I!!! PflflCUFIHE MWMIBE TEDN 1". VT! “TI (H .If pcnmcnt again he "hoped this. cxlwrienvc Ht ('UUS. I" le;l( “Father went off in :1 this mnming.†said the 1 . “ Hvaveus!†exclaimed suddenly remembering. minds me. I forgot to) : any money . 1113.15 0! Hmsv (‘0 we of the must the kind vvor at sponsibility of u been very great. net-imam itself i Canada Unitcd S Lodge Ca Prof: Radian Noticzs rt rum u! U QUE! Pub] I! 1 States .shed awry Wednesday Goo. Lake, Publisher l\‘ :y of all engaged in it ix: great. So far as the o itself is cumivornod it 1-: undertaken. It is tn I 1 Q s time with success. with t. E'S of the past as a guide. al m n COOPERATION .' result «lullars m. 1' None .lttmnptc all cm: ' off in a good In: said the daughter H pprm in! ‘l‘l'l .uul inun}J iguutic IU‘UJN 32.00 n year 33.00 a you H m 39 0H ONTARIO at the reg ll 31H the mother, “That re- 52; him for d Cards. D0? 3'? “'0 or (111 H "C the PW bx ‘OOOOQ00096000....“OOOOQO90.90â€.“OOOOOOOQOWM Canada’s Wood Pulp ; Exports to the US. i ut' .lnhn “liver LaGuu-c. and issued by tlw National Gougmphic Sucicty as a bulletin in connection \vilh'the U.S. government's enquiry into the in- crease in the mst of news paper. Hwy txm-‘tinh :1 billion pound purtod int†the rroasv in the rust nl' news paper. The pulp ixnpcn’taticms fu!‘ 1915-16 have been 180.000.000 pounds less than for the previous twelve months. yet the mnuunt shipped from Canada to the U.S. during the past year was 130,000,000 pounds in excess of our (b 30! HI"? 4 (-urdm 18 id Pot-apha- Apt'x . . . . c â€36.19an: . . . “"an Extcnaiv .‘l M \T * 'wlilil'lin‘ «If tH' Inuit" li'ulnlli‘f’x pnumh ni‘ \Vuml pulp â€11-. n tho I xiitul St: Itvs dining: your. :Jld med in the man- M‘ 1‘ paper. mine 2mm (.anuda to a vmnmunivu!ion from The Mining Stocks tu me we H Mini: lI (‘UIUI M01 ml States durlng used in the maxi- une from Canada munimniou from c. and issued by Dixie Society as a H "T ‘l‘.l[ ll M ll c Slwdanl Stork M M! hr Hnmer I.» (lihsur 881“. High. MrLuud, Roy. Lessard, Roy. \anloy, John. l't’lll Smdnr, Stlulur, Studur, W. 'Parras. Neil. Marchan, A. Dupuis. A. More Names For The Honor Roll H "0“ ï¬ll" mm m m ll’!’ â€ll! ll W a _\' XI t'rum (‘zmad ll Letter ll l_\‘ muliu w the year Just Hus F 0le! n!" the 1.13 nt'pnlp impurtml by 0]. M. Max. \\. Ix. NW )(‘( pnwn 0‘ H I! "I U I) *0 per cent Sweden. iomcr L. Gibson 5: Co H lim l'l M. li "8 while most uf NU l'nl m 103m ADVAIGB ('U‘ti mm Ill Hvx ‘l N l ll ‘n't UH HINUH) It 2'" ll 9.10 Royal Exchange 3163.. Cobalt Phone 58. Ostromer 31:13.. Timmim BARRISTBR WBYI should 8U tvr chera! Agents, Ozaposite PD. 'n‘immins, for further Particuaars ll I'E THIRDLY: Part «11' Int number [“11111' in the Fifth (Nun-ossiun uf' the said 'l'nwnship ut' Whitney. being registered in the (â€The of Land Titles at liulimbun as Panel 4580 in the Register fur Sudbmx. \Vcst Section containing by udmeasur-c ment t‘uxt) 301123 more 01‘ less. THIRDLYI Part 01' In! Fum' in the Fifth ('um-ossiun said 'l'nwnship nf \‘Vlnitxwy. registered in the ()ft'ioe “1' Titles at Ilulicybm‘y as Parr FOURTHLY: The nurth - cast qlfarter of the North half at Int mun- her Five in the Fifth (‘tmoossiou ut‘ the said Townnship of “'hitney. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIBS. l\'( RSTLY “I THWIHHI!’ SBCONDLY PIPTHLY: The\ \urth-‘xscstquax- Tn» few, but M â€w many. hereforc. I will take for mine B MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA mcnt thir LLWAN 8: NEW? ll . W. Mahon tlu “In t SOLICITOR‘ fi IN 96 -100. onta nth IICC' ;. ii'th 1'1 property of NOTARY PUBLIC ll Whitn lblic tn (1 (‘1'! 1161135 ll tario rtl 'urrumt yofS H NU) tion s l’an'vo} Sudbury zlcl!ll( HH't ll ll I! Ul‘ NOOMOOC-SGOOOOOO 00031 0.00092000OOEOOOOQ:302060§¢§6000§09W WOWWW WOO-O. w 2 BRANCH omce; comma 11* 11011211531111. Porcupine 3 WWWW $000604NOWOO€ h Sixth ( in the sum 'lmvnsnu: ing registered in the Titles at llaileybury in the register {01' Division. 10-123 in the H Nul'tll Divisiul watt There is s: pmpm'ty the improvements 1. Manager's Hum-,0, six mnmns: 1 hauling House fur thirty men; 1 Stable; 1 Blacksmith Show; 1 Hoist house and compressor; 1 Gallows BIGHTHLY: 'l'in 'Aï¬ï¬AY BVENTHLY broker Private Wire with Direct Connections with Ti m m I n unvcssiun. and Opposite GoHï¬elds Hot A. S. FULLE km int uuxnm-r l‘nul' m nwcssiun, and land under 1' 1mm of Tim-c Natiun's said 'l'nwnship “If Whit- ugistorml in the “Hire of at Ilaileybm'y as I’nrovl Register fur Smllmry “M :Y: The Suuthâ€"west part mt number Three in the ssiun. and land under 't of Three Nations |.a|;e,, .‘mvnship 0f Whitney, he- -cl in the ()ft'iee nf Land lid 1†fulluw anlx- 3mm: 64.. hone 33. Branch Ofï¬ces:- ins, South Porcupine, Schumacher, Cobalt, North Bay and Berlin. KC Toronto am! Cobalt FOR ALL. (we and Custom Sampling Plant the (â€The nf Land mm as slmrwl 101.3 in: Smlbmy. Nulth In.» on tho in: buildings H COBALT " .. , n T115110 l'l le .acility to handle a strictly ommission business. ll(‘_\' ontinu 1131 PHONE MGOOOWGOééï¬w‘Cï¬OOONON'Q0000M )l't (‘tl by ll A} Cfl__ H H (10.. BROKERS - Tmmms, om: “09903090999090.0992302. Repair Shop on Balsam St. E UM). (mmr “allmf â€DUI WOOOQWM llllll Dated th (111‘ For I'Euildings, Sash and Doors, {cpaiz'ing woodwork of all kinds Picture Frumings, (5w. Indium RADIUM U! GENERAL CONTRACTOR ij ().\' GORDON H. GAUTHIER, 1 South Porcupine, Ont. «1315' K ESE rtl Tom: to at 4ulivitur 1'“ at Sunth of August. ()l at“ M \'( for 1110 Murtgagce. l’uroupinv, this 1:51. 19113. lill ll tu mtzumn si'lv 1U) rm. “1' “HIP mid «luwn at lullunvz- with ', with inter- property wifl H ll mu X('(‘ HINTS mm- nilvrs ap- -~H) Iâ€. My 10