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A"? s"! ~‘TK.â€" ’1‘) ‘5 ,$-" Aflfllfl HIM lllll HEATER 'Phone 16 0:00: con: 0:000: 00:0:00 00:0:0 00:0 0:†30:00:09. 00. Mucooozzoooo :o:oo+§++++**++++**+++++++* THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE The Rem G. W. Wakeï¬eld. Church of England Minister of Porcupine re- turned on Sunday from a trip to England. Another Richb Strike at the Three Nation Lake on ISO Foot Level The road from Porcupine to Lake- view will soon be open for trafï¬c. the bridge building and corduroy- ing has been completed and with a little more work will make a line road. A grand ball took place at King's Hall on Thursday evening. Sept. 20th. The celebrated Marsicano Or- chestra of Toronto rendered repe- toire of high class dance music whim was greatly enjoyed by the 46 or 50 couples who occupied the floor. Dancing was kept up till an early hour next morning at the request of several of those who attended. Mr. King will give another dance in a- bout two weeks time. Mr. C. W..\°ewell well known in connection with The Porcupine Drug Store and pitcher of the Porcupine biwebnll team. has been appointed Sanitary Inspector for the Township of Whitney. Among tho visitors to the Mulli- gan [louse this week have been 2â€"- Mr. Wm. I“. Powell. Ottawa. Mr. W. ll. Cook, Cobalt. Mr. W. E. Johnson. Haileybury. Mr. E. F. Moore. Toronto. Mr. H. James. Toronto. Mr. Frank Grach, Cobalt. Mr. Chas. Dentin. Cobalt. PREPARING fflfl THE PANAMH TRADE Shorter Bail Haul Will Increase Profits and Help Business Canal. From the Calgary eorrespmulent of the Toronto Globe it would seem that already the West is preparing f 01‘ INTERESTING [TEMS FROM PORCUPINE it was zlnnnum'ml rather casually about a week ago says this corres- pondent that Sir Max Aiken, M.l’.. with a number of English associates, and R. ll. Bennett. l{.C., M.P., of this city, had purchased nearly all the elevators in Alberta, some one hundred and thirty, to be exact, and that by a vigorous campaign of con- struction the new syndicate hoped to add very materially to the present elevator capacity of the Province. Then just dhe other day the C. P. R. stated that it intended to spend twelve million dollars in tunneling the mountains about Rogers' Pass, which is one of the heaviest grades between here and the coast. Finally, this week in Calgary the newspapers report that Mr. Wheelock, President of a large gas tractor company in Minnesota, is in the city inspecting the foundations of a two hundred and ï¬fty thousand dollar branch plant, which is expected to he in operation by the end 6f next March. shall be divided, part going,r on thrmurh the old portals at \Vinnipegï¬ml Fort William, and part turning westward through new chan- nels to the Paciï¬c coast. Where the division will be no one can say with any degree of accuracy until freight rates have been adjusted and new terminal elevators have fixed their charges. At the coast one econo- mist has dared to write that the opening of the Panama Canal will mean a revolution in the trafï¬c of Canada, the complete turning of a back door into a front door, and the closing of the old gateway at the head of the lakes. Whatever the out- come may be, this much is certain: that many preparations are being made at present on the assumption garded collectively, each of the three projects mentioned simply point to one greater project, the Panama Can- al. The far west is preparing for the Panama trade. The new front door of Western Canada is being built and when it is finished the flood of traf- lic that now flows eastward shall be divided, part going on through the old portals at These are three seemingly irrele- vant announcements, but, when re‘ READY FUR PANAMA TRADE tht )[)( nm tht Illillllll Work on the group of claims at. the Rapids on the Redstone River known as the Sherri" Claims is still going on and sane ï¬ne showings haVc come to light. Mr. William Graham has charge of this property and is certainly showing his capabil- ity in that position. that Calgary must inevitably no- cupy a place in the Western half of the grain-growing Provinces aimilar tu that held by Winnipeg: in the east, and that sumcwlxcrc onthc southern must of British Columbia there will be a great shipping puint with stor- age elevators and abundant harbor space, all corresponding to the twin ports «m Lake- Supvrior. Work in the property in the north east corner of Whitney Township known as the Ireland Vet. has been quietly forging ahead. A shaft has hem sunk 35 feet on the quartz dyke. which is about 100 feet wide, and Free Gold found at that depth. An assay has been taken of this pro- perty which gives $2.70 and “.80 besities 0‘30. in silver. Mr. Corner who is one of the owners of this Vet has. with his wife. gone baa}: to the States for a Visit. and will re- turn shortly and continue the work. Another rich vein of gold hearing schist and quartz was em'onrlered last Saturday at the Three Nations Mine in North Eastern Whitney at the 1.30 foot level. This property is looking more promising each day from a minim: man's point of View and in each bucket of ore brought. to the surface there are showings oi free gold. Manager Angrig'non is rushing work on the surface and will be ready to instill the stamp mill which has been shipped and should be on the ground within a few days. There is already on the dump a lame tonnage of are ready for treatment. Settled For The big Lu “use 11m: missiun law suit hmu; Fuskcn, the Toronto against David A. Hunk Martin, Duncan 311331;; Henry 'i'immius, and Timunins, shareholders suddenly this morning of the trial. The terms of the contract under which tickets are issued oblige all claims to be brought in the English courts where the Merchant Shipping Acts limit the liability of the ship- ping company to $75 per ton in case of loss 01 life and $40 per ton in case of loss of goods. As the tonnage liability of the Titanic was 43,521 tons gross, the liability for the loss of life is $3,264,076, and for goods $1,740,840, making a total of $6,004,915. during the approaching law sittings. They are being brought in behalf of the relatives of fourteen passengers who perished. Big counsel nave acted in the case. Mr. Fasken claimed $600,000, a. 10 per cent. commission on the La Rose sale to a. New York syndicate, while the defendants deposited $50.- 000 in court as a legal fee. 1111'- stead of the $50,000, or the $000,- 000. Mr. Fasken will "receive $125,- 000, according to report. Wh Counsel and clients conferred, Chief Justice li‘ulcunbi'idgc retir- ing from the bench until the con- fcx'cncc should end. and when he was asked to return, his Lords’hip was informed that a settlement. had been arrived at. As no court order was required, the terms were not announced, but it is said that Mr. Fasken will re- ceive $115,000 from the defendants. Titania’s Liability Is $5,000,000 itanu batch of claims against. 1hl< 31‘ saster from London says Lu Hose flotation oom- w suit brought by David the Toronto barrister, u‘id .-\. Dunlop, John Mc- )uncun McMurLin, Louis mmins, and Noah A. me arisin {rising out of the will come to trial $125,000 tcnuinatod the eighth The the