Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 20 Sep 1916, 1, p. 2

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' A list of the Porcupine men Wiw' have mlnnteemi fur men-us service ninee the beginning of the um at» :am hereunder. As some men Irvin this district him: enlisted {at service with outside units. their names nuv he mining t‘mm the list. and we at: our meters tn supply them us soon as noted an tlint the muster may In mmptetn fur retort-nun aim-c fighting has bommn so strnnnnns in the m. that! held by t‘nnndinn troops. Adamstm. '-'° Adams. 13. r. l‘l'ifi'". In 'L Anderson. .â€"\. Armstmnu. l' Bird. '1'. \\'. Bum-hm. ll. Brain“. A. H. Hrinsnn. W. Burton. (3. Brady. \Vm. Bush. .lnrk Bram-iris. 52:. R. 1 Bird. Ira L. Bradley. I'. Burlap”. 1'. I'L. kil Buwory. M. Blnvk. Andy Brimun. “mid maks.‘ '.. . Bennett. “illimu Baillml. humus ..\ Bonttin. Russ Biosomlml. ('lmrlc Brnskml. Smnm-l Bah-in. llurw Allan. (I 1‘0”. 0'. Brennan. .lnvk. kil Bun-lay. .l. “nrlull, lluwnrd Bnttm‘hy. W. I". Brawn. Wilfrml Hinsottn. L. Hurdvlvnn. L. Hmnln-nn. J. lhxshlivlcl. \\'. .\. “M'Ht‘it. Ruhr” A Hnrkhunsv. Vining; Bunnlignun. I’vlix BI‘HWII, ‘10”. A. Brawn, James lmkvr. Frank Burmws. Arnuld ('hilc'nt, .\. Carr. '1'. l'. (‘nttum Svrgt. 'l'hm. (kilimh ('llilt‘nl. J. I). (‘hau'lmnm-nu.l’. *- ('l°upmlll. 1'1. ('hmnpugnv. \V. (‘mlm'cthn (L (‘hnyln (‘. ('utlnhwtmm. F. (Yhmmmgno, II. (‘11!‘1’. ”on (‘m'mivhuoL ("c.n'pl. I‘Id. (‘lnscn Arvhic (‘lulrlivk H0". ('mig. Erwin (‘nshmmn J. \\. (‘uymx Larry ('mvvth. L. U. (‘iulumi, (-3. (‘lmrx'mn L. \V. (‘ln'istitu J. J. (‘uswurtlu ll. 1'}. (nulv3. J. Lewis ('mm . .101222 ('(2221221'. Jns. )1. Carr. 1). (i. (mmclh. 1'. (012210113. K. L". l"'°.2nsxlurd S. Cam. 21. 15.. "I (“nupmu “’1‘!” (iomilo. t}. (‘ulvcrlmu I! ('ussnn. l;.-(' (umphcll, 'l. (univ. In. ( 'hmlmnnmm. (‘lairmuuh A. (domain. J. l (V ‘2‘).‘1. L. (”Hi 0, (WAC. (H.1’. (Mulls. Julm 1 l umpozul. J. Curtis, W. 'l'. ~:" Farris. Frank Campbell, G. V. ('ulluxu, Hubert (Hue. .luillaum ('mmp. Fred A. Clark. Rufus (‘x'otuqu .lulm Henry (\mlis. Luuis L. (.‘ulemuu. Fred (‘uuillanL Wilfred "unlwl'. ('01 1N5! Dvsc: It t'zlll, Duhhs. \\' Dosulixxm'. lkmfit. .\. hulk-w. W. I)U(‘I~'I‘I', I‘ZIIIIIU Fraser, L. A. Duhoxh. I5. Dulino. Iumos Iksaulnixrs, I laudo Duttzuiu. G. Dndds. \\. II. Dixnn. L. (-X'upl. II. I Desaruoau, L. Dubuis. G. Dachsm'mo. A. Drake S. \V. Dinsmow. \\. H. Dunst‘mmd Leonard Dawson. “:11. G. Drmcott. Albert E. Dunne“, John J. Douglas. 0 .HH‘. rvshm ,‘ul‘Pl. 1‘: ll. kiHvd in notinn killvd .\l M ““74. .1 I“) 73)“ ”varsity. G. W. Biggie. Elgir. H Igio. '2!!!er Ihnmis. El H Hzmnun. I". "arm". Fl (mudv. \V. Hamill. J. (mnrtin. I' (ivnunnilm Hullmmy. J. Hurdnor. llnrnlc Urnulx. 0'. 1'. Graham. Fwd. Gilbert. I‘Igvnn Grimm. l’vro-y Gardm'r. Svnlly (h-ntilv. A. (i. Lnnzi (in-Him ‘3'."“10 Hulluglwr. ('c findin. 'l'. Hrimlly. H. Hihmm. THIN Humhim‘. l.°. (Elfin-s- S- Hnuh'. 1'1. Hurtllv)‘. VFW! “urn-y. Ii. ”:lm'm'k. T. 1:. Hili2-tvmu'. '1'. l’. Hullmul. L. H. Hmwhutm. .\l'('l|it‘ Hay. Andy “wining. J. 5.. killed Hill. Dun- llzu'vvy. ('lms. Uulvruw. Morin-rt Huntley, 'l‘nm Hullmul. Mujnr Ii. J. Hullulul, l'll'lliv Hayward. Paul D. Harris. 'l'ulhortv Hamilton. Jumps llnpkins, Russell Ilulliwell. Ralph Hawkins. I’otor Ilnllamd, (L ‘ Hutolninsun. Hog. Hughes, Owen J. Junu-s, 'l'lms. .luum-sun, lit-rt. .lnhnstuno. H. .lvt't'rivs. Lon James. '1’. .lzwksnn. A. I). .InhllSun. J. .lvrlnvn. ('«luh'. Jullllstun,] . .\\ Jcluics, A. (u. 1135010. Sgt. “on. I”. U. luhuwik. Andrew Kvlly. J. J. Kl'llt')’. (:00. Kennedy. l’. 5.. Killiuus. Rwy Keene. 1. Kennedy, George Kenning. Frml KM'I' I). U. lu-lh. -â€"- lu-zmmh. (101.111 hoary. .\. Lau'llino. J. Lzahm'itvll. . Lavallv. \V. Luvullv. A. Lvmuy. A. Lul’lamv. .l. Lolivvo. \V. Lluyd. ll. Lnugluis. I Luzwiazult. Ii Lzuluv. (' Lal'uso. Maw. Lomux. Jusv Lodgwmd 'l‘r: Lnullm. M. Iums. In. I.(\1lut'\'. ) I \uns. 13. 1.311;. Mar. Lubdt‘”, U. Imznieux. 1" Linn. S. J. Lag“. (i. Lynn. S, Imtenross. Mnnahan, R. Malxéuko. L. Martin. G. G. Munro. John Munroe, Jack llulby, Fred A. Lung. Alma. ( apt. Lubde”, U. R. [.mnicux. lid. Linn. S. J. 11:12:“. G. I \nn. S. Imtemoss. A. P. mes. L. -.(urpl. J. Lindsz. \, Samuel P. Lachapolle, Omer Lille, Jim Lett. Russell MM". .1 urtiv. H mines. I' I“. I'IS. t‘flhnf W. K “it mry Sunk I‘fl 051’] Hi Fran! ‘wfl (killed) M. killvd in action. Flight. Lion! A. A? m ,. $0.9,Q‘J ”aim-ilk Ham-y Hannah. John ”onion. Soc-nu E. Hick. Lama.- C. Harlin. Philip 8. ”union, John Mania». A. Mitchell. An R. Mom“. '1'. llmul I’. bent. B. A. Hill". ll. W. ”Infield. (X Mansfield. B.- Millet, 8. “GM“. To "artifiin. T6 Mansflcld. R Mummy. .‘ Marina. 0 Mal Marin. P. Mania“, ('. Mart-Mom. 1'. Mass". Jack Meyers. J. R Ma'urv. “Milan Maxwell. Dew .‘lnnignmcry. “Z Manvillc. 0'. Murphy. Vincent .‘ltmmo. Jack Mer. N M. Maxwell. "mid Mnirmm. W .‘lnflinmn. A. .‘Iinuml. .‘l. Momunli. A. Martin. T. .‘lg‘lhmnld. M. S. Mmhlliffo. W. Mrl’nngnll. Limit .‘lrlx‘ny. ~. killed in action. .‘II‘I'M‘I‘MM. .._. .‘lvlmml. Donald .‘lolmul. .‘Inlmlm Mvfirnmm. Hurry Mri'nslwn. J. J. H. Mcl’lmo. N. Mel'nfly. S. .‘lvt’luskvy. W. Mrnmlh. \VIII. (30". Mva. Louis Mvhmmhl. “Inward .‘lvlntyro. A whit.- .‘lvt'lwslwy. Jns. Mvams. (Surdun MPIA'MIHIII. lhmiv! Mt‘firt‘gur. J. McKnight, W. .‘lvlmllxm. J. H. Mc-wahrt-u. H. J. Monxrriv. Andre-w Bic-(Wm. Dam Milt-“mm”. H. .‘lvlulyre. S. Bic-Andrew. l’. Mt-I'Im-hrm. [\l‘t'hit‘. dmwm-d. MM'u)‘. Eddie Mc'lmml. Ru): Nic'hnlsnll. Juhll Nvlzmll, Frank Nivlmlsun. Livut Nivlmlsun. J. .‘l ()W'mmm'. H. (VIA-airy. |.. “strum. I’m-cl. Uswuld. Juvk ()'(‘ummr, .l. V. n'('nnhur. \V. H. ()strzun, J. C. ()slmrnv, If. ()lmstmul, Wm. A. ()°('mmur. Neil ()gilvio, \\'. A. l’vmsun. \\. H. lurauns. K. 1.. l’icrcy. ('upt. ('. M. I’uzsun, Arthur l’uttingor. Hurry. drowned. l’ourvv, Stanley I’iISWM'HI. B. L. P. l’uyno. Roland ll. l’uyno. ltulmm u. l’ivll‘n, S. 1’. l’iutrn. S. I). I’urnvll. W. A. l’vtm‘sml. ('. I". I’Mty. Sorgt. H. (X l’rungvloy. Albert E. l’hilbin, S. Palmer. 1'3. l’lnilbin, 1'. Patrick, llvnry l’lmyrv, A. Hit-hard l’.lpilliul). Ned. Phillips. (10”. l’uintor. h'ny l’aluzzi, l). 11111101'\'.J. II. l\(“'0rh. 11. '1. Ri1l1u1'1lsu11. Andre“ R0111, Dennis 11'11111011",uul ("l111.~;tnpl1rr “(1110115011. Angus Rivhardsun, Frank 111111111. 1111111111 1'. R011]. Hugh Rnwo, John C. TEMISKRMINM NflflTHEflN UNTABIB BMlWAV New Train “Natiunal” operating between Ton \Vinnibeg. via (‘uehrnnm leaving Turuntu each Tuesdz day and Saturday, leaving \Vinnipeg each Sunday, and Thursday. ‘ Through trains daily (except Sundays and (.‘uchrune. nmkmg cmwectwns at l’ur pme lh'nnvh pnmts. and oporutmg thrmfg Englelmrt and (‘m-ln'auc. LJII'DILIIIQ. u .v..-. - , (‘nfe I’uior (‘nr service between North Bay and En'glclmrt, daily (except Sunday). Connections at Earlton Jct. fur Elk Lake branch points, daily. (except Sundays). Daily. (except Sunday) services between North Bay and Cnchrnue, operating through sleeping car between Coclirane and Montreal (‘. 1’. Local Service between Englehart and Cobalt, daily, (except Sunday). For full particulars, so T. 6: N. 0. Agent. .‘l . W. A TRAIN SERVICEâ€"EFFECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. Lirut. \V .l. M. will '1‘ THE PORCUPH'! ADVARCI A. J. FARR. G. F.P.A., North Bay, Ont. (-excep t Sundays) between Torontn cunncct mus at l’orquuis Jot. for I’ux'vu- . opcrutmg thrutfgh Sleepers, Toronto, Operating between Toruntn and ’I‘I- -_.. , current time-table or refer to any Reid. John fluid. l2. Rm 1‘. Raymond. P. Rm A. Bad. Albefl W. Roche. l’. J. Nahum Oscar Rutherford. Jmph J. Ralph. J33. R. Ronald. Jnlm 3. Staff. mllnn 3?. Denis. l2. SI mughhm Stonghkm. MMCQ r. Slain. T. Sander. I. Smilll. l'. '0. Shanna. lam. Smith. W. N. SIM-elm". Phil Smith. 0. R. MM‘t-nstm. Thus. Sullivan. Jns. Smith. Lon. Simms. A. P. Spam, Clan-nee Simian-ll. I". N. Slmllmn. James Saugun. H. 81'". '0. Son. R. Sou. R. Stvwnrt. A. Swwt. S. (3. Salkohl. Dighy Slukm. “m. Sm "mm. In. Sinumm. l'rnnk Smwru. (3. Stark. 0'0“" Shum'. 'u-‘.l|r'i'. Smith. I". R. Smlwrlmul. J. Su'inlwrg. 'l‘. Simmill. Just. H. Strum. R. A Slvvmmm. 'l‘hmt. Shivhls. “'illimn Smith. Arthur SvhlvnmIlt-r. (Ion. Slum". I.. II. SmIIII. ArvacI Ste-volts. II. Sutherland. M. (I. Sim. IImuma Spiv'oIImItc-r. .IuIm SIIIkC'III. “I"IH Sub“. (Ivu M“. SHIN. (Ivurgv Stark ”.u-Il Frank ( Smith. AIM“ Sullimn. .I. Ii. Hugh-Inn. I» J. Smith. I'. II. SIMIIM". . ..\I. swam. .‘qu. Slqur. \\'. Ix“. 'l'ihhitts. Virtur (Killml) 'l'm-wus. ('lmrlm 'l'm-r. Wm. 'l'mhl. Livut. 'l'lms. 'l'ulluu. ('. 'l’nrmm-v. 'l‘lms. TilM, Hurry . 'l'humpsun. Alvx Thomas, Svrgl. A. l}. I’. 'l'uylur. J. S. 'l‘uylnr. “'1". 'l‘urluniu, G. 'l‘lnmnpsun, John M. 'l‘ullmt . l'lnwry Tripp. Niclmlls 'l'url'us. Neil. 55 555. .f 55.. 5555.55 55. 5.55555. _ 5.1555.r. . . 55. 5.55:5. .5:_:5 75535.: 55. .155: 55.. 2. 5535555512.. .5775. 55 55r5._55._5_ :. 55. 5. 525.555.555.55: 55. 55 535â€"5535. 7. 55. :555. 55 5:55:55 55.27.5555. $55.55: 55.55.55: 1. 55.5521. .5. :. 5.555.575.5525. _... 55.525555. 5555.55 55.55:. .555: 55.â€"5:55.55. 1. :. 55.5.5555. 55.. ._.. 3. 552%.? Z. .5. 55.â€" 2555.555 .5. 55.55:5..<. ._:_:5. M‘.vp~â€"â€".fino H.4o 0‘. I'dull. H. (L l'lptun. R. Valencia. Virtur i'rxmk (Suuthemh 11 Tuesday. 'l'lm-rs- Sunday, Tuesday Efiflifilfikfifiifififififfifififfig'flfiéfififififib‘ifififi Efi TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 Hotel Connaught RATES : ’. C. H. SIMMS, All mmlvrn (-om'vnioncus. Amm'imm I’lun, Mining and Commercial Men Real Estate and Insurance TIMMIHS and SOUTH PORCUPINE Mrs. Frank Home, Pronrietoress . G. DICKSON SOUTH PORCUPINE Timmins Representative SOUTH PORCUPIN E $2.50 to $3.00 Phone 30 P.0. Box 319

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