Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Sep 1915, p. 1, 1, p. 4

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"If PflflBUPlIE unmet Published every Friday by Geo. Luke. Publisher W3 - - - ONT a“!!! fit" LICENSE COMMISSIONS TASK mm Th1 lenlt ulllw mun. gram! thvsv (“fly 'tt'lim H‘IIINU fur And Hwy \‘ Fl'llt‘t’ al'ht‘nu téw the risrlxt sport alhh that the Hull ‘ pulml My 1'9. Canada United States ram-pa dents wuuhl m‘ity rvalllz by illh “my Hwy mumm- hvel‘ livvnsvs then [in by and mo “'Omh'tm' \Vil: :tppcamm-e uf tin-many mr s vuuncil ut' the New \'!ur' ) mm and the (Penna: ressxun In NH s In :1 ion icw Iu'okv the silcuve “ith a reth M'ashingwn take no urtiuu us 1 the sinking of the Arabic until ingtnn rum-emu Lusitania nu written unswc ml FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10th l‘n\ .uu-tum NH Xnu‘ ‘amc m “w In :Liv was sunk The l’l‘vsidOI .uid nuthing. n)’ and the Woodrow “ll mm 'l'ln Ill fl' Rhll ”W liq wrtisimr Rates ull)‘ I! ll \'( I‘lslull I'd FOOLING THE STATES ilt ll Subscript inn POUR llu- In WIHIId IV I III” I ill ul l\'t'l tl tl salt sm'nml mu Linl'H)‘ “‘1! Hit lit sidont nl' 2! I'll! nmnlnn it vllm lim'n ur shall “‘0 the Gemini! l\' ll imlivuu h 9i ‘lmne ll It 1'!“ H Sull hc It lllllfl hqlu ,uuhus l'l harm uh'e "U RIC '2': $2.00 $3.00 )l'lIl unteq Hm' l'l ll I“?! HI! llllllU m luau Iml (im'lnm tam 51H rallmns ONTARIO a year a year Xllt‘ I'H‘l! HS llln I" U [1035 1‘ as H.” .Hl llll the ll 0X1 1‘1 lllllltl! 'nlll dune reply ll “1(1) ll \l few days he name forward with war. Chm that German submrines would not attack mean lint-rs without xiv- ing warning and wittmut ensuring the safety at nnnommbatants. The (krâ€" man amhassmtnr tun-semen! this mm. nnre tn the Washingtnnf Government in tlw t’urm nf n dm-ument of State. and mm, while the ink is scarroh :dn' .m this a. rm» ..f mum. and “Mia i - ‘ hvmlul In the v 'xiot Ivanm m'nvin Eix. '31:. lull u isf-zuhm 1 [he MM 1 ‘uut fur re: [[1935 their tl lmt m1 r.“ Hi ”12' ”It“ [HUI 'HMMD ml'! ”It \V i fflUfi EHHBBEN HBASTEB Tl] HEATH In de suuth lilllt llHHlllIh‘ 93”; W (Wu 'mlwr “Winnipeg. Sept. H.-â€"l"mn' (-hihlren :u‘ tn ten years ut' age. were ruustcd dvzlth in their hmue one-half mile nth u’r' lmrotle. Mam, at three ('hwk 'l'm-sdn)‘ mnrniug, when the th- farm hnusv in whivh they were lee!» was mmsumml hy tin“. Their ther. H. Wall’suhn. slvoping on the MINI thmr with them. is in St. Buni- w Huspitnl sutfm‘ing t'x'mn tm‘rihlc ll ['nr I'vsitlvu 5 their gel “111055 is :1 lsiclm'izlf.’ ml‘ 'imls as am given in H: :..‘| 1a1|||lli 'll Hr. Munro of Grimsby w and severely hurt yeste‘ {a-zml drunken row at Sr mm funds pin H] Ill)‘ 1X5 l°'llH"..\H°'..\"H HEX! SHUW I)l{|".\\' HH} ('1‘! ' mnthcr. asleep duwn stairs. ml “ith her int'imt child lmm nights lmfnre. and although she I» m the lmspital. is nut seriuusly t'frun'. ur Injury . I’ll'v lu'lmrluu-u vtimmlly lau'gv at! :mmmv suhmillm i\' alHl‘zu'tivv ul'dt nl H H :mtvl'lll fur tlwix' practical way tn ”1' the Department :ll pcl't'nz'lmum- :1 MW nu \VNlllt‘Sllfl)‘ mm \mrmn m-lun HUI IN 111 1111 \\111l1111.~14l:1\ won- 11) :l111 1.11111111‘11;'.it\' 111 the 1111 H111 l1111111lit M H111 1 “1111;111:1111“! 1111511111111 111 H\ l:1:'1.1'11 :1111-111l1111m1 :11111 111 submittml “:15 111111 11! killt \Vns was ll I'll [11" .\ rnhi‘ nf paper. arm WIIIIQ ' to it is in process the Germans have an liner Heswtian. .\merimn people tn ms? What kind «If r: Guvornmont piny- 'nshinmnn nun-cm- H um um! in Hm! nl' Km “'04 ln‘ rm n am ”my may 1U“ Il nlmluuios nth tm-h any run Im- rvlux vigilznu-v :1 t. Uur ships will tlwm snt'v. Uur l lw sut'v if ”111' m thwvvn tlwm Ii i'vholt s Ms PH mun 'H‘!‘ n L It Iniml HI Hut ntlwrwlsv hulls mul hips ahy was assault- yesterday in an at Smithnllc. um-rl _\’ h)‘ lllllt‘ Ill ( Hull 0! duty in Imu'kml \\‘ huliml m may ll lS ht tl NW q am .\ m :u-Hcms I" 1’0" N‘Hlfllll mnm'r (Ii 1" I '1' [U )\\' l) I" "‘an u tlw H in Inn-n all rm DWG nl'dm‘ 1k: HM H‘I M N HM In ll lllllll Bill CHESS flfl’lV Ill TIMMIIS flfllll MERBHMIS Is to Questions Raised in a Communicatiun last Week in Correspondence lmintm .\t tlw timv of my ummintn wvnt tn n luvnl nwrvlmnt um! I: luv the lu-st pussin privcs lmt ly mmltl nut supply us t'rmn hi: and «muting tn the \xlmlosulm's «May and grt-nt uncertainty. Ours is :1 fund roprvso-ntin lrihutinns t‘rum tlw gnu-ml mud we am- mlxiuus tn llrw it ln regard tn the letter t‘rmn t tnil Merelumts' .\ssueintiun nl mills in the lA-tterlmx ut' the .\1 last week. beluw is n eupy I reply sent tmlny tn The lletni elmtlls and Whit-ll is sttllleienl lrluin itself. c'iv'l)"s 30m plivs. I am fail“ tn Nu haw nlwny and willing I I'm". In nut un vuluullg ’H'l‘ t'l ient lenIen :-~ In reply in yuur letter published in l'he l’ura-npine .\-lmnee nt' Septem- N‘l‘ :lrcl. regarding the Red t'russ Sn. 'iety's sending nut nt' tmvn l‘ur sup- vlies. l mu surry it has appeared nu- l‘nil‘ tn the lnenl merehnnts t'ur we mve always funnel them genernns iml willing tn en-upernte. I feel. lmwever. that as l was up. minted mul nut eleetecl tn purehnse he supplies. the llltllllt' shunhl in". wt cm the Sueiets‘. lmt un me indi- III lllll tlu' qll HI SUN mvlu ('nilh [DI‘IH we ('0!!! rvnts and the qmuny mm suppu mu :um-rtnin. I! is mwmsur)’ tn Imw it wide tn (-ut mlmntagxmmsly. uthmwvisv lmth whim: mu! nmkiu}: nrv mmpli- mtml by IIiL't'illfJ. l‘Izttnns supply the \nmlcn materials in better qualities :1! luwvr [wives than Hwy vullld he ln'm'ul‘ml lwl'o. ('hvvsm'lnth ('uxmut In» lmug’ht Inval- ly. only as l'mttvr vinth whirl] duos nut mnkn sutisi'uvtury huspital handker- In Maltvl'luls Mr H nl '10 ul' tiw lws wax: u!’ tlw n-qui wally fuvilitutvs I'Imuns lmw lam-tin: at 21 w l’“ ‘Ull purvh tul'll)‘ I’l'um I'Intuns “'0 gr! snt'uty pins at SH) vents Iver gruss. llvro wv lzm'v paid 5') vents lwr «lnzvu. oxvvpt un twn,‘ _ ”('(‘ilainlls when Inert-hunts gnn- us the lust grass in thvil' stm-k at 2:5 vents." Linen and lmnv buttons: ”2' H10 re-m ”My”! types um um he lmught |m-- ‘ :II ~tinn M all. ll' .41! math-rials 'mml In In" in "sunny. 'l'lu'r thread alt I'Izltuns is ~15 rents p01: 'lnxvu spuuls. Hen- it is '60 routs. ‘ AlmthPI' impurtunt item is that I‘Iatmzs and Simpsuns pay tho trans- lmrtutiun vhzu'zes whereas when we urdor tln'uugh the local morrlmuts we have tn pay them t'rum the wlmle- sulm's. In «omnlmrin: these priovs it is very i111-'1:1111|111111'_'1111~<11|1ri111s111s 1111 111111111 H1111 11 is 1111 :11l12111t:1'_:1-111t1111 5111-11-11 111 I11:.\‘ 11111 111' 1111111 111111 I} :1.~~‘111'1- 11111 1111- 1111:1I111' 111' 1111- mun-1'- 111l> 1.~ 511111H'11111. 'l'l11111.t1111.\\'1- :11‘11 >111'1' 111 11111111111: 11111111I1‘I1' 111"1h'1~' \"111111111 1101:!) . l umlerstmnl that the merchants With wlmm l talked were willing: tn rive us materials at oust hut I felt that as they were getting t'ruzu uur patrunage only extra trouble and we mmld pay the out of town merchants eommissinn and still get lower prices. that they eullld not object to our lmvin: as we have. IHX Mam nvls. Knmin H Ming :1! 21 a! “'0 Punk ’m'lu-cl at “.35 :zlity that ll time In mall .\ll ("IN 11111115 have 11 factory 1111111111 1'111' {111111 shirts 111111 pillnw slips ~10 1115 111111: 11t 111 1111115 111'1‘1'111‘1l.\\'1- 1! 1.:111 111111115 1111- 51111111 11111111 111111 1~ l11111~|1111 111 1111"'1'1i111 111111l111. 11111115 |11111- 1111111111310 1-11111111 .413 111- 1 111110 111 (1 1111111 [1111' 1'111‘11. W0 11 11111 310! it I111°11H\'. 11111115 I:1:\'1' “1111110101111 312â€"3311 111- 1 1111111 111 51 111111 1101' 1'111'11. H1111! [111M I'm ”1.3.! 1111!1 11111111111! IUI s 111111 ”10 1111111111 111111 s111111|1 11'1s'1 111111111. [1 is 111-1-:1us1111 111 M11111 1th l't H Timmin _\'. 'l'lwrol‘urt' \vlu . in me. I vi: ‘5 M tlw ('ammlin . and inquired ul' tlu' right mam-Via us svll knittingr pins at 15 vents ir. lmvally they are :3” (wnts. ut' 0111' \Hml yum has been sml Int-ally and wry satisfac- do :11 U I“ I I'H!‘ 25- HI ”ID till in. It is out mlm Hingr mu 1- nnxiuus in use- it In tlw ulvnmngv and In tlw satis- ull. if |ms~zihltu 'I'n hu)‘ Hu- ninls IM‘ tlw Imus! mnm‘)’ mv tn lw gum] Imsim-ss nmi 'l'lwrct'm'v wlwn I “as in ‘ 2;.) ('vntSo It the Indie: make it up Sol!!! ”Marin H'Ilt ”51th s :mmlinn Hm! mvrrlmnts \smu'intiun 5.2.? _: x; 7::â€" z 2:. 2:1,. 2.2.7: 7. .z... .5 . 1.. 2:; 3.: mt lw lmugrht Inval- lnth whirl: duos nut huspitul handker- 'tor frum the "co wintinn uf Tim- i M Hm Advnm‘c a rainy nf the The Retail Met- snlm'ivnt to ex- m PORCUPINE ADVANCE s l was In |Illl‘¢' ll n‘llt' I it p 32-31} m- yum]. Hvrv mutt-rial l” SH ll nu' imli HIP Inlmu-hml l'cl. 'I'Iw \\'JIS ,4 Sim _' mm~ lmhlic hi ”H mmml m. 91 ".‘H' '31“. lulu! “'0‘ ll " 1r $5.09 Illnths 1.15 “ anths 1.08 I Correspondence is invited from! readers of The Porcupine Advance; ‘and others. on matters of interest; l Esnd importance more especially in re- . 'gard to mining camp matters of the ‘Gold district. The communications? should be written on one side only! ‘and name and address given for veri- , iicntion. but not necessarily for pnh- f ilicstion. _ -_ .. “l 2 The Advance does not hold itself {responsible for any opinions express- ,ed in such communications. Discus. sions and arguments on matters of Ereligion and similarly inclined topics lcannot be entertained through this I column. To he sure the Iuajnrity 0f the merchants have been utilizing and have contributed more or less gene-r. musty. hut ours is n mhlic fund and I dn not. believe thnt } nm nnpatriotic in expending it In the host advantage. The Srhumarher- Timmins Hmnrh of the ('nnadian RN! t'mss Suwiety aims to lw ”patriotir always and in ew'ry way. ' .z~z~;~z~z~:~:-:-z~:~z‘ ('HIH nu-nl lll'J in $2 an mths 1.25 nths 75c. [E0 SWES 'l'Iil'mig'u yum' (‘Ullllllllh mu) 1 u wlm is summsml tn lw ruspunsihlv I at state m' “Hairs vxistinu «m Haiilz'n strm-t :1! Sum}. l’urvupinv \vhvrv t publiv lizlSnillfJ alum: llw sidow: Imu- tlwii' uttvnliun drawn wry i'u ililj.‘ tn the hurt that :1 mqu ”1' sm lmnivs an} lM'iHL1' limit In 2! IMHIM‘ m in “how it is stain! lhv uwnm' Sitit'fi. ()m- mmlcl think that our in Sanitary Inspw-tur ur mum Minors authurity \muld tzikv up the man as it sci-ms in In: quite :1 lirvm-h sanitary miuiilinns as Hwy slmuhl is! «m a pnhliv llim'nug‘ht'm't‘. WM \V M .\R(‘v.\ R ET U. HHl'STt L\' A HOUSE OP. STABLE? (‘Il HOLIDAY CLOSING 'nurs tml tulllm Ilh l'immil t llu plum NH ”1' I‘ll I’IH'IQI'I‘IX'I' PASSI-IHHY lrml Wlllh ()ill H z-vaamn this n] U kiln“ vupnw €~2~2~§~2~H~§~H€¥z~ ll Ipim- Admin-u UH lofllH'r Hay and 'al lmliclay tapart it is a Isrm'laimml it was naturally arm um I! ut' 'l'itu- so “Mr vstahlisln- hint: at any rate. tin alvlwarml tn lw kamva that a var- close the mung Stl‘cct Advance” foils \mnld I'L’Q'IH')‘ H. Be for H%ou1 Bu \\‘ snuw others m up Ilw matter to :1 lu‘vavh «.L‘ Hwy slmuhl (*x- illlll‘ Sch! ‘lIo ‘\ I ”is.“ :vnvmll)‘ IIIIt' N up: I!” E The Regaa Cami ‘ IH( Ell NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg” Timmins .' [{M'. “r. S form! by the ,Hw «harm! a EVHI‘UIP In ,,\qul'otu\\'11 ;\ BARRISTB R. All kinds of ‘1 P.O. BOX 12.). Mrs. ”(W-“bun Hf H dead in hm! .\'t:stm'c\a.\' was tlw muse. 1111M: [I01 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIBS. 12¢ ), Hch 17-! Tomplt' 3nilding. 'l‘Hl'lllltU (inldcn Aux. Smith l’uz'vnlvim- Alrangunents haw practimll‘ be. ade at “umllnidue tn semrv pr utv fur (exszctex'y purposes. Cook Er Mitchell WILLIAM A. OLMSTEAD BARRISTBR. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, ETC. Physician and Surgeon I’imm' n.) Ih'. Svnflit‘H 3 A. McINNIS .ux 17-1. l’lmu Timmin , Ontario. to“. TIMMINS, ONT. . BISCDRNET SOLICITOR. anfliuhl has lwvn t e Sumiu ["1'eslu'tvrjv 0f Sumhra, Dullli” . (‘nrumm. (‘uurt zu'ul Ix'nnx. Next Post Office. TIMMINS Jewelry and Repairs on Watches. DIAMONDS - Mahon More thm 85,000.00 worth at pcr- fcct diamonds. in L3. 1'; and 3/. cunt sins at a price tint will {Mex-est you. SEE our window display then come in and we will be pleassd to show yea the entire assortment. PRICES : from $15.00 to $75.00 We also have other beautiful rings at in rrio JEWBLBR and OPTIOIAN '1‘. 8'. N. 0. Watch Inspector. TIMMINS $100.00 to 53.0000 . J. ROCHE Heart failurt :1an mm mrtnght tr U {mm '2l X15- ICU“ Yl .\I«-tlnmlist Morning service (from 15 at 11 o’clock. Evening 80 o'clock. Sunday School at CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION OTTAWA Anglica Frum :1“ 'l'. .'N. U. Stadium" *1 ”tum-n, at Inwcst l'vuulm' first (-I ,s I'urv :uul «mo-third. fur ruuml trip. Gnml going: Friday, September 10th in Friday Slfptex'nhm‘ 17th, 1915, in- vlnsivc. Return lixuit-â€"~.\Iumlu§. Svptembvr 30th. 1915. Passengers requiring." aim-grin}: our um:mmmlzttiun. will Mvusc malw nan-13' rcqm-st tn Luml Agent. rnsln'torizm (‘lmrr-h FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10th TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1915. 1'c.~;|».\'tu'izm trv ) ~--~J Sunday Soluml Lin-Hing Sorvim UH Morning St Sunday 801 I'lwning Sc: Anglican (“blurbâ€"Mr. Callau in charge. Reduced Faresâ€"â€" U 'l.”|. l‘nulll CHURCH NOTICES. SHI'TH PORF'I'I’INI". Bhuwfing ldvoniug- Sunday Sc m ('I‘hu (Ivâ€"RM Rector. m. Svrvivo in Empirv 'I'hcutru St'IlI'M.\('IlI'IIL Svllunl Sunday \. J. PA RI ”U ’l‘l.\I.\H.\IS (:l'VH't hlll't ‘ A! l°\'l(‘l nun-h (limpirv Then I. Allan. l’ustnx'. hUUl m (from Ist of June) Evening service at. 7 lll'f'lIW-"PHStOI' Nulvuhn . nvlmuw. ll mm 10 p. St'lmul ill PM Mm‘ 8L N. 0. RY. 0 ll n‘vlnoli “30' p.111. 1. .30 p.110. 3. 30 p .30 p :BO p.111. Ill ”(on o'clock. Brown. HI. “I. st'hunlf RexN

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