Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 10 Sep 1915, p. 1, 1, p. 1

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THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE hmm‘ lmkv “ulm' Millrs 1"!”0)’ ”.“I’IH'II (in!!! ”00“ Hollingm' . Jupiter . .‘lvllllyrv l’m'vupim- ('m' l’urvupilw Inn l’rostnn l".. I)”: Contrary to the desire of the Tim- mins Board of Trade that the Town Council pass a resolution asking the License Commissioners of Ontario to grant bcer licenses in Timmins. the Council by a vote of three to two on W'ednesday afternoon turned down the request. .\°()\\'. 'l‘llI-IHICI‘ SULVHI). that it T'O-DAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS. The firs! rowlntlun w ('umu‘i‘ Inul plurml lwt'ni'c t as fulltms: "\Vl'IHKICAS N'H‘B'iil up Tur MW and Me “(TENN 1 presented In Um Pruvilwihl License..liqunnissiunm's by of .thi's’ .lilmlyipipulit)‘. and .\\'HERH;\S it is mhlvl'x' \VHERPZAS am oxprv: inn MI MN» subject by t t‘ounoil will doubtless 115.45th? In ”11' ”mm at its ruuvhlaiuu. Don‘t forget The Porcupine Ad- vance is the only full size newspaper actually printed on the ground of the gold campâ€"at Timmins. Be a. sub- scriber now. It was t'ullmviug a row 01' the [hard that twn were drawn up tn plum- (‘umwil fur llwm in pass . able, and these “we laid ( in lhlltlu'ls In Mr. 'l‘um “as .tm-umpmnml un "01 'l‘m'k Hugfv Vipuml . . “'05! “(mm Mum-m . TlMMiNS COUNCILLORS VOTE AGAINST LICENSES was zu‘w Hmml M (on. Mr. Un' fl‘um m-H‘ml and Mum” tum. gin- nings Mum «main-J and thv tlmln MI 2:: In lturtlnu'a’t murm'r ul' "Toss tlw \vlmlv hm" thirds uvruss Mmm timw any t'urtlwr H..- 4°ivnt \mrk has hm-n worth whit" tn uttra: .uml im'vstignticm ut a busy tilm- and [mm fur this district. *' said Board intend I IS on the firm-ml: in purpuso ut' iln‘vsxigming tious and clevidiug llpu ability uf grunnn: live sale of lwcr and 3130. am 'l'ln'm' vlnims rlnnm m llw l ’cbllll' Majority of Town Body Cannot Support the Question of Securing Beer Licenses in the Camp tum-“HM! m flwmw luwmhnv claims in the Mun: resulted in quite c don being paid to other: in close pro: the tax: couple of The Wayain Which Claims Here and in Beattyg Wailing hi" "WWW Are Being Developed Attracting _ '3"? Attention , A [wx Vol 1. No 53 MUNRO TOWNSHIP AND DISTRICT IS ACTIVE WITII DEVELOPMENT (Supplied by he [Old 1m “I" It (Noon Closing) _'I'H\\H Imp. Ihmw I sweml vlmlm have given very 1 vruslwd in H: [ls arm: m o-xlvm mmwr ni’ “nutty huh! (ms‘llship mun-«l «m I‘mlt- by M1 n NMHMI. l‘t’n'uluhu plawml he] knuwn mum “I“ 05' M HIIH‘I‘ 'IH weeks} may miderable thxt l instant ling: hwul "pun the livensos 1 c)!!! l5. I‘d-I ['1‘ RE- the unanimous recent mvvtmg. aid lwl'nrc lhv mu King. whu behalf of I!!!" . (ionl'gv Pres- :uul miners. n whivh the 'uro them read Hm inane the Il“ o \\ '8 Is [tip 8 I II «I '5 «m. if mi H.) II. (3.3 "H )H My ri mum}; mm for table amen. section and to it during l't‘s‘u ll (iilmm) 1 01' ”lull- Municipal ur‘ sumo: won-Doha ship have o make N'l's‘ [n'mlic ulN-mi l'( \Vt snlutiuns furv llu- hull U \I Mums til!(li 1v 1 1151' H th'ls “th H” Hi mi N.) H. {H fin \H (‘t‘ll lull ll 1'" H This smomw' In M ”w busy sunsun i'ul' "my mild strikes. if Hu- rolmi'ts lwim: writ nut I'mm \‘au'iuus distrivts [to Hm city [minis aw in iw I'vliml nu 'lu nny gram i-xlvnt. ! Hm. nl' tlw must I‘Q'H'IH In uttrm't unmitinu this \ka is Hm! in wliivli imntlu'r dismvm'y is stated in lim'v lwvn made in ”w Xipiguu Nesorx'c uml H. Hun-.ml Fergus-nu has much- itlw shin-mm! Hm! whilv lu- has lwnril upiniun ut' this (‘uum-il that thv grunt- ing 01' u roumnmhh- numhm' ut‘ such 'l‘m'rrn mul Shup lim'usvs is must ml- \'isuhlv. and will rmm-«ly tn at very largo t'xlt'lll t-nmlitiuns that have lwen wry unsulisl'atvtnry hvrctut'nrv: AND ALSO that this (‘unm-il t'm'ls assurml that in passing the rvsulutiun it is \‘uiviug tlw npiniun ut' nearly all “1' the t'vspunsihlu people ml the (‘0!!!- unmity. 'l'hv l‘(‘>‘t ('illur 1'1. (‘nunvillur \‘utc lwil unntlu'r dist-M'M'y is stated lu lun'v lwvn made in ”w Xipiguu Reserve uml H. [Inward Fergus-nu has much- tlw sum-smut Hm! whilv lu- has lwnnl stuxies ul' .1 strike in this clistrivt at \aniuus limvs during tlwx v.0ur lu- haul Hilly! mm lwumw saltisfiml that tlwrv \ms suuwlhing in ”11- rmxml'. He in- lvlulml in :wml a! goulngist to NW mumr)’ us sum" as ulna'uhm- writivn- [inn mmlal Iw I‘wvivml. .\ nmnlwr ut' m'nsm-nhn's Imvv gnaw imn this dis- «NH-M In noted 1hr Pullfidt'nth' lrirl NIH HS ll quvn nut ‘ wuul [PM in" "l0”. HM ll! “Q .\.\'I) NC \'I°Il) that! “uh cm ”H Nip‘igon District Now Among Gold Strikes h ) rt 411 Ill ll ln luvin HI Haumuo and I) ' Peters haul 1c (‘U ‘rum llu- m-tiw alum-lupuwm of in.” vlninw in sm-II u ~slmrt tinu- it m imlivmiun that this lmrlivulm l «ivummls mourn Hum pausing nt- linn mu! investigmimx uI' mining used in «mm: (‘num'il at 'l' Stu-nth clay M'Svlrlmnhor Three to Two Against individual I'vprvsvnlallivv nu'mmg uf Sim!- vlllm'ns yesterday clm'ulml in ask ’itfi.‘ ('umn-il tn musv $50.01") by H llllllt'fll olv Pup} n the . ummsiliun an lw mu-mmterml tying: the Hum u'untiuuul on tr ['1]! ”K (II! the first full mmwil meeting muwuwnwnt Whii'll has been 1' mule timv and it had been ly 03°chth by those bring- in- questiun «:1' beer livcnses qumsitiun and: as was fnuml MM '. .‘ Hunnl Him!) In mm lcbll ['1‘ Nu tum - n hm Ill t ll ’ul' lmtl'iutiv lull‘lmsvs H matter * :9th ll IS stun-«l Xhun for ft the m H: m rd I"! lll‘ IV .\| an “alum .lm u! lllu I'vm'nl in “UNIV! :5 Hm! m wIIu-II 1 fur. fis (‘mmcll- 19 meeting owing and his muse- the Maynx' did uunvillurs .\ I] [)1'. .‘lth lmn't 'l'Hl'IH HI'ISHL UI' and (‘uunvi H It 'agu unmussmn v fully pl: 'ul by (‘mm- scmmled by but ml) the ll In :1 very that have lit-rot ut'nro‘. unnril feels u- rvsulutiun rm TIMMINS. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1915. «lislmsul 'l'nnmm: mcillurs HUN “nah ill'! all 'l‘hu grmit rapidity with whivh thv tivkvts whivh the Lm-ul Hm! ('i'uss Sui-ivty nt' tho gnhl rump have lwon svlling. t'ur whivh the prize is an ()wi'lauul autunmhilv. has how at matt- tor t'ni' tlSiUlliSilllH‘lli by own the must sanguine and. judging by the large ch-maml t'ui' thv tivkvts up to Wed- iii-mlziy nt' this. wuek the draw for the var is Iikvly tn tztkv plum? much soull- (-1- than was untivimitml. mins tiekets were plaeed het'ure the puhlie and the busy seenes to he nuted un Saturday night at the twn stares were \‘ery indieatiy'e of the papillarity with \\'lll(’l| the enntest was reeeived. Slit'i-itlaitiuii as tn just what a emu- lwtitnr might have In pay naturally added interest tn the «widest and in many instant-es purehasers persisted in taking.r their ehanee again and again in urder to St’t‘lll't.‘ as small a priee as possible. There were variuus amusingr inei~ dents amnng whieh might he mention- ed une where. a well known ardent lady suppurter at the lled ('russ was aspiring t'nr hunurs in the purehase ut' tiekets. .\ gentleman who had just haught nne t'uund it was wurth une cent and «if euurse this t'aet heeame quickly knnwn. The lady referred tn became very anxiuus to be blessed with similar guml furtune and drew :ztm eents. The demand at 'l'immins hy Tues- day was far in exi-ess «.t' the supply and as it was aseertained that the tielcets at Smith l’ureupine were not being.' dispnsed at at anything like the same rate it was deeided that ((‘untinued un Page 53). Snnn- wry linv 3‘1”)”th m-n- ln-nnghl iniu Sunlli l’nri-upim- this wm-k frmn lin- Miran-Ii- Mine by Hw Mnnngvr nini Sm'I'i-tni'y .‘ii'. (hm. .l. .\lillm° nnal runsidi-rnhlv intc-rvst ninl surln'im- was. vxprvssml by at number ”1' lumil mining men whu lnul tlw privilvgi- of swing tin-m. I'Iwry “no. willmnt i-xc-vpliun. sham-«l t'i'm- gnlcl distim-tly nncl \\'('l'0 an inciivnlinn «if what may he uxlwc-t- ml i‘i'um llw prupm'ty munml. whore Ilw ninin him“ is «lawn tn 12m) fret, and upi-rnticins ('nrriml on! in «lvwlnp nn ontirviy new win recently mine nm'uss an the pruln-i'ty. day was tar m and us it was livkets at Suuih being dislmsed the same rate ((‘untiuuc MUD H18 EUEM RH] CHESS SUBIHY BfiMPHEfl Hlfl Much Speculation and Excite- ment Created in Drawing fur [Iverland Car Very Fine Samples From Miracle Mine As Seen as Possible Instead neuonthlp Report of me General Wlll PflflBUflf PUMP MB MIME fflfl WERWUBKS wall 'l'lns Hu- ( nmliun In would lw wc-m'ml i'l‘um urrnngn-mvms mmlc- t4 llmnllm M'tvr alvlivvl')‘ is “w ('mmc'il Ilurc'ml 1 Him: In Hm! ('ITIN'! wu Limilml and Nuts. A. See’s stare. “no 501 all J. 'l‘mltl's, Srhu- M', and the last set at (iom'gv mu'n's ll) Snuthcml. <1 Saturday urn-mum: the Tim- "HOV“ in NH mm! {II hm IN |)\' 'm'mus amusing mm~ ivh might be mention- I well known ardent pf the Red ('mss was nnrs in the pun-haw utlvmun- who had Just ml it was \mrth ”:19 use this fart Immune “0le NH T! . . mmmllm 'mlllt mm film lwt'uru the '3! TH! .‘lM -m urvs rxnsml. H Ill NV H Lung- lwt'nrv the svhc-dulml time the (‘hm'oh was ('l‘nwclml. am! in spite “1' extra seating. many went away, «lis- appuiulml an hving' unable tn find avmnmnmlaltinn. The female c-amlidutvs in (-umplvte white. and veils, making a vhan'min: sive pivture. 'l'lw tin-muc- \ulllv u!‘ HHHillgq-r urt- lrvutml \Hh NJU. 'l‘lu- milling (‘HS‘S ull 235.1335 hm» \w-rv $0.951. 'l'lu- (ivm'ml Mamngvl' :Ilsn says in NW l't'lml‘l Hm? lln- Hrnss l'l'ulits l'ul‘ tlw le'iml \‘s'Pl'Q' $147,285.87 making the profits from January 131: of this year to August 12th. $1,134,782.58. with dividends of $960,000.00. I"..\'|wn.~‘vs fur the Plum during the [Mir “'0ka wvrv us fulluws: Mill I'Ixh'usiun . . . . . . . . . . $3.54 1.76 Hurl'um' t-Im'l riv luzul ...... 1.11."). 71 meing [mummy ......... 3.“. )U. ”(i Invollings . . ............ Us" 1: Sprinkle-1' Systvm ......... 234.5" StJ’alul 's .\n;:liv:m (‘hm'c-h at Suuth l’urvupim- presented an animated up- pvzu'zuwo «m Sunday vx'vning' last. The muzlsinn was tlw (mlvr ut' (‘untirum- (inn. ”1‘ Laying." nu Hf Hands. by the 1mm] Hishnp u!’ 11w Him-(aw. I'Zlvwn q-zuulidutos Ilm largest number M'ur mutirlnml in this (lis- trivt were prvwntwl It" Mr. Julm J. ('allun. :uul I'm-vin-«l Ilw Apustnliv Kite. “living 1 tcmluuve : in spite (If tmvn. 'l‘h .\ «lunatinn In tlw Hm] My aggregating $3.0m» j mnmmls ul' $1.0m all [writ 'l'iu- Mining ('usls l'ul' wcvlcs slmw as I'mlluws: Tank Place last Sunday Evening When lard Bishop of Diocese flfiicated tendunve at St. Paul's in spite ut.‘ the quiet cum tnwn. The chum-h has petml and rv-«lemratcul. sumo new altar rails: 6:11,”! wcvlL-z slum" KN: nlumt in“ hvvvlnl mwnt l’l'mlm'! iom UNIQUE CEBEMHNV M SflUIH PUBEUPINE ANEHBAN BHUHBH l-'m~ l'mu-vnun “la-rating ('mn (worming ”NIP For the period of {our week: end- ing August 12th last. the mill of the Hollinger Gold Mines. Limited. ran 96.17 per cent. of the possible run ning time. treating 39,955 tons. of which 28.358 tons were Hollinger ore and “.597 tons were treated for the Acme Gold Mines. Limited. This h- nm‘ulclinu in the “mar: l'nr l’rcvspm'Huf.’ llmullim: ul‘ clumps . I-‘irv l'l'utm' ’I'HIISP M u rle in l'lmn'm Mining Milling flfllllflfiffl PflflflTS , $1,134,182 10 AUGUST ’ 12th [If THIS VIM! “New. lm)‘: Hum" inns "Hill :HUL‘S Manager Issued“! Share- It is Thought There Were 30 Many Made Up “0'“9'20'“! s The Big Rush That Lots wm he Unable r the eno' (1‘ four weeks cmlP' . ° (Ax:cncfpl')fhuh.cf thn ruin of lhl‘.’ To seturc Clalnls \1155 31155 31155 M 1‘ lllSlll' 15$ 15$ the Stvlla: Millvl‘ Laura Miller Hilda Mnnngh Margaret Hug Mina Hug-,5 \'iu|vt Turnvr Bert Mamsh‘vicl ('yril Mansfivhl Alfred Uihhuns Hon! rim' I’lurvm-c six xmmlhs the at.â€" ’aml's' has trebled, 9t (-umlition of the I has been I'e-rar- rated. and hand- .li crevivd. march" Il't'm-t lwl'imls {rimun irintun NDIIIIS t-dn)‘ ll ni' "I‘l' milled «I ('l'uss Suri- 15 paid in u-m WM? :11 t i rm! mn'o lung and impres- was issuml .\. Rublnns m mat with HI s."m,5-47.u4 $3.54 L76 1,415.71 L’Jismmi (ih’lLH 1,132.51 MASHZJDT H‘ {l I'uul' IN"; 028 HF” 00.! "11 «m t l3?) cm; I Many "1' 1| lukvn in n! Imus "L" ”I0 illlt'll'iull “’4 llu-y mm in II! II [(3 WILL KOWKASH PROVE LARGE ENOUGH AREA FOR NUMBER IN? LONDON.â€"-â€" SERIOUS ANTI-GERMAN RIOTS ARE FOLLOWING THE RECENT ZEPPELIN RAIDS IN THE HEART OF LONDON. INSTEAD OF BEING TERRORIZED BY THESE RAIDS ON THE PART OF THE ENEMY. THE BRITISH CROWDS ARE ONLY MADE MORE ANGRY. WASHINGTONâ€"IT IS THOUGHT THAT RELATIONS ARE AGAII‘I SERIOUSLY STRAINED BECAUSE OF THE AUSTRIAN A2»:â€" BASSADOR BEING DISCREDITED BY THE UNITED STATES AND GBRMANY’S DISAPPOINTING REPLY ON THE ARABIZJ QUESTION. PETROGRAD.â€"v A RUSSIAN OFFICIAL STATEMENT STATES THAT RUSSIANS ARE CONTINUING TO BEAT BACK THE AUST- RIANS ON THE SOUTHERN FRONT. ATHENS.--ALLIES ARMIES IN SIGHT OF THE DARDANELLLS STRAITS ARE HAVING FRESH SUCCESSES EVERY DAY THROUGH THE AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND TROOPS. POINTS OF IMMENSE ADVANTAGE ARE BEING GAINED. Looking for Silver. Nurtmm I’vtlt'rv ul' 'I‘nt'utttu and his prnspwting purtnvrs wvrv tlu- lirst tn svv tlw KMVkus'h gold clisvnx'vr}: 'l'lwy st-t nut tn (-xptun- ttu- Allmuy Hin't' mnmtr)’. wlwrv m-w silwr timts wvrv I'vlmt'tml: they ullttittml alt Hunt’kv's (lwtwvvn t'ulmlt uml I’nrvttpim') nu tlw 'l'ratusvuntim-utul. wvut ttul'Ill uml must to t‘uvllt'xlm', and tlwu :mu mtlvs wvst tu tlu- little. stutiun nt' Kuwktln'll. wlu-rv tlu-y tlvtmim-tl tlwir raumv and supplies. tlnutml «l'uwn at little strmlm mllml Julmsun's ('rvvk. and by slmrt mu'ric-s intu tlw Kuwkuslt Him-r. whirl: tluws intn tlu- grout .\llmu.\' ltiw-r. 'l'lwy luul Hut g'utlt‘ tttut't' than six lmurs' .iuurm-y wlwn they nwt Kim:- lhnllls, am ”It! 'l'nt'nlllu Imy, wlm Inltl London Crowds Angry Not Afraid Because Of Zeppelin Raids llw inn-min" Hf stalking \Vlmh-x'vl‘ they mm in tlu- distrivl lml I‘mm wlmt mm lu- gullu-rml tln'ungh \‘xlrium suurm-s ut' returning: lawn tlu- district 500nm tn Imvv lu-vn prth “‘0” nlnkm! ulrc-mly mu! tlu- arm is nut su arc-m than what mm lw vunsidm'ml am mun! sharing up 01‘ ummircnwm us in minor rushos. mm lw mmlo. That the most sensational rush of l prospectors into a new gold district s was seen in connection with that to?! the Kowkash during the past couple;\ of weeks is agreed by some of the; most experienced and oldest men of: I mining knowledge who took in thels trip themselves and the scenes pre ;.: seated at stations along the line of I the T. and N. O. railway were snfli l. cient to bring back all the enthus- iasm of the old prospector to that! spirit which has backed the work re snlting in the vast wealth produced“ from both Cobalt and Porcupine. .\ Many Riots Taking Place Against Germans--Relati0ns Between The States and Germany Once Again Strained. I’nmlg ('urlwuit-. H. (’armic-ilm-L Hun ('llislmlm. \Vlmlv)‘. l’. Huvhv. Hill Admins. H. Hrimstmw. Hm-m' Hulwrt- sun. l’nul Huilvy. livnlmw. Hm. \\'u||~ inm'nrcl. I”. ('usvttv. 'l'nm .Iamu-s. \\'. ('ush'llu. ('lms. (‘ulcu .lm‘ ('ullnurs. .‘lm- Lung. .\l.l’.l’2. and Hugh Huylv. Many ul' tlwsv lol‘uslu't°lul‘~i Imu- lulwn in at Imus: u mmnln's grub with lhv ink-Minn ul' stalking wlmh-x'vl' llu-v mm in “w «listric-I hut I‘I'nm I'urvmnm- clw s‘ll" M Kmxkx lmw rt-tnrm-cl Latest War News Mc-«srs. H I’nmk ('urm ['llislmlln. V Admins. H. ( IUHL' I l'ow wlm \wm l'rum Hu- Clifi'l‘it't sulm- "I. what"! arr “Rush and utlwl's 01° “hum Hm]. :H‘I' “w ruuu‘vi! 2. Hort Wnltnn. Mc-lhmvll. Iwuiv. ll. ('urmivimc-I. lhm (Received By Wire To-day) llml lvl°l his \\’il'(- in tears lac-mu sluul turn up am ulcl vumw whirl» i ml :1 elm-unitive feature of lwr ll gzmlvn and Mind it nut fur s.- nguin. Indians all ”ears! am- - u rushing lmsinesa selling llll°vll mum's and it is I!" vxalgm-rmiun \ vvm' lu any that llw wlmlv nurlln . “13' is I'ml lml will: vxvitmm'm. I There is nuw 1m .luuht llml H'Il tn hick IIII IL" IIIIIII' In HII' Hr :IlIsIIIIIII II- IIIIyIsIlIlr. and I. II°|IIIIII 1' III liIIIlIIII: mold Im llII-II I '[n all IIIIIIIIL IIIII-I- 'HIINII‘N' I 'lltfl't‘ IIIIW III-NI staked. nltlIIIII: 'IIIIIqu'ILv III‘L' still IIan-I-urdml. More Canoes Needed. UN I-IIIIIIes SH‘P brim: NN'III'I'I ItiI-Il IIIgI'HII-r III ”'0 IIIIIII' “III! :will hulcl tng'cther lung enullgh l I')’ (“20? IornsIIm-turs iIItII IIIII kIIsh IlIsII'IvL Hue prusIu-I-Iur. 1H l'IIIIIIH slIIIIIIII. uIlIIIIltI-Il IYI Inn! 101'! his with in tears “PM“ I'll"! turn up IIII IIlIl G'HIIIK’ Whirl! There 15 mm m: Iluuhl llml rush vxwmls in the nmnhm' I.- purl. and in the quivknm‘s ul' u any prvviuns stum'wch- than! mm vxv‘fmhlc- mumtry lms knmwn. .\ whu stuml un tlu- ('uvhrmu- ~l pluH'urm slmwml Kuwkusln sump llw Im-n guiug [Ilrnugh nu llw imml train um! :ulclml tn Hu- 1 imml t‘uill um] :loltlml tn .\ numlwr ul‘ sm-liun III! H'unsvnnlinvntul railway 1 ml their jnlm 31ml stzlrtml i 'l‘lwrv is nu trail thru tlu- mul :1 rum-nu party will pr. 10 smu'vh fur HIM". ”H2 ['01 301410"! UK NW nl‘lgllull vein which alhuwml flu l‘rl'v Inn-u crmhnl and pmmml u rlolml at H'ry prmnmmz .«I L‘ yellnw mc-lnl. Sunn- ul' chug parties lmu' hem! wards U'Sullimn and (hr min; fur silwr whirl: lms 41ml tn exist in 1qu “’L'il H Single Copies 5 Cent: Very Promising Yield r 01' sm'lnm luv“ u: immtul railway lum- . H'Dh' 31ml stzlrh'd in un- nu trail tlnrn tlu- w...» mw party will pmlmhl} 101'” 3‘ H\\'Q'\'l am- 1'” "W m :qu Il Hu- Imm- ulml nurtll ‘lrilmu lAlku ms 'M'I'H “I‘- with HIM H‘ H‘ "‘5 I I“, II}: H2 Ht If l' V n

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