Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 4 Oct 1912, 1, p. 3

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.1 l ’ x . p 3 a¢£i$ar ru§x42 , .t .- . . . .s x.. x .. $.33 1 \3 f... .3. v 1 ‘1 2v '2“ WWWWO”. “."."o"d"o"o" 0 "0‘0"." 0 "‘0". 0' o o . - - - 8porting News 0 o o o o a o o o ............ o o ”O _.0 J... .g’ u. OJO_“_OO-..-.‘-............“-. ‘38“) °.“.°’:“:'°:.°:‘ O C 0’4 .0 O. O .0 O. «z» ”N 084'sz Christy Mathewson has worked! Presidm in sixteen games against the other ‘Amflican three first-division teams. with only itbe chalk an oven break on the campaign. His gm, Cn° retard against Chicago is 3â€"8; 3-; “'3 suns: Pittsbum. 1 win and 3 or go! tame lam: against Cincinnati, +42. 1 Tris Speaker. of the Boston Red 801. the alloround sensation of the you. unlike Cobb. does not play to the grandstand in going after the ball. hilt leaves out all the frills and fancy work. President (’hns. W. 1 Chicago National Base issued another statem he says that any asst might have been Kaine of ‘his first statemmt had been guilty of w} sipntion during the «- ing was wrong. "1- .~; his desire to wiw t} in-g wax wrong. "1- says it “‘a his desire to gin- thc imprt that the club was seeking an ruse for losing pennants. He clams. however. that ho was- clams. nmvcv 'hetter results players WOW for this warm to take new the season of 6’.- WWW? W“? O ‘0 O O 9 $3.. .0 0O .0 O... C .0 o ‘0 :0 Didie lhnrr ins homo thc- piomhip are hrighL lhmm time u. cumli lnrigln. lhnnain “'lll haw plvntx n! time In ('nmliliun liimwll lnl' l'm' race. uml 0qu that smm- llll'l'l' ~liuul1l be no SlPPH'llt'llslhll. Tlu- «lau- has been (li-linin-ly llt‘i'ldl‘d uponâ€"4km l-lth. and with nwr two wwks to get in trim. and m accustom him- self to his. new surruumlings. the 'l'u- ronto soullt-r. who «lid not neglect his training by any means while u- boanl ship. should be in prt-uy fair trim. Many of his lol‘al supporters are talking about cabling over a sum of money to wager upon his chances. 'Ilhoy feel that he has an even chance of winning. and are prepared to 'back their opinions sub- stantially. In any event. lhman will give Barry the battle of his life. :has. W. Murphy. of the tonal Baseball Cluh.has ['3‘ statement in which any assumption which been gained on account tatemmt that the Cubs iltv of wholesale dis- would follow if thc (ital abstaincrs um he had nlmndy hogur M 1913 #9890“ )U!‘ ed ll it was not clos- ion UN! the and That there will he a Canadian Layne hall team .in Guelph in 1913 is an assured fact. The present 'holders oi stock in the incorporated company are at work selling more shares of stock to put the company on a strong financial basis. and it 'is expeeted that in 1913 the Guelph teatn will he sgood as am in lthe lemme. The owners aim to put '(inelph up near the top oi the pen- ‘nant heap. President Comiskey 0‘ the Chicago American League club has accepted the challenge of President Murphy of the Chicago Nationals for a series chamviondfip of Chicago ”a last Friday Washington and Philadelphia. in hattling for second place. hmke the major league record far this season when they played nineteen innings at Philadelphia the former winning by :‘i to 4. The euntest lasted a trifle mure than th< t \\‘( at third on “00”er L'l'flllllllt'l‘. l’ue- in (’nllin~. in trying fur a dnnhlv play (Tullins llll‘('\\' wild and John- sun svni'vd tho winninL' ran. Hit'mmi pitt‘hcd tllt' firgt nino innimrs for Washinctnn. Johnson. who tnuk Groom's pla‘t-v in tlu- tenth innings. was also hit hardvr than l’lank. lnit brilliant fielding especially by Fos- ter and McBride. prevented scoring. Plank. a veteran of twelve seasons. outpitchcd both of his younger op- ponents, the majority of Washing- ton's runs hoim: dia- to battery and fielding misplays. Score 2â€"- )r sixteen Successive mmncs. he ninctm-nth Williams received JIN' un lulllfi. 311d Johnson In a hunt. Williamq was: fr U 'ash ”JRWNKWNVZNKNKKH-fi 1’3 'hila ...(700000103000WKKKKÂ¥â€"4 14 games to decide the baseball first two innings on five hits. . battery and fielding errors and rider's choice. After that Plank l them In no runs and six hits: hulll‘s .‘lcwllm ll four runs 1m In III Besides winning the 1912 cham- pionship in the International League the Toronto Club completed a pen nan! winning season in which not a will alternate each fair-weather between the two cities until ( New York Boston has won the out of seven games necessary t( the 1912 title. Play for the baseball championship of the world will begin on the Polo “rounds in New York at ‘2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October 5. The second name will be played in 309‘- ton the following day. The play will alternate each lairoweather day major league game was lost. The New York Giants. the Philadelphia Athletics and Cincinnati Reds all tackled the. Leafs and got no worse than a tie 2am: with the Giants which went eleven innings to a 2 to 9011087 this Is tnc'quesnon an new York is askingitsclf. and the ques- tion John .I. Mcfiraw is losing much sleep over. The Reuben has shown anythimr but real baseball ability of late. He has not finished a mum: that he started fnr over two weeks. Marquard seems to have cracked af- ter comploting a wonderful moon! of nineteen straight \‘it‘tnrirs. Whvn Mnrmmrd was makim: hi‘ trout re- cm‘d thv fans 01' Now York were vmmrntulatim: Mc-tiruw. and Mr- (Srnw fvlt M'Nln' in thv» fact that thmw against the Bus! Mrtirnw hinN-lt' has 4 close fl‘it'nd that hv i afraid that tho Rnhv um nf the svrivs. In tlv Nulmlvnn is mukim pitch Matht-wmn and tornntt-ly. unless. ut‘ qum'd (loos round I and show signs uf hoi pitch nine full innin baseball. Will Mamuanl start in the world's 'ries 3' This is thc'questinn all New ork is askingitsolf. and the ques- on John J. Mcfirnw is losing much cop over. The Reuben has shown inhim: but real hawhall ability of SCOPE fans 0! New York Him: Mctimw. all socuro in the fan .1 wopdm'lul gouth THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE imls of helm: : full innings «.f ('UUI'SQ v . u m] » f :u't southpaw «m Red 1 on [it'd s‘ *nnfidml t0 fact will in fm’m lhlv plans Ill ) wm muvh left if lit- the! {out arm n] M :u'- :1 ml Tyms Cobb. one of the greatest, living ballcplnyers. and a close student of the glme. has been se- cured to cover the world's sen’cs for The Daily and Sunday World. Cobb has not only the American League doings at his flnmrdips. but also has studied the National Lea- gue. and will write fair and invari- ial criticisms of the games. Cobb's first article will appear in next week's Sunday World. and he will tell you Why Boston should win on their season's showing. Cobb will be in the press box at both New York and Boston when the hm teams meet for the premier base- ball honors. and will wire in a de- tailed account ol each game.” for World retailers. Cobb sizes up the pitching stafi ol the (iiants and the Red Sox in his article which will appear on Sunday. and baseball fans will have the two hurlimr corps compared by the best man that baseball has haul in many years. and it will he read with interest low Wc- ~t v r n (‘mt ml (‘anmlinn Wc-stm'n ('nmlina Mi 1. F3. Intm'nm innal K. I. 1'. League ............... (‘entral International Virginia League ......... Miehitrau State Lemme New York State League New 'Entfland Leanne .. Appalachian League ..... Blue Grass League ...... South Michigan Leamte â€" (‘uttun States ............... â€"\mvrivan \m: Sum}! Atlum ic Tri'Stato LoaL' Sum hem Hl‘ ’l'ht 1! ion I" I‘Il i'hall 1 ml (V'hnmpiuns 1‘!" IL'IH \~'.~u(°imiun mzuln ng'uvs m Vicksburg and (‘ulmnhus .C'SIL' ,IL'U! .vaunu ,muc .(‘fliflfl IL'lN ssm'im ion .(‘iufllc fl'llt‘ S! :I N .CIHIUC mu um Mil" t) 1m ...l-‘un \Vaynv “A )1 l umwa ......... ‘ H t mm ...\\°:llla-\\':Illu ....... ' \mlvrmn Nebraska City ...... Clarkovilh- ..... Duluth ...Rmmokc rue ....\lanisteo tho diflm-m ruin-d Sm:- Birmimrhnm ...... Turumn Sow Ilm'vn lacksonvillo .Harrishm'l: ......Hnustun Minneapolis ....... .1"ti('u ...l .nwronm- . ,.. Bristul ”Frankfort - -â€"-â€".-\Hrian {l N 1‘ W Bus! or I Mn “4' W ; York A solution tn the problem now be‘ fore the Government at Ottawa in reganl to the demand of the pulp and paper manufacturers for a pro‘ hibitory export duty on pulpwoud is in sight. III 501% THE PlllPWllllll Pflflfllfll ille Railways are Willing to Accept lllgller Rates to the Border l! the export freight ram an- uiailv lllL'llt't. and the railway emuâ€" pauim twliew tratlii- (‘Untllllnlls just- ify lllis. the result will lie to make the prin- uf pulpwoml higher l” the Aim-rii'au liuyer. since he must 'L'vt ills supply {mm Canada in any case. I But ecommiie conditions already ;enmurage the manufacture of pulp and paper in ('anada near to the ’souree of supplv. If it is made still imm'e expensive for the American lmills to import their raw product ’fmm Canada. it is believed there will be a steady increasing incentive for the transfer of the American mills to this side of the line and mlvzmt an product . RAISE HA'I’I'IS 1°18 T“ .\ 3! ER“ '.\X HI'YER. (ml UH gel thc finishmi :tntive religious workers that meets :in the Province. The Ontario Sun- Qtlay St‘lltml Annotation includes all 'l‘rotestant Sunday Schools that can ‘be included under the term Evange- ‘licnl in faith and tenohing. olt is the Ontario hrnnvh oi the Interna- étiunn'l Sunday School Association ”which is the hzu'khone of the Sun- ’dny School Movement of the World. 'TT he opening sessions on Monday ' evening, Ut'tulmt‘ 21st. is for mom- " hers of the General l‘lxeeuth'e only. At the same time .the proposal «plantation 0! rates on putpwood to Canadian and American mills should not efim .he price :10“ obtain!!! by the Canadian sellers oi pulpmod, since the sources of supply and um total demand am not aflMt-d. The Government. it is understood. looks on the proposal with lavor. and the Railway Commission may possibly take this into consideration when the rate-increase application comes up for hearing about the middle of next month. for mills The Forty-Seventh Annual Provin- cial Convention of the Ontario Sun- day School Association will meet in Centenary Methodist Chntch. Hamil- ton. on October 21-24. 19113. This is Forty-Seventh Annual Convention lwls (if the (ivnmatl i‘ZH't‘ItiiH' titll)‘. This is the emu-3mm: lunly. It |~ t'umlmsml of three t‘vpt‘i-M'nttttiws ttum vat-h «minty and city mm in the i't‘thtH‘. and is an IHCnl’pul‘flll'ti lmtl}. 'l‘liv pnhlii' part «it the PIU' gt'mnnu- mntinuvs itum ltl o'clock on 'l‘tn~~«lay nmrnim: until l" p.111. on 'l'hm'mlay. and is iitc' ~tt‘ungest !‘\'l'l‘ presented to the constituency. The host vity.ollantiltun. ain't-vs to entertain 700 delegates on the Hat‘- vaml plan (lodging: and hreaklast free). This number has been allotted to the various subdivisions in the Association in limited numbers. All applications for credentials must 'be made to the Ontario Sunday School Association. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. and accompanied by the enrolment fee. 500. Bulletins, outlining particulars, may be had on application to the above ad- dress. the erection 0! new Canadian

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