A. MONTHLY SHIPMENTS OVER HALF MILLION ‘3 Over Half Million Dollars for August-- Hollinger Set The Pace .- The. company has: a large quantity oi milling are on the dump. and the mine is remembered as the one upon which the remarkable ricli ï¬nds were imade last May‘and which have con- tinued with depth. The shaft is al- ready down 118 feet and from this level something over two hundred feet of crossâ€"cutting has been accom plished and over a hundred feet of 'I‘he 'l‘bree Nations Lake Mining Company has installed a four drill Rand compressor and resumed active operations at this mine. The pres- an equipment was put in by G. R. Southee.lyrn.nch manager of the Ca- nadian Ingersoll Rand Company The work is in charge of J. N. Angrigr nan who is doing all possible to; make this well-known property a pro ducer in the. Very near future and the amount of work that has been (lune is showing good results. 1 ~.â€"_- ; l f l The Three Nations Lake Mining Co. Has installed New Machinery On Sunday last the Timm'ms team took revenge for their defeat here on Labor Day by doubling the score on the team from the Dome In the early part oi the game and even up to the sixth innings it looked like an easy win for the visitors. The score was then 4-1. Timmins however came across with a belated rally and won out. Hatch opened the game for the Dome with a slashing double and stealing tthird scored on an infield out. Timmins couldn't reach furth- er nhan first base in their half. 'l‘hen Gray the Dome heaver leaned against the.ball for a triple and scored on a wild heave to Auer to catch lllm.1lt the plate. Pecuur captured llatt‘h's Ions: fly after :1 hard run. 'l‘inunins enme across witah :1 run when Nolan Inlliml their solitary mn fur six innings. This lall l'ti't’th‘d «'1 tl‘inl on thin] base as (iuilfoyle who has been the Timmins thirdâ€"saeker all season is lezmim: for 'l‘oronto. In the sixth inninu‘s hmwver the 'l‘immi'h hays {rt-t lmsx' Willi (lie lult 11ml lt'tl ACTIVE OPERATIONS HAVE BEEN RESUMED The Game last Sunday Was home All the Way Until the Sixth milltworking to anythimr'hk. "'31 capn‘ity. The Hollinger mine alone prodï¬cod $200,000 of which $110,. (â€Owns saved in the last thirteen days. These ï¬gures are to he re- lied upon. mal‘S'r» ("M will; working: capa‘ity. The EHE EIMMINS EHUWU EflflK SflME REVENGE In the month of August production of tho Porcup: was well over the 1131 Pearl Lake Section Active. GOLD PRODUCTION OF PORCUPINE CAMP Vol. I. n'IQi ‘ulls No. 24 August the gold l’orcuplm camp half million :iï¬â€˜ only three THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE will do all that is wanted to stimu- late capital in the deVelopment of the other properties of merit in this sec-‘ known P( been made. hawger Waring Amer and i'tlis making: the want 7 to 4 for the hume team. ltaeieot settled right down. and did ootallow the Home another hit for the balance of the game. lnthe eighthAtlis stretched a single into a three-bugger by daring baserunning and eantered home on McCoy's inï¬eld out. In this innings...a fast double play Rat-icot to Adis to McCoy was easily the feature of the game. The umpiring by Dr. McNeil and George Lake was satisfactory to all. The Timmins boys claimed it was a pleasant change for them. Gray has twirled better games but his support was of! 001m and-the has nothing to be ashamed of. The game was witnessed by a large and enthusiastic erowtl and proved to he as advertised “one of the best of the season." Each uf these teams has defeated the other twiee so that the saw-off should he a hummer. Weather per- n‘uittint: another game is on the mm! for Sunday at 'l‘im'mins when the home team will play South l’ureupine or the Home again. The line upf-Tiinmins, Smith L. l".. Ellis 13“., Mellgnald 9.8. wuer (‘.. Alt-(My Ill. (iuili'oyle 12.13.. Peâ€" eour (.‘.l".. Nolan 313.. Racioot P. l|«_:ti‘:e-4ll;ttvll (31".. Gray l’.. Kelly (‘.. \Vatwn'lll, Scott 113., Ewering- ham $5.. ('amei‘on Jill. Parsons ('(mdcd. ( ting shakcy full when I! is also reported that the ham:- prnduvcd $43.0(KI in the ï¬rst work of Svmcmhm'. which would run their total production for the gzz'ma-nt month :0 $172,000. The lentyrc is prodm-ing about fluent month†The McIntyre $1G.000. but yet out of it the prmluctior day. mm (K. :Xndrignon. The camp buildings will pay trlio Ann. the wtoram catch- u-ml long hits were re- liray's support was get- mka and the bases were th1 (iuilfnyle got atWo scoring Ann and E'dis rthc count 4 to 4 for tho ecu us and comfortabl ably l-a R. I“ latter part of Nit but the Vipoud is J its will difï¬cult l'tion \‘m‘ics frmn ( ne amp ooked after by r interests have and party of share a visit to the camp SOUTH PORC'UPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13th. 191.). Lherh 9 month and Whitney .\I LV been 1n no: a nd 10 lhim two by the M'Untre the ï¬nds are in l’0t .\I have x'ct samples new finds OUI'HCS According to the Cobalt Nugget, a Renfrew man by the name of Hitchcock made the first discoveries that have started the rush of the past two weeks. He purchased a veteran claim and when he went to look it oVei' the first thing that struck his eye was a fissure of decomposed vein matter which show- ed native silver. *He investigated further and has been doing some surface work. with‘ the result that three or four veins, between two and six inches in hi-g-hgrade quantities have been encountered by pl Homer L. Gibson and Al. Boyd have left for Auld township on the Montreal River where re- (‘ent rich silver finds are said to have made. The township of Auld is within a dozen miles of Co- lmlt and since the Elk Lake silver vamp first came into existence has been traversed many times with emupurutive little prospect work (lune in eompurisun to the sur- rounding townships, and until a- lmut two week>~ “1:0. nothing 100k- iuu like silver was ever found. lulu Iuwnsnip, Heretufnre Neg- lected By Pruspectnrs, Now a Busy Place (Swim A. Greener. win» a cnuplv uf weeks ago roccivml injuriosut thv i-lnllingor mine when his shoul- dcr was (lisvnlatmi and Otherwise badly bruised upâ€"~has sufï¬ciently re- covered so as to attend to his duties and resume his position at the mine. ANMHER NEW Sumo m-w rich surface Veins have horn unvuwrc-d at tho I’loflaumm and this prnporty is air") looking: M-ttc-r in â€w undvru'rmmd Workings each day. Only ‘20 foot of crown- uuttimr remains to he done now to umnm't up thv th shafts on thv uppnsiu- side-s uf the lake at the gun-{mu lM't-l. As soon 35 Wk â€connection i~‘ «(mph-ted the block- i‘ng out of the ore bodies at this property. ‘will go on much more rapidly. “ V . 4 Q The Shatt nn dppnsite Side of llamed liter Princess Patricia, Pearl lalle lllili Soon Be Daughter of the Duke nl Connected linnnaught NEW mun vnu ‘mscurm: mum on m: munumm smmn umwmms township "nsmp Ri oat ï¬llVEB STAMPEHE T} 1. b0 ut n to the sur- 15, and until a- go. nothing look- as ever found. (‘olmlt Nugget, a from A Md [d is cut 1n river and 2, in the east side ie about two Lake, on the ‘ ï¬ve hOurs n Latchiord. up by many a it difï¬cult D. J. Jemmet. camp looking (if! Northern Canada which he is Pr» Unnatural- l A government road from Hailey- ‘bury to the Montreal river runs ijust a few miles south of the glin'ds, through a farming section while the Elk Lake hranuh of {the T. 6; N. (1. Railway, now 1111- itler (o'nstt'mtion 111ns through the 1tm111~l11p 11f ( :1i11.i1111111-(li:1tel\ notth lof Auld and ï¬ve miles noxth of the (lisemmies. A(ti\e work is look- (“i for by the owners of the '1'lzzim> (lurim: the balance of the :present summer. The recording of- 'fi1'1s for filing: the 1'lz1ims in the gtuwnship i<11t Elli; Luke. One of the hem reels of moving pictures shown in the North muntry has recently been put on at the Majestic Theatre, and tak- en by Professor George, 3 true artist in this work of photoâ€"play. In these slides are seen Views of the diï¬erent Porcupine mines’; the rivers. bays, familiar laves and uut-of-t‘he-wag-nooks and wild places Newly made agricultural spms with a wilderness setting. and flower and Vegetable Hardene which could only have been made by 'l‘his company owns a claim sul-6 juinim: tho Hughes, the Dal)"T8)°' lur syndicate pl‘npu'tv fm'mu‘lv. and has a gang of men employed in surfavv \unk. .\ win it.“ hem un- cmcxml on this claim, which runsr in: fact wide and has some good' Mm. me its M119; ’flns ’ is evidently a prolongation of the “inches vein, as it is rig-ht 1n limo iwilh the win that the Montreal ; .‘(Mnnmny lm~ Invent-(l now on 1ch 'surfzu'c and on tlm-c lvwls undu- irmund. 'I'rcnvhinfl in this section | u..- Plenaurum and Jupiter in Rich Ore. He See’s_Beautiful Things in Nature Through the Eye of the Camera ~ihowim: these \‘etenm lots. (in one veteran claim. owned by a man in Kingston. an old veteran, five dis- tinct views all showing native silver, have been discovered. but can- not be touched on account of the claim against it.Prospectors from Elk Lake are blocking into that section and it is likely that in addition to staking the entire ridge upon which the discoveries have been made. other townships in the immediate vicinity will be tra' versed by the prospectors and other linds may be made. FRUfESSflR Efflflï¬f l5 IRUW M [£83131 'I‘hc Porcumno Patricia. in North- ern Whitnvy. i~ the latest addition to the working companies in this camp. arth ientific knowled wager will ‘ KiVer for in th L'G opportunity autiful which could only one with a Ipply wh'a t north and 1V0 U\\'UM{ overburden, been 1mm v- ubuut 2‘? .Eeneral and a the COIU’I Just dump at a parations for rushed and thc foundation are The most important development on the Crown Reserve's Porcupine property, the McEnaney, is the opening up of the ore shoot on the ‘200-foot level. This shoot. has now been proved for a distance of 403 feet carrying values better than the average on this property and at the McEnaney the average val- ues are $20. This is the ï¬gure that was obtained for the var- load of ore that was sent to McGill school of mines for a test mill run. The ore submitted to this test was. nm picked. it Was just the run of the dump. The dump contains 3.00“ tons of ore FOOTBALL GAME AT . . TIM MIN 5 N EXT SAT U RDA!†The Car of Dump Ore Sent to McGill Gives $20.00 Values 'l‘here will be some real spprt next Saturday afternoon at the 'l‘immins Ball Park, when the pick- ed team of Porcupine football playâ€" crs will meet the (laledonizms of (lolyalt. made up of the strongest players in the camp and with an even break should be able to beat the ('alcdonians from the silver camp and land in the ï¬nals. The following team ’has been selected to play for the Porcupine Paotball Club. The game will be the first round fur the Foster Cup. The team is The Jupiter Working in Good Ore and New Finds Being Made The Caledonians 0f Cobalt and Por- cupine’s Picked Team to Play for Foster Cup HIGH-GRADE ORE AT THE MCENANEY MINE Mines :u'mmd l‘enrl Lake have ne\'er looked more pr'mnisi‘ng than at the present time and within the 'next twelve months there 13101111] be at least three shipping mines in this immediate territory. At the Jupiter prospecting operations from 'y'mtiy --‘.§,.\\3e‘r shaft have resulted in the location (if 'zixlflfjg‘fln. 03")" inL' free gold. 'l‘liis vein is rlml‘i'fls twu feet wide at the point where MINES LOOKING GOOD AROUND PEARL LAKE naney Goal, Higham; Backs, Stockwell, a Value providc at amp 1 2 of $20 per ton -and e a nice start for flu: mill with which the Meâ€" to mart operations. Pre- l‘m' vhis mill are helm: xcavations for the nearly completed. lConcrete foundations will be built for a ten-stamp mill but only five stamps will be installed now, the rest being put in afterwards. The mill will Ihave a capacity of 40 tons daily and th! dump toget- her with the ore obtained in the progress of the development work at the mine will provide a large store of ore for a mill of this size without the necessity of (form mencing any stopping for a con- mencing any siderable time OI] weli. This rai underneath th be used for a the ore will t The raise through 0 n 100-th level McLean; Half Backs, Lawrence, Gandner. Hadwen ; Forward-s. Keefe, Nieid, Edwards, Hesser add Black; Reserves, Brady and' A. Wilson. ~It will he a game worth seeing and it is to be hoped tlhat all enthluiastie followers of the game will be -on hand to dish out :1 won] or two of encourage- ment mil help along the sport. The game will be called at 5 p. m. sharp, and arrangements are made for train servi!e back at 7.30 p.m. to Porcupine after the game. Admission tag. it was lomted 'hy the crosscut. and from its direetio‘n is evidently a stringer from a main vein, which should soon he picked up by the erossout. The work that is being done at this mine is from the one shaft only. at the 1900 font level. This crossent will be. continued to the upper shaft. of the Jupiter and a raise put through to take 100 (00‘, to connect the two shafts. ance the SISHH‘. (ï¬rms 5 Cents. This misc the dump and will a shoot, through which , be fed to the cars t level to be Panvcyml that is being put n the vein from the 1 is up now for adis- feet the vanes holding will be 25 cents bjr- )f‘ int; put through