Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Sep 1915, 1, p. 8

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.ur. rrnux nun-nu J. P. McLaughlin \x' mtmm'tiun there m up business with .‘ Tinnnins. Um‘ Hf t'vt- mm nrlisls" of 1')" what WC.’ will lm wlwn the snmv o muhilvn nrv rum mumlm zm- rumnuu. “mu": ND sufc Mum! "mm rmmin': [1 Nu- Hpoml with whit-h mm 01‘ hv up the mmls ut prawn! mmhln nun-h ummrtunity fur HWW to (won [Hurt Mr. I’. J. Mnrkny is n n! the suit department 1 Laughlin and has had 0x periem'e in the panic-u whirl: he is :33va main» Sump “no macaw nt' 'l‘rmlv IlH‘Mill‘: 0mm ('mn:uiz~:~aimwr tlwir inspm-tiun \‘i tnkvn (cm Hw Q.'l'. lwst uhlo In (ln an his!" and Home “(-quwr” of that c-ovtiun and tho r unly tun willing g: livmmos. ('d c‘ rmw [rum 'I'IIIII'II I'I-III IIIIfIII.‘ IIIIIIII'I's Hl IIIfII I- II~I III III! I’IIIIM'IIIH’HI‘I' lH‘IlI'llIL: IIlI Imi- I'IIIIIn III “III IIIIIII Ills'IIIwIIl l") IlIII llIIIIIIl III' 'l'I'IIIlII III IIIIIII‘ lIIs‘I llII‘I'llll‘.’ IIlIIIII IlIII Hlllt‘lIll‘ IIII III IIlIIIHIIIl- III IIIIIII IIIIIIII II lIIIgII IIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIII. lI Is III lIII lIIIIIIIIl. lIIIII'III'III'. IlIIII II WIIS IIIII IIIIlI' IIIIIIIIIIIIII lIcIII' liIIIIIIses III-rII III IIII IIIs- IIIIsIIIIIl that. the lIII'gII 11550"!le was IIuIIseIl. SIIIIII gIIIlIIIrIIIgs IIIIIl ('VI'D IIIIII‘II, IIxIIensiI'II. IIIIgIII III be 500“ III all “(and III' 'l'IIIIlLI IIIIIIIIIIgv. IIs IIIIII lIIIIlI is IIIIIIsiIIIIIIIIl IIeI'lIIIIIs IIIIIIII iII- IIIIeIIIiIIl in II IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII 'l‘IIIIII (‘IIIIIIIIiL IIIIIIIIIIIIIHI' iI' IIIIIcIiIII:.< are regularly attended by IlIII IIIIIIII' busi- ness InIIII forming the “MINI. Burke there, but on a hearing: being given het‘nre. Magistrate Atkinwn the ease was dismissed. Mr. Sheridan proving that he was agent fur the prmlneer ut’ the fruit in ('anada and eleal'ly |DI'(D\'(‘tl aim» that he had per- feet. right tn sell-as he was withnut a transient trader's lit-ease. It had been a Inn}.r standing.r matter he! ween Mr. Sheridan and the anthnrities in t'uhalt hat «lunhtless this «leeiainn ut' the Magistrate ht“ settle the :ztzhjeet altugethet' tmw. mam! It may he inn-rusting: tn quilv n fvw in the «lish'ivt In loam that n charge ut' selling fruit l'rum n freight car at (‘ulmlt on (luv '1'. x\' .\'. U. trucks was made last \vvck lny ('IIiM' ni' l’uliov Burke there, but «m :1 hearing being Q mm hid OTIS Mr. Fr Mt ri'l £36 "1' I’IIVIIInIIII J. .\nlnn. IIIIII «If Fire mlnn. Is IIgIIiII able In he fnlluwIIIg IIII IIperIItioII which III|\ “I'm IIIIdI-r III the hands Mum” and Dr. “Men in (no I III Timmillsl. ml trmtml. tlwn gin-n " 01' that twn lu-r «mm. o mu! tlw rvsult might lu- willixzz grunting: ”1' run! I “I" T immins News in Brief M’INDH 1 Mrs. K Inquire mar PrimS on Yam- Present Requirements TIMMINS RETAIL MERCHANTS :QSSUGIATEUN 0f N'tnrkwell nf the sin" nf it is to Your adv? ' age to before sendi' ‘ out of town m “’38 0 fan from km: Is mm ’. Petehenky return- ’tenmon after I four in Chicago and New Pf their recent n eriving 0n the sftt .‘lnnday. \‘isi' Hwy dis” dean's lus‘ Mn Tuesday wlwn DIIH’S 11ml NH W Hm- tn rull I'M In M \\'u in quite a fvw that n vluu'go freight our at U. Hawks was .Ilar SUI!“ writ 0 1' PM”. mm- ight Im the ”1' run! bot-r Moxie fl" it in" "I" ('l’lf film I lu‘.\ II amt.) IHRN ulmu HI - msv Imrn Mt in!“ 1k!“ H" mum Hu When In "('11ng I .\Hm r0 \(‘le‘ih ”In" ‘0 tlispcm'cl M' :1 «Jon lander in‘mlvnl in eggs front I! hwnl mlnislnm-nl impmu m Nurth ”any. IIIIIIIcrmIs In ”low is likvly (-xtrmlcd lIiIII mtu “it! I his (-fl’m-t Hm! mmtlu .um-n m 'l‘mmnns \‘clmt mm b" IN! Thtatre real fun land in , Mr. .luhu .l. ('ulhm prom-hm! last Sunday murnin: in n gum] ruugrvgu- tinu m ”w Anglivzm ('lmrc-h and will tulw c-lmrgo u!’ “w wrvivos lwrv vvvry Sunday mm'ning till I'urtlwr Imtivo. Althnugh Hut alt-tinitvly >14th it is lmpml tn Imu- 11 Visit I'm"! the Lord Hislml» n!’ the Him-030 :I WON; frum Sunday. but mmumwvnwnt nu this “SmHy” Shaman uf Um McImyrw Mine smfl’ slipped away very quietly mo day this week with his Inst 1001: mmn Hm gold camp as n hau'llelnr. will In- manh- \Vlmt ls lil‘nmiswl In lw um. “l. the must enjwsilJe tlllllt't‘S nt' the sexism: will he held in the l'uinn llnll. this. Friday. evening. t'ulluwing arrange- ments imule hy Misses l). Legree and A. thigxiun. .\n exeellent ui'ehestru llflw‘ been engaged and supper will he at twelve u'eluek. lhmeing is expect- ('tl ln emmnenee at nine u’elm-k and at large numher of invitations have been sent nut tu lueul ladies. while the pusters issued in the town will incli- eaite tn untieipnting gentlemen ;the terms cm whieh they may seeure ml- iiiissinn. 'l‘ht- Hum-cl ut' 'l'raule haw taken up sv's'vl'nl muttors M) which hvmetiuinl I't-sults haw hvm; swan hut then- is “no whivh they «In nut svmn yo! tn hun- tmwhml. Imr oven tho lh-tzxil Mvrvhamts' Assmoizniun. This is the questiun ul' l'rw «lvliw-ry ut' I‘leu'vss at 'l‘immins. There Is no rvusun whatever why this slmuld Hut ho dune When the size nt' thv Mum and its i'uturv gruwth is c-nnsidorcd. 'l'hzlt sltvll :1 shurt «listzmvu us noml he mv- ox'ml by must ut' the express «leliverml is vhmgvd fur is (-crtuiuly unwul°°zmt- ml and as mvrvhnnts an": ttw must nth-elm by this it Would swam tn their lwnctit tn try :11th sot-11w at nuwdy. The Indies 0f 1 izwicty wish M n the girls at 1 'ur the use uf rlnirh has hem] fluid: is being as n mmwfliun wit Im'lltl)‘ In unurm‘.’ \nmls fur '«Ign: v! H 1'! um 'I .‘l r. \V \I l" c Indies nf the lam“ I ty wish In extend Hm ‘0 girls III the Gnldflel he use «If :1 «Wing I has hem lumml I I is being used wry In mun-lint] with NI!‘ Wurk is” v n-hn' nmrriw 1 In- an “Vt 1V Mo mkmg u\'('|‘ *Imloy \\'( I'clm'mn-z l‘rio ’Hlll H'N «m In- nowl." in N’l'l'C “(I Mkinsun mu w were m unul' C'll'! lwr drug the lnml Hod ('mss vxtcml Hwir thunk.- Ihe Gnldflt’h‘s “0201 a sewing machinc I Iumwd them and mod wry honeflrinliy ul' c-irmhm-d tn the 1' drug sturv may he lvvl'uu' lam". Frum I'm-d lwa oliITm‘vm Nurthm'n ”Maria in the guld rump mm the gruuml uml suiluldt- plum-s um] lg: up. Vwi" ' n mu] [It‘d in am hi: is uf the Hmpm : Tnmntn a maple unulemuing exam : picture (mental ssful With a first will 1‘0 m a hillâ€" 1 and despite the ml in eluding his 11 his departure quite n roveplitm rvmrn l'rnm ’l‘nr- xwm’tirml brillo. W o‘ |' W H" sh". \ l'zfllfl mm a Fm- If.’ a mum 01' um and flu- i'uur mnmhs Mr! M yr: ('rcm‘ l'immi: mnrmn st Week 21 Day term" age to do so "Tl IRS or The store of J. P. McLaughlin will feature this next week the Scotland Woolen him: min. which run in price a: Eighteen Dollarsâ€"no more sad no less. Mr. J. ‘1 Allan. I’ptor of the Preshuerian Church rum-nod Tan :13} 0. this week from his mm “'0 wick 9 mania: and will again take WHICH AND “HUM WANTED with priwm- family by )‘mm'; mzm. Nun! lmhits. Nu shift Wurk. Mail lmx FUN HALE-"Hulny ('url'inge in first- vlnm‘ vumlitinn an rumiunnltlv pl'ic-t'. Sanitary Swami banality. Suulll l’urvupmv. L Thuitre on Sunday night 'l‘wn ur tln'm- furuiaalu-«l nr unfur- nished mums in prim“- lmuw fur "Hill and with with ymm}; (-hilcl. Writv ‘ ' Huums. " Admmw (Mice, 'l‘ilmnins. .\ gum]: ut' minim.r vluims 1' m rlnsv In tho l'ikv lmliv p pert; 'l‘uwuship ul' Dvlum. 1r? ' dis; ull vquimhiv Ivrms u frcspon: party. Addrt-ss ”Mining: ('lalil rurv ul' .Mivmu-u Mlivv. 'l‘immins. REQUIRED-J’in Humlrml “(film's nu )lnrtg'ugo. Alpsnlutc sel‘urity. Lilwrzll inh'rnst. Add“)?! 'X.\'.Z.. Advamw ullico. 'l'immms. (W‘FH 'I'IS .\l univilml mmlomtv \Vilsnn. 'l‘ \\'.\.\"l'}'Il)â€"â€"\\'urk as gum] general t'ul'lwutm' and inside first (-1353 “001‘ M’l'fllk'h, l'lxcollvnt rvpair \vnrlcm'. \Vl'ih‘ Mike Martino», Box 2593, 'l‘immius.1_ WANTED AT 'FIMhINS. CARD OI‘ THANKS CLAIMS FOR S .\.\'l) Mums In M II Building, 'l'inuuins. rum. Apply," T. 'l'immius. mg rluimsfisl‘ merit, Lnkv p ‘perty in m. zro ' dispusal ms ‘1“? 'cspunsilflt: “Minipg 1 'luinm,” TH F. PORCUPINE ADVANCE "E J §EMPIRE 3 Universal Pictures each Night. Usual Prices 8;} ’@@@@@@@@@£3 @W@@a2@§@@@@@ " r 3.! 7x u~b1~ «fig? -. MONDAY and TUESDAY g 5" September 20th and 2|st PICKFOKDS m 5 REEL DRAMATIC FEATURE TIMMINS INâ€"~ Efififi‘fi

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