There has been quite Iver of Southern! mining 81nd rflurfling fmm the I gold n'lmflml «listrifl. It is stated that ï¬ve mun' tn tw llsml as rcstdenrm for ï¬t the Home are tn he arm-t9 (inn tn the other Imilding in «mm of martian. (.190 nt' 'l'nmkmsnn I grmtly mlmiml by lmflc‘ml it. {M'H' ‘.‘o . . I‘ um Mr. and Mrs. a vac-anion for Hlil'l'i lmliw gram! m R!- (ml :\ hut r ('l'l‘lH .' hm' (WN' 5mm The haw a‘oum lur I llwmsolvvs (lifl'vl'vlwv ms! \x'm‘k. prntvgvs \' {His 2mm- lUllS. vmm‘. (Mums In wall I“ Wit NU H“ RUSH T0 KOWKASH WAS AsmUNmNG 'lll‘ I! N) Mayor of Cochrane is investor in Claims of Discoverer of New Field Mnyur Hnthsvhim ut' "|H".Il prosvntin: :\ minim: synciiv: purvlmsc-«l am interest in tit “mlds c-luims at Kanzlsil. taken a part): in by nwturJM “w 'l'. V. Railway tn the x; lit-Ms. lh’mwvntativvs m' u symlimtv are in the xmrtix t :arramuv :1 deal fur a hlnrl; u smkml uhcml nt' thv his; ru~":: :armnuv :1 non: HH' staked :llloml â€f the '1'" the stampedv (‘nhnh and l’ul'vul men. tlu- Natiunnl Fult)‘ â€mum were u oral buyers were 1? :lrv l'opmtml \u :04 «amp. The belt Hf gum! fut". \'.' hivh King-[Mums made th' (-men at gull has Men tn \0:‘\ extcmixe and We“ 4 are ('Xpectml as the Hrusmu their lm-atim: . years agu. was. a particular known ï¬gure in Tummu. \\ was editur out' The l'mmdiau man. His son was fur a win} inland rvvvnue 'l‘urunto hm: quit the vii}; fur the unrt‘a ' b where he has lived fur No.1. H. \\'. Kin: “10 ï¬eld. is :1 (.2. 'l‘m‘umu. w _\'ui| HM) H SH" il tlomliol trophy [in . ‘3. Hirksnn fur ! am is om "PW in L-s wvrv rvmm'uum um- when talking: Stu-h is the many nut Just z-mnmhsh w rival )‘c l’ulIn-rt is re well in thc x 'I‘umnlu I". entries. but Woinmmwd wanodmnmu . 74.5-3.5.7. 2:. 3...; L. 7 z 1...: .L. â€"..: 73:8. 11111! 1511141111110 11111911 21mm 11- 51111111111! 111M111: 111.11 in. mum were 1.11 the train. 591- }‘1-1'5 were 11311111111 111111 many 1.111011 111 he already at the ms: unm in lmschull. but {.31 whom they wvrv the “am lehmnld :' n-z'v rvuun'kuhly 5314 rl'I‘ll H ruh 'l'lu HUN \'()1| is n-lmflw tln- prim u Exlnhih human HHHH! ' up i ilml | u we :uml furmath a large num. r men leasing new kn“ kflSll â€â€˜1' «ml lvt it hm rdi! MN II l l m l_\‘ IN)". xiii. \'\'!:;il must lu- d-nnsicim'wl 4 ‘Mw must iuzil'x'l'HMH (xii-mum gmthm' Wi'y soriuus injuries .0! ‘uhiy instant dentin was ilml in , imim'» that in will known Suutlwml musivi; 1 gram! 'sii'luz'vi'i'v main zivtm' in the early In â€HIV 1.... “mi- , \\'winv§duy ium'iiii 1:. Fulluwi it in. i.HH\\'H turn at l'osiivv uvvzisinn it is shit: â€gm huqdmu ! im “us nu Hi0 i'mbl' 01° the tii'oli nilv :u-uunmlï¬unt Imuwing that a gap exist hui â€3, {1.2311 ,lgim-vn tlu- lmiliiinj.r mu! tho vi'v inc hum-5.11:1“. wailkml right “11' the lire ll: mului NM iiisihluuk spawn. 11v must lazin- .hlv silmn uulu-m'wl a sudden drup ni' Ilii g; in 'l“...- .‘..i-ii'url.\' I'm-I but at 'amgv in say 5 in' mi ilzv mm. | nu In'ukon limbs ziltlmugli his | Y‘ A __‘ 1w"! huilalinm “urkmen E in {MM whivh i: the pr. "3 Mr! awnv t1 11' o l NH H count r3 lll UV In“ 31min“ Kin hr [nuns H". .I; I†has r‘ruxn make It Ht cries .lll he N8†p ‘Dt‘ Mr. J. 1‘. “03'1““: «of (‘nlmlt M'- riu-d M the I'nnnnught Ins! Tuesday ull a business nip. Mr. J. U. McMillan. Mining Inspeca tur lms 'N‘t‘ll spending the past few days in the guild rnnip being n guest at Hw i'unnnuglil. (lis- II In .‘hlu [NU but Holll 1’09 â€'91 ll H \Ir, Hm! :t v. v“ iUHDWII Suiithvml musu'iaiu was 'i'l' main zwtm° in tho vzirly hmirs ut' \\'t-cim-.§clu.\' rimming. Fullmvin: up- uzi n t'ostivi- uvmsiuu it is stiitml that l... “as nu thi- Nut â€1' tho iirvlulll and nut hnmring.r that u 312i]! vxistmi ho- tm-a-n thu lmihlinj.r aim! tho .'l‘u-.\'n hull. wulkwl right nti' thv tirv hull intu Hunk slim-v. llt- must l!;|\'(‘ t'XlN‘X'- u-m-m! :i Slltitit‘“ til'tlll nt' thirty 01' t'nrty t'vvt lmt strange to say Sutton-d m. hruki-n limhs ziltlmugh his hands and two worn very Inuit)“ rut. The last twn years he has spent alunr: the trauseuutiueutal. liviu}.r ahme. prnspeetiug in summer. trapping: in uiuter. and getting: his supplies train the llmlsmi Hay t‘nmpan)‘. About the tirst at August he eruiseil (hunt the Kim-hash lliver. examiningr tlu rut-ks that jut intu the river at places. llis seat‘eh letl him Iltlll yards in t'rutu the river. While stumbling.r aiming t'allea trees he literally fell untn the L'ultl showings. A perfect plaster of t'nllen trees he literally t'ell untn the 1:“ch showings. A perfect plaster of gulll stuek up thruugh the light eur- erlug Hf muss. lt was nu truuhle tn traee the vein and unem'er mnre gultl. .\ few minutes later l{lllfI-l)()(ltlh‘. unmlerer t'nr twenty years through New Huturiu. was hawking ulll his enruer pasts uml blazing his elaim lines. â€no deal to spend several thousand dollars on developing at bloek of the Kowkash elnnns is under way in 'l'or- onto. .\ big ï¬nnneinl man is behind the prolmsition. The representative of the stalkers is in Toronto. and yes- terday was busy attending many en- quiries from brokers us to what he \vould do. An old-timer, down from the north yesterday. says the rush is bigger than the Porcupine one. Never had be seen sneh spontaeons aetion in the 'wrth country. . lit-"Hz? J. .‘Iillnr «I. ' iv“ again I‘m Dotmit .inI return in n slmr' rmiml by Mrs. Mil‘t‘r. H. n. Fannie-had was among tn return Wednesday nigh! he Transmnlinental guld rush. i'ultm‘rl \ ha 3)? ht"! May night I Italian c v] mi m‘t‘klmw 'prt whit-h had been nr- had 3 sh‘ik n held I“ â€I0 ('mmuught The "null“ night did 1m! materialize hits an rpm lian "I‘PIH'SH‘R was sm'm‘. I} smuorm ry (blljllyflhll' prugrmmm‘ ngp Sllnl‘ them. a virvm! 0| Deal Under Way. almnm‘ as the raid»: ('HHIH'H will n-qm-s! 'I'rmlv tn talk" up 11w ul tvlvplumv mm; and nvvtiun‘s Hum tlw HUM Xaltimm! 'l'ruusmnlin- in addition they will :lu- mutter ul' Sunday u lw taken up by (In- 0ҠN' 'rml .ullx Hm Wllii ul' the .‘limvlc (mi! yesterday slmrt tilm' mu Injuries HIS“ ('l'ml um' 01 «'algwta Hull! 'im â€1' ppm!)- hut in whirl: Imu I W â€â€˜11 m ,I \' WHHI‘! “kt-l)“ um liw' h n‘ m «If I. M. I]. WIIIEBS flVffl BfllNMJBIIT “Mil By Score at 7-3 last Weekend; When tables Were Easily Iurned It was II gtnriuns \‘ietnry. After their snuwing the ï¬remen under the week before the enterers tlmnnht they ennht tnekle anything in sight. Pm. hnhly they mnhl. in the gruh line. tint not in the hnse line. t'ntttey was there with the speedy eurves that de- eeii‘ecl the heat «it them. tiny Myers and Killins each had it threedmmri «it? the diminutive operntur. but the nther players an the llutel tenm eunht (in little with ttert's delivery. and he hmt 8 strikemnts in the ï¬ve innings. The t'nnnnnght hum-«tern had seven hits nn reeurit hut they were tun wide- ily senttereil tn ch» any mnterint chim- nge. Snllivnn'a hit in the titth for n eirenit nt' the hugs. “as n grent eff. urt. hut unt‘m'tmmtety he mm entted uttt h)" the umpire t’ur eulliiling with the eunehei' at third hmu‘. ‘ 't'he rnilruml men stnrtect well hy tnmiinu up .‘lnteh t’ui‘ the runs in the “rut ’l‘iu- niteher “as n little wilil tzt't'vll ï¬rst. um‘ "I ('M ! In Issm'o CONNAUGHT Ho WIN MHHKE‘! ’ IMIW MAME Killing. 1b. and p Sullivan. 2b. McDonald. c. Briden. rf. My era. It. Hoppenstall 3b. 1b Croskcry. cf. H. Myers. cf. Kahuhss. iMutch, 1)., 3'9. I m Iarnnto Exhibitien When Tried to Make it Submit In Him (ii!!!) munkvy su lunlly lll:|ll‘.’l('tl ant! laeeratetl he- t'nre he eunhl quiet the animal as tn require uver twenty stitehes in it at the emergentgv hnspital un grmnuls. 'l'he nmnlcey. whieh is a male weigh- in;r hetween 2:3 and :m putnnls. had been with the shnw fur the past twu years. but nn Saturday night. “wins.“ lu its sullen hehax'inr. \\'ehrle strnek at it with a whip. The first hluw t'ailih;r ln enw it, he strnek the ani- mal again. when it sprang at him. and. seizingr his left t'nreartn. hit and ture at it with its sharp teeth while \\'ehrle tried in vain tu tlniet it. the animal ï¬nally clesistinj: un its uwn aeenrtl. when the injured nntn sne- (‘l'i‘tlt'tl in gettilt': it intu its rage. tin one tlnrin}.r tn 3;.» 10 his help in the meantime. In spite ut' the great pain he was sntl'ering. Wehrle. whn lliltl let the animal :10 in nis tirst surprise. eanght its ehain again. fearing that it might get hmse in the (‘l'Uth antl eanse a panie. mpire The seeue presented at Smith l’nr- rupine station last Saturday night re- minded several 'l‘inunins passengers \\'hu had arune in of the early days ut' the guld vamp. Last Saturday it was said that smile sixty tickets had been suld â€fur the new guld vamp west of (‘m-hraue. The baggage ear of the train (-ertainly presented a very basi- ness-like aspect by the piling up Of paeksaeks and the eunsigmuenta of tattoos all being taken in by prospec- tul'a‘ (bl. Pul't'uplllc. \qu Ill 'lxhi‘.)itiun \Vvhl'lt'. H H'. â€I“ : ull)’ mzm'. «)zxt‘ tbl W idd \\' n\‘ mt- ui Hw Hll'gt' Ill hivh 119 was exhibit w MM“ UH Moore. c. McLeod. If Leavoy, as. Varctto. cf. Jcmznett. 3b. Cattley. p. Humpiuics. rf McCarthy. 2b. nmn was hurried tn tmspitul tent in the (-9. and at the tent n by Dr. (hmhm .l. inn in charge, who rm in a badly mangl- ï¬eld THE PORCI’PINE ADVANCE £1 FERHIRMER It haul Saturday night. lilusliv-Sldnnml uul his loft arm the mm Inr n a great ofl‘. W “M onllml “Hiding with C l_\' Dock 5r 1‘ f‘Pr Imws m T‘I In- OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO .3..e+.“..u..u..??I:TTIA¢:TTI:TT?TJm TEMESWWM WHERE “751833 BMW making tum fur HID Sum vrutiu mu! nVuit‘tlu‘ lemn The only place in the Porcupine District selling School Books. I‘). Hugh Boyle. 81w TELEPHONE 62 ACID SURVEY OF HOLES FURNISHED IF REQUIRED Get Your it :Ih 'ntmrr Hm: h'lmtt -uul Dominion Diamond Drilling Company Autos for Hire Day and Night mum»: 5’3 m Repairs on cars at shuryest Notice and The bust and mosf-up-to- (lute Livery 01' its kiml in South Porcupine Automcbiiee for Livery and Ter‘Sfer 'Nm bust and most-up-tn- SOUTH PORCUPINB “ERNIE the \, C . Sch \‘xu'atinl S. WHEELER South Porcupine TIMMINS 'uul (°n('lll'.‘uu'. tl‘lm' Svn'im- lwtwm-n Nurth linglo'mrt «lmiy (cxvcpt Kiddim mu m RAIN SERVICE. CORE BORING SOUHDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcï¬ine :e for Hire- Open Day and Night- Phone 31 J uly alt I'Izll'lt. mun-h | ‘lomln‘r nah M lwtwm-n linglvhnr! (exam! Sunday). ulnrs. SN' vnrrcnt '|V “ I' In “MY 1. \C X. (L A. J. FARR. 1H" In any 11 with! 0:10] Sal unln)‘ :n‘m: \Vi th, 1915. \\ â€Cam-.- .1115. 1‘ H-valfl Sm:- ml ('m'ln‘uut'. 'm'quis Juno- and: points. H . svrviws lw- uchmm'. up- i'm' lwtwm-n n! Svluml m1“ l'h :1 HM .hmvtinn In“ «lzlilï¬' luv}. Nil 9!: Tuna- \'. ('um- mnnw points. m'mtu. Boyle. Mar 6f :ltin 80X 506 day. .;.. WOOWOOOWOâ€O 00000000000000.0090.†Soft Drinks : ALWAYS COOL AND COMFORTABLE OOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO Best Quality Cigars, Cigarettes and 3 9 § 00000090000009.9990000 60000000900000.0090.†SOUTH PORCU'PINB. : TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 Bowling Aliey and BiIliard Room scum roxcurnu: 11mm '. C. H. SIMMSy RATES : #000000 069600 The Stock must be cleared no mam Prices will be astonishing and ridiculous goods offered. PROPRIETOR. modem improvements, Baths, etc. \1/ of Board Real Estate and insurance AH lumlvl'n (-Olwvnivncvs. Anwrimn i’lzm, Special Sunday Dinners E. G. DMKSQN TIMMINS and scum Poncurmn The Exclusive IS STiflx ON Geo. H. Perry, Manager Ladies’ and Gents’ Furishers. AT TIMMINS Timmins Roprese. SSU'I H PORCUPINE $2.50 to $3.00 what sacrifice. u: the quality of A. R. FREEMAN and the very best Phonc30 RD. 503 319