090009999099oo+¢+o¢+¢o++¢++¢oo99900900900090.09000043 WHEN UNI MASH" MU MHTHEB MASBN \"itll tlu- imvnt ondeamring In aim «hunt lmsolmll. H masons last thml "pim- tmk ufl n ml ing the Pun-“pine 2mm rmultml in n hm up ItSouthend in Basebel! last Weekend An Equal Game 4 flesulted In thv tit'th viii-h tmim z-i-urml 01100. This tllitiit‘ the imtvliiugs stand Illâ€"ti iii t'mnr ut' the l’urvnpiiw i-uiitiiigont and iii thi~ ï¬rst half at the sixth llvii Martin .stui'tml Sutm' lii'mvm'ks fur the â€saiiicl-cliggvrs.†Ho mine tlirmigh l\\'l('t' ait'tvi' M'm')’ mun ul' the 'l'im- inins lt‘tllll haul tum-«l lllt‘ |It°c('ut'inlts “\Vithli." \\'ith Luke i'i-lii-Vitig Wiilililii'lil zit tlw iimnml thv 'l‘iiniiiiiis men were ro- tii'ml in sluii't iii'ilt'l'. l)r. Mi'lmies :iiiil lli'ggimll vamw ziluiij: with nim' little uiir-haisi- hits and the gulhuit “llui'utiu†t'rmn tlw (‘ziiimlimi Hamil ('Hlm “HP "my mg n LU!!!“ (HI "HHS. whnld W “OCOOOOOCOOODOOOOOOBQD090DOOOOOOOOCOCQ000.000.0000.." : TIMMINS. ; Wuumumcaoooocoon-ouuoouoummuu .nm M It Ul‘l‘ 'l'immins' share 01' the l'uurtli inn- 155 was â€no mm. wlnlo l’urvupnw hum-cl 1m» mm'c- runs. In H: 5mm H MK nl' ui Phone 42 PO. Box 49 WE DRAW YOUR SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR SPLENDID LINE OF I“ Porcupine Lodge†13 Timmtn: Lodge... 12 Ilnspih' all predirtinna cm hull! was. m-mrding In the Him! a prvtt)‘ M‘NI «unload. ‘l'~|N'I-H\‘I‘ teams worm Ims \- “riding. v: "ilwm. p: â€-5. 1‘»; F. Williams. 2'»; Sum- vs‘. ;%|~: lit-n Mum". ss: H. J. H. M' and Jh; H. M. ('Immmm. Only the Best Work Possible carried out Pictures Framed Ind BUCOVETSKY BROS. .nlw win-Vin}: Widditivld at :l llw 'l‘iunuins men were 1‘0- ~HEMP! ui'th'l'. “1‘. lennes m†ramn' ulull': with nim- thrt third ' q-xu-m Largest collection of Mxlditgs to select from TOMKIN SON BROS. 'urvupuw inil‘ntilm. nu dmm in simw WIIM they nll. Hu- Timmins Saturday at Sun!!! n n c-untinwm roprc rupine bulge mu! 4 in n score 01 Imd l5 'l‘ummns mukrm I mnl hilliwl l’urvupinv went the svnl’v was 7â€" - â€"â€"~- lhansun. Sullivan. v and arlmm. lemu Men’s Shirts mvvry. ulmorving tlu n gzvmvml mix 0!" vulu't'l‘llml 'zmw Hw pm Of All Descriptiqns {1‘3 \' ntl‘ \\'. H: \\'il- H clnnht. ul' ,llml Lll't'" went uul. us Tm?) in unyhmly's ll South Porcupine 3H mm M \Vi'lcli IN“ Pr (‘1’ knew Isl ’Im Hu- H H H Arrangements are mm- being made sly manager Paiierwn tn pull off a :f‘umhifll‘d wrestling and boxing inur- namem at the l'uliseum. Wednesday. Seph-mher 22ml. in wliieh there will lie a series uf live nr six mum! limits ,nml «me of Him wrestling hunts. “I have already lnmkecl une wrest. ling mnteh hehwen hm well-known Im'ai buys whirl! should [Wave in he «1‘ ronsiqlr-ralile interest. It is quite pmhnhle hm. â€am this mun-II will carry a aide bet 0" nm’ hundred «inl- lam. Mm l mu nnw trying in bring ium‘ilwr hm “ell-knuwn Im'nl Mll- Ieles fur ii the rmmd busing euutest. imt as arrangements are nut quite mmpletml. I rannut. nl‘ r‘nlll‘M'. men- iinn their names. All Hf Hm ml up within â€Int will II:~ nll lmu- PI! and â€mum: stmfl'. good I voum hmrnnmrm. flu Future Attractions At 'l‘immins. Coliseum pmmlv m-ur ynu In and might mmsulv strum-nun nfl‘vusn'c. H10 g'ilts hum â€01' “Hull Hiuhm-ss I’Iinwss Man} In .1†snldim's S(l'\il|j" the (-mpiz'v at (‘hlirlmas tinw haw animal at Lumlmz I'ur «listx'ilnzliun. M' loft ."ux'lin H. front was giv HIT by MW (-il Mystery surrmmds 11w diszipp‘vur- aim-v 01' Miss Alive Smith. â€1' Regina. Szisku wlm was visiting: her sister at l'lvslwlm' and 101'! fur Saiskutvlwwan on May 2511:. y managvr PnHormm tn mmbinml wrestling and I lament at the ('nliseum. irntmnlwr ï¬nd. in whirl ()ll Y! Nfll 3rd (h'm ’l'lw public mu; “0. H: '\( 8| ""1 full Ii»! zivon m an t;: {um I: 1:143 \'( gn'ou {IS [HS IT‘S“ fll '51!" may “1' mnsidvr yum 1H 17.0115 l: hmuliu [I H's! nssum o: mmmom Hid nuts will Iry an Hul'x'ivï¬vid n (211;: ut' “ruck- Mu-X' IH'UlIH‘l'S un- uwmln ll MOVI HI! â€"13 ssnrml u" a mm! In tlns athlv in 1'0:ch 'zu'vlvss lu- fx'ists whirl! Eng l'ur tlw ziusliv 50m!- | lw sum- ‘ Mn» and Hwy will [mu-tire » nn the «Itlc H â€hulls I! will tlw 833:3? MS ï¬ï¬‚fll BY WE PRIEST â€Mam a random ward that is 991“; May heal or wound a heart that i: broken. ' ’ In :1 hrivl' dis-'mursv lust c-wnimz in the I’m-shytm‘iun mum" at 'l'immim. I’nstm‘ Allan. taking us his snhjm-t “'l ' 'llnw \ww mun5 [W’tltlt‘ wim suit! that it tilt-5' inst lnul ttt snxm- Ht 101' splwto. sulm- utlu-t tmxn. sasw- uthvr itntttttt'v. they \t'uttltl haw ttmt‘v up- Juntttttitius but in the littlv. “arr...“- unintmosting putlmm in \ltit-Et tlu5 ;\\ll“\'etl nu uppmtunitics \ww litthflfltl- 301]. But even in our uwn lives whirl: {might svmn mmmtnnnus tlwrv tlw gateway ut' ummt’tttnit5' was .s'tmulini: ;::,i:n' it' unl5’ wv tunk mlvamtugc ut' it. "May wv live mtt' lives," («â€1th- mt! thv prmwllor, â€t-mhruving the up- lnntunitius tlmt mmw. being: vat'ct'ul ." the spam-n mrd. All mu' urtinns. .Htttllgtlts 31ml wm'tis' in future lwr- ‘lezzps will tht-n 0:141 in happiness. and ttiw t‘\'tllitlf_’ ut' life will nut l=v trun- EH“! l wunsv ut atuxic tics and twrausv ,m min regrets .tt tlw tlt-mls 3.1mm Because lie Did Not Procure Him an Appointment Wished' Right R Hishnp ul' 0“? (“mm meat. the hisliup was, Mint "are thrmuzh the right lung amt «thee in the hip. i‘hysu-iaau said he “would reeuver unless enmplic'atiuns set in. Father lwsehes was. arrested. itishup Hefl'mn was sittiag reading in his lihrary when Father IA‘SP'IPS entered and tired twiee at him with a remlver. The priest then returned in his mum at St. Mary's t'nllege amt luekecl himself in. He was arrested 3mm at‘ter hy the sherifl'. whu t'ureeil entranee at the point nt‘ a revolver. “Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities" In III t-zzmml lwlp hut Hum. 12:.- uppul‘hlzlfly stands “jaw 11. men ut' uur (-uuutry'. 1|:le us. myself im-Ilulwl. ‘ spares us. rmluirv tn qllt'h‘linll put in us. "‘.\' Hut enter thv gateway u ity tn servo yum' (‘mmiu and your â€ml!" \VZIH‘ ('apt. H. H. Hastings. :1 l’vniun HE'M wtcmn um] Iwutlwr â€I. Dr. ('. J. 0. Hastings, Mwlirul Health â€Hivm' nt' 'l'uruutu. died It his lmmv uvzu' Stanm'villv in his Is! your. i l Imst I" [111111 111l!’111°1i )[111'1';1\'. \vim served Il111'1- _':'\1»11s \xitll the \111111'11'1111 111111115 111 the 11111111111111-5. has 11t111111‘1l t1» H1‘111kv1llv 111111 (‘lllth'd 1'111' 5111'1'11-0 with the (3111111111111 111111315. Marv lhzm 4,04!†lu'niblo gathered at l-hv Saul! Ste. Mall'iv .‘n'mmn'ios «m â€w m'vzlsiun ul' 1! viviv prosentzltinll In l’rivutv l". S. Hmvkvr. the ï¬rst ut' the Saul! Stu Mario «nmtingvm In rvtm'u t'rum the {rum in l'qu'upo. (‘uL .l. A. ('m'riv, MJ’.. and A. ('. Huyvv, K11. .\l.l’.. f_":l\'(' :ultll'vssvs. Algoma. o‘o‘a‘ i b ['0 'mmug M05901 lh- ('umvlh .\' :liuh' In I'mlurt “ \\' H mlml by Terms on Application. ll In ll gm u rlosl Clean Beds. Steady Board for working men i m :30er 1mm Mvssvnm-I'. pm IN IH‘t N't hishn' “'89 \\' I’Mrick' R. Hefl'mn. Winona Rumnn (‘ntlh I! shut and sorinusly Nov. Father .-\I Los- I’nr wlmln the bishop prm'uro nn nmmim. Imp was shut (mm :m lnmz and nm‘o in Ir‘imls said Ito \vaM I†‘1'! NH Railroad Street, THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE "(W \gmn. mkm: um: mlvamm L' pm‘wr tm me from us. l'rum ml. H HIDIDHI'HHI I-\'|l'. liltl TIMMINS cllllt ll‘ H narrow, ch Hwy m't-scm- s whit-II \'( H)! H NH UH It (PM Togeratims in Be Commented 1:: This line '0 Hi? 3 West of Cochrane {puny miiaisls ul twomy-um- town. .sliips lying small: u? ilw railruml m l-lnckmmlmm. lml llw mill Will lu' 'crm-lccl “pull it silo osmriullv menu 'ml for llml Immune. l‘rum llu! luwn. ships nuw hold by llw Xi‘w â€Marin ('uloniulimi I'm. and is sihmlml 3'2 ,milos unrlli ul‘ the railway. Tlu- plant will lw onwlml mum this Hmrtii-ulnr 9pm lm'mm- "1' its pomlinr mlnplnhility in the purpose fur \\'l|l|'ll :it is roqiiirml. i 'l'lw pulp wuml will lw cm l'mm llw Elimils :mulli ul‘ llu' railway mul lliml- §ml clmm tlw river in ilw mill. Arranging Spur Lino. in? PM III] PAPER Mlll AT WARM an- about tn mnnofliun \\ a pulp and ‘2 mmi River. The pulp limits puny amnista u! Swing fate is; Warizin 11211 11111111111\ 111 getting: 11 11111111'111111- 111111111111 111' 111111 1111111"i111 111111111115 111' :1 11111111 11115 11111 111 11 grenl 11111115' 11111111- 11115 111' 11111511111111}: 1111111111 11121111- ;1111111111 11111111111111111. Drawings 111'11 111111111111111}' 1111111111111 by engineers 111111 111111111111111 1111111 111 general. 11111 111 11111 111'111'11;.111 inquirer 111ev are 11y 1111 1111111115 111111'111111111.,11111' 1111 1111.1\' 51111111 :u prnpm'iy (-urrvlnlv the (lifl'm'vnt \vm'kiugs and the surt'avv clvwlupâ€" nu-nts. Fur this reason. (“gather with Hm uln‘iuus mlnmtzmvs ut' Invin'.’ :Ith In 800 all u 311111100 the vnmlitiun ni' tlw \‘all'iuus mv lmclivs, zwtmll mu- dvis haw horn muslmvlml that shuw «m a small sculv llw inn-riur of mines “'4 I l' lol't tn the imaginatinn. tlw wm'k ul' keeping up the mmlol is l'avilitzxtml. uml an illustration is “blamed whirl: enables any «me to get imumlintvly u pvrl'wtly vleur idea of the mime mul vxtvnl ul' \vurk in the mine. llo mm'mn)‘ wnlity. xvi rut to ilf'lt'c with the autuul luml mntuur. Simo unh tho urv is ravine scntcd. the intcanim: mtk min}: lot't tn the ituugitmticm. tlw \mrk ut' tclll Mt I? mg 33:33:33 1:33:33; 333: 33133! P3333333 Whictis: Mada Hm H MPH! . Station lush" hislmlm mmlv im at lmmv; that smnn mmuld borne yours tn (-«mw. When lw ION mu. he slmuld lw 11W in I’lmulvr ï¬lm-3w tu-nighl lure the mmmm ‘nt' tlw ï¬ght: his chair l'awv. ‘M' anguished tvms' Rpllrt is the |)t'u|u'|\ .ut' lum-ly yours. :cil!l lmlm mmlv nrrnngmm-nts ('. Hy. ullivinls ho build 0 mm the 'l‘rmmumim-nml uf' llw pl‘ulmm-d mill. II! and Mr. Xvolumls m-rv m 'l'lmrsclny tn luuk uvvr t'ru'u am vuginvoring 3min! r â€it lun'lmm- ut' luvmiug 1m! :1! \‘(ulvh to build Hu- ily prngrvss maule in tlwir mm ‘ .‘lM‘ 000-000- H†'5 "‘ P.O. Box 286 :xi Pulp and Paper ('0. unmmwo nix-ratiuns in 1 the establishment nf IK‘I' mill cm "20 MN!!- lllilr M I m "(‘t fl _\‘ reprosomnhn- of tlw week in this M llmrsdn)‘ m lahllslmwm n! un the M028. west Hf ('m‘ll- D" Hm mm. NU! MINES ll! H é o 0.. 0:0 0.. V 0.. ' . ‘ ' ‘0' ‘0' 5‘ ‘0‘ °:' O O.. ¢% 0 .Q 0 #éé ina;: 1111)r ;.;. J. WJ M D +¢+++++¢4 %%§'% vOCCOOCODOOOOOOG0...Oâ€..â€CCIâ€.C.OIOOUOOO0309000000 OOGOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGCOCOOOO ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ pzmoouxodoozoozoéozo o'ooï¬ozoo'oooooooooo’o’noov'oo'oc co ¢oco.500o"...9...:-fooï¬oï¬o’oï¬o‘ooooo}o)v}nvojn*¢ a“. 00:003.:00) OIOOOIOOOCOOOOCOCCCOCCCOCCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO... O. O 0 .33..u..9...$¢O¢§§¢+§¢¢¢+§O9¢O¢¢¢¢%¢.u..n.¢+.véa..u..v+++¢.v.ozv:.v.VA 90. we+++++¢¢+¢+++¢¢+¢¢+¢¢+¢+¢¢¢¢++¢¢+++++++++¢+e¢¢++¢¢¢+ 'Mpved To Next Door t p-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counter in the North SIM, ] Rates lin' Board by wwk «n° nmnth. Iii-gular nwals, Lnnvlws prcparvd t'm' Fishing l’artiw and Min- ingnwn. Best ()uiilw in Canada. ()lmn all the timw TIMMIMS For Your Summer Outfit fwsn thll stock of Birch and 1 amarac Wood SCRANTON COAL 909999 TIMMINS ’Phonc ‘15 Ostmsjsser C0. [Eldon C(MEE {Jam “(1, 'I'IIUNE 5! annual V-AiIc-uliun (Sis «a lo lhmh Oydorn . W. BRISSOH â€silo rust 0mm. Healing. Plumbing}. and 'E‘nmmithimf; Keep cool By Getting Your Ice From Us :0 u:- 0:. 0;. 0:0 0:0 0:. Ac HR A]! AU THMMHNSO UN’I‘. REGINA Sanitary lunch *é**¢%*+é%¢¥§§¢§i¢¢9+¢¢¢¢%%%¢ Sulr Ado-nay hor ".l M" "van! Hunllu NS’ WEAR AND SOUTH PORCUPINE ’Phonc90 Mmuu‘m'lnro-r up! All Kind. "I Lure» Kin-hon l'lvu-Hu SCHUMACHER i'JD. "UK ‘3 PROPRIETOR 0:0 0:0 0:. 0:. 0:- 0:0 9:0 0:0 TIMMIXS O... O