Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Sep 1912, 1, p. 4

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,.'. n-L‘c The Porcupine Advance “More is one 8‘0 the accumulation worthless minim! ruin your health. 9:“ cumulntc wealth What is said that which a a mm tion President Taft saya he not belieVe that the finite: has violated the llayfi-Pa‘ treaty by granting to ec vessels free passage through canal. Paragraph l. of Art says the canal shall he op vessels of eonuneree and x all nations equality (‘I'CC doVi the ordinary m ha to the ever. \vclmmo chum-h door. rcmombvr this-that whatvvm'builds up life is good; what injures Me is become Some idea of the wzin‘te of human energy through defective health conditions may he obtained from the results worked out by statistics for the United States. 'I‘hey have proved that the total loss to the community is atleast one billion dollars a year, divided almost equally between loss of wag- The eyeless Squealersaalias the blind piggersâ€"alias t'heillicit un- lawful unlicensed vendors of booze are traveling a rather rough road around Cobalt and Elk Lake. At Cobalt the spotters have been busy since about the middle of August and forty six charges have been laid against thirteen sellers of 1i- quor. It is wrong of course to break either a moral or statutory law. es on the one hand, and medi- cal and other expenses due to ill«heal‘th on the other. A very large proportion of this loss is pre- ventihleâ€"apparently not less than one-third. TAM: Karma that tlw (hurt; at lit'\'l.<i()ll t'nr tlw 'l‘nwnsliipi (it"l‘isllalv will sit at \\'il.-nn'.<l llzlll :11 'l‘Wt) ifi‘liM'k Mulltlzl.\'.l Svptvnilwr ltStlI. 1912. tn lwal'l and tlt‘tt‘l'lnlllt‘ tln: appi-alsl tilml against the .\.<stâ€">.~:snivntl Hull 01' the Munivipality nt' Tlfitlzllv lin' tlm .Vt'al‘ MHZ. AND l’t'u'rnmz TAKE NOTH'E that these appeals will 1)» taken up and dispm‘ml of pl'OIllptl" at snvh lu'aring, and all appellants are hvrehy noti- fied to he in attendance either personally 01' by their repre- sentative. Canada. United States DATED at South Porcupine this 4th day of Septvmbar. AJ). 1912. I‘here hav Advertiiing Batu Furnished. P110150 25. r’ublished every Friday by CEO. UKE. PROP. FRIDAY. SEPT. 13th and SUBSCRIPNON RATES: Public Notice what Sherman W. M. Wu \"P r: Clerk of the Township of Tisdale livelihood necurnu confum 'orv and since Christ man Bflrflfi 0f Work ? 51m 3: one good feature lbout nation and acquiring of minim! stock. it doesn't it ou haw 3w furqoucn h q)?! ('11 any pursuit the Unites Stateq MN fl! terms many 0! u: coqcisc defini n said ofwar many religiom $2.00. "or. 3 00 o um :md war “lemma to ope mmcefot 1‘ ”not imc en entire 111"!" that w :1 y ‘th of wnmns wum can? ;' m [XBEHI mamas Canada Comes Sixth in Wheat Producing iiace of Nations. Prices Will Be High In their preliminary estimate for the world's wheat crop of the current season H. X. Backgate Fotnpany make the grand total 3.438.800.000 bushels. It realized this will beat all fortner records. being 15.1mm buahels greater than the former record ctop of 1906. The l'nited States leads the world with 690.01me bushels and Canada ranks sixth with 208.000.000 hUShels Russia. India. France and Auxtria‘ llumgary atandinc higher in the or- These Mr! 0! 1906. lb that (IMO. outstripped «1m ‘Innaua duction. (iornmn) the progress UH.- On this‘hasis I (him! this year Iridltv millinn bu ”'lthg'ah' l'upul'ta \Iill imIcaIsc in I The "Ni!!! a surplus {MANHHNNI plll'fi. W Ind Ru mute MN) 1 mm bu hut llill'\'(‘~'t in France promises to be slightly hum-r than that of last 303w. whilv the other countries of Europa, excepting Russia. promise Humpv, oxenptimr ltussm. prov lws. Indivuiuns are abut the ( 1Rus<ia “ill be ('nnsidm‘ahh excess of a your am), “hen it ['0qu i rmm-llt s freight ('lmmc freight Phat-1:05 are on the in- crease. because of political (om- plivatinns in Europe, and boozulec in- vrousc has. hem general in the values ‘ul' must other staple products. poor. With rerun] In prices. the) same nepm'timlicatt‘s filial generally speak- ing tlwy will b0 well nmintnimd. lmcausc the margin of supply over reunirmm-nts will be small, because mutv ('zmadu India W113 I'ni ted Ki ngdom ............ I" m ncc .............................. Austria-Hungary and de- 191?.) ......... Russian Empire pondencies .........30. z')00.'003 Italy .............................. '31 .500. 000 Hex man Empire ............... 16 .001.) 000 Balkan States ............ H0 300. 000 Roumania ........................ 0 .1300. 000 Spain and Pontugal ...... 17 .000. 000 ”(0101‘ European cmmtxics... 3.000.000 North African and sund- ries ........................... 7.000.000 l" I“ l‘ 0W5 Forecastsâ€"M'id-season hearvestsâ€" Austraiia ........................ 11,000,000 Argentina and l'rug‘uuy “323,500,000 Chile ........................... 2,000,000 Mind SHAH WlleN BE IHE JUIIBE [If WflMEN There is an Epidemic of Husband Slaying in the Beuntry---is Jury System at fault There will be an epidemic of husband-slaying in this country if the jury system istl‘t changed, thinks John E. W. Wayman. prose- cuting attorney of Cook county, (Chicago) ing women changed with murder. The majority were alleged husband- killers. and one lone conviction with ventina um ,ll Total "NH ml" i! on Whilt‘ l mnkm ,I Hm N'Pm 1nd total lln' it'll" H'rup IN! nf Sim and («)fiiciul Aug. esti shuw lmll :umin as meat as lmtll lllo l'nltul Status ct-ow about treble the This is 20ml evidence of 5 this cmmtry has made. oasis the world will pro- ,\'car from seventi to Span I" m bushels m‘er last. But porn that rmmiremvnts 9 in own greater pro- ('x'up pluvml at 50.000,- 9 is omnpzu'ativcly small weather has proved fatal tho promisml crhp. The as mmpared with those revord crop year up to mw that Canada has nur riVal wheat-gruwim: d the estimate for mnsecvativc. In 1906 ml tenth in wheat pro- m'v. she has outstripped “main. Italy and finally ul l’mmnw tomoohm'. Wv U sue HI NN' 11mm 5' I)ll unusually tl harvested pro ml x 505 )lllt ""3 "0H“ Badman a about India infm'im the heels the world for ...‘1‘5.50“,0”U n...TT,0m.0 0 6.700.000 ...38.500,000 H 39-3 .360 .000 ‘34! 850 .000 Sal-'3 ,‘(NHHWU Baummm of much the mm pm hm“ \\' (I S 1nd of m a short term senten "c i‘ draw {or his eflorts. He has on hand sewn chart!!! with murder. 11‘ think he can convict any with the present jury sys1 What he wants is a jury otwo- men to try hushand slayers. “Then wives who murder their husbatlls will get the same sort of justice that is handed hushamls who kill their wives," he says. Mrs. Florence Bernstein was the latest Waman prosecuted. Her husband was shot twice in the back as he lay asleep in his bed at home. That followed sever- al quarrels and reconciliations. When arrested Mrs. Bernstein said that her husband“had gone crazy and committed suicide." Her hus- hand. in his dying statement. ac- vused her of shooting him. After twenty'four hours the jury ut‘ifllittfli her. "It appears absolutely impossible In “I“! ‘2 "1911i will com'iCt a wr. wmarked Wayman .‘l Then he prosccutml Mrs. Rena Murrow. charged with killing her vldorly husband tn make room for a younger man. Acquitted. Mrs. Louis Vermifya. alleged to haw had :1 41:11:11! in nine mspic- inm dc-aths imrludizmP two husbands and th Inn-rs and against whom Wan-mun maulv :1 strum: case. got Mrs. Gertrude Patterson was ae- qnitted by a Denver jury after her husband in his dyimz- statement said she haul shot him. .\ Muntunn jury acquittal Mrs. \‘ernl’ruster ut' the murder of her divmced husband after witnesses he}! testified that she had gone into the man's compartment 6n a pull- nmn ear and jumped on the train a few minutes'bei‘ore the dead body was found. .\ (ifineinnati jury acquitted pretty Mrs. Matilda Radelofi Stocks. :1 himmist. of the charge of murder- ing: her first husband. Bhe shot him while he was begging her to return Ills: i chair. “11 film uther hand, a. Eivg-i'nia jury had no hesiwncy about send. himamist, of im: her first while he was to him. 1 m1 5‘ [Hit N Iftvl‘ II [IUUBTS CAST [IN ElllJflI [If REVISIIIN Additional Exnense to im- ship and Delay in Bol- lection of iaxes h Fellow Citizens:â€" Doubts having been cast upon the the val- idity of the Court of Revision held in July last. the Council of Tisdale have decided to hold an- other Court of Revision for the hearing of appeals from the assessment of 1912. 'l'wu months mm Mrs. Jan» Quinn :H prosecuted by Waynnan for n- alleged murder of her third Mmml fur his insurance. Aoqnit- This means additional expense to the Town. ship. and delay in the collection of taxes. but the responsibility for this rests upon those who attacked the qualifications olCouncillor Ken nedy, and they must bear whatever blame arises. The Council desire that all of its proceedings shall be regular and valid so that there may be no objections raised hereafter as to the validity of the assessment. The new court will sit in Wilson's Hall at 2 p.m. on the afternoon of September 16th. 19l2, and all those who appealed against their assessment are requested to be present sharp on time as the appeals will be talsen up in al- phabetical order and disposed of promptly. The assessor has endeavoured to assess the various properties of this Township fairly and rateably. While the rate of assessment has been hept high. no one can complainso long as every person is assessed in proportion to his neighbour. It is an advantage to have the ass- essment high. It gives a better standing to the Township and if the assessment is kept high the rate of taxation can be kept low. ll the assessment is low then the rate of taxation will be high. .\l r '1' cam (ml \‘ Ition The solution To the th lm‘crs a mam maulv :1 y with :1 “Hi: rs. Daisy ”pit ted by an .-‘ a woman's h-art. tell mutional display is tr dvtcrmine when a lwr lips and when the 11 im a negro V a \vnman can woman. Only a )Vt' Ratepayers of the Township of Tisdale by an ; husband s ahanlutely impossible men in this county who a woman of murder.” ion is women Juries. wet away from the fas- x. Women jurors wil- ln' tears of a nut- Ml THE PURCL’PINE ADVANCE any is true or when a lie falls Llnla slim wen women He doesn't any of mem system in H't‘ woman D}! c ing Jury re vas a. tin” ied that ry of wo- 3. “Then husbands of justice who kill “'35 30' after her statement judgment electric truth can when Jury RC What have to raise cc to meet the requirements it makes no difference to his assessment. is high or ol revenue . No taxes were levied in t1 1911 and for this reason the the ratepayers should be reasonable tax during 1912 The Council borrowed Government at 4 per cent ceedingly grod loan. amd tlw on the best terms of any loa Government to any M Province of Ontario. With the aid of this loan your Council paid all the indebtedness left over from 1911 am. ounting to $26,000 and there is some 52.000 of liabilities left over from l9” yet to pay. In another year the Township willbe reaping a handsome revenue from the various mines and with its aid the ailairs oi the Township can be financed without unduly burdening the be the same because the r‘ be made sufficient to raise ratepayers. The Council have done their best to lessen the burden of the ratepayers of this Township while at the same time making all necessary improvements in the shape of roads. sidewalks. improving etreeta. building bridges. besides fire equipment at South Porcupine and Pearl Lake, --_ -‘A We have spent so far this year $26,000 of which the Government contribute 58.000 and the Dome Mines $1.000 leaving a net ex- penditure for this year of $15,000. This added to some 532,000 expended by the Council for 1911 makes a total of $50,000 spent in this Township in a little over a year without collecto ing a dollar of taxes from the people. Oicourse these moneys have to be repaid but we have arranged with the Government so that the repayment of their loan is spread over a number of years. and the royalty from the mines will repay this easily leaving a handsome balance yearly to add to the general taxes. We are compelled. however. to raise mnneys to repay the Bank of Toronto loan $10,000 and to meet current expenditures until the next year 3 taxes come in. lay and ICIVCS. We trust that the good citizens of Tisdale will assist the Council by refraining from appeals and other proceedings which result only in de- lay and expense to the Municipality and them- Signed on behalf of the Council of Tisdale. South Porcupine. Sept. lst. 1912. J. E. COOK. J. F. Reilly of Porcupine. has %0 more geranium and fuchsia plants than he desires to carry over the winter and will sell them very cheap. SUMMER GOODS ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fri., Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : so P0 Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. PLANTS HlB SIlE Alll SUMMER Gflflflfi BEUUBEU. rrrowed $40,000 front the f any loan ever made by the any Municipality in the Screen Doors Regular $1.51) ” .. " $1.75 " $2.00 «Complete with hinges, screws and pull) " New Perfection" Blue flame Oxl Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13.HH 2 " " $1”,”“ 3 Burner Regular $13. mt Now $10. H0 2 " 31mm $7.0” Ovens for same with glass door " 3 3.5” " $2.75 One $27.HH white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. $1.5M, .3 qt. 52.! m 3 qt $3.50 Slaughter Prices certain amount of money 1t: of the Township and to the ratepayer whether or low. ”in taxes will rte rate of taxation must nice the required amount 1 this Township during the Councii feel that be willing to pay a Reeve Council pnid The House of High-Class Photo Hays me; 969% 9599‘; M AJ ESTIC TH EATRE Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. ”We PRICES comm-our Pictures are flizkerless Two Shows Every Evening AssessmentWork First Run at the MostUp-to-date In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT 10c and 15c flflN’I MISS IHIS CHANCE SO. PORCUPINE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ‘_ Delivered to any part Of the town at reasonable rates. Ina Ilnign Bualfiumpany Now $l m) " $1.25 51.5” 000k c6 Mitchel/ Barristersâ€"30licitorsâ€"lutaries Temple Building, Toronto Golden Ave. South Porcupine Telephone 90 Ont.

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