Inter- national league with indiï¬erent suc- M. has cold out his interest in the franchise and been released. Lester Purick of hockey farm has cane out of Xictoria. B.C. and es- pacts to land some at the Eastern mt hockey players before he re- turns. The decisinn at the annual meeting of Canadian haseball league held on list Saturday was to retain the present eight teams. All the clubs made mnney with the exception 0! Guelph. l’oterhnrn and Berlin and all the teams e‘ceeded the salary limit except Brantlord. The Argonauts have secured a good kicking half hack in Greer. who played with Trinity Calm last year. He should strengthen the mullet: in what looked like the weak spot on the team. Sir Thomas Lipton has sailed for New York to appeal for conditions which will enable him to challenge again for the Aznvriva's mm. The pre- sent rules. be pointed out bvfore leav- The Waste peace, Is spemlm: [01‘ nor army zum “nan",V. and for puns‘inns nearly MAWOflOO a year. We must have battleships, while Europe and Asia Lhreaten. there must be soldiers. while nations subâ€" stitute hrutc force fur wisdom: and we must care for the Victims of past Lu whau'm ...... .\lllhul‘itv .. Hig'hln'idm- Suwmiu ......... Star ('hau'lvr llcrcsy ...... Calumny ...... 'l‘he l’rhphet Colston ...... Bill Andrews .. Chopontuc ...... . Julia Armour .. Miss Edith Paris Queen ...... Cast Steel ...... . Jockey Tcwham. the Windsor rider, had an abnormally large average of success. 'mlr. called for a typo ufbuut which it is impossible to sail across the Atlantic. ... .223... ..... “xv?“ :.:.:.AznxuA.¢¢.v???vï¬xu..u..u..u......u..u..u......n..u..vo... 'IYle great powers are spending 35,- 260,000,000 :1 year on annamient. That vast sum i'opi‘csvms billions of days' workâ€"4mg like all wealth. it; is paid fur in sxwul and min. “ WWW}“«:«: u u u â€00:“ M:u..u.oo:n:1 More battleships and larger arm- ies is the cry. The nations are turning themselves intu armed mumps and the seas are ï¬lled with battle- ships. Joe Wood of the Boston Red Sox won ten shut out mum-s dur- ing the season. This in one of the gl'catvst woords ever made by a mo- dern day pitcher. 'l‘esroau pitched thrm- shut nuts, Mm'quzuul «mly mw, while Mntheson failml to win a singlp mum- by tlw shut um mntv. wars. The Panama Canal i4 the greatest work of construct ion ovrc undmtak- on by man: and yet fun the mo- ney we are spending furmilitary ends we could build :1 Panama Canal every year. If we threw no money into the ravenous maw of war we could re- claim all the irrigable deserts in America, and drain all the drainwble 'l‘hc value 01' m 2:: phasizul by the in! of the earning power Uf thuso must, sucm Woodbine meet i m: z»- The ['11 of n a, t i011 s ravenous maw 0! war we ciaim all the irrigable d1 Arnerioa, and drain all the swamps. in ï¬ve years. other ï¬ve we (‘1' the land with forests uitw S. In 2! spemlin Of the Sword powers are spending $3,- Stun timt 1) W I n HI fu II must peaveful 3 of profound 101‘ army and ions nearly s. In an- couid cover ts. doing U I) $0 "011 (D 1) examplt H the late 1 .035 995 930 9H) (HO Ionjuy mnu 490 ! highly-«Mm! 1m rm 1â€th "H!Ii"~'t~ Hi sprwi lwtwovn 19M ihiahli-hrvd and iiiLriily~ti‘ztilu-«l Iii" ihnrsiw surmundinaa in tlw {rush 423.3 illil' Hi the (-nuntry. tn ruin-ah him- 310 ist‘if in mind and imdy. in back his H‘) .judg‘mvnt if he feels like it. to an )35 oxtcnt which dm-s not unduly in- )95 vulvchis pockethm)kâ€"-â€"w}w. in :1 +30 lword. has the common sense and. the no Golf-control to look upon the race ‘85 ouurso in the spirit in Which it ’65 ' was founded and is maintained - '35 that man gets what.he went after er, and what he paid his money_for. LV There is the passing away of «me of ahe greatest ball players of all times and Waivers have been asked Ion .‘lonlcmti Brown by President IMnrphy. ul the Chicano Nationals. iThe pitcher injured his knee in win- lnimz a ten-innimt tame last July. ,and since that mishap has been of ino use to the club. Manager {Chance conï¬rmed the news that Brown is to leave the team. hast winter he signed a threeoyear con- tract" It is true “there is no man who can beat the ‘racing game'?" That depends altogether upon what is understood by the “racing game. " A man who goe‘ to the lttack “it‘ll the notion. that all that has been spent upon the grounds aml buildings and horses and the tlmusuntl t'ustly details inVul‘ml in the spurt i~ tn makm L'c'l-l'll'll hnli- day for himself antl his kiml will lllUlHlll'lt'dl} liml that lu- "can't beat So many boys with the baseball craze have left home and gone to New York for the world's series that Police Commissioner Waldo of that city will have a Special squad at the Polo Grounds to round them up. The commissioner made this annwncerm-nt after receiving more than tWenty letters from an- xious parents sevkivmz his aid in tracing missing soungsters. In each case the world' s series was given as the lure to (iotham. Tyms Cobb. by getting [out hm in {our times at bat in a game 3. against New York. chindved the hat- ting championship of the major lea. mm for this year. Vancouver took the measure of the Cornwall Minto Cup challengers in the ï¬rst game played. The game was playedbelore an audience of 8.- 000 enthusiasts and the ï¬nal score was Westminster 15. Cornwall S..It would seem as if the N. l.. l'. diam- pious had no right to be on the same llold with the Salmon-bellies. away forever with the peril of failing timber supply, and we could make available the latent power of streams wind and waves. In that sense he can truly “heat the racing. game." but in no other. S'uoh a vast sum turned continual- ly into internal improvements would he marina] in the development of industry. the (levelopment of pover- ty and the promotion of the com- forts of civilized life. And when the num obvious material improvements Were eï¬'vvted. when the forces of na- By a margin of eight goals the New Westminster lacrosse team it nut kind it turv wow harnessed and man tl‘aflickcr in familiar of with tips to n mrr sl‘i'fl nr Unarmed. The iiu'litim: in<tinct will alw;l_\'~‘ remain, but it shall be changed. In- stead of the nutiuns wasting their glarious strnegrth in mutual slaught- er of their best. they shall turn their imwer against poverty. injustice and disease. Instead of armed camps we shall have free universities; instead of slaughtering armies. eontentel armies of industry; and he that invents a useful thing or creates a work of beauty. shall be greater thanhe that taketh a city. Greater even than he who likens himself unto a bull moose and who hangers and thirsts for a glorioué man- slaughtering battle. I ll I'll mot ion of thing‘s oxeeller my w ht ft mt 'l‘lw mm 11 wh IN tllvsf' vast sums to the pro- on of learning. art and all :5 excellent. Then. with our new re and the cnlat‘g-od opportuni- fm' its cultivation. we should be- - 21 race such as tlre world has with abundant leisure. we could somvt h in 11 u-thim: unmhlm "information, supposed stab wll. 'l‘hc mam tlu It mhlm'. the Ition,†UH- stable boys m a n who nuthing will )lll Lu \V 11 S and 10 The purchaser shall search title at his own expense and the Vendor shall 'not be required to furnish abstracts, :produee deeds, declarations or e\iâ€" Idences of title other than those in lhis possession. The purchaser shall {have ten days within which to make lany objections or requisitions on ltitle, and in case he makes any ob- jection or requisition which the Ven- dor shall from any cause be unable or unwilling to answer or remove. the vendor may then rescind the sale. in which case the purchaser shall be entitled only to revurn of the deposit money, without interest, cost or compensation. Judicial Sale " issets of 00000000000000.0000...oooooooooouoaoooooooooo00000000000000.0000... am We mm ' SO UT H PORC U Pl N E Company, Limited. i‘ms‘tmnt M H10 “with"! I-'P â€7““ AL Pursuant to the Winding Up Order made herein and bearing date the am June 1912. and my direction hereutller, sealed tenders, addressed, to “The Master in Culinary" Os- goode Hall. Toronto," will be re- ceived by him up to noon of the Bveventh day of October. 1912, [or the purchase en bloc of the mum'- in; assets 0! CALCITE LAKE MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. 01 Mining Locations L0. 357 and L0. 358. Mining Leases from the Crown of recon! in the Departmt of Lands. Forests and Mines. situate in the 'Downship of Lawson. District of Nipissinc. and Bunk house out-ï¬t And tome house furniture. The operating plant including Com- pressor with equipment. air receiver. two boilers. two hoists. feed pump. Fairbanks Morse Pump. 3 Canadian Rand drills with equipment. lham- mar drill. dump car. buckets. pipes and pipe lines tor air and steam. and aha general Miner's Blacksxnitzh's and Carpenter's tools and Coobhouse Much development has been done on the property; two shafts sunk. one to 1375 or 280 feet deep. the other 30 feet and extensive drifting and cross-cutting has been done on the various lemls, the cost of whidi is approximately. as per Company's book 353.900. The “on properties are adjacent to east side of Calcite Luke and west of Leta Lake. Situtte on same are fourteen buildings and erections, including Power House. Shaft. House. Bluekamith's shop. Pump House. Oï¬lce. Cook House. Storehouse. Powder House. Powder Thawim; House. Bunk House and also a well ï¬nished Mamager's rec sidence. Inventories. etc.. can be seen on application to the Liquidator or his solicitors. The purchaser shall keep the pro- perty insured against ï¬re until com- pletion _ of all his payments, Loss payable to th'? Liquidator. Further particulars may be obtain- ed on application to the Liquidator 01' his solicitors. TERMS OF SALE: A marked cheque to the order of G. '1‘. Clark- son, Liquidator. for ten per centum must accompany the tender. which cheque will be returned if the tend- er he not accepted. a further ï¬fteen per centuxn shall be paid on comple- tion of purchase and the remainder in equal instalments in two. faur and six nuanths thereafter. with interest at 4 percent. The suvcesst'ul tendered will in? 1’0- The lowest or any tender not no- cessarily accepted. Dated at Toronto this 12th day of September, 1912. Geo. 0. Almwn, Master in Ordin- The government has ordered that on Oct. 1‘2. in honor of the one'hun- dredth anniversary of the death of General Brock. and of one hundred years of peace between Canada and the United States, a salute of twentymxe guns be ï¬red at. the principal military stations through- out Canada. quired to sign an : chase. containing a case of default in went, all payment such default shall vendor as liquidat ditions of sale :11 went, all payments made prior to such default shall be retained by the vendor as liquidated damages. Con- ditions of sale and such agreement may be seen on application to the Liquidator or his solicitor.. Orders to inspect the property may he had on application to the Liqui- dator. Day Ferguson 6; D’Sullivan, Soli- cxtoi‘s for Liquidator, :39 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. G. '1‘. Clarkson. Liquidator, i=3 Scott Street, Toronto. In Memory TH E PORCL’PINE ADVANCE agreeunnt for put a clause that i; completing pay of Brock in W+I~2~H Northern Ontario Light 8: Power Co., Ltd. ._ 00000000000 0 00000009009000 m†.23.. s..s..?.~.................â€..â€..u.......~........~..."..u..32"..u.a:quuxuzuzuzusuzu$.33?"x???............................... .... ............ . . . Porcupine, South Porcupine and Timmins Just About one-half of what its Costing you with coal or wood in the BREAKS! Elllll ï¬ll? an the Continent is going to be the big town of the lflflfll People have an idea that electric irons are expensive. They are not. One can be run for less than 4c an hour Besides you are saved the bother of working around a hot stove. An elec- tric iron should’t cost you any more than 50 cents a month to operate We have a good display at all offices and will be pleased to demonstrate Buy Real Estate Now Well located Lots at Reason- able Prices--on Reasonable Terms Electric Iron A. C. BROWN For ‘1 cents an hour King George Hotel Block South Purcupine, llnt. Situated APPLY 56“: "3’