Gen. Lumbvrg, who is well-known in vamp as the “master of rambles," is very likely to leturn to ramp and start an ulytwdai‘e restaurant after an absence of over hm years. THE I’RI'OCUINE ADVANCE (â€iv other mmlrm-lmzx \x'nrk r2!!! 5w :arriod uu thrnughuut thy wimvr muuths. A star! will aim hr made :11- must immmliatoly on tlu- nmv surfzu-v plant \vhivh is In he installed at the head u!‘ the main shaft. There have been no further devolupxm-ms nt' great importance so far as underground work is mncerned, but rapid progress is being made in the drifting opera- tiuus, and the ore bodies cuminue tn show their ramerknbly satisfm-tury values and widths. Hams imx'v um .I' thv initial mil ('unsulidzzlml. and have â€I0 fumuhlli Mum all New Plant For West Dome Con. rumm that (. Hu- the llullingm' that Hm but I'm.†tans 3.1," â€no }umitiun « 1.60041â€! must rm} Tim 4' Is! 'Hlo mm; W its 5.0004qu 1 plvtml h): the put. in!†119v. quarters ul' 1: roprvm‘ntvd l»; mill mhliliun. l'mlm‘gruun: in: up all Hu Stllidallml [2mg law]. 'l‘lw size ynt‘lwx'ml X'l’nm vatinn. t.» m» is 2.000 in! h «annuity daily, are aim»: The superstructure v. ill “inn-r and the marl stamps and (on lulu.- mill; sux'iets, will In: illsmllml n tiun in upcmtiuu next .lm I'lullingvr ( busy-Inuking «ï¬red men an almvo grnuud. IH‘V ynexpected Opportunity ' For Youth of Ontario CI" U! V Vol 2. No 44 rum 300 [um XII m: iu- pm H lu- Hr day. 40 from Hu ['1] with 1 all daily ms. it “'1: U! (‘UHC'H "38 WE HEW Mill MEET Emma strip m mill cumin h in get the ul' this re new mill BER fflï¬ï¬‚ï¬mï¬ï¬‚ mnnth “'3!“ ('Ul {I mi“ uf ll by 30 fun! ,l l‘ “OW Hf ml St H mum. ll cvlitia ms fur H it Illnllt mun 7.: uk ll Xll' tl H HS tl pmpusm Ill t! nrk \Vt‘a't HI. and that 'czld_\' fax“ it. WU mt II :t It? I" curried ' nut h. l "(1‘08 “S llu mt Ih‘ I“ ll Srhool Principal Dowler is very anxious these days to get his svhool going in full swing, but owing to the moving of the old svhool to make room for the new one it is impossible to get all the classes started, but he hopes to start them sometime this week. mmv assistant 1. Hollinm‘r. These must impurtant, : more aggressive 1 develupmont in I well as a bigger 1 (U be established. (“Ullll’all Hamil It). â€I Hullil: C. H. Pairier Not Leaving the Vipond ft tonsiull shortly Halli llllq ltllllfl (WW that [fl 9‘1 “:9th HRS hm Ill :mdvd tn Supt. Globe. Mr. ('. H. ’uirior, .whu has 50 ably managed the fairs ut’ l’m-rupino Vilmml since the mummy was urgzanized. is t0 be- .mw assistant m Mr. Ulnhc at the lullimzcr. These staff changes are .lluws. xtvnsum uf md Mt Mam '1'! Will lllUVt h H’UH 1' the pmpused vlza‘nga IIIIUI' (‘unsulidutcd stuf! 'uumlatiun, and is thou; aa UEEN mm m m mm 512311 9mm mastiti- Hu- Jupiter up“! start nu Hm ( )llml ul'e bins urmmd two I Mclntyrv prnpuly. The man- nt."Jisxniss Hw story hy saying: ig: prupvrty like this has to In :3 m-w sh‘ilzvs all Hw limv It rm} In! ll (‘1! r0: m ’lllt “t m ll H report It witl flu llin pp l( nu Ville. brukcr Uil‘m :ll th til ullmllda t _\‘ H‘ thuut uuthuritx zlllti ll: H 'gzaniZc-d. is to he- †311'. (â€who at the ‘9 staff changes are as they barometer a plan ut’ undergruuml the near future, as mizw than ever suun ulu It}! mup ulwml ux'v hmly fnl‘luvl' oil: was hit at l le't HHS bk wt. «)1 l’nrt ut‘ the HM ndlinu‘ >:_\'.~'1:'m i. UH nrupvrlws Imu- hllyiug “1' Me- ‘0 “1' days. 'l'lw 12,000 10125 :I better than in mom. (if the uffirt Mr. llmuiltun H Mr] nlyl'v- l':.\' v mum! I'lu'lm ut' the mine (-ilzll (It ,l ,V I! tL TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th. 1916. Stork uf made a “I. un- uruntu plahins, fun)!!- in the . with- tn IS 15 1mm In t4) 0 1t FHl'H'l‘ll lXXING. Timminsâ€"Brisson was safe when Shepiey threw high tn first. Pemro fanned. 11. Pierre drove a hut liner at Sb'pley. who completed a double Schumacherâ€"MvAmlrews flushed out a Texas leaguer, stuole second and third. McIntyre pupped to Neil. Brennan grounded to Lessard. who fumbled, allowing McAndrcws to score and the batter safe on first. nut farmed. Mum: threw nwn to 59mm! tn «Itch anun stealing, the hall :10- ing to vvntw “Old :1: ul Xulzm Ivar]!- ing third. (“uttcy tanned. Sheelmn walked, but was nut: stealing, Brissoh to Neil. Nu runs, one hit. one error. play by throwing Brissonu nut at first. No runs, no hits, one error. .‘Wlmnxaclwrâ€"Aulzm s tween first and 80mm] fanned. Smith threw hi; Hz) in Slwploy gruu Intyrc (akin; thl'vlwml f: 'l'ummns was safe ( t 11v: 1 ('ivult Sum 1| I'II mm sums warm _ an muses sum «my 00W" 215 rm: Timmins Defeat Schumaehe: IUWRSHIE 4 m 3 in Weekend Game! Ensff,’ its, «me crrm â€HUI Ml! mviully in IH l'(. IL as nut ll H‘ ’l HUN inhuman WIN .‘w’l°2(’().\'l) INNINH munin.~z-â€"- ll. I’icrr-v. King. 50H nil struck nut in in l't H Hm ll ml iH‘HIH um! um grounded nut. Sheploy h. ssanl taking: third «m the wing on :1 passed hall. . mug an :1 pzlsm yploy In ('ui‘f'uy (ll'umu H muwm. wit Hut-Mm". fur DI'U'H mohvl‘ st 0211i hm} FIRST iNXle HHH) INNIXH I’m-um) {mum hixamnv orrnr. hull .10. and “'1'“! M sm-uml tn the plate. Hrissun's k :1 had hound in front, lm! )h'lilligutt was nut 11 lmmv uh the play. Bris- .~'m'uml on tlw put out. third and H'Hl‘t‘tl un 1W0 M H UK \\' 1m m] nut tn third m when Imam: :ulvunm'd In '1] humm :u‘t'ivntt 's HIP Wt M r I “211311 iihsnu (UH ‘ut't'vy t'tttttli'd, but he third strike. (Yur- : and Rat-vivutt third. Smith clumping†tho l’lm‘vv. lw lath-r Smith In m'ht flt-w HI “THU†[55¢ ll UH litth H «Ill I'll! SIN (mo run nul I! SI‘ISSUI H'ISSU the 3h In set (an il. l.’ t'umh ('Hllll time ()!l(‘ ll “Nd nu .\lc-.\ IH'OV CHilgnl in; :1 HIN'UIN‘ 111mm ('nl'lll NIH plzl)‘ l( Ill! ('uf Sill’ll .\I« ll‘ em 011(1 any. 0H «m but u! Schuxum-lwrâ€"Xcplan ram-hm] first when LOSSEH'tl t'muhlml his grounder. Harteioutt fanned. ('ut't'ey out, Les- 51ml tn Pierce. thm rem-hing: third on the play. Neil knm-ked Sheehan’s line down and by a snappy throw got the runner at first. Nu runs, no hits, one error. ‘mm mu: moan run us: must DURING nususr By inningsâ€" R. H Timmins . .. 3 O 1 0 U 0 0 0 0â€"4 6 Schumat-hcr U U U 1 U 0 2 0 0â€"3 6 'l'immins-vll. I’iorrv t'zumwl. King gut a life on Hilt't'irutl 's fumble “1' his grounder. McEHigun fnmwd. Xvi] walked. Lossm'd grounded to Xulan. fun-mg King 2‘ hits, one orrm: llu (‘l‘l’nl‘ ln Munrrlu l'vy grounded tn lwsszn'd. him :It first. by :1 g’mHl 1m; l'mpirc llassit mllul :lw run Shvclmn walked. filling the l) Amh'vws singled Svuring :uul (‘nl'l'cL the latter being 1' l' ['1 D 1'5 SIXTH l.\'.\'|.\'t:. 'i‘imminw-Smith hit t'm‘ hm lmsvs. itilti Lt‘i‘fltl'ti. .wlm 'am Mr him. tnuk third tilt at passed ball, but was t'ttllg'itt ut't' tlw hug uml run duwn lwtwwn third and lmnw. Multityro tn Nulzm tn Mt'liityrt- tn Nulam. Hrissun t'lvw tn MvAmirt-wsfl l’vvul't' \vzzlkmi. but was ultl stealing. .\'n runs, um.- hit. Alulrvws singled svuring Hawk-0H and (‘ut'i'qu tho latter being: mt'o ml :1 (.1050 «locisinn by ['mpirv Gihsun. Mq-lntyz'c nut. Hrissmn in l’iorm'. 'l'xvu runs, twu hits. um- vrrur. EIGHTH I.\'.\'I.\'(}. 'I'imminsâ€"W. I’iorvv i'uulul nut tn lemyrv. Smith singlml m‘vr slum", :md l.(»ss:zu'«l running: fur him want In 5000!“! m: :1 passed hall. and stulv I'mu'hml gruumlm at H l' In!†â€H†mm l'auuu (him! 511'†HM hi1 m (‘l'l'ul'hk Svhmnm-lwr u Xvil. )1le ’ul' {059.3111 Xl' III! In ('n' it HI l'lmmms ('hun NIH!!!" “HI Ill!!! lu't \x'm'n l'n‘ wallkml. (' I third. X um H‘l'(‘( uith :ml slult .\'n runs. Mci‘llliguti I'li( Neil was safe .mszml t’mmml \\' h Mrl'llli Slï¬Yl'IX'l'll IXXINH H'PH .\'l.\"l'll l.\'.\'l.\'(:. C l! u-Iwr»)h-Amlnwvs I' )h-lnlyrv struck nut. ('(l. but Smith drnmu he and Brennan :1 (‘I'l'1 ) 1‘ fix Shflplt'y 1min}! li'unncd. .\'n FIFTH !.\'.\'l.\'l: â€">-â€"-H. l’ivrw hit in Hunt â€1' ml .‘lvlmyrv throw him ulll King: was hit by 1‘. pitvhml :“iguH l'liul ulli in Bron- wzls safe nu (‘nl't'vy's or- H'l‘ .\'ul::n UH Kin gun will \‘izl walkml. Lt'r ll†1 WW M nl ('mnul third in fr: it Hll'( I'Ulllldt‘c INN U I'llll l'mmml. “am an Xvi] lot '11 his legs. A-sszn'd. wlm gum! margin "IN“ 0!" .Ul H l'llll wad nut tryin ;. um: hi1 Slu'plvy um- (-rrm‘ pnppt Illiil‘fllll. In runner 5:12 l'Ulll 0 “INS. IN) mw hit (‘0‘ â€'4 (' H'Ul'h'. um “I R 1505. Mt nl I'llllï¬. H†Imsszn'd. 1m hits, R. H. E. 1| mu m lvlu puma ('H his ('nfâ€" haul hut mm l('(' '(‘H' HM 1m H tn H iFiremen Checks Serious Blaze in Rice B‘i’oc 115' in Hm Swimmm-hvr. Alt-ll UHIH‘ ln-mim-ix.:_' mim-s :mm Lake. gives it u gum] (-hmu VPIUPiI'l}: imu smuethiug \mr \Vul'k will he started : ramps are In by built and 1'†mediate future prnspmstiug done by «liamiml drilling. Mr. (ieurge Rochester uf bury is the uwner. A. G. lh'uugh. whu has hm-n :i resi- (lent of vamp since. the «awning, will in the near future depart frum 'l'im- mins and the North «wintry. and will locate with his family in Lumlun. (hit. Mr. Brough is going with the Toledo Scales ('o.. and his headquarters will be at the above place. votvmn lnt an «m the cast. ' WUX'k «lune un «oludvs 1““ an it\' in the 81-} (k m Coniagc 5 Company Now in Porcupine whi. akon UWIISIIH'II w M01250 2! NH L-vclupin}: the Am-lun'ih 1 nurth-eastorn livlnm ith wry rummaging re ill um- «lulv In twlmimlil it am.- Mr. .ll') HH‘H simuhl xhnultl hill :15: 110151“! 'l‘lu 'm- i Q 1 ho 'IHI WSW E? MERE BflSES THEME-WT BV JHHBE iiflmï¬‚ï¬ llllll‘l this I“ 115.5171 H the plnvv Hf â€IO 'M' 5mm. tinw pals: mg the Anvlun'il l I'mm tinw in H u- In :umtlwr until ll UH tlu , In! Him] by 1 date was fixed w'vlvlvmlu-r. Mr uprvsvnting tlu at tho hearing: Mt .am't ur the :u-unn l tho (‘nllC'llln‘iun (I! â€is HHHHI' stzliml much with it." ms is «lvtorzninml to find pmpusitinu in Purmwinv l'( “W†the Ill His Hut “'0“ \\‘ «If tn lumw win 'l'istlalc H‘ up! in“ :mpany Him: t! |:l\'(' ill’l a lengthy wtlwr tho ' South l’n H lllllHll â€puny «m 1110 I’m†in}: thc Svhmmu'lm' 0 has Hut been muvh pmpcrty, which in- mt, its clnsv proximâ€" u-lwr. Mc-Intyrv and :uim-s m'uuml l’om'l SHIN! lll'E'n’ J "(I \\' l Ul‘ [mist until llu W l HQ 517.09. (H‘H MI mine at ISI 1‘ Ind n â€I urth while ll In! at once. fur HH- im- 1: will be it Imw mm.l HIM H !(' has lwcn I pm} port ivs 'l'nwnslnip Its. 11' is ll' h H It l‘t 1.1)] M' m (ll up Hailey- H‘ 1! HH- Hwy NIH! imlgl 1' HM HY 'H amt l'l'u llllll, ' the that IWII 'tlill; H‘! hilv fur Hm tho "IX â€MW nuln \n-I :10. it mK tn uf H'H ll- pen mt m1 of shul‘H)’. 'HHH tmr)‘ â€1' the that the m (lrnppml. Thv ate-am mlher. which arl'iw-J in ramp sumo twu weeks ago, has been taken nwr tn the Dame Mines tn have repairs made. as it was inumssibh: tn keep it an the road, and after get- this: as far as the Ray Hill, it was de- vided tn have it hauled by a twm, ra'htr Ha. I. use its own puma. The V’ipond Merger Rumor Revived umhly. 'l'Iw maumgvuwnt ul‘ lmtil 3m» lu-rtivs have tlw prupusnl in huml and mum-thin: is quitv likely tn «Vanuatu slmrtly. This information is tlu- mu- tmrv ul' the general belief. that is, m tlu mm pr: 0“! H Ilu- mu t'vm u n W plum awn illllcvllllil‘cl with $38 \\'( W du. hm millml. Hum. limo pussihh Avvl'zlgo \‘zllnv. ()n- trmtwl (tun,- Royal Cammission Visited Gold Camp IEHIHEID H H IN nu I\' m} I'izll It ul Single Copies 5 Cents Iin H'H WI!" n! in: at muumitut innnml iwr prupm'tios \an'king .\t 2.15 |).m. Hwy Iv: (-iul train for the Dome lm'uum â€1 dvu 'N'I'HH M mot: tml Hwy n] sum] will: a fair that the «Mill in l’urvnpim- Yipuml 808315 F93 THE TM} {9337 PERSIHS H H‘ â€H‘l‘ mpx'gel' MIHS in '81 in [In llt slmw "ding: Hu' . Whit 'Illlh‘lfll tutusllll ('ullllllls spm'iall :IHl‘)‘ :1 liill in 6W3. an Eock Sat. H'nle'vssmg \" :lut-lnmlt of Ir \\' .ll. ('05! \\' Ill-arty v; unwillur ' w llnllin rsmn't “If. .w-rv fir: 101‘ pmch : given Hm Hf Hm )‘vm Since HM wnt the W tlu \u HI am mlvm “N: H! ll nthlx 5|!) “I provmu 3.1 IHH ('m' Y“ “H W â€I0 â€I \'H 1H3] ï¬lm ’H m \T’l‘V ll â€3H U ll H 1“