II! missing {mm the list and we ask our readers In supply hem as. soon lsï¬oled M NH" the muster may be complete fur reference, since ï¬ghting hag boron“- m strenuous in the m‘ {jun held hy Canadian troop. A list of “w Porcupine men who lave mlunleerwl fur menus servin- niliee the Unginning of the war up. jury hereunder. As some men from this’disirirt have enlisted for «nice with outside- nnils. their names may Ad.mmo "“ Adams. (3. F. Allison. l’. H. Andfflfln. 1‘. 0'. Armstrong. Preston P. Minn. (f lloivin. llnrvvy Bird. T. \\'. Hmwlu-r. 11. llrvtmn. A. ll. llrimum. \\'. llnrhm. (3. Brady. Wm. Bush. .lm'k lit-swirls. Sat. ll. ('. llinl. Ira l.. llrmllm. l'. Harm-11.1 . 1. killed Bower). M. Black. Andy Brinlnn. llm'itl Bmuks. 11. S. Bennett. William Baillml. Jmnm A. Beatlic. Russ Biescmlml. ('lmrlvs Brnskvd. Smmwl M. Hall, J. Brennan. .lzwk. killod. Barolny, .l. Burtnn. Huwnrd Matterhy. W. I". Brown. Wilfrm! Hinsottv. L. Hurdvlmul. L. Ikmdrvnu, .l. Hushtivld. W. A. Hurtlvtt. Hubert A. Hnrklnmsv. Finlay Bourdignnn. I’vlix Brown, “on. A. Brown. Jmnvs Baker. Frank Burruws, Arnold (‘hilcut. .\. Curr. 'l'. l’. (,‘uttun. Svl‘gt. Thus. (killwl! ('hilcnt. J. I). ("harlmmwuu. P. ('rnpmm. l'l. (‘lnunpugmu \\'. ('mlurvttv, (3. â€my“, (‘. ('uthbortsun, '1". Champagne, ll. (‘urr. an ('m'miq-hzwl. (‘urpL lid ('lusv. Art'hiv (‘lml'lit-Ic. Hug. (mi: . I‘Irwin ('x'uig. I'Lrwm ('zlslxmzm. .l. \V. (‘uymu Larry ('mvmll. l.. ('. ('ivlmni. (i. ('lmrl'un. l.. \\'. (‘lll'l;ill(‘, 9'. .l. (‘nswurtll, ll. l'I. ('zmlvy. J. Lewis ('au'vy. .lnlm ('uulwl'. .lns. M. (‘unu l). (l. (‘unm-lly. l“. Connolly, h’. G. Crawford, S. Capes, 11. E. Cooper, Corpl. J. lentilo. G. Culver-19y, ll. Cusson, l,.-(‘urpl. Campbell, T. C. (‘hmlhln ( 1 uig. l'. ('aslnmm ('uym'. L ('mvmll. ('ivlmni, (Jame, Ii. (Jharbunuoau, 111. Clainnunt. A. Coleman, J. 11. ('utcs. L. Cute. Ii. Cute, A. (‘yr. 1’. (‘uuliau Juhn J. ('mupvam. J. (‘11!‘1is. \V. 'l‘. Farris. Frank Campbell. (i. V Callum. Rubm't, ('otv. Juiliamn Duchsunnv. .-\. Drake, S. “K Dinsmnro, W. H. Dunstmd Keenan! Dawson. “tn. (2. Dravcutt. ‘ lbert E. l)"l;2‘.("‘, J in o]. Cramp. Fred A. Clark. Rufus Cretney. .lnlm Henry (Yuulis. Louis L. Culmnun. Frnl [‘uuillnnl. Wilfred [)l‘SPHtQ'JZ‘l. .\. Dosvhmro. J. Duhbs. \‘.'. S. Deb‘uli:l<‘!‘. U. Duust. .\. I)0uglu<. I). Dallm‘v. \‘x'. Docker. Eddie Fraser. L. A. Dohcrty. l3. Dcdixw. James Dcsaulnivrs. Cl Dottnvin. G. Dudds. \V. H. Dixon. L.-(‘urp] Desnrmoml. L. Dubhis, U. {v 1%.. killed in 30mm. ‘0â€)1. E. Claude II. R M Fraser. Andrmr FI‘HM. Frank Arnold Ferrari. U. rrmwis. Jns. H. Firming. Jam. 5. l' erin. “( uric)" â€32mm. I". J. Garrett. Frank (wildyo ‘VO K~ Fraser. Fm «er. }.I" '“‘o P. hi». A: F. law. Jr E'I‘P. 1‘. Hum m. .l. (hwrtm. l'. "I‘llmminn. (3. Huilmmy. J. Harohwr. Hnruld (irole. .l. H. (iralmm. Frml. Gillwrt. I‘Igmm Grimm. Perry (iurulm'r. Srnlty "NINII‘. A. (i. Lanai (irmuior. A. Gnuhl. L. H. Gallagher. ('iu'pl. P. (imlin. 'l'. Grindly. H. Gibson. Thus. Haulhic-r. U. Gillies. S. Hugmt. J. Hmlwin. J. M. Hurtiv. ll. “Halli-3'. H. Harris. l.. \V. Homlv. IR: Humhy. Fred Nu m In. Hzmmwk 1.". Huiwmw. l. l’. â€Mlmul, 1:. H. llurdnmn. Arrhio Hm. Andvb limiting. J. ,killcd 1hâ€. Dan: Harvey. ('has. llulcrnw. Herbert Huntley. Tum Hullund. Man 1%. J. Holland. Ernie Hayward. Paul D. Harris. 'l'nllwrlv Ilmniltun. James I‘lupkins. Russell llnlliwell, Ralph I'luwkins, Peter Ilun'flld. (I. I! N l: msun. “1 z. 11.:im (hwn J Srimly. Hubert (killedl ..'.Hm'.~'. 'l'lms. .lzuuicsnn, Bvrt. Jnlmstnm‘. R. Jvi'l'rivs, [mu James. '1'. .Im-kmm, A. l). .Iuhnsml, J. Jerxuyn. Chas. Johnston, J. \V. Kelly. J. J. Kelley. (:00. Kennedy. 1’. 8.. Fli Killinns, Roy Keene, 1. Kennedy. George Kenning, Fred Kerr, 1). G. Kelly. â€" Kennedy, Gerald A. Leary. A. Lau‘lzine. J. Lahnx'itvh. Luva‘llv, \V Lavallc. A. Lemmy, A Lzll’lzlno. J. Lvlivvo. “'. Llnyd. II. Langluis, I. Lanciuult, \ Lzullu'. C. Lumse, Mac. ‘ Lomux, Joseph 1‘: Lmlgm'd. Frank Imxallvy. M. Lynnx'. I'I. Lang. Mata. ('apt. Imbdvll, U. H. Imxuicux, lid. V o Lmves. lu-("urpL J. Lindsay. Samuel P. Lachapeile, ()mer Lille. Jim .nm, 5. .1 411gâ€, (3. Jun, S. mtmu'oss, U 11 n m'uc, asoll . 8., killed in action. t. (3m. Amlrvw hn TIarvoy Flight Livut. II. I}. Subscribe Now Maxwell. Duo Mnntgnmory. W. Manvillv. 0'. Murphy. Vincent Munroe. Jack 1 Maloney, 3 Marina. 0 llitchell. Art 3.. Home“. 1'. Hunky. Idea! 8. A. Hill". H. W Mandela, P. Mansï¬eld. B. “in". 8. Morrison. 1'. Mansï¬eld. Ronald "kWh“ P. MIMI)“. C. .‘Iarehioni. T. 3109.30. Jack Meyers J. R. Moot". Gordan McKay. ll. M. Maxwell. David Momma. W. Marlinmn. A. .‘Iilluml. .‘l. Mrmuull. A. Martin. 1‘. Mrlhmnl'l. M. S. MoAulifl‘r. \\'. Mclhugnll. Ideal. McKay. --. killwl in action. Mrl’lwrsnn. -- Mrlu‘ml. lkmald .‘Irlkml. Mnlmlm .‘lc-llrnunn. llnrry .‘Ivl'uslu‘n. .l. .l. H. .‘lvl'lu'v. ll. .‘lrl’nrly. S. Mcl'luskny. W. .‘lvl'lmlll. Wm. (lon. .‘viov. Innis Mcllmmltl. lluwnrd lenlyro. Arrlniv le‘lwsm'y. .lns. Elle-Manna. (lurclcm Mela-nuan. llnniol McOrcgnr, .l. McKnight, W. Mrlmllnn. J. ll. Mc'l'lnollron. H. J. McQunrt-ic. Audrmv Mcl‘ron. Dan Muc'lhnmlcl. ll. McIntyre. S. MoAmlrow. P. Mcl'imehrml. Arvllio. drumml Mct't'u'. Eddie Nivhulmm. Julm Nvlzum, Frank Nit'lmlscm. Livllt Nivlmlsmn. J. M. (H'mmur. H. ().'4('3|r.\'. [4. “strum. Frml. ()swuld. Juvk ()'(‘nmmr, J. (‘. ()'(‘mmur. \V. U. ()strzun, J. C. ()shnrnv. R. ()lmstoud. Wm. A. O'Connor. Neil Ugilvio. W. A. I’m-suns. Ixâ€. l.. l’iorvy, ('npt. ('. M. P0250". Arthur l’nttingor. Hurry. dmwued l'vul‘t'v. Stanlvy l’ilSWUI'HI. B. L. 1’. l’nylw. Hulund ll. l’mu'snn. \\'. ll. l’nynv. linluml U. l’ivh'u, S. l’. l’ivtl'u. S. I). l’urm-II. \\'. A. l’vtvl'n'nn, ('. I". l’vtl‘v. Sorgt. II. F. l’rungvlvy. Allwx't E. l’hilhin. S. l’nlmm'. I'I. l’hilhin. l’. l’utrivk, llvnry l’lmyro. A. [{ivlun'd l’apillinn, Nod. Phillips, Goo. Pointer, Roy l’uluzzi, l). Ruttcrv. J 11. Rogers, L. '1‘. l{i( hardsun. Andrew Reid, Dennis Rutherford, Christopher Rnbertsmn, Angus liiviumisnn, Frank liulltil, llnrucc (‘. Reid, 1111in Iiuwc, John C. IEMISKAMINM NflflTHEflN flNTABlfl BflllWflV New Train “National" operating between Toronto and “'innipeg. \‘ia Coehrane. leaving Toronto each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, leaving Winnipeg each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Through trains daily (except Sundays) between Toronto and Coehrane. making connections at l’nl‘qlmis Jet. for l’oreu- pine Branch points, and operating through Sleepers, Toronto, lt‘nglehart and (,‘oehrane. Cafe Parlor (‘ar service between North Bay and Englehart, daily (except Sunday). . Connections at Earlton Jet. for Elk Lake branch points, daily, (except Sundays). Daily, (except Sunday) serviees between North Bay and Coehrane, operating through sleeping ear between Coehrane and Montreal C. P. Local Service between Englehart and Cobalt, daily, (except Sunday). ~-.--..â€"... I - For full particulars, see current time-table or refer to any T. N. 0. Agent. TRAIN SERVICEâ€"EFFECTIVE NOV. 28th, 1915. Limit. \\'. THE POICUPIHB ADVAflCB A. J. FARR. G. I“.I’.A.. North Bay, Out. Reid. John Rodent. 1-1. Roma. 3. Rochon. A. Raymond. P. Ryan. A Head. Minn W "who. I‘. J. Rn‘wflmn. 0901f Rutht-rfotd. Joseph 1 Ralph. J13: R. Runald. John 3. Start. Milhm 8|. lk-nis. E. Slnmuhlnn. V Smtm‘. 1". Strain. T. Sumter. L. Smith. I'. '9. Shawn. lam. Smith. “.. ". Sheehan. Phil. Smith. 0. R. Stovonmn. Thus. Sullivan. Jug. Smith. Lon. Simms, A. C. Spam. Clarence Stockwell. I". H. Stnithors. James Snngim. Ii. 89". IA Svtt. Ii. Stewart. A. Sweet. 5. (3. 31mm Snlkvlil. High)‘ Stukvs. \Vln. Svymnnr. i2. Sinnmm. Frank Smwt‘u. ii. Stm'k. .inhtl Shuno. i..-t'urpi. L. F. Smith. F. R. Sutherland. .l. Stviniwt‘g. T. Simmill. Just. ll. Steven. R. A. Stow-Mun. Thus. Shields. \Villinm Smith. Arthur Sc-hlmnnllvr. (3m. Slimn'. In. E. ' Smith. Arnuht Stovvns. ll. Sntlwrlnnd. M. G. Sim. 'l'lnnnnx Spingolhulti-r. Jnhn Snlki-ld. Dighy Si-utt. (inn. \V. Svntt. (ii-um? Stm-kwvll. Frank (Sunthend) Smith. Ali-x Sullivan. J. 1'}. Singleton, L. J. Smith, I". H. 'l'ihhilts. Vivlur (Killed) 'l't-ovvns. ('lmrles 'l'uur, Wm. Todd, Livut. 'l'lms. 'l‘utllm. ('. 'l‘urrmu-v, Tlms. fl'ilwt. Harry ’l‘lmmpsun. Alvx 'l'lmmns, Svrgt. A. 1' Taylor. J. S. Taylor. “’11:. 'l‘urluniu, G. 'l'hmnpsun, John M. 'l'ullmt. I'Inwry Trim». Nivlmlh‘ \\'vruirkc-. Mikv \\:l|u|*1itltl.â€.(s. \\ lthwmulw. J. “tundra“, 1n. \\ Into \\ 111mm “'ilsun, Swan “fake, 1’. \\'atts, J. R. “'nmlwurd, F. \Vhitton, Jack “'ntt. John \Vhittun, I". II. “Tight. W. “'ilsnu, '1‘. G. \Vilsmx, l\'. J. “'lwvlvl‘. Hurultl A. Yuung. I". J. 5.27.. 7.. ’4. 3:13;. 5.15:... 711:: 7.. 5.15:... .r.__: 2.7.1.: (4.4:... 5.. Z. 131:1“. l'lptun Vellum-in, Yirtul’ North Bay and Euglohnrt, W A . K g Note--Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done m.wmw¢.mw.m.m â€WWâ€.W TIMMINS Phone 65 P.0. Box 186 F. C. H. SIMMS, Hotel Connaught RATES : See GEILS Before Buying your Winter Outfit All modern conveniences. Amorimm Plan, Mining and Commercial Men Real Estate and Insurance TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE NEXT DOOR TO CANADIAN CLUB CAFE Mrs. Frank Home, Pronrietoress ,. G. DICKSON SOUTH PORCUPINE Tlmmlns Representative SOUTH PORCUPINE $2.50 to $3.00 THE TAILOR Phone 30 PD. Box 319