Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Sep 1916, 1, p. 6

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Timmins Red Cross Society Report It was mun-d by Mrs. Saveton. semndedhy Mrs. Pritrhnnl. and unani- mnnslyaclnptmi. “That all hills he paid by cheqm', drawn «m the Im- perial Bank of ('anada, and signed hy the (tenant-Pr. at in her «hat-mo. hy the prosidvm. ' ° _- A- The ml" weekly meeting of the Timmins Red Cross Society was held on Ammat 29th. It 3 o'dock. in the (‘ounril ("h-tubers, with twenty in atâ€" tend-nee. "H "3 "M"! the lnumll Aug. 15 . Thematings M the previous meet inn wen road, ,npproved and accept ed. ’l‘lw m QIIIHIIIEIIIIHIEIIIllllllllililllllimliI!!!iliiilIEIIEHIEEIIIEE i. "mSi‘l.l.fl'ii!l!l'ii'llW! lllfiiiiiml' l!!! 13!! I31!2’Il'lmmll':iiEllilfillliimlliilil' treasurers. t mmdixm Rm! HELEN \'.\.\' Harlin-I sultl Mrn. Hrumgh l"|nnnv| suL' Mrs. Sum-tun I’lmmvl suld M N. Wuml- Hull THE MINISTER OF FINANCE ulTers herewith, un behalf of the (lm'ermnent, the above named Bonds for suhseription at 97:}, payable as fulluwszâ€" 10 per eent- on appli -atiun; 31) “ “ ltith October. 1911'); 31) “ “ 15th Novexnlier. 11116; "72‘- “ “ 15th December. 111113. The tntal allutment 01 hands of this issue will he limited to une hundred milliun dullars exelnsive of the amount (if any) paid fur 11y the surrender nf hands as the equivaâ€" lent. ()1 eash under the terms of the \Var Luau pruspeettts 01221111 Ntn'emlwr, 11115. The. instalments may he paid in full on the 111th day «.1 Uetuher, ltllt'», or en any instalment due date thereafter, under dist-mint at the rate (if fuur per eent per annum. .\11 payments are tn he made to a chartered hank fur the eredit ut' the Minister n1 Finanee. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previnns payments liable to furfeitnre and the allotment to eaneellatiun. This loan is authorized under Art of the Parliament of Canada. and both principal and interest. will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of'applieation may he obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the ollice of any Asswtant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit. will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the October instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as Amman 1" Issue of $100,000,000 5‘1 Bonds Maturing lst October, 1931. rvlmrt of the Tim- l ("mu Suvioty fur PAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA. HALIFAX. ST. jOHN. CI'IARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL. TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA. CALGARY. VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, lst APRIL, lst OCTOBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. hills s the meeting being made hy “3' Mrs. S. U. IDA "Ll NH. 1.1m )JHI Hi ivorirk, sov- . “That we a fur the "U A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON lst APRIL. 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. or FINANCE, 011”“, September 12th, 1916. re! a ry Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. bury ...... Flannel sold Hrs. Jannefl Mrs. “1' I’lmmol Mrs. D!- l-‘lnmwl Mrs. .‘ clors . . . lhmmim I’Inllxltiull. ('lwlpunl Flannel sold Mrs. [Mam Life mane herahip. J. M. ('(tth.. 20 yds. flan. nel sold Mrs. Sum-hm Annual mam. lwmhip fees. Mrs. .‘Idnnis «In. Mn. Shorrxrn . . . hmmlivm. I'I. ('llxu‘lulmis . hmmtiom. W. H. ('l'nzzs . . . Annual mom- :m'rship I'm-9:. Mrs. Skawlvm du. Mrs. Slum-r clcrs hnnmiom. do. M rs. l’rilchnnl . . (‘0. .‘I fit. .‘I rs. Snmhm «In. M rs. M rs. Smmo «In fl \m bra: 1111 in (‘1111111111 subscriptions and issue (lvpnsit 0f ton por vent be forwarded thmugh an inn .V. . l'umwr WAR LOAN ISSUE PRICE 9732' L‘ Lam: | Mold 1- hum: sum Smm- M rs. Mrs mmummmuumnmmmnnumlmummmmmmnuIImmnmmuuuumumufi 3.5.00 1,0“ 2.00 1,00 2,00 2,0" LON) .J 31m 2.00 UH UH NU I!" tn principal. nr for fully rogistvrml lmnds, whon prepared, mllmut columns. 111 :u-mnlum'c “’1“! the upphcutmn. l)olivor_\' uf svrip m-rtilimtus 11ml of bonds will be made tliruugli tlw ('lllll‘lPI’Hl banks. The issuv will lw vxvmpt, {min Rimsâ€"including 33y uni-mm.- l:lX-llllpn.~‘(‘(l in pursuance of lvgislutiun ('qu'lml by the l’:'.rl!:um~ut (ll (’uumln. 'l‘lw lmmls with i-nupous will lw issm-(l in «lvnmninutiuns (2f $100, $500. $1,000. Fully registered lmmls witlmut (-uupmis will lu- i:..~i:ml in (lvimminutiuns of $1,000, $5,000 ur any :mtlmrizi-(l multiple ul' $5,000. coupons will he lrrlit’tl 2n denominations Ul blah)”, o:o),\)uu or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The lmncls will he paid at maturity at par at the ollice of the I‘dinistcr of l’inance and Receiver ( icneral at, Ottawa, or at the office (if the Assistant licccivcr ( icucral at Halifax, St. John. ('harlottctown. Montreal, Toronto, \\'innipcg, ’wgina, Calgary, or Victoria. The interest on the fully registered honds will he paid hy cheque, which will lM‘. remitted by post. Interest on honds with coupons will he paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will he payahle free of exchange at any branch in (‘anada of any chartered hank. Subject to the payment. of twenty-five cents for each new hond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the (.lenoniination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one.quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. No commission will be allowed in respect of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King’s Printer. 2) DIN-id «in. Mrs. Hangman! . A s s o r i u‘ t e mombenhip fees. Mrs. Tailliml . . .. Animal mm hership fees Mrs. Power . l'. “'minms. do. Mrs. W. M. Sen “'ch hnldl’m 901d. ‘h‘fi- Sunder . . . ‘Vnfl‘ hoMPrs sold. IN Long . . . \le hoIden said. M n. Prih‘lmrd . . “'mll ImMors sum. M rs. 2.5. .2â€" 1.1. 5.2.3:; . .. 5...:â€" 3:53.: 2.5. vâ€" 3. h'th- . “mu'v Hull “MI Mr ’niul per mu- m (mush) . IIIHI «In Ink "HIS has"! M Mr M (ivkvts "H'Ill' .‘Irs M rs. Mul- M rs. 3|rs .\!t TH E PORCUPINE ADVANCE I" 35.:ch 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.!!!) HUI" I") Ni South Porcupine Patriotic Society The mguhtr meeting of the S. l‘. l‘. S. was held an Thursday. September 7th. and mmlurtcd in the usual luau. uet‘. with the wire-president in the chair and fourteen members being present. With murh regret the mig- uutiun ut' Mrs. Proud {mm the office «I' «mu-um- ut' the lmmudry ('nmmit‘ too. .wns nmptml. and after all the husim'm was pmtuptly clistuml uf. tlu- mot-ting ndjmmwd until Septem- hor Nth. 'l'hr ”mm-eds t'mm the re- fmhtm-uts served at tho lust morta- iug amounted to $7.15. Thu- umuth- ly n-purt uf the trousun-r is us fut. luu‘s :-â€" Hnlnnm‘ 1m lmnd. Mania-whip foes Sulmrripliuns . . l’rurwds 02' IN! . (Errat Britain has c-untravh-cl tn Inkv l'rum Australia “HUN." ham «1' Mar vmn-vntratos and 45.00" tuna ul' spc-ltvr annually «luring tln' lu-riud ul‘ llw war and fur tvn years aflvr. Huh! 'ur {INUIIS ( HUGE METAL CONTRACTS “93th fully submitted. "ELI’L' VAX DARLING. “:an sold Mrs. ”uric! . Bundled in Rank ...... prim Disbursements. WWI Mob 1 Receipts. iliiiliilliiiliiil '1. W. W l I mm Q‘Mxfifl 12.46 Mum» 90.72 47.55 Tmsnmr. [05‘ )XI St-c-x'o-Iury 16.50 1533.18 9900..”ONO06000OOOONOOOOOONOOOOO”OOOWOWOM QOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOWOOOWOOOOO mo 300000OOOOOONOOOMOOOOOOOOOWOOO00606900 9999009000 In“ It...” Wu A» W. “and Inn m on Gum "MN. 00000 You get all those miiiimiiimits and but" still you got a visitor“ that is (‘Iflt‘l’l‘lfl {min the usual mdrmmlo shirts. Pyjamas and 5‘!“ “ohm made under similar conditions. HOBBERLIN TAILORING Steaml‘itter. Sheet Iron Worker. Cornice and Sky-light Maker. Smoke Stacks Made to Order. AGENT FOR HECLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. THE COPPER CURB AND MINING OUTLOOK “mint; rospnmlcnts in all the leading Mining Vamps. THE NEWS SERVICE IS FRESH, ABLY PREPARED AND COMPLETE. From «me humhcd mu] titty to hm hundred and lift) Smur’itios and (en'mmatiuns me disvusscd in cuoh issue. Ewell number rurrivs an 8,000 to 10,000 mm! urtivlce un scmw hi! mining property umh-r the: title 01' “lioxuamws “1' Grant Minna" THE COPPER CURB AND MINING OUTLOOK mmtains in- furumtiuu su preparml as to Show its effect an smellritic-s. 4O PAGES [*‘ur NINE YEARS the lo ND \‘01' EVER REALISB WHAT A TAILORED TO )IBASI'RE SHIRT MEANS? . Brazeau, Timmins A. Brazeau PLUMBER ALL THE CAMPS P.O. Box 262. ANS the loading authority an Mining aml'Mining Scrm'itius. Sample Copy an request. ISSUED BI-WEEKLY (not cum load on. One Dollar Annually FROM Ion-Izaak! Ti m m i n. Phone 51. UHS mr-

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