HIE NRBUHIE ADVANCE HINTNN Ilium“ qlistrir ally n their fm their Humgln lwnrinu fur t when 'mmm mm 01ml}: Unï¬ted States mom an HIM .\lt FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER H blihlh‘d and lhv 1 mum THE BOARD'S DILEMMA Gun mum: of censurix ‘i’znrs road that (-unt'u 115. 'l‘l Hf-m .\ rvszden‘. flirted the u! Puwnpino :u‘ mutter big place. So 1' Minb‘ ml}. 'Ivortising Rates Furnished 1N ’ublished every Friday by visit tn l't ï¬nhsoriptiun FOI’R EDITORIAL CO} IMENT unt'usu “01' (f W l'kt It ». we, Publisher 1h ll Phone Mm .1 Y “ch indivntiulm 1 (“'1 »f the gnld cum} 1' day that lmth Timmins would 5 ::m'dag:ratio:1 at as the first 1m! will re SOL‘U {clllt no v.31 m 1 u Minister 01‘ Del: RM»! 82.00 a your 83.00 a year SH )[a‘ It (km 9H] 1 int†t at ONTARIO upset C I! H [mint ('nvln'a the l; ll 17th. 1118! L‘lllfl? inn l'l l‘ I! am munns camp 1 mth 5U :ll bus u W UL suction. This would hardly seem [IDS- sihte. huwovor, when it is. remembered that thv i’urvnpinc rump has mm been phwccl «In an estnhlishod fuutimz and although Inam- acquainted with K0“ hash Illfl'er in their IIlIiIIiuns «t it the development ut‘ that part will IIIIly some tn hring Imhliv nttotltiim tunn- tu this great Northern ttntnriu and :t- mini-ml riches. mm Millinery Opening and Red Cross Tea IN The "Rod ('1'1155 T1111†tables were‘ iv1«111':1to1l by Mrs. (mm-1m 111111 Mrs. ["1‘111111, whu used the “unu'ei'sâ€"swvvt was. and ('a1lii'111'nia puppies. All 11111111111111 the ladies frum the “111110 311111». 111111111115 1' 21115. 111111 'l'immins. 11111111 1' 111 11-11 tables. 11111! 1.10 millim‘n runnis. H111 1111111511111 1111111101 111 1111 visiting 111111115 was 1111i)“ tum-oiled by 1111» hum 1111‘s 11: those serving the tea. [:1 {1:11 01'1111 in}: every ymmg 1112111 in 1111111 111111'1mize1! the â€Pink T011" 215 111A (ailml it..\11. Farm-111 of tho .1111]: 111'111r1111t11 (“ho slmith 19111115 1111 \\ innipog). hm 1;:111 his 1111111112911 :1i1-111ls 021 11111553. 'lhoy ï¬ist tunk Imus: ezmrts .\Ir~'. Donald P are have been those wlm 353921 lie awning up extensively nf the Hush gold district will pmlmhly (‘flllslilt‘flllle eflerl 0n the l’urro Paul 3115. S Hu H due. t0 nsiclernble efl'ect nn the Purc- nmp tlnmngh people leaving :l taking: residence in the new This wmnltl lmnlly seem pus- nuwor. when it is renmnbored r l’nrmminc ramp has now 0 pair $21.60 x it almost mind like hem ul 'x patmmzed called it. k 01' 'l‘m‘ulltt) Winnipeg). h ken; .cï¬inn nf ‘h (mused devoted :Zxo grvut smwess of the “h’ed 1‘ an" \w haw tu thank the un- ezl'urts or Mrs. Hmuer Gibsnn. y due tn the generosnty of <3, whu gave the tea. and part- [0 the liberality of the patrons, .lx'unixed the tables, a balance 50 can now be presented by the umcerned. to the Red Cross Sit-Hz! .\I wth um PHI" Il}vlllo wit! [‘1 0-7 rs. Umml ltv mniuh Miss '3‘ .\I illm . mMch‘ Mli the belle hemlt'rmuc much merrlmcnt. lut‘ thcn' nttontmn tn t< mud. Miss Stevens OHS M um Hm. Mill SHPUCSS In Miss Strain 0 “'(PI'P with n 'HI â€:0 Hod h) the tea man u llms BEER llï¬EleS NEAR" BY THE Bflflfllï¬ï¬lflltï¬‚ï¬ enfnreed and admitted that the sale of liquor shnnld tmt be allowed in the vicinity ut‘ railway construction camps. mines where a large number uf men were employed. and an forth. but in Porcupine the (‘ommiseion wuttltl lltttl lllal fmtr llfllts 0f the [lipttlalitm was made up uf residents ut‘ the district. 'rlierefcvre the)’ mmld ï¬nd that they had the same existing ieunditiun nt‘ ntlnirs as in nlder "I†n"! "I .‘t‘ have I in my lit Wallâ€! Mr. le'. 'II\ (“II 5 hï¬nrin rouse-s (nu! norm: . Hm! rc-sults mm uulol nnngnw chm " 'IIIN H hoot HQ say that "mun; the l rv am- mvn ut' standing 3 I wlm wmnlcl gum'mnw IM uhsvrvo the 10W.†'mmniuiunor .\yvr~t.--â€"“ 'nM-s du ycm think now 5““. (Ezmtlxim'.--“l \vm ‘.'v that In yuursolvcs.†W disre ()1Iilli {HDSHI‘ If (I'nntimml from page 1) “0 WE It m "NH ll Hm point is that those pmple , â€Marin up to the present u been given Hm Icwnl option “homer liqllnr 91an be said ' pruwoeclod Mr. Gauthier. †It ulntoly In-en said in “IN". “ Nu . nt‘ any kind shall be grnntm! †mnl thon‘furo yun M ('nm- {(32 I" ‘|\ mtlni: tull‘ ivt we have the slruulcl ('ulmlt be m grant them in .3 That \vnuhl we“ understood ehanued vsnuld he the puliev of mtariu (}t_.\'(-:'nznent. They have men adverse to granting lieenses malt and that policy has been undemhmd by the people. So. grant lieenses in the I’mcupine ('t we have the question asked, should t'uhalt he refused lieenses a grant them in another mining: .’ That Wuultl be vuatrary In Ye“ understood pulie)’ of the Would 612:. m t: l0 fl!‘ Would Amend Law KN!†ham: igs hmo tlnurishmt in their IIII clad tn snv that at late Is “90" M II IIIrIrI‘ I-xtent t In“ tho sitIIntiIIII is that I: "Y "no III‘ IIIIII‘I‘ lwor It III'I-I‘ssnrily nll IIt' them) Ills Would he llt'llt‘flt‘ttl‘. l iIII~ that the feeling M' the IL'l‘l’S in the gold t'flllll‘ . I'IIIIsiIlI-I'IIIIII' \wiuht IIitlI IIIiuht am that mu In â€If I mm are IIII slI'IIIIeg I'IIIItiIII: II liIIIiIIIIt llltltt‘w't“ IIIIII'II \Iith thv oxvoptiun II! I‘ II!‘ the HIIHingI'r Minn" Il'!lt:tlt.‘--°°I\t‘(‘ yIIII prI-IIIIr- I't' II~I thIIt HIP IIIIIItiI-IIIIts hII \I-IIIIIII IIIIsI'I'Vc tlu' IIIW um "31‘ how III-enws M II W U“ Hl inverzzzuen the [halt iivonsvs the result ut' 1(‘1' undorflnhcl. [unssihly t unsnllsl'nclurv stnh' (- mnnlo. 15 1W! H \vimle 1 mtimcn 1101‘. U \\'( I vmnmt nf c-zmrsc v tm-nh- Iiw but j: the hwnh- liw mlim: and reputa- nrmm-v that [110) ‘\\'vll. l wmzld :rnntml three 01' ,h l'un-upiuv uml l'inunius it \x'uulql 13H been I w l I m m' “'11:!!! m IOROUPINB ADVANCE «ll‘ ll all H'PS 1'1! 2'0 causes. all lmw many (°ml1’.'~;4_' (If 01'! \V 6' m n 3-: it' ill lilll th H mmlt Intern“ ll '(‘IH N ll nu 33’“ l'_\‘ [In W \‘s‘ H Hwy nun! ()nh but it was muld be in- their :u'tinn. is ('um'ern- granted lir- unld have t') Id 01° public ll 0 ll‘. IN H this Pr wme h w pnlivv it alt at optiuns u hlnul H HI ul â€UNIV \\'(‘l'(' i her wit 2‘ 154m -~:~z-2-:~z~z~z~z«:~z~« ‘1’. 91-2»? Itl11l 1h is' 0 _\‘ H ill Eli 1H police were M! as enthusiastir as the" wunld like to see them. They were very likely to he under the thumb of the town oflirialo. the Mayur and Found! and cm! nlwnn in fun: of n sir-id enfnmment nf the law in regard to liquor licenses. With again an intimatiun that the decisinn nf the t'nmmissinn would he made knmx'n at tho New Year. the t‘hairman mnrlmlml his remarks and as m uther members ut‘ the (‘ummisk sin" “ï¬shed tn add any further mm. mm“ tlw mm'tiug concluded. fl\'( On Wednesday manning the Lie. ense t‘nmmissinn in neeurdnnee with a preview: intimatimi travelled in their private ear tn Timmins where they were met by n deputatiun et‘ tcm'uspenple and a meeting was: later held at the (luldflelds l‘lntel fur the ummrtunity ut‘ luenl residents ex- prewing their views en the matter. Mr. l’. A. linhhins ut' the llnllinger Mine mldresï¬ecl the lhmrd in very emphntie terms nt‘ clisaippmml nt‘ any Iieense grunting whatever and the re- ply ut' the t'lmirimm was utt similar lines to that he had given at t‘m'ho NHH‘. In S vmhm‘ t’orvm-q I-m applicants lIIiIl I IIIissimI HII-ir \imxs \"ishml IiII-IIsI-s and am imlivutiun II.“ In HII' ‘Ulllmi‘thiull It!“ ““Hllusdxn IIIIII'IIiIIg iII Hidit Correspondence is invited from! readers of The Porcupine Advance: and others. on matters of interest: and importance more especially in re- 2 gard to mining camp matters of the! Gold district. The communicationsi should be written on one side only! and name and address given for veri- I iication. but not necessarily for pub- ' responsible for any opinions express- ed in such communications. Discus-1 ‘sions and arguments on matters of [religion and siinilarly inclined topics :eannot be entertained through this '3'? ' 0.00:†' cannot column. As a number 01' the uum'uidably kept um: tum-ting!“ I “'th likv [inn m u manor 1h} M n!‘ tram tum «sin-manly that a 1111' muml 11w 'l‘he l'ltllt‘lll')llr3 [Iat'l nl° paying: on the train is that yuu reeeive a tieket requiring: eanagh panelling ln take «me to the States aml nae would think the enst ut' the ticket itself wmrlcl hardly be t'UVQl'Otl by the fare. Nu (lt)lll)l it is an fault on the part if?" the utlieials (‘HlH‘Pl'lll‘tl hat that the sys- tem is a mtisaiiee 10 passengers canâ€" nut he llL’Xlletl. H a eumluetar is trustwnrth'x‘ euuugh tn plaee in charge ut' a train he surely ('Ulllll be trusted with'the small numher of fares in {these lXISlIUH'PS or, at any rate, some anieker and simpler farm of reeeipt Elm «rivet! than the small nl't pert‘nrat- be gn't m1 ham wreckm‘: Hf the S H r is nlamn 'cnllleillj.‘ (min m 1 {-‘uth l’nl' mm Hwy a: A RAILWAY NUISANCB “'th hcvnusv n vnllm urt «list haruws In the Gold Camp. wimt thv ill(':l 1'â€? HM is 5mm; huc-nusv 11w ('mnluvtm' has nut u c-nllwt ma}: I'nrvs lwmuso ut' nrt distant-«- lwtwwn llw places . lint un rm'tuin mmï¬ng‘s. and My Saturdays, it ran he nutml lzu'g'v vmml are kept waiting: Hm xiokm winduw wlxilv many '1GC sum . instmu-o {er and s iwn than undbill nu i’au'c. :31! tom :21 'l‘immms I’m'vulnm- ‘ .\' al’t‘ :lllu‘u. H F i l!!|ll‘.l {l'lUi'l'IN'l' PASSENGER 191.: “me reveixed fur the Q10 buildings «m the site l’hul .5 311091 biidgv, St. tlw \‘tm (mm mu: :ing: m w‘uuthv: [H‘I'SUX I30 ' L11 1014 lw made f'nr ruse that [His t'ow minute msv they m'o vMy Imhliv v 1:210. 'l‘lmt t H :10 ‘mzll'ql M. 'I'm way {rum “.0 1: k0 tn draw nth through yum (a nlll'h‘ 111v 1111540111111: 211111 :11gli 1}: has to take 131111 111 neithm. 1) be 11111111, 111111101 1 11121110 1111115111113: s0 that 113550112011 u mnlursml tlwl |hml.\. Dink-In! M'nrv â€10‘ um- ' ~A tn \\|l\' Hwy “itlmm ghing their intonliun the gold vamp the spvvinl var. w prnpcl‘ all'zzumvm have tit uumymg dV fur Svhm u nhtnin i1 ('3!) he lanNl no kept waiting: In“ \xlxilv mum ivkvls inr alunj. H stem 1n um inwn 01' ill .l \'( 11v system SI!" hills :l‘m and I ll: ltlmu! I a I} il \\':l X'( cxpvl‘ there nu r'l i'Hl lw I(( and "J ('h ( l ‘H‘RO‘ h "r"- «Hf my ml 1 llu tlu-w'. \‘ng‘lu' akin: 191 (.1131:ng ,Hl um Hm 3H) ('lll 21H «km takv hink mrltl H H†it \ E9- 10 Royal ExchaM Bldg, Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosscr Bldg ., Timmins I'C All kinds of J ewchï¬ Watch P.O. Box 123. Frmn all '1' ()ttzm‘u. at In fare and one- Good groin? in Friday Si}: elusive. Passengers reqmrmg uovmmnudminn, will curly request In Lm-al '\ LI. PARK ‘ O 3!)? I'IIw-utinnirt mu] ( l'x’ pram-«inn n. l “Ivluv. xiltvn h- All Fur l'urlhvr in ' Minn apply in Box 117, Schum er. Phone 801'. WILLIAM A. 01. TEAD BARRISTBR. SOLI ITOF. NOTARY, m: . MISS ALICE MacALLISTER, A.A.c.w 1» educed Fa war. (I {ctur Physician and Surgeon “UN 174. l’ixum- IN; Timmins, Ontario. 191 TIMMINS. ONT. . McINNIS '1. Si. N. (1. 81111111111; tn 1l1\'(‘51 1111:1111†ï¬rs't 111:1.1'5 111.1,- 4111111. 1111' 1'11111111 trim n': 171111r1v, September 10111 511111111111111'1 17111, 1015, inâ€" l’hmu' 1):) BISCORNET NW Post Ofï¬ce. TIPJW’IINS. DIAMONDS Hon than 35,000.00 worth of per- fect dimonds. in ‘A. V, and 3,". ant sizes at t price that will interest you. SEE our window displcy then come in and we will be plcascd to show you the entire assortmcnt. PRICES : from $15.00 to $75.00 We also have other beautiful ring: at M. J. ROCHE M T. 8: N. O. um JEWBLBR and OPTICIAN T. N. 0. Watch Inspector. TIMMINS “(.000 to $10000 HHS ('m't Howler \'uiv0. â€(My . (’;.F.Pu\.. suitablv fnl' slpeping (oar plot we make Agent. Repairs on Suvth Buy. Semen . TION )0 I' Methodist (Mirthâ€"«Pastor, J. C. ('ovhmuo. Morning service (fromx'lst of June) at 11 o'clock. Evemng service at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 3 o'clock. Anglican Churchâ€"Rev Rector. l'vsln'h-rinn (‘lmroh Nntivo is hereby fzivvn that l haw» t-rmnsmittml nr «lcliw-n-ql tn tlw pvr- snns montinnml in SW. H mul S) nt' thu Huturin \'ntcl°.~:' List Art. the «mph-s l'mlnit'ml by suhl sm'tlnns tn lw H†trnnsmittml nr delivered nt' the list mmlv pursuant, tn snitl Avt of all pur- Suns appearing: by the lust llavisml Assossnwnt llnll nt' the hilltl Mlmivi- pulit)‘ tn Iw ('ntith-cl tn \‘Utt.’ at ohm- tlnns t'nr ll‘lmnlNPI‘S nt' tho Legislative Assoxuhlv and at Munivipnl I'Ilm-tinns; and that said list was ï¬rst pnstml may: lut my ntlh'v at 'l'immins nu the 8th- «luy nt‘ Spptcmhcr, 191:3, mul rcmnim thvn- t'nr lnspoutlnn. l'llm-tnrs aw lmllml upnn tn ('xzuninv the said list. luml it' any nmissinns nr nthm' errnrs lure t'numl {ht-win. tn tukt- hmnmliutv lprnovmliugs tn hmu tho wicl (‘l'rUl'n' lvnrx'm'tccl :u-vnxwling‘ tn hm. ' roshyn ! 1 1'0) Sunday Svluml liwning Svrx'im- Anglican Municipality of Town of Timmins District of Tcmizsltaming Morning Sc-rvioo Sunday Svlmnl Dated 8th “3.1215. 5. l’uttm. 1'01 11 Years missimmry tn suillurs an the Lama- dur Atlantit- mast and (hwut Lakes. in nrrdv tn (41:: my.- 1115 ï¬eld at labor 1'11'1111 the pm! 411 Qualwo In 1314.: Great Lakes is ("111101111112 tinr 10,1(‘1110 in UH U ’3 \'( toning Survim Voters†List 1915 lulu. l'nulll CHURCH NOTICES. SHl'TH I’HRC‘I'I‘INE Morning-~11 11.111. 1“ vouiwvâ€"J'Jm p.11) Sunday Saucerâ€"2.30 m. Svrvim- in I'Impirv 'J'lmutru St'lll'31.\('lllili ll ('lxurt:h-.\ir. L‘allau in (-hurgv. Sunday Srluml ill 5011001 'l‘l.\l.\ll M lmrvh MU.\"I'HH.\HCHY, ('It of St-ptmnhm', 1915 Muh-ulm ivv - ll win (limpirv 'l'hcu- Allan. l’nstnr. NS U 3.30 p.111. 7.30 p.111. Pastor 30 pm. l n'vlnok .30 p.111. .30 p.111. Bro wu. ark