Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Sep 1915, 1, p. 1

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"1Directors Were in Camp This Week and Fur- ther Development is Believed to be Like- ly at An Early Date Vol I. No 54 The Dirorturs ut‘ the. Temiskaming Mim- III t'uhalt. which “mum!“ is [1th the Imm'r IIf NIP HIM .\nrth DIIIIII- rlIIiIIIs arrived in the guhl rump "It TIM-Mm nfth'mmII IIIIII mmh- thvir headquarters at the llntel t'unmmght In South l'tIl‘t'tIptflt‘. After making a trip ul’ innumtinn m'er vnriuus utlwr mum-flies in Hu- dintrirt they tank in a unit m" mm mm pmporty. Uu- party im-lmlmu. Messrs. Frank l.. t'ulwr. l’rvsiclmlt: Wm. Manon. \'ic'0-l'rc-.~si¢lmt: ll. l".. 'l'remnin. Trenaurrr; I“. |.. lan'vlm'v and l". t‘. Pinkvnstmwlt. It is learned that tlw first «linmuml drill lmlv at ”w XONII Dmnm “lm'h lms ln-vn vnrriml lu l'flfl‘iltll'rtlltlfl «lc-pth. has rwultod wry sfltiflmhm Sly. This was plan-ml m-nr tlu- mum TO-DAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS. DIAMOND DRILLING AT NORTH DOME PROMISING Apex . . ..... . lhmw I‘lx. ..... Hump lmkv Hunw Mines I’ulvy H'Hric-n (30M I‘m-f ..... Hullingvr . Hunwstukt- . Jupiter lemyn- Mum-m . . l’un-upim- (‘rnwn Imperial yilmml I'rvslun I'I. In “'05! Ihmw . 'l'm'k ”llullt‘~ l'lmmurum Not until next New Year's Day will those applicants from the Porcupine gold district who are hoping for lic- enses to sell more than two per cent. beer know how the License Commis- sioners of Ontario intend dealing with them. Requests From Gold Camp Are Considered By License Board and Decision Held Over Till End of Year Sueh. in at nutshell. is the pnsitiun 'fulhnvfing the reeent sitting: ut' the ('mntttissiun in ('uehmne ull 'l'tteschty evening: “1' this week when must “1' those whu applied t't'um this «listriet were in attendant-e. There were unlv I'uut' n!’ the ('utu- Inissiuuers whn I'm-met! the Heard on this their first vie-it tu Northern (htt- m'iu sittee their ztppumtment. tl pri- vate ('tlt' heittg utili'm-tl by them lmth fur ”ll‘il' Visit in (‘m'ht‘alllt' and In the I’ureupitte seetiutt nu \\'eth|escht\'. 'l'he_\' were Mes-‘2‘. W. S. lHummm. Vice-l’t'eshh-nt m' the “Hall'tl. Fret! Dame, .\. .\.\‘er.~'t and Hen. Smith. uml the Town Hull at ('neht'une was tilled tn uvet‘lhnvin; when the time t'ut' the sitting drew near. In his speeeh tn the t'unnnissiun Mr. .lnnes lttt'llllltllt'tl that an amiliea- tian lltltl heen llltltlt‘ ull hefialt' «if the Mulligan llunse at l’urenpine in whieh he waa lltlt‘l‘t‘hlt’tl hnt he wish- ed tn state that he hail never heard ut’ the uwners hein: ailviseil that an al‘ltlieatiun wmxll he nnnle fur a lie- ense atnl it \Hh nut \\ith theii mnsent ipr apprmal. . The. Indie. present. handed in a jtetitiun against any further granting «if licenses. this hearing the Slgflltlllll'? ut' the hard l'lishup ut' the lliueese and thirty-tum nther names'at'ter the reading: at whieh the ('hairnian said that the ltuai'tl appreeiated the interest the ladies nf the eainitry were taking in the matter and assur- ed them that the petition \Vttultl have every ennsitleratina and iespeet trim: the llnai‘il. lmml upphmtmm \w-z'c- lulu-n at the uulsvt. “Mediums In thv granting of any l'urthvr lironscs mm: manh- hy Mr. S. Alfrml mes and n numhm' of huhus rvprt-senliug thv \\'.(‘.'l'.l'.. after wlzivh the Purvupiuo amvlim- (inns \wro mkvn as a “11030 in hum! hv Mr. Hunlun Gauthier. BEER LICENSES HEARD BY THE COMMISSIONERS Ile laid partivulur stress un tlx fact that 1110 Board :11 “IOH‘ dutio were 111mm; fur rostrwtiun (If‘lic (Supplim‘ by Convicted Applicants. (Noon Closing) “mm Fuller 6 on. ha mi us 0.) Mb HT U: ll‘ - ('unnmssmu u an :xpplivu- lwfiult' ut' the [’urt-upiuv in but he wish- I m-x'vr heard vised that am Hmn'd. Fred H. Smith, and me was filled lime fur lhv m taken at grunting u: made :1 number 1)!) the IN! 24' U" UH U; hh 0.") U! "H ll {rather than (-x 1 ' no lhngmmx. and thoro N no dam (-m'vs hem}: g‘l'al '«hstru-t." 'l'lw PARISâ€"French artillery bombar- dment exploded several German sup. ply munition stations near Arrns. Bomhardment continues at most points. Miner trench fighting but no climate in positions. OTTAWA.â€"-Stcfansson the Arctic explorer who has been missing for a. year has been definitely heard from lfl-(lfly and is safe at Baillie Island for north of the mouth of the Mac- kenzie River. MWANBE NEWS BllllHIN by llwm {.l l?! )' (um 1:3 man: an Dau uu an: uuu far north 0f the mouth of the Mac- ill". rlnnns m Mni: kenzie River. .«li- wwum punt ”1 :4! "WC ‘0 II“ nu)!" CHICAGOâ€"Meat packers who lose ; “HMNI. fifteen million dollars in seizure by ai h \‘.';|" in rum”. British prize court will appeal to the Mine l'un-upim- .\«l British Privy Council and also toiliu- mm the (“mun Washington to make protests. ‘Mr. I'I. King-Inuhh, mums and nut (-xpmisiun. ”I might say that in lnuking uvor tlu- list ul' upplimtinns l'rmu l’un-n- piuv.” lu- mntiiiuml. ”we have l'uuml the "mm-s ul' lwi'mns invlmlml who ham» l|(‘(‘ll mnvivlml l'ur inl'rau-tiuns ul' thv law. 'l‘hail mmlitim: ul' vuursv is snnwwhzll «liscuumging su fair as tlmsv wlm are applying urv mnvvrnml. 'l'lw mmlitinn hinnght nlmut in this Xurth ('mmlry lwmmsv nl' tlw wulvr has lwvh i'i-l'vrrml in. We llm'v tn think :zlsn ul' humli'mls ut' tlmusziiuls. zuul l have milliuns. \\‘l|u will own!- ually muw intn this Nurthvrn ('0!!!)- try. 'l'he ('nininissinn represented the penple «if the l’rm'inee, mntinned the ('hnirinnn. and he wnnld like tn eni- phnsize the fuel that the. (‘nnnnissinn intended tn eni'i'y out the shirt en- t'nreeinent ut‘ the law: in regard tn lieeiises. Hue t'i'eqnent ti'nnhle lnid been the selling «it lmttles nt' liilnni' hy lieensees. lle wished tn reinind llltlrlt.’ present that! the (‘mnlnissinn tunk :1 \M')‘ M’l'lulls \'l('\\' of this \‘in- lztllnll ut' the law. llithei'tn any ne- linii \\'lll(‘ll they haul taken had been m where n Slls‘pt‘mlt 'l'ronmn thl‘vo nu that 0W0 mure m been mc made at the New Year. Had No Say. Mr. (itlrlllill Gauthier. on hehalt' of the ttpplit'mlls‘ from the l’orettpine (listriet first (-ottgmtttlnteil the (‘om- mission on this their first visit to Northern llntttrio. He proceeded to explain that the population of the gold ramp was somewhere in the neighhorlmml of five thousand or titty-tire hundred. (lot of that num- her there were not. he supposed, more thc than FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18th. (Received By Wire Tooday) The ‘( Nth all S warm! 118 license lmldvr haul his livonsv! «I fur t'uur weeks and in‘ win-re mm was suspended furl unths Lu! it was very likely! mlors in future mmh! rvvvivv‘ 'nstir punislmwnt than had! tml nut before. 1 (‘mmuissinn is restrictive! Yum expansive." mldod Mr. 1. ”and I might montmn that: ltnl) hlmdrvd. were not. thousand in ”W l‘: granted :22 I The annmuu I nt' the Boa mum" 0y lnul taken hu ings than unytim examples at X um I u! mpuumun UK 'ucwhere in five thuusand (hit of that n he supposed, 11 actual miners. ill) is restrictive " mldod Mr. monimn that \'\'mlt_\'-fi\‘v lic- the l’urvupinc wouwnt us In aml would he TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1915. 111;: visa. Napamee 110W of i of HflW KING 00005 1 film fllSfiflVEflV IN KUWKASH DISTRIBI IIpm-lurs. I‘I'IIl lllllll'l'fll llIIIlvrs. \I’I-ll oqIIIIIpI-Il IIIul Willi [llt'nl\ ul' ngIlI. sc'llllt‘l‘ml IlIrII Ilw vuIIIIIrI IIluIIg llIc "Invl'lllllt‘lll IIIilIIIII. 'llon will .«IIIyi III till the III-czv-IIII. and It Is IIIIIImIl II mm- II‘IIgor Ilml they will find um- III‘ murv gum] slIIII'I'iIIgs (Ir riI'II min- II'IIl. 'I‘III-y IIIII)‘ Imt liml galcl In lwIIl Ilu- clialIlIII' III KuwkaIslI; Ilu-I "an llml uIlII-r IIII-IIIls. I-umwr. IIiI-kI-l. xil- Im. l"'IuIII goulugII-IIl H'lmlla‘ IIml .utlw r iIIl'uI‘IIuIIiuII u minim: IIIIIII .IIuIIlcl L'IIllH'l‘ Ilw lwliol that this is I 'l'u-Ilny llwrv III‘I- l'nIIr lIIIIIIlrml pru- It Was formation of Rock Which led Him to Believe Bold Was inere There have been so nanny end vsr- ions opinions expressed in reurd to the Kowkuh district thst the were age men connected with mining st present is becoming more conserva- tive in so far as predicting the future of Kowkash is concerned. Ii is UH‘N' u'm'ks smN' Kuwknsh Wm cilw‘o-H'i't't]. mu! it is ri'itsulmhlv that n hiih- mnn' imw. hut nut "01'- gold mum,» un \Vt-(lu “'(‘l't’ uhlig't‘ll ‘0 1m: the fart that mm. llwmmle following :sturm which was. in Ithc (-ulmtl')‘. dist rivl iulls. \lthuugh it was 1111111111111-011 by 11119 IUi the Inval (31111114111115 111 :1 revent muting 111' the 'l‘immins hudy that 'thc «Lummitv 111agzizine so much dis- icussod of late. was cunsidered safe !h_\ the Mining: Inspw'tm. it is inter- instill: t1) thusc \ihu tulluxxed up this [question to 11.21111 that one pnnuinent It simuld further he that gulcl is very wry by ”w mnpiro hmlny. nmn who: seeks m “In it slmlllcl lu' gin-n (WI mom. 'l'lw natural I: clillh-Illtivs mmugh. 'l'u-du)’ spcvtcu‘s. oquimwd smut tvl'ml flml utlwr metals. mmwr. nit-k0]. sil- vm'. l"rum goulugiml wlunts um! utlu-r infurmmiun u mining mun mmhl gutlu-r the lwliv! that [his is ultugt-tlwr likely. Kuwknsll is (1mm wwks NM. The «only «IM't-lumncu! \mrk Hm! then- has lwon mu ummrtunity in (In is the sup- vz'liviul mul hasty \mrk pvrt'urIm-(l by ”11- Main-rs in finding: wins fur Hwir dim-”very pasts. There has Hut Noon at «'lmm'v In «In mnrv. the rush was tcm In his nllllllull llwrv is a large (lis- Irlrl in Kmvkush despite all rolmrts tn tlw mmrm'y and he musiclm‘s that quite at Int murc staking will oventu- ally b0 sm-n tlwrv. It was an August ltith that ha tlltult' HH' dismvory which vrcatvd savh a stampcdv ta that sm'tiun and an Aug:- ast. Blst. that ho staked tho vlaim. It ms in ¢'.-win'axu- this \\'l'('l\' that ”w l'un-apinv Advance I'vm'vsvnta- tiu- mvl the diuMHoW ut Kuwkusll, Mr. H. King-hmlds. Mm prefers in he Mama by his mum- always used Ml his m'nspcvtiag ventures-JIM] King- “mlds. "I haul been \mrkin}: lhut enuntry all the way down." said Mr. Umhls, “uml the l'ul'muliun appealed tu me. The purlieulm' slml where the big: «lismvery haul been made was burned and re-burnml, with the results as yuu knmv." trasinns ut' the quartz purphyr)‘ ap- pearing in tlu- srhist. Rvgarding a ropnrtml deal whirl: has been put. thrung‘h fur the l‘lllilll un Whirl! the big find was made Mr. Huclcls did nut wish in Inakv any stau-nwnt as tn tinanm-s at prcsvnl but intimalml that he was arranging: l'ur tlw [Irnlwrly tn lm sultl nn upliun and In- would retain twenty-fire lwr rent. inn-rust. Asked as tn the nature at forum- timi in that swtiua Mr. builds lllt'll- tiuttmi that it. was t'lllul'itt‘ svhist. greetistnnv. quartz purpliyry. with in- trusiuas ut' lilt' quartz lml'ltilyt')’ ap- pearing in tlw svhist. Rvgarding a l'('|ml'i(‘ti «lual Whit'll has he”! put thrmtgh t‘m' tho t‘iuilll nn whivh the hi}: timl was inade Mr. hmhls did nut wish tn makv any stillt'ltlt'ltl as tn tiaalivt-s at prosvnt hat intimatml that it(' was arranging Mr. Hmlds cxprvssml wry great. in- dignation at tlw rem-m stealing: 01' his izigh-gradv {rum his vlaim whml ahnut llnrov-cguartws ut' some ut' tho wry lwsl had been taken away. Cuuld Not Phone To Or From Gold Camp Thusc hm they wished 'l‘his ills” applied to telegraph enm- unmieutiun as wires all along the 'l‘. g\' X. H. were «lawn. Linemeu were early on the ,juh fur the 'l‘emiskmuing 'I‘olvphnnc state "1' a ('nl Ill question to 1931111 that one prninment resident in In“ 11 in 2111 ouncssinn 01 his \ie\\s indicated he 11 as not. satis- fied with the explanation as to its safety and as he is a large property mvnex' may later take steps tn have the humor further gone into. rih' l) ill .1‘ ufl'airs \m we and by (a imam be m; I VP“ 1' . mmugll. tlwrv are fun!“ rmxl "mu-ml :min; plump lmsinvss \vhivh 101] In transact (ml 01' the uull “Kuhn-miuy ”1' this wool; red in pustpunc it ”wing (u that mnmectiuns muld nut mu] mny ‘nrttwr he kept in mind wry wry nun-h needed 1' tualay. amt that the ks tn final and produce given ovary c-nrunragr- natural lamiranmm are m-ks since Kuwkash and it is rmmmnble ‘0 limo. hm flu! "N'- tlmnlcl lw allowed the jumping m marina» ulc 1 lwzu'y thunder- tlus nnrth part of as 5mm as the l‘oallzml by thuso mung: mnnm-tums was praetteall)‘ gutted entirely. tu- gether with the enatents. is estimat- ed in ntttuuttt tn pruliahl)‘ .‘Jitm ur $700 while it is stated that there is almttt SHAW" insuranee till the huttse. It was ahuut fifteen minutes tn three Thursday nmraiug that Mr. Me- lhmungh was aruused hy the smell ut' smnke and realizing suuiethiug was wrung hurriedly dunned part at his eluthiag and made Mr the tluul'. Ha .tltis lteittg’ "pelted. lnnreter. a heavy [\‘Ultltltt' nt' sumke t'ulluwed and at 'nuee the ueeupant saw eseape that way was inumssihle. l‘lndeuvm'iug as hest he enttld tn tied his way tn the «wiuduw thruugh the heavy sinuke and thunes surrciundiug the huilding. he sueeeeded in sec-urtug a sheet turn in strips lit the hed pus! and using this as a rape tlt‘st't'lttit'tl on the nutside. llet'm'e he was half way duwn. huw- erer. the sheet hire and he was tlu'uwu In the gruuud hut t'nrtunately hid a very great distanee. Mr. )lelhumugh then ran tn the ,l’ire Alarm whieh was suuudid and Hit exeeptinnall)‘ smart time the he- partiaent were till the seem- with twn lines at lmse rapidly laid. the result heing that in almnt tweatv minutes the tire had been enntrnlled. 'l'he surprising part In tliuse whn at'ter- wards paid a visit tn the huilding was haw the Department had sueeeeded in saving the buildings eluse at hand and this existing eunditiua ut’ atTuirs is nave tlture indieative ut' the exeel- lent. work whieh the l"ire Department. are able tn aeeuaiplish. PHI MBUBNHUBH HM] unnnnw ESCAPE ll BlAllNB "0|le South Porcupine Hre Department Had Severe fight on Ilwrs- day Morning Wakened from a sound sleep by the smell of smoke and discovering the building to he ablaze Pete Mc- Donough had what might be consid~ ered u marvellous escape with his life at South Porcupine in the early hours of Thursday morning. Mr. .‘li'lluttllttjill had just rvturm-d fl'ullt llw lumknsh guld IllstI'lI't IIIId prinr In gniiig tn hvd hud lighted u lll't' I'm at lttlt' hmvh. 'l'hc surmisul is. Ilu-rvl'nrv, thut. sumo sparks m' lighted \mnd had dropped out of the slum- after he rvtirod and 5mm the whulv building was a seething mass “3' tlziiiws. This was the. seeond eontlagration South l’oreupine tire lighters had sne- eesst'ully handled within about two weeks, the previous one being," when Mr. llawsett's house on (‘onnaught llill was partially destroyed. As it' to eontlrm general ideas among: many people of the gold eamp that three tires nearly always eome pretty elose together, the South l’nr- eupine Department again had a will yesterday evening to a house on (lol- deu Avenue whieh lin\\'e\'er turned out, to he a small blaze of window eurtains. This was extinguished he- tore the Department arrived hut a large erowd ut' residents turned out prohahly in :tntieipatiun of a repeti- tion of the morning's seene. Tiw I'i'miuonl amwaram'v I'lll’iit'i)‘ ut' the Italian Hand «11' 'l'immins has drawn t'm'th many mm]ilimentary ru- marks as tn their ability aml it may llwrct'nro be interesting In Iimsv whu n-sidc in the (listi'ivt In learn wlm was ni'igiiially tho ni'ganizvr and whip mm- Timmins italia 11 Band Credit to The Camp I'Hntl- m'iml 1e timl whieh 5‘. in- timnt- lltl tir ere is This is the result. nt’ the euntest hehl h_\' the [meal Neil t'rnsu Sm-iet)‘ during the past hm weekfi uml ill whieh the feature has heeu the large snmmrt extemlecl hy nearly ex‘et‘yutte in the field ('ttmlt. .\lthmu:h there were \‘ttt'lan “pitt- Inmate. isms its tn liuw the draw. shutilcl tnke m tu [iliiee those In ehttrge tleetiletl that the r. 3'... “smith-n clenth”.methml \mnhl h... 3|". u." ul' "'3’.“ nml tieeut‘ilmgly .‘liiynr \\. ll, : was “ll-"WI. Wlm heltl tl‘u tteket. tmih it' his elun'ge 0f the ulierutmns. '. Hn .\ guml et'uwtl hml thetIIhh-al m u". hem-\- ritik tu hem' wlm the lllelgy “wk” ul tit huhler was. and when everything Wits - that in remliness Miss hmlge was Mind- in}: "3' t'ulilecl. the i'eeelitttele \Vtiat tlllml with In the ”W th'kt‘ls by Mrs. llmtstun \t‘hn ettt'e- ae mu] t'tilly shuttled ome series after mmther lg, hp and Miss l)mlge ulrew t'nrth 199A. nt'tl in It was all user mul far it shun time .'-' this uthers whu held the number «if It!!! .itsiile.1\\'ere «werjuyetl. hut that une little . lIMV-lset'ies letter elettt'ml :tll tlUll'tI_.‘% :mtl *W. P. ALDERSON WON CAR i FROM THE RED CROSS The draw is over and an unto-date 1916 model Overland car is owned by Mr. W. P. Aldenon of the Hollinger Mine who held ticket No. 199A for which the corresponding number was drawn by Miss Dorothy Dodge at the Timmine Coliseum on Wednesday night. Drawing Took Place Wednesday Night In A “Sudden Death“ Decision Before Large Assembly at Timmins Rink Hum .111 amllmritaliw smmo- it ix learned that climnnml chill ”In mixum will luv mmummml nn Hw plum ro'lx n1 tlw I’I'estun has! Hmm- mxt “wk. mljuiuing the big “me tn llw mmtln. About. 1w“ works nan Hu- Uil‘m-turs 01' this nrgunizutiun won- in the guld ramp and Imulv au'rungmm-nts far this wurk but the final mntmvt. paw-rs \vvre unly signed at few days algu. PHESWN EAST DflMf Ill fllAMflNfl flfllll flperations Will likely be Start- ed Next Week on Ibis Property 'l'lic inn-rests ul' llw l’rostun linst “mum ('umpzm)’ will lw lunkml ul'tt-r by Mr. ll. l“. lluhinsmi nl’ Palm“. wlm will remain ull tlu- gruuml hvrv lu supvrintmul ulu-mtiuns mi tlu-ir lw- lmll'. At the Gold Reef property in the northern Whitney Township the lea- sors who are working it are making a great success up to the present and they are proceeding steadily with de- velopment of the property. lit-gmrts ('Ullllllg’ train that M't'tiun ut' the gultl vamp imlit-atv that gum! Imitits arv alt'vacly lwiiii.r matlv than the (lultl ltvvt' where a, tun-slam]: mill is kept running: at least titty pm' H‘Ht. «it tho time on high grade ut't‘ from the tour im'h win on “'llll‘ll the l(‘:l:»- um are sinkingr at the [trust-tit tiuw. The 1)!‘(‘ is very t't'tw millin;r ni'e aml it is estimated that at least vig’hty- live lwr rent. (‘Xlt'tlt'llntt is living uh- taim-tl by straight amalgamatimn. Arrangmuents are mm' twin;r Inmlv tn HH'PI‘ in the mill. lmilvr, liuist aml shat't aml it wnulcl wom as it' ltllt‘ll~ timis are tn mmtimio with lllt‘ twirl; GOLD REEF IS BEING WORKED PROFETABLY Leasers of Property Are Getting Benefit From Development in Northern Whitney Township tiuus are tn mmmue wun Inc mm; all tlmmgh \xintm. [p tn the pxosvnt the equilnneut has been mustly M a tempmar) na- ture and no mine buildings have been wet-ted with the oxc-vptinn n!’ hunk lumscs, ctr. 'tn tlu- first rule In Hw mu'. Yostm‘cluy .\l r. Alclorsun was inking: lossnns in «olmufl‘onr wurk by riding: Hm var rnnml the gulcl ramp at mum and nplmromly pit-king up I‘rivmh all um! sundry Wlm vullsiclvl'vd Hwy had a Iwrl'wl right In lw in m: ”w pm- [ms-thin". 'l'lu- lmlivs u!‘ ”w Rm] (‘msu' um. FNEW SHMT Tl] Hi i SUNK M BIG DIME .‘lr. Aldermm l‘nlllt‘ In the I'ruIII “1'. his “illllilu: Iirkot. I’mlmbly II" «no was IIIHI‘!‘ Slll'lfl'I' ml Hum Ilw \NIIIH‘I' lIIIIIIwH‘ III lIm-II. sIu-II gmul I‘urIIIIIIn I! Is stntml HI: he iIIVI‘stml MHIH'W'H'N‘ armmcl $2; in “H.913 hut link- chromed Hm! 1 quIM he the mmer «If the var own IIIIIIy. XIIIIII‘IIII)‘. IIll kimls «If sorrow and jnkvs fll‘l‘ III-mg IImIlo lmIlI III I! vxlu-IIso ut‘ the owner 01' the var :In IIIIIII'iIIMiIIg owners. Qailv a vmml asst-mhh1 slurv ul' Mama's. Marshall I Limitml after the draw aml Hu- var lwiag taken an! In ‘ .‘lr. Marshall himself clrivia mun-r valvrlainiag a maahv ln tho find riclo in lhv var. 'l'lu- lmlim M' ”w Rm] Fm.“ : delighted with ”w sum'vss nt' tlw p pusiticm aml :tlsln lhv 'l'ilmnins Nu: nt' 'I'rmlc- wlm will Iwm-m tn thv . H'nt uf $130” inwards a “PM kin»! l'nl' HH- lmys n1. HIP Nm‘HI ('mmi "NW m ”w l'rnm. (lulu;- In tho l'm-l tlml ilw Iu'v-o llullll‘ alml't is cmirle' in uro. it ’ lwon decided to sink a m-w slum whirl: all the un- t'rum llu- mizw lm lmistml. This shall will he -"2 un nu inn-lino l'mm a [mint lwm. tlu- nlllvc uml the mill. from This an llre Will be Hoist- ed on An Incline---New Crusher Plant Also The art" will first. 01' :1” ho vrlh'w tn six inc-hos in Hm nvw all stm-l i_. vruslwr, tlwn lmmght tn tlu- sum: up the new invliuc shaft. in fast-m Hill}: dips. It is pruhnhle thnt. an entirely 220 ernsher plant. will he instnlled at the. new shnt'l and the we will gu «liz'n t. t'rmn it. intu the hins ut' the mill-a. By this re~atrrnngenient it, will lu- lmssihle tn speed up prmlnetinns wwdx inntei'inlly. At present nmre «m- mm he ln'nken in the mine thnn van: t»!- hnmllecl in the mill, hnt. the enlmeLle Uli the mill is guing tn he enlnr- .I very slmrtly. Iikrly that tho next few mnnttm sm- «low-lupnwnt at am astuni< nulm'v in this. pautivulan' (“unto the Lmltt “PM. 'l‘hv H-sults l'mm iill' (iuhl Hwy far load smmal minim" nun In v puss tho “pinion that murv h-.:~i: in the vamp \muhl gnaw. u!‘ inv m ahh~ value in tho hing: run. In Mm mn amps pnqwrtivs havo again :u again he ”pained up In 1015015 wi (Hmolh‘nt H'SIIHS. It is \wll khmm illlHHI}: thusv mu avquaimml with this vamp that 13w art- a munher ui' oxvvlh-m lawn-pm whivh hau- wry rich sun'l'ac-v sh” ings and if unly nwncrs \muhl an. whirl: Imu- w-ry rich sun'l'm-v .-' ings and if nnly uwncrs \x'uulcl : lcasurs in lake huh! and (In «14w nwnt mm'h mum wnrk wmlhl l» rumplisimd in this line than is at sent the ease ”11'0"ng tying: up pmâ€" perties and Simply learnt}; them Edie. There. are quite n number ”1' 1m :1 in the distt'iet whn wmtld tzilze ugmu themselves the responsibility nt' in~ vestingr neeessarv vapital t'nr Won't-jug pmperttes in this way hut the m;- t'urttmate part seems tn he that, uu'n- ers prefer tn sit, tight rather than :xllnw prn'tleges whit-h wuuld in mi hkehhnud 1mm: ut' hem-ht. Single Copies 5 Cents n rmml netsmnhlml I“ I‘m Alvasrn. Marshall I'Zvrlvstuzm ul'h-r tlu- draw and Winn-«m! lwim: tukvn nut In tlu- euro-«t. . mu! Hm ul' Inch-a '\'\"'t' Him. 5“" 'H' I‘ ti

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