mom 3 ground wi H h .\ m with ('HHH‘ hark nn a stun?! 'liulw' i.'.i.l' ink" stunt, I will haw something: Inl' the time 1 am idle. the delay and possible loss of other ehauees to make a deal. I understand that when they want stoek on option. they pay sonurthins.r for it but they use the papers to tell us what hard- ships we are puttim: on them. if we ask a small forfeit. This ain't the worst feature of the deal I had up, as the followi'mz which came to my hand later will show you, and you might have use oftihe advice for your own use. This came pretty straight. “There are two ways to deal with that kind of ‘eng'ineers !" I am told. “one is to hand them a slice of the com- mission. the other is tohand them a swift-kick somewheres! I think one could hand him ï¬rst the last and then the ï¬rst and he would forgive you for doing it .’" Turk this under your hat and size up the “expert" when he comes a- long. If he wants °the bullion on the dump with the eagle stamped nil it.’ waste not your valuable time with him. he knows not a mine. With I‘lverlastinu’ hope. here's to the future. en below ('3! lowing letter was sent to the NM York Engineering and Mining .lom nut and needs but little comment a the cxpericm‘c of the prospector giv thv There has appeared from time to time so much advice to prospectors and vendors of mines and DWCH well. not prospects; invasion do not want these; prospects never made a mine. you knowâ€"chat it may be interesting to look at the situa- tion through the prospector's or vendor's eyes for once and the (ol- Glimmering Dennis are lpt tu Vanish When lime for Payment Comes Engineer Bateman of the Canadâ€" ian Exploration Company, who last week with a gang of six ‘men sampled the Dennis claims in Turn- bull, has ï¬nished his work and the results obtained are not satisfactory for taking over of these properties at the high ï¬gures asked. which was in the neighborhood of a quarter of a million. The assays on these claims have been rather freakish. The ï¬rst two assays run consistent- ly and over $30 to the ton. The ï¬rst sampling was made by parties having interests in the claims. the second was the preliminary examina- tion by competent men for the Ex- plogat-iqn Company and the ï¬nal, which gave unsatisfactory and low values in the assays was made by E‘dr. Ba'teman himself. MINE Sillllï¬ PBBSPHIIURS’ IIEW want U mt. truszm' ank down md faith ? mlvnnco of a {My proï¬table indus "If 1 rd to tiring up our ground and he exprcw throughout mt ahnut ; up common and the semi n "It. “'11“! [I ll 1nd thinks h ll “'3‘ are gnmmg motions and ndititm that lsothack tn OUI‘S .4110 w Bill Olll‘ HlSl' the will P W HS it l â€There never has been." declares il.awson. “a stranger spectacle than ithis spectacle of a nearly frenzied :free-andâ€"mual. republic-housed people iraging at incredible wrongs incubatâ€" Ied in their own broodery, fattened in itheir own backyard and sanctiï¬ed in [their holiest temples of justice, by ‘their highest constitution-ordained 'priestsâ€"the spectacle of a people !ragin:.r at their own inabilifv to un- '«lerstan(l the how and the. wherefore of their wrongs, cursing: those vho are committing.r them and railingr at their own impotent ignorance. , “Could the American people have a better illustration of their help- lessness than in this fall's presiden- l 'I'III'I 'I'I.\II". IS IIII’IC l-‘HII I'I‘S III-Iï¬'I'III'VI‘IIIV ! 'I'hi~‘ must he Iu'o-fold : ‘ I “The ï¬rst part In the IlestI'IIctiIIII .UI. the big (‘\'II*‘:HIII the big evil is II ‘gi ":lI1III sureï¬hing' g‘allnhlillg' deVice IIH \Ihith the American peIIpI-e are IIIIIIIIIIIII} Inth of between two and IthIee billions of dollars. This deViee . -â€"IIIIII must he to be eITectixe - Iqu'keII thInIIgII the stock exchange. I'I‘herefm'e. the purpose of our work is the closing up of the stock exchange -it§ peImanent closing so far as Igambling is concerned I itizil campaign .’ ) "We all know a mighty problem Econfrimts us-the Illiflg‘htiest since ithat which screamed from the canv inun's mouth in ‘61. ‘ “Who shall be the.commander-in- ichief. what the battle lines and what 9the issue in this problem ? â€And then what do we see as the "Wilsonâ€"Taftâ€"Roosevelt ! "And nowhere on the banners of :these three oxettopping statesmen a {conect answel to DU! frenzied ques- :tLOHS . -Mw..- _... “The American republic is going to destruction because “It is in the clutches of an evil [MUN STAINS ual high moral strain. He is going to tell the people how they are robbed annually of over two billions of money. In words he is n tenor down of pernicious systems but builds nothing. He says : "It which Thus. W. Lawsrm thinks that. he has been dead long enough an! is starting something again in his us. W flaciares High Cost of living is It Was the Same fllu ireasure Caused By Gambling in island Story 1qu in a futures liiï¬areut Way ll 311$“?! “Nowhere in all this din of battle is there an .intelligible word as to what ‘refonm' will stop present con- ditions, nowhere an intelligible word as to How long red, brutal revolu- tion can be stayed ! “As I have said the ï¬rst section of our crusade is to destroy the stock exchange. â€When the Stock Exchange has 'w -n u’carocx'l the wholesale robbery It is be for- "They ( With )scr 10"! dx' ll HO! do not know what it is the above brassmoun Thomas W. Lawson. the of the people's mm consc- makinx. and, consequently.†myond their power of curing Iran Alfllflifl BBUSAUE ll t‘manc ll veryhot 1'11 [‘1 . .‘\ .\ FOR 11' must ‘ sounding th begins a W ll .\.\'h l he; llill Womlney has returned from is :his little jaunt into Baflhis Bay {3‘ land in the Arctic Ocean, where he mg fwent. with the Captain Mnnn ex‘ re pedition in search of gold. but found 113 Ht not. He was in Cobalt last er :suunla) on his wa3 to the For Lit vuptne camp. having been gone from here since last Ma3. “oodne3 is to 'a genuine. horn in the bone prospec- itor. and has been in almost every 1| part oi the world. where minerals 'are supposed to exist. llc does not 0- 't'nllnw a rush hut lends the van- “ ‘guartl in search of the precious fflllflll NI] Hill] metal. arrived 15!!! of prvssly pn of the people will be at an end, but the low. the possessors of gigantic fortunes will still collect thl‘bugh the inst1'ii'iiielltiaili;)' of stocks and bonds canm out the the party ins: ship. men who The or The craft them and it Luvkv Scum a legal but an undue return on their investments. The Second Section of the Remedy will correct this by com- pelling a fair division with the peo- ple, who at all times own the “real" money of the countryâ€" live billions of dollars deposited in sav- ings banks. "This new (levice, once it is work- ing, will absolutely destroy all trusts, as trusts are now known and all kindred devices by which the few pillage the many. "In regard to the First Section we will Show what laws are neces- sary to close the StocliExchange, to close it as thoroughly to all gamb- ling as the old Louisiana Lottery was closed. lax “But the Louisiana Lottery com- pared wibh the Stock Exchange was as influenza to tuberculosis. Ninety- nine per cent. of the Stock exchange business today is gambling, [three- fourths of this is loaded-dice gatm'b- ling, and it, takes from the people over two billions each year, and gives them absolutely nothing in re- turn .\" 1m! “1 If in anothcr‘dit animal of the d swhich had bee: 0 puddle '31} mi The Captain Mmm at Hnlfln's Land about July in a boat. built. 0 withstand the it", M 's rescue by the uppru: \Voudney was one of went forth in the eunue 11ft came .sleadih tow it “as discovered to IN Bflffllï¬ [Ml] Jam 'U milt .Ilt I‘HIE POR "CPI-NE ADVANCE Ill 1U H‘l‘ .l Vt ice, hm on was crushed it†that was lllt n aft Ull \V d S ,ll award party the L'Ill Lh 3 THIS BANK Low Round-trip Rates in- cluding Meals and Berth 1000 Islands and Return $15.00 Montreal “ “ - $24.50 Quebec “ “ $53.50 Saguenay River and “ - $40.50 Bank of Toronto Steamer “Belleville†Leaves Toronto 2.30 p.m. daily ex- Toronto 6.00 p.m. every Tuesday. Steamer “Dundurn†leaves Hamil- ton 8.00 3.13. and Toronto 5.00 p. ton 8.00 a.m. and Toronto O.UU p. m. every Saturday. Very low rates on this line includ- ing meals and berth. For tickets, reservations, etc., write H. Foster Chaï¬ee, G. P. A., Termite. INTER EST A Savings Account 100 Branches In Ca nada W'c cam supply Rock Breakers, Rolis. Ore Bin Gates, ()re Feeders, Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, ’mll Mills. l'cbblc Mills, Plates, Classifiers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks, Filter Presses, Agitation Tanks and motive l'nwer fur operating: the above. Our complete line Hf :\ir Compressors, Reveiwrs. RCtk Drills, etc. is yarlfcular '_\ up-lodatc and worth your consideration We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE at where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. MINING MACHINERY Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 CANADA fOl Dist: Ect Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert SERVICE TO SAVERS renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. is added to balances half- yearly. is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attravts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other loss. South Porcupine A N D ‘ “Kingston" STEAM ERS “Toronto†Cor. King S I A. J. PARK. G. I“. P. A. North Bay ; +++++++++*++%+%++++++$++++ {v'i'i'ré‘b'i'rb-ré"! Daily service lietween North Bay and Cnclirane operating tlirougli C PR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. l LOC 11 Str\ ice between Engleltart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. N. 0. Agent. +eeae+rai i" Englehart “ADVANCE†I!- *‘3‘+%+++‘"3"§“%â€3"33 Through trains daily bvtween Toronto and "P Timmins. operating through Pullman Sleepers to and 4‘ from Timmins. making connections at Irquois Fnlls I}: for Cohrane. '1‘ Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and 4‘ IEMISKRMING 8! NUBTHEBN flfflflfllfl flflllWflV i NDRY COMPANY, LII The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the TRAIN $ERVBCE Effective, September 15th, 1912 :01: Sts., Toronto. %~*3~+'3~°3"3~~i"3~4~++4‘+ MITED