Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Sep 1915, p. 1, 1, p. 6

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1‘ uaun an m m "was um um ms av ii- mg Ivan vrmrs Hmn I‘MIH'M. but \vvrl' u with Lake's pitvhin inning were nhlv in um- hit MT his (iPliV In the third inning llw buys settled chum and play rlmm Imll. all mm «W hm u the mum-Mora mworml mm,- torritury. saving wlmt lmokv sut'v hits. hit! in livv tum-s u The Falls. mod t ”Tort tn stup Hu- nn avail. 'l'lwy Iroquois Pails.- r: Mule Hm'uml um! third NI (0 S. MM'H)‘ wlm nut at tlw plutv. I‘Ign and: SIM-M; flit-cl In I' tun made 3 MW hit um! I'Igun :wnrul «on lmnw: Nurhm rvm-hin “lay, Mull' :hircl but Inn-w. Smith in MM'uy lat INNINGS furm m tn lit-d; In \\°. l'im’m- szu-I'ifivv. “'11: cm! by llw s; hit by pilrlu first, l’ivl'rv a Hilbert gain: third who” l’ ”ml, and 5m llmm' tn tlxi \\'ilsun. hands. Haw-In wont tn third 3rd DINING.â€" Iroquois Falls.-â€"Suhmn°n ”cw nut in K. MM'n)’ in N-ntrv: liruwn missml gun's lung: ”v. [33.3.11 was snt'v at smund when Lossuul dmppml l’it-r- PPS llmm'. and “1-H! tn third «m r0 '3 I Spvvk L’. Hum. 0 ”its, 7 prrnrs. Timmins.â€"-:~'mix!n mu «m lung." Hy tn right livid: I'I. .‘Jvt'uy nut N. l’vro tn Nullun: Hxnwn hit fun lhruv husv' and 50'th nu \\Il.~mn 5 “mm Loug- um; \\il.~um rumLul Mcullll un ;-il- (4er haul 11mm tn first: Xuzhm tunk “(4.01134 1 Hum, Timmins. pin hm" . 5. 1.0.5531“ hit {mum-d ”It" 5. 000320600000000090938”DIOODDOOODOODOO0090009000... g TIMMINS. ; umuouaoouocuoomomoomolmouoonoconoaoooon Timmins roqu t! Phone 42 I‘l't'l' llow MI! 0 Runs. U Hit l hrmv Dam-hum hit past first “(‘SMH‘NQ‘ drum MM'uy '5 hands. Runs. 1 Hit. '2 Pictures Fram¢d '7 if Largest collection of Mouldings; to ‘ select from Only the Best Work Possible carried out ns.--â€"- lulkv gl'nululml in NW 5'. MM'U)‘ Him! 10 right field; hit Hmmgh sm-uml mu! stnlv DRAW YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION To OUR SPLBN: LINE or 1 \\'il BUCOVETSKY BROS. ”‘5 Hum WQ'N' “fl ”$18.4 fizzhm and third. Hg “('UN “'3ch thu- nlutv. Egan g.» ”it'd In K. M: nim- Ixil tlxrm mrml nu u TOMKINSON BROS. mm null-hm}: swmul, 9nd i \\'ll('ll l’éorm- thrrw wild ml wwl‘ul nu <31!)¢u::|'::'-< [mm in llvl 'w: Si. I'm'v :uzm- mutt-z Hillwrt was ml ha”: Luke lln't-w tn again missed the thmw. : tn :u-mml and Hum tn ’iorvv throw wild tn .s't‘r- m'ml nu Lossm'd's \Vihl inl'. l.('\i;:m~ pnmml tn g.) right up roan-lung when l’iorm mnl'fml 1‘3t MM um M ( imIL ”its II \‘ nlnm Ill!!! ill I] mmm \mlluul. . ligmx mummi- thrvw Sulmurn I gain}: tn svv- . MM'vy: Nur- Hlllfllll! lll Hvsvhcuv his grm first lmt ht lhruu; m Men’s Shirts |l'(' Ill zgzm Of All Descriptions Inukml C'UHSHH‘ msv Ll'l‘ul'. rnumlvd k in an k‘L l'i't » 1‘s l' H "‘8 l'L rm '1‘ "N 'HIil'tl on v; Nurtun liner right LU'HHIHH‘I \I South Porcupine IHHI'IH l'l'('( hh Iroquois Falle.-â€"-~~l'2. .‘Jr lung: run and gut Nurlun vrutrv: l’t'm-lwm' hi! I'm and “mu tn third win-u Hive In St. t’et'e‘. \\'. l'term- was itti try il'i‘"i|\'i! lull. .‘lt'it' seminal: Smith pup- lwti in Sttimtti'll at! third]: if. MM'U)’ hit fur twu Imr‘t's m-ni'ing Helm": mu! l’ieree went to third utt passed hull and seared nu Bi'uwn's l\'.'u-i)ttf.’g'0|': \\'|!swn hit between set-«incl and third. ‘Hi'mvtt gning tn third: lh-Lmig hut- !tiu: the .‘K't'ullti time in this innixg. hit aver sevmul. Ih'mvtt searing: atttd i\\'ilsuu talking third: Luke hit a liner ii” pitehet'. SHI 1.9.11 INNIN’G.-â€" Timmins.-~- L. MM'IQ' III! In 11'?! III“ {Mr I a"... Inge. stulv third: HI'uWII siIleI'Il. sv'uIIIIg “(I ”V: \Vilx‘nu Imu- ul Hum" III sm-uml 31ml .«InII- smuml: “P [.0ng IIIIIIII'II hut Ilw IIIIIMIII'I (hop- gm] Ilu- lmll um] Wilmm mluuwml In IIIII'II “II the ”mm In lilst: Spm'k IhI'I-w Lake MI! III first. 1 Run. 2 Hits. 1 Ermr. 7th INNING.~â€"- 5th DINING.â€" lit-0 in St. l’t-rv; \\‘. I’N'I'N‘ was [Mulu'd “A“. >le sm'uml: Smil pml lu Salmuru at third: It. hit fur Hm lmsvs smrmg Helm: sm tn E’im'H-z I'lfzzm nu nut L3“ H. MM'uy: Tripp by Wilsuu: Szlnlmm'n In. buses. stulv third. but wu lwtwvvn third and lmme Mt" 'Hfi'. ” Runs. 1 Hit. U I'Irrnrs. Timmins.â€"â€"~ S. MM'ny pumwd tn serum}: Lossm‘tl grunndod In Sal- Imurn; l’ivn-v n-zu-llml serum! when Mm 101'! livhlvr drumwcl his lung: fly; Smilh hit fur hm hum-s. .sven'ing l’ivrw. Inn was nuilml at third try- Hum H 8th 'i‘immins. Iroquois Iroquois Falls.â€" Hilhvrt was tlmm'n lvzlnrul tn thin! nu Lvimud's raw.- '0 In Sl. l’t'H“. \Y. Pim'm' was ilil lay Iroquois Falls. Iroquois Falls.~--- Cgun sun» HI) «I In steal. 1 Run. 1 DINING.â€" (3 Runs. (3 Hits. lll‘ inns. u-rvv: l';:.:;'.u uu'. MM'u)’; Tripp t n; Szmlmm‘n Int Faun-WE. .‘viM'uy I'xzulv u d gut Nurtmlos luw "y to wlwm- hit for hm hum-s 3 third win-u Lossurd mis- Ilmm' tn sc-mml: Sulmm'lz I’N'v t'mmml. :ns. 1 Hit. 1 Errur. ll wm' \"lm Ihrz'v ml wulkml mu! lmmu‘d tn 3 In Dom-hone. ”it. 1 I‘ll'l'm lint!) lextrn um. “11- 1 un'. Luke tn rum tlmm'n nut fur m lvli m- Ixml dmm ‘t'o. .ll 'ernr. hit in l‘ll'l'ul‘ tl fur 1W“ run dmvn Smith M m- Muif Wil- Ilsa JUS- ginger fou'n { orcupine last mug H ‘1‘ H233?! Will SHIRE TIMMIIS WIN TIMMINS. Lake. 2b. and p. Docket. lb. Lcssard. p. and 2b. Der. ccn. cf. W. Pierce. lb. ‘arvct‘n. 2b. Brown. cf. ’£.oorc ”’B '. : DcLong. c. Barton. 11'. H. Pierce. 8.8. McDonald. 31). Guilfoyle. 1f. Vaughan. as. Dmmmond. 3b. Cattley. ss Silverman. rt. Ratz. c. Levine. p. Lukv um‘. Irnwt m n l ['0 v W315 apparent Hut! Frank lmily nl' lhu-r. UH ('::;|talil| Hall'ulcl \\°illimn~'un. Hf Kingszlmx. is amuvhml as medical “Hi- vm' tn tiw 17th Xm'n Svutin Uigh- lnndvrs. m Slun'm-lifl'o ('ump. ling:- Hlv.. \. .\r \(‘sivl Mam. lmml. \\(' ¢:«»111:I. satsnl's vrrur. but was fun-ml a! ser- uml by Rpm-la; .‘(m'tnn vullml safe nu viuw (lm'isinn: 5']ka guiu': In smmml. 5"ka nut stvalinng thin]: Duwhmw l'znmul. 0 Runs. 1 Hit. ‘1 I'lrrur. Timmins.-â€"-l£. MM'uy ulll. Spark tn Nul'tnn; lh'uwn hit t'ur twu hum-s. making: live him in live limos :11 but. mm! In third wlwn tlw lmll timm'n tn valtvh Mm ufl’ somml hit him un ”10 shullldvl' and l'ullvd nut tn the livid: Wilsnn fanned: limwu (axught stmxling lmmv. 0 Runs. 1 Hit. 1 Emma 9th INNING.â€" Iroquois FaUSr-«Lvssurd tin-o lmm'n «mt at first; Luke thrc l’vrv «mt: (iillu-z't hit a hut gm whirl! glamvml ul’f Lake's _1_"l( sm'uml, \Vilsnn thruwin: tn “1 lute In got the runner: 'l‘ri; past third. (iillwrt mlvum-il third: Salmurn fanned. 0 Runs. 1 Hit, 0 Hrmrs. IROQUOIS Ts. TIMMINS. Sabourn, 3b. S. McCoy, 3b. Egan, cf. R. Lessard, ss. Speck,ss. W. Pierce, 1b. Norton, 1b. Smith, c. Deschcnc. 11“.. n. B. McCoy, cf. Sabourn, p., 11'. Brown, 1f. St. Pere, 2b. Wilson, 2b. Gilbert, c. DeLong, rf. Levigne, rf. Lake, p. Tripp, rf. Umpiresâ€"C. Aucr and Rat:. FINAL SCORE; Iroquois Falls .. Timmins . ..... Hun all III.I.Il .‘JIIII'M. ’3. \IIIlkI-Il I'I'IIIII ”0" In Kinga'tun In enlist in Hm I] (.IIIIIIIIIIII Hummus. His III- . :I lllt‘lll'wl' ”1' H10 Svuts Greys. killml II! SI. QIII'IIIIII. End Points Be'ag Iii-fl flespectively Clean Beds. Steady Board for working men Terms on Application. P.O. Box 286 Algoma My ." Imd)‘ a 1mm m‘ur t Hunks ‘it'kl‘h it: .._: 35...... 23:2; :3, -LE. 7:. 2:... z. 2...... .:_.L .. 23:52: E .5122: £5.24 ..: ._:>_.r:7. = 5.5:: .422... A 2}. lim Hm snml‘dig‘u‘rs hm hits mount runs. and mu «only in the 7th and . while Hm utlwl' team Imks. lwvim- lmmlml nut rkots hr first bust- and Tim game was full ut' in- limv-t and ”w alwvtntm‘u u- x'ur their mum-y. 'iilttlltl ml t'mmd tlu- male Hunting: in tlnr Niagara 120 Maid of tlu' Mist Huang. 'l’lw man was There wvn- an marks THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE S. PORCUPINE. Railroad Street, Opp. Static Hits KIHHHH: 'Im'llmll 'n r 1m] threw Hal- xko threw St. lint gl'uundvr RUE g'ltn'c tn 1;: tn first Mn N Tripp hit aldvzuu-ing tn .vr 'wllil? «If luts Runs Errors 13 TIMMINS I In um- 13 mm“! mm w mums m am am: am IlIIisiIml this IIIuI‘IIiIIg. c-rmxs mmumu'ml tlwir w kingflnn. but N‘d‘llh‘lt‘l! Hnisllml strunuh. (Bumblv nml Durand. ‘ II mom rI-m-pIinn. nrrim isIIiIIg [mint III 2.118 4-0. ishing puint at 2.08 4-5. thus Imvtng mn‘crml tlw twu hmulrml mih's in It.“ hunts. 2N mmutm mu! 27 M-vumls. 'l'lw m'tmll timv was fit} Imurs. but they Ian! 18 lmurs' slm-p and Nut nt Kingstun nml .\tm'ric-k\'i|lv. 'l'lwy wvn- in gum! shape. .\.~t Maria» and l"i|intrmmlt m-m'ml the vlnhhnusv m-urt-s rnsllml nut nu tlu‘ plutt'nrm tn gnu-t them. It gave way mulvr ttw wright mu! prm-ipitnt- ml nlmnt lit'ty. ilwlmling mum-n mu! vllilclx'ml. intu tlu- \mtvr. 'l'lu-y \vvrv all] rose-nod tlmugh sumo \°.’('t‘(' [min- t'nll)’ lwuisml. ('lurkv uml Filiutrco nut: wvrv tlmm'n intu tlu- water. and they haul tn lu- usesistml uslmrt- :15 Hwy lmd spnrtml and worn t-xlmnstml. 'l'lw ‘rm-t- was at hi}: snow-as. Huh (inmhlc is well klmwn in tin- l’nl'vltpilu' guld mum and has :wquir- ml t|tttt0 u rolmtutiun as u t-unm-ist. Hh- was am «my wimwr at the (‘uvh- II‘ HHH‘ IIig u-lvln'zIIimI Ilm lust IIIHIHII and Is the |)l'°0”|('l In! \\. H.IIII|III- III I IIIIIIIIIIs. 'l‘lmse lmxing enthusiasts ml the :1»ch emu!» \Hm “llllt'fifit'tl the tram e);- llil-itlnns helcl in the 'l'tmmins ('ults- emu l‘t'm'llll)‘ hetween llitlle Hughes ml the Sum. uml Jimmy Freetmm nt‘ llaliltgvlmry. were naturally interested in \rlmt'the result \vuuhl he at the enemmter held last Mumlzly at (‘nLult between these twu lightweights. My Main the Pan an this Way and Wave in Hue Condition at finish l'Iaeh had many sappurtez‘s and advueates in this distriet and al- thuagh there were nut many \‘isitui':4 tn the silver eaatp t'rma l’ui'ettpiae. the untenme was atxxiuusly ltb'llit‘tl t'nrwat‘tl tn. 'l‘lte l'aet that the referee l)r. .\l'tlultl ut' llaile.\'htu"\'. did nut give a deeisiun after the light was surprising to many. espeeially in View at the l'aet that when hath the earl. tests at 'l'immins were pulled all. He- l'eree .la’ek Faithful gave his devis- iuns immediately at; the mnelusiua ut' the hunts. Hughes-Freeman Bout Decision Reserved It was heeanse llnghes was deelar-! ed winner nn July 28th that he was: strungly l'aneied again fer the. t‘uhalt l light. hut Freeman had heen in very striet training sinee his last eneunnter and. realizing what a win wnnld mean tn him heueiieially. entered the ringl a ('uhalt with every determinatinnl «it. running nut \‘ielur. 'l‘he quit-k and «lean lighting- ul' llnghes, hnwever, tugetlier with his 'apid t'mitwurk gave him the advan- tage hat the exhibitinn altugether was prunuuneed hy same whn witnessed it tu he the best ut' its kind ever plat-ed before a Imxing ermvd at (‘nhalt. 'l'en rounds were t'unght and. enn- trary tn the last Imxing hunt in 'l'im- lmins hetween twu 'l'uruntn lighters, there was nu stipulatiun made hy the ll’ruvineial anthurities as tn the mateh lheing restrieted tn :1 eertain limit. Must «if the leading was dune hy Freeman and uh the whale the mateh [was fairly evenly divided. llnghes as in previnns hunts was admired t'ur his very pretty inlighting and de- l'enee. while Freeman Ml the ether hand put in swine hard wurl;. At the arrival nt' the tenth runnd lmth huxers were fairly well exhaust- ed and it was thuught that ”wing tn the even euntest all thrungh a devis- iun in favor (if either «me ur the uther wutlld he dillieult tn arrive at. H pf r. Static ‘ - rhu rvm-ivod M Ihv fin- tlms halving lu- .\l H' lH'I lu' rkui 99999999999999999 t W! mu! :8:.O.’:.DO§D:DD000990060000OODOO...‘:.O:00:’: ...4.O§‘i‘-.t."‘ cl..- ' II --.I'I ‘1‘. .‘. '9..- 06¢OO' Ullfifllfi COZHE €009 IAd, b.0699 floéthvoV‘ouu onohafioouuouufioouaouoo £0.30 9?? *;ouoéfig*‘p‘o ouovfionoéfinnvéou. flood-onuonnonoovéonotnuécv‘ocuoéfiow '0' '20.:“1' '2‘ 0P'}'1"}":'€' '3‘ 4'{'°Z"K'401'4"3'°}' €03"? 03‘ ‘10 01' '10.!"3'4' 02"} 02‘4“? '3‘ 01"}4-03' 'Z°°3":":"1"§”3"3Ӥ' '3 'IHINI‘ Q‘GGQQO§O¢¢ A.++¢++¢¢¢§%Q90+§¢§94¢OO*¢¢O§§O#¢¢OO§§OQ:R 3¢9¢++++¢+¢+¢++++++¢+etoo¢¢¢9¢++9¢¢¢+++¢90699o¢oo+¢¢+ 'l’llUNli 5| Full stock of Birch and Tamarac Wood / SCRANTON COAL Keep cool By Getting Your Ice From Us TIMMINS ’Phone 45 For Your Summer Outfit VISIT Spa-rial X‘Hrnflun Gist-n to Huuh Unit-r. TIMMIMS 0 VIDEI stfossse rCa Moved To Next DoorE THE \REGINA Sanitary lunchE Most Up-to date Dining Room and Lunch Counter in the North Special K zltts In! “mm! In “wk Hr month. ’uumlzu' meals, I um In .~' pH Inuul in! H him; I’m! ox and Min- ing' mun. Bust Cullm, ill ( um um Hpc H all the tinu . W. BRISSON Sullivan 8:: Newton “(mil Opp. Post Office. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS o 1 lg [{x‘z Hg ‘3 [I THE state-â€"Houses To Let and For Sale MMENS 0V1 Plumbing. and 'i‘inhmithiné HENS’ WEAR Suh- 4“."le [or "J N" "anal "ooflna TIMMINS, ONT AND SOUTH PORCUPINE Telephone 49 Them: 90 .‘l-nulnflurrr 0‘ All Kinds «I .335? “Ho-hon I'M-null- SCHUMACHER I'.U. "0X 0 PKOPRIETOR dM-

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