The Porcupine Advance ‘ Just. as pushing w taken. a] preacher was the of ï¬re. the wor the ings of poo Senna waste many ('01‘ K ch 11 therefore easier caught when diverges from the moral pathway mu! 1 u to rim 13,000 employes who are paid less than $9 a week. 'l‘hree years ago these workmen revolted and among other evidence of their displeasure they sn‘nashed every pitnt' of window glass at which a stone could he hurl- ed in “the World's greatest harness and sole leather tnnnery.’ According to nmvspaper desputvhes Wathzm Allen, the conVicted smug. gler, who paid $100,00U‘in addition to :1 criminal line of $12,(HM) into the. l'nited States 'l‘reasury, the other day is one ml the heads of the leather trust. In the Allen Sons taumery in Kenushu, Wiseuusin over hou weekly n (lian Nurthw It appears that Allcu. criminal millionaire and captain of industry is in the same class with ‘v’uul Trust Wood in that he was "a now boy who become rich.â€"' Which, howchr doesn't mean anything: particular in this cunucction cxccpt that thc puur boy grown fabulously rich becomes intoxicated with his wealth and is before have been St the yield per acre 11 It has been pretlic' put will exceed tlu last. year by mil Will the privc ut' Does the great harvest mean great human relief 'f Or does it only mean that the transportation companies that span the highway between the harvest fields of the \veSt and the homes of the poor in the big cities of the ea‘st are alone to he heneiited. -\Hen is a “idoner. lh‘took a ‘uxnnun, lhflen [hveHe FWehl-lenkhna not his wife. on abig trip over Europe. He bought her $300,000 worth of jewels. Though some of the fellows who tan leather for Allen make their dinner on dry bread and bologna. Helen Dwelle Field Jenkins. with her simpering laugh and flhty eyes, have the jewels. )fllllltfl Less jewels for Helen would of course mean a warm dinner and a little coï¬ee for the toilers back in Kenosha, but as Ue Sit at Carlsb'amd listening to the splash of the cool waters in the fountains and the soft nothings of a strange woman, Why should we nether ourselves about the ll fly the Some men mama ady for Our not In this Con-«lo United States om. more mm 'rom neighbors Advertising Ram Furniuhed. Phone 25. (3118 Puhlished every Friday by 0 rd i n old mint FRIDAY. SEPT. 20th SUBSCRIPHON HAYES: W U t} time am OED. LAKE, PROP. pril'c M h mat hurvc :f 'f 01' doc pl am 80 .\l millmm ha )l ll )\\'l soap )l't U‘ anlim H that the out like children ml $2.00: year 3 0) o Hm th returns of :0 down increa ) W "15 H1 1m, and bus â€NOS 0 (Jana game Not R 31‘ I“ L'VCI‘ at!!! t} )1“ all damply mobiles for bread. without carpets on “ï¬at was wanted that I’nnl' humans who try not to kill! Poor lh-mlchobors who do not know that the rubber of their boots repre- sents human liVes destroyed in the awful slavery of tropical forests! l’nnr Denver preacher. who does not know that the nuts and ripe fruit he thinks the only food which a man van eat and not kill. is just. as much alive as the cabbage or the stm‘vml lmcausv :1 missionary, by means of a microscope sham-d him that the water he drank and the fund he ate was all inhabited by liv- 1n plmlgod not. to slay "HI 3' th lwunm t} HM that. whi thccahha weaty foreigners back in Kenodm Mm: The Mom the killin tm'ia. TY fv hatter animals~ to cure ourselves of most diseases. We must kill the rat to stop the huhonic plague, and ticks, gophei‘s, squirrels and other rodents in ï¬ghting: plaque and spotted fever. So why quarrel with necessary killing? We must kill. 01‘ die. The late that placed us on earth put us in this dilemma, from which we can H )Ht escape only by leaving and all its dilmnmzls. We can do just.0no thing in the matterâ€"WE CAN FIGHT I'NXECBSRARY SUFFERING. And as between human suï¬ering and that of other Ot‘g'anisms, perhaps we would better look farther than do the Doukhohoraé and attend to the amelioration of human suï¬ering asement holes where famine annery workers drift drearily amply through a more ex Wh 1' But I] 'l‘hm the )f lifo fol h tt sust hid or the fly ll ‘ria tr) sour it. or other putre- : bacteria will come in and spoil The butter we eat is ripened by n put iar Hindu who pictur f0! hear in m ll W It a! DI is no animal save that which lined by the sacriï¬ce of life. .l l' an: â€1““ Kenosha you may visit Womlxst kill \\' m nl' millions of living bac- I] milk we drink musthaw.‘ It that H )l‘nll wh i ch T! mh nplasm that this 11d purchase 'l‘h ll buttons man room. without. butt ant [N n the walls tllt \V ill than UH 1H lift 1m rc: ï¬ne mansion ll 1U H \\‘ the Hindu Shalt not, kill woman, [Ill] stufl' .‘ill l It! H m H n almns nor ll‘ ('(‘nt \ll'_\' 1‘} Fifty mi sod ti 1n the u ndorst :1 ml of lifx ll} stat Wh existence ants he t'ha t l)(‘t'r 1H n Iliko. and ies masmat mt tl the stuff or hope ll‘ p )l‘ whose 1 [110 auto mum: “'0 l'h‘ (‘0 m H I) and “'11 § [1 2:0 11‘1 'll for er of Cl 5' hv )I' ll I] 0f CODV News dispatch Michigan, w‘h'ere located. tell us by Warden Simpson because the convicts have been conducting a yelling carnival and the reason 0! the yelling and the wrecking of the kitchen where nauseating foods were being doled out. was that some of them were receiving 7:3 cents a day while others were only paid 10 cents So you may understand just how high at point our modern civiliza- tion has reacheduve will repeat just a few of these enteflaining dc- MK wit UIH 1‘3th and Oregon and Arizona “there the state uuohorities have appealed to the human and better natures of their oonVicts. \\' they turm-(l thou for but one purpose. to shut Within sale walls all offenders against law and order, thus to protect society. The modern idea of a prison is to do this and also to correct. reform and educate the bad man. to make him good, to create in him a res- pect for society. to teach him to obey the laws and to honor the tion in tlwir .l“ jll and Christianity. It, is hapâ€" pening in Michigan. :1 bondering state just to the south of us. Is the warden of that penitentiary and they who are responsible for putting him there, doing anything that will encourage Lhose convicts to be good men; to respect society '? The conVicts are not so much a dis- grace to civilization as the warden and his lieutenants who lmow so little of the power of gentle good- grace to civilization as the warden: For the purpose of organizing a and his lieutenants who know so Estrong-fer football team it is desired little of the power 0‘ gentle goodâ€"what the names of all players he ness as tanglit b8 a humble car- ihanded in to Wm. Highman at South penter, nineteen hundred years ago. EPorcupine. Golden City wants an- “So God created man in His own lot'her game and all promisinga ma.- image; in the image of God creat- terial will be given a. try out. Puniuhme l1 ll ()i'iginally the pi'lsun was created .y but. one purpose. to shut within my walls all offenders. against law It dz~PatPh{“ {U 3‘ JJCIL‘UH. 1 i s‘ thit‘ {311‘ p,-zntnntialx‘_v m will tun wh it W (3 l IV sun fnl of We.“ Tll "I I". some very W "1!! \\' tr th ,lll Bl‘ putrid f0 I'l tim Ill would you have towards how many beautiful resolu- Iulwl you resolveâ€"as you lay, U all us that a squad fl ll \V {I HM _\‘ l(l IHOIHNH l1 lax H I! \\' Ild lungeon ll ll lyin linst rank discrimina- In "1021233! \\' hands Huw many THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE The convict what in tin mteresting ng metcc but put tha fl 1114311 fmm mining ll _\' punishment vent ll t u rt (I um! h S'Olll'svlf .U Wuuld S \\' mm st out 8N Compressors H} One jaw crusher. Blake type. Stamps Unc 31†H.1’. upright Crusher ed to Him." All alike. What a seeming farce when 30th century civ- cd ilization permits a band of God- made guards to 13511 up a God-made prisoner and flog him to death. For the breaking of mammade laws we are sent to the prisons to be whipped and degraded; for the breaking of the Godâ€"made laws of nature we are sent to the hospital to be nursed and pitiedl COBALT AT South Porcupine Two :30 H. P tive type. l ‘ 1 ‘ s 11 t l ‘ Rand, 0m.- dril Covhrane feed water heater. Air lieéeiver, Water Tank, 5000 gals. (f'ovdwood Tilting table Saw. silnplc steam Sullivan Preston East [lame Mines SUMMER GOODS ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES MINING Ms'iBHINERV Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fm, Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : 50 P0 Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. MU SUMMER Gï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ REDUCED. six drill. straight line, Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3.5“ " $2.75 One $27M! white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. $1.5M, .2 qt.$'..’.HH 3 qt $3.5M Screen Doors Regular $1. Sn .. 0' " $1.75 $2M"! «Cumpletc with hinges, scream and pull) †New Perfectiun" Blue flame Oil Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13.1") 2 " †$14M") Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3,51! Slaughter Prices Jcnckes. locomo- Box 561 MSMGWQS "299999! 149695 SSWCVJMi Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays M AJ ESTI‘: TH EATRE Matinee Vlad. and Sat. at 2.50pm. â€(We PRICESâ€"~â€"â€"100 and 150 CUMEâ€"flur Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening First Run of the MostZUp-to-dale MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT' [ISN’T MISS THIS CHANCE SO. PORCUPINE Delivered to anv part Of the town at reasonable rates. The Unipn ï¬nal Company Now $10M) " $7.1m 000k 0‘2 Mitchell Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"Notaries Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcupine Telephone 90 Ont.