Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 24 Aug 1916, 1, p. 1

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lt hm“ n \‘ein t'i'uin t'ui't)‘ tu eighty feet wide. stimmm-d tu extend :iernss t'unr pruperties. I'I. \\'. l’hililis. in his repurts nhtaiined assays t'rnln twn TtLt°uut eruss set-thins ut' the vein ”1' $423.00 and $3.40 guld per tun respee- tively. .\l. \\'. llutehhln slatted. "This is ii very valuable prnperty. in t'zu-t, une ml the must pruniisin; in the .set-- llun. l’nrtiuns Hi. the vein .‘lltHVS gnld t'reel)‘. Un the eai<tern pruliert)‘ :i sehist and eunglunieriite euntzn-t is snmumed lu exist alllllltll‘ tn that un the 'l‘ungh-(hikes. and the eunipnny exiieets tn du eunsideraihle \mrk at this [mint tllltl has hnpes ut' tiiiding' high grade are there. . It is also the intentiun ut' the min- fi puny tn dinninnd drill swine ut' the i large veins and dykes t'l'usslllg‘ the "fl‘irniwrty. It is wm'thy nt' nute that in this M't'llnll. eentnining the Lucky ('russ. and ii .shurt distant-e tt\\'zl_\’. probably nut further than the disg tanee hetween the lhnne and llullin- ger mines. are the rieh lmmerties nt‘ Kirkland Lake, int-hiding the divid- end payer Tungh-Uzikes. and several uthers with valuable nre hudius‘, the 'l‘eek-l-lughes. Lake Share and the property taken ever by the Beaver. It is nut very far t‘mm this seetiun tu Munro and Heatty 'l‘uwnships. where wonderful disenreries have been made, one. slab valued at over $100,000 being taken out ut' the t‘roesus a few weeks ago. This mine has already produced large quantities 0f extremely rieh ore. In fart, the bulk of it has been so rieh that it was shipped to the mint instead of to the smelter. 'ln "potting up the svhist c-unglmuvr- ittv vuutm-t nit tho \wstvl'n part «it Hit- prupm'ty, tlw l’ilw Luke muumny 0x- ]ievts tn timl smm- rivh Ht‘t'. as am- purvutly this t'nrnmtinu is an tlu- ur- «lor «if that nt' tho 'l'uugh-Hukvs um! uthvt' rivh mines «it that distrivt. It .l’fi vxlu-t-tml that propm'ntinn will ho . tmltit' tn tiiilltlttllti tit'tll tiw pl'ulwt'tivs {*t' tho Dunniniun Hum! H». at nut-v. With thv rosnmptiun ut' \mi'k att l’lkv lullw. betwm'u Swastika uml Kirkland Lake. «mo nl' tlu- big prus- ports "1' tlw Imrtll will he upvnml up. Yuriuus H'lml'ts maulo by vuginvvrs have (-umpm'ml this prupvrt)‘ lu tlw llnuwslukv uml ullwr hi3; mim-s. :Some High Value Ore Located at West Dome PflflMISING PflflSPflII AT PIKE lflKf HAS [IBHIV WIN WIN N0. 2 drill hulv wlm-h was put «luwn umlvr I'Idwunh Lalkv almwml Nothing ul' mlnv in the rul'v. It was lmrml tn 2m amglv dvpth ut' 151-! “wt. stx I'm-l c ml $11.75 (If ”84 I'm-l ’Nul)‘ WIN 1 $44.00 (u lllrfl' timw xix I'H'l nl' The West lhinu- is a lam prupvrty comprising tlw rlnitna with n snrt‘nm' measurement nt‘ 203 arm. .\ thnr- «ugh pmsportinx with Illllllltlfltl drills in being prmwt'ttlt'tl im-r tlw whali- property. starting in thr vicinity ut‘ the prmwnt shaft near tln- Big Daim- line, and wurking west by steady and systematic atom. Drill huh-s Sun. 0 and 7 have now been started. .\'0. ti hnving rvnrhml a depth nf “00 feet. hut it is not upN-tml t0 Ntvutttllt't‘ the tnitwrul zone in this link until it clvpth nt‘ 800 feet is renvhml. llril'ting ill Nu. I shaft in mm til it point 80 fret \i'i-st of ”It“ stiitiun on the :um t‘mit lt'\‘t'l. whi-ri- n t'ull l‘nm' ul' 3') I've! of Ill't' i.“ tmw twin: clvvvlniwcl. Sninplvs hnw luwn tnkc-n t'rutu this “writing. and. nlthmmli lllt' aways haul in»! lim-n i'i-wln-c-ki-il \\‘ltt'tt ”w Advmwo tlw [mun-Hy. first nssny run llw uvighluu'hm X". l drill I: Dnolopmont on the West Donne Consolidated prnporty is making u- ,eellent [mm prnhahty mare m than any nthor property in the ramp. t in mm unly shunt six mnnths sine-o work was rummcnrml under the able mannm-mont of Mr. Tmthrwoy. and results during that time hnw been more than gratifying. Vol 2. No 42 .\'u SYBTBIATIO PROSPECTING WITH DIAHOND DRILLS RDVDALS PRESENCE 0? RICE ORB BODIDE ALL ALONG 80073333 PORTION OF LARGE HOLDINGSâ€"I'm FEET 01‘ 844.00 033 CUTâ€"LOCATION OF NEW WORKIflO SHAFT DECIDED. U" u n lwr tun. drill lluk‘ Whim'l 1'0] vrvsvnt I um \‘isilo Dirt-Mars uf the Purenpine (‘ruwn have declared the regular quarterly dividend of three per cent for the quarter ending September .‘tOth. pay- ahle Uetuher 2nd to holders uf retard September 15th. PORCUPINB CROWN DIVIDEND. Word has been reveived t'rmn the latter property to the effect that sinking will he t-nntinned in urclvr to open up the extremely high-grade ure. The win seems to be growing wider and richer as sinking pnweetls. Half a «luzvn prupm'livs haw vhan- gml hands recently. The ('aswvll prupm'ly is. in parliv- ular. looking very well and {rum the Atlas prulwrty some remarkable sam- ples haw been blown out. 'l‘lu-rv is u gradual invrvase in tho into-rest in the Wasupim ramp in the Wm! Shining Tree clistrirt. Smut- 0f the speriuwns being taken nut ut' the shafts at vau'iuus prupvrties an- ex- truurdinarily rich and clwvlupnwnt is proceeding briskly. Rich Specimen at West Shining Tree t'ruai hvr sun. aml appealed to Mrs. Swill t'ur int‘urmatiun. llc- (-aaw am'th t'rnm ('uhalt almut a \\'(‘t'l{ prvvimns tn tlw tire aml was snplmsml tn lu- \vm'king‘ in mm nt' the mines arumul 'l'ianaias. llv had lawn in the habit ut' writiiig humv l’l'g‘tllatt'° ly hat has tint «lune m sim'v the lira, whivh fact has ransml gi'vat anxiety at his humv. Any ut' uar r-aclvrs wlm may he in a pnsitiun tn giw iat'ni'matina rc- gariling .\lm- .‘lt‘ld‘lltltltl mmhl winter a t'avur on his rvlativvs by smuliag the farts tn thv .\cl\'allu°v utlivc m‘ tn Mrs. llalpln Smtt. 'l'aaiarzu-k Mina. ('ahunot. Michigan. .\ letter has been reeeivecl at the .hlvaaee uttiee t'rum Mrs. Ralph Seutt ut' ('ahunet, Mieh.. requesting iat'ur- matiua regardim.r the wherealmuts ut' .\lee Melwmmn. Sinee the big tire a maple ut' weeks agn. his mnther, whu lives in ('alumet. has been nearly t'raatie at havim.r reeeivecl nu mml from her sun. and appealed tn Mrs. Sentt l'nl' tllt'nt’lmlltun. 1mm BECEWH] ASKING WHEREABUUTS flf MEX MclENNM twenty wins lmw- lm-n vnmmm-rml shuwing vuriuus widths and value-s. Imulc- nu it very almrtly. Simon «liumuml drilling «m tlu- pm- [wrty was a-uuuuom-ml last spring uwr uwrugc-d "hunt $20 per hulc was pm duwn 157" \‘c-rtiml dual: "3' Man ['1 Muir» rnrv slluwml (H'g 1200 I'm alums ll] ml in the ll No. 3 hole. which is «me «if the deepest in the amp was put dawn 1814 feet tn 3 vertieul depth uf Hm: feet. This eun- shnl‘ed mdy imn ’mde ore, ut‘ thieh twenty‘eiuht feet was enemmtered in the entire depth iand rim {rum $1.30 In $4.40 per hm. ; '30. «I hate. whieh was started at n distmwe of 2100 feet west ut' the present wanking shaft. prim-s that mines mutimie right nemss the sun- therly partial] 0f the pnipt'rty. Six- teen hundred feet were drilled in a vertieul depth nt' «hunt 1150 feet. .\t 15" feet 0 5'34”...“ im' hud)‘ “in! PM which assayed $13.80 per tun. and at? 1100 feet there. is three feet ut’ me giving $14.80 per tun. .\t NS?) feet there is 5'; feet ut’ $8.00 are. This hide shims 52';- t'eet ut’ "re in the mm- with an average value ut' $0.71 per tun. NH. 3') drill hide is lm-nted nhmit drill huh mm! "8' gnu lnz'urmutinn 1'0- lmmmu wnuhl mui'vr relativm' by sending .\1l\':lll('v “Hire “1' to M. 'l'mnarm-k Minv. HHS "1‘ W prmlm-I inn lm-nlml "hunt I :Jml't um! .I'C star! will ll rm pmgwrty mu! TIMMINS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 24th, 1910. with m N mill \\ ill mill ll 4th Inning. 'l'immins»~(lillm singled: puppml in Sullivan and caught at first; Smith M pill lnl' (Wu lnlg‘s: HI‘lSSUH pin-her: ('nrmivluwl slugl Smith: Hrissnn was nut Smith: King grunntleil in ”my: Le- \'ine walked; ll. I’ieree ennneeteil for three lungs seuring llrissun niul ('nr- Inielinel lint Levine was ennglit at the plate; Nenl unt, Sullivan In (lrek.â€"~ ll runs. 2 hits, 2 errm's. Suntllenil.â€"â€" Mellunnlcl was hit by lllh‘iu'l'; (li'ek was safe when King let his gmnnder get away: Hnlz singled seui'in}: Mellunnlil; Kelley walked lill- in: the lmses: ”l'iasnll l'nnned the next three. llugers. (lrny and Sulli- \':in.-â€"1 Hill. 1 hit. 1 e'rrui'. Sumlu-ml.â€"-â€"(lra|y Sll'llt'k um; Sulli- mu \mlkml mul was nut atvnllmr, Smitlu‘lu Neal: antlmul walked: I'Iustun {annuals-M runs, U hit<, n on’. 3rd Inning. 'l'immins.~â€"â€" Smith was sut'v wlu-n Wontlmul l'muhlml; llrissnn gruumlml lu l\'('ll_\' wlm throw in sm-uml [0 Nil Smith ul'l' lmt Sullivan lvt the hull gu thmugh his luuuls and Imtln were safe: (‘m'miclnwl singled. smring lallulk t'l'l‘ul': lelw Hulkml nml lmviuv mlmm-ml nu a hull: H. l’ivrm' grmmclml tn (3r Ilm-w In tlw lvlzllv tn gut Ki: (It-ully thinking: the bases won ulluwing l’icl'vt- tn rmwh first. llw ham-s: Nvul t'unlod tn Grok and W. l’ivrvo lmth hunted.- " hits. 2 vrrurs. U Inns. 2 errors. Suuflunnh~4inu'shwwk nut \‘zlll \\ alll<4'cl 11:14! \\':|: (Illt. a . . Q . . hum”: h» Real: \\vnflund ‘ Euflun hunwdrâ€"U mum," hhr ! comma-av I073â€" nu! Herve: ('nrnm-l 2! hits. 0 rrrurs. Sunllwml.--- l l'ivrm': Ham: lui «II-r whivll hmk 3! Wm Krllc-x glml IIIrII wruml; W. l’iI-rvv singled "lung ”Iih' lmsv lim- filling Ilu- lmsos: Smith IIII IIIIn u duuhlo plnv. (irnv In ”Mr. M Hrvk: [hiss-«III bum. ml nut II IIII‘I'I-JIIquvr \IlIic-II m-urml (iillm IIIIcl l’iI-rm-z I‘III‘IIIic-luu-l I'IIIIIII-cl.---2 runs. "my nlsu pitched tt gum! gmm’. striking nut right mm. giving five- tmws nu halls and hitting um- man: his summrt. lunwvrr. mu wry in- different. mum- rrrurs in tlw inflolcl being c-mm- ut‘ Timmins' Mg svut‘t'. Itrissnn nlluwod unly fnnr hits dur- ing tlw gnaw. \t‘llilv tlnirtm'n wvre mtllt't'tml ut't‘ Hmy's doliwry. l'tnpin-s.~8hm'llntt and Nm'it-ut. 1n Inning. 'l'itmnim.â€"~-.\'ml walked: Uillm sin- But it is necessary for the business man to “Say Well” first. or people will not know that he will “Do Well.” Advertise and then live up to your advertisements, or better. It is the open road to prosperity and the con- fidence of your fellow citi- zens. Timmim wntlulmt the Suntlt PM» rnpino baseball team cm the latter's tiilttmtni utt 91inch? at‘trrnmn in mt bustnlmgne style. The Sonthenders contributing tn ttwir mm defeat with numemns ermrs. while Timmins put up the int mum- ttwy have played this MIND". the «My man on their tram having an «mir was King who had tum rtmlkmt up against him. ttriswn rite-hm! in rxrrllrnt t‘nnn. striking nut t'unrtoon men. giving fuur tmsos cm bulls. and tltt 'Wt‘t. [flflflflS Cflflfllfllflf Ill llflWlflll [If Sfllflflflfl fllll HIM ((‘untinuml to l" H HHS m l.‘-- (En-k nut. Brian-«m In W. lnicl clnwn n l'ust granul- hmk u hml lmmm- just as shut! and King missml it: Kin :nd Inning. ( “7'6" "u I? oacavu min-ml an al [ulssml gl‘ullmlml tn (il‘vk Wlm luh- tn gr! l\in_. ovi- ' the buses \vmv tilled. . tn rvzwln lh'st. filling W walks-d: Hill»: sin- \\'. l’ivrc-v siuulml lily Jib! Smith H 1‘8 l'ullml U I'l'l‘ul‘s u go Ml f : \V. l'iPH-v Hillm was ‘zIHupml the was hit by In! smring t trying to in i'rcml m'w him In ”ris- : Hill»: H runs. \VNI! Kin: The new shaft will lw the point from Which the vein system running along the quartz [mrphyry-basalt mu- tact will he explorml. Several veins outcrop on the surface, and it is pro- posed to find out what they amount to underground. Previous develop- ment and mining work on the Schu- number has been mntlncd to a few ate-res near the Mclntyr‘ line. The new shnt‘t’ «m the Svhumuvhcr, 1-100 t'eot t'rum the preacl‘t main shat't has been started and Wurk is being pushed rapidly. All Utitii'vlhnvs in the vamp shnuhi tnl'n unt an that night [u give ”10 nvw lodge a good start. A nwoting at the Executive in vhnrgc ut' t'urinâ€" ing the ludgc will he held in the lmigo mums nn Friday waning the illst inst, tu make the. final nrrangmnonts lwt'urc the night ”1' institution. 'l‘he ()ddt'ellnws Lndge. which was tn have heen instituted nn the Itlst day nt' July, hut nwing tn the tire nn the pi'evinus Saturday the Grand Lndge representative was unahle tn get thrnngh t'ni' that night. and Grand Ledge meeting hein;r the t’nllnwing week, it, was neeessary tn pnstpnne the institutinn until Wednesday the Itlst day nt' August. nn which date all members Whn lu'npnse ,inining the lndge are requested tn he nn hand nnt later than 7.30 p.iii., at the Lndge Rnnm n\'ei' Sanders A" l’eteherskfs stnre nn Ih'd Avenue. just helnw the statinn. 'l'hc lmdy muld Hut have lain there long- prm'iuus tn its «lismvvry by passing: t'llildn'n. um- 01' wlmm infurâ€" Iuml ('lliot' ('mnrlmuum-lw. as it was «Ivan and ill gum! vulltlilinll. 'HH' pnlic-v m'v still investigating thv mm- lmt up in tho prvsvnt lmw nu infur- nmtiun tn :4in in llw nmnvr. "ME fflfl flflflffllflWS INSTIIUHBN l3 5H WERNESMV NEXT 'l'ln- hmly u:' an infant almut :34 hunrs uhl was pivhml up nu Friday evening last almut T n'vlm'k hvsitlv the railway travk uppusitv Masonic hail. 'l‘lzo hmly was that «if an infant hay pori'vvtlv t'arniml anal haul ovi- (lvntly (lied t'runi lurk ut' prnpvi' rare at birth. It was wrapped in rags and a Mail and Empire newspaper at the (late at“ August .15th but nu marks whivh \vnulcl lend a vine tn the nth- vials in [waiting the guilty parties. SCHUMACHER ' S NEW SHAFT. _I .\ll III'I'IIIIm'IIIoIIIs in mIIIIm-IiuII I\\llll IlII- IlIIIIm- “m0 IIlIh lllllNllNl III‘ II mIIIIIIIIIvo «unpusml u! Mrs. S. \z. llIIrliIIg. Mrs. J. .\. .\lleIIIis. .\lrs. ('lIIIIIIIIIIIly and Mrs. llIIrI'y Darling. .\buIII mm lIIIIIIlrml clullIInI will be walked I'ur llI-Il ('I'nss llllf'lISOS after all I'XIII'IIsI's "1'" "IN. and lle SIII-I-I'ss of Ibis III'l'IIir will inIIIIIlIIII- Ilw lIIIliI~s In llN‘l‘i'IISI‘Il III-IivIIy. and ”my “IT IIlI'vIIIly I'IIllrlIlvl‘llIL' II I'IIlllpl’e'lll'IISlVl' prnngIIII uI o-IIimaIlIlv Illlflllrl Inr lllI' cumin; IIIll :llHl \IIIIH-I M‘llsull. iII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII uI llH' I'HlllllHH'll L'I'llt'r- IIIH Ml'llinl‘l «II ”10' I'Hllllllllllll}'. 800V [If INHINT WUNI Nfflfl HMlWflV TRACKS [IN Hill)!” The iw' rrvnm inmlll was “I'll put. ronizml «luring tlw intermissinns and (In- Imu-vmls from: this smm‘v nutter- inlly nm-llml the inmmc- ut' “w Red ('rmm t'muls. mm m wuss , "mm one: Is 1 I an: succtss 'l’lw llnll «as well lillml will: clun- cors nml slm'lnlnrs. mul pmgrmns wc-ro pmvlirally all llllml cvnrly in the (Writing. l'ZxN-llonl musiv mm anlCl- ml by Mr. l-anrl. violin. and Mr. ll. Martin. M the pimm. This was the first mlortnimm‘nt giwn hy the ladies M‘ the lnval "ml i'nm aim-c their separation: l’mm (lu- Nhumnollcr "ranch. and Ilw gnu-r. mus support giwn at this affair angura well fur llw sum-ms uf mining events during the nppmm‘hing fall and winter senwns. The ninety in ":0 slmlo weather whirh prunilnl last Friday hold an Iormrs fur "I? tefluirlmrwm cit-Voices who thumped In the "NI (‘mss dalm- at Mamnir "all. rump slmuld [u give the A meeting 'gc nf t'm'm- in UN" lmlge The maul from thv Dunno Lake into this lnupmt)‘ has hmm partially man-- udumizml hy thv ”luunship and as a: result mm mm mm drive direct tn the property by autmuuhilv. 'l‘his rum! is living vuiitiiuml further down iutu [)vluru hy the, (’nniagas and LaRosr pcuplc, and ultngcther this sectiun “1' the vamp gives prmuisv ut' proving: up at least three murv hig minus iusidv of the next year. The man who brags about his past career ”1' wic-lzulness is usually a harmless cuss. (len. \Y. ["lt‘ltl. l’t'esitletll «if the l’nrenpine l'retnier (Enhl Mines l.t«l., nt' liustun. .\lass.. has just. left the vamp at'ter lunliittg‘ uvet' the enmp- atrv's pruperties in lielnra and is tum-h pleased with the prngress the emnpany is making. They have «lune a large annmnt ut' (levelupinent wurk Hit the ltlti-t'nut level. and in the smith-west erussent they have upenetl up a very tine hmly ut' ure tit'teen t'eet witle whieh aver- ages $8.00 tn $10.00 a tun. ln nrder itn gu ahead with the extensive (level- :upntent plans at the t‘mnpany, hnw- ever. it has been neeessary tn put in a nun-h larger plant atnl as a result twn titl h.p. lneunmtive lmilers have been urtlerecl, aim a 10 x 1'3 hnist. ti «lrill enmpressur whieh will enable the euntpany tn sink tn the 5UU-t'uut level at “New atnl the ore will he tilieflt‘tlj up nil t'nur levels tn that «lepth. They; are alsu huihlin;_r a new puwer hnnse.i Nu. 2 shat't will he t'nlllillllt‘ti t'rnnil its present «lepth ut' 7.) feet to the ltltH'cmt level an‘l eunneetetl up with the Na. 1 shat't h_v means «if a eruss~ eut., 'l'he t'mnpany expeet tn havet «levelupnient t'ar enungh aclvaneetl in- sicle ut' the next six innnths su that a small llartlinge niill ean he plaeeol an the prnlwrt)’. Usher muulmmmtiuus lum prulmsod. and P. \V. Smmnm'lu gnu- l’urrupinv ('rnwn. uml t'. H Her. M' the l’urmmim- Vinmml. I Immmnr: t tum-inn m prulwrtios E'l'lw I’nn- l’l'ulullbl)‘ llw Mum-rt Illinf; girl“! nn in l’ux'vupiiw is tlw lmilcling ul' lln- twn tlmusaiml Inn n «lay :ulclitinn In the lliillingvr will. This will gin- tlw «mummy :i lnmmgv ul‘ 4000 tum a «lay. Hy the time the mill aulcliliun is mmplotml llw meiilml slml't will lw romly fur npvrauinn. 'l'lu- mull-r- gmuml \mrkings M the (‘HllSHlltllllt‘ll pmpvrtivs are living mmplml up sn tlmt wlwu tlu- vulm'gml mill is wurk- ing. mm mm lw clmwn l'rmn many sum'ves. Avluail ('ullsll'lu'llull "1' the PflflBUPINE PREMIER Tl] EXTEND PlflNT AND SINK Tl] IIEPTH nmtiun may n-snlt. If it gum tln'uugl: tho Vipmml mill will [il'ulmltl_\' lw in- t-rvasml tn -lt|0 tnus at day 01' : m-w mill ul' tlml mtlmvity lmill. 'l‘llc- \‘t'llls‘ l’tlll tln'uugll lmtln prulwrtios lllltl am unmlmmmtiun ‘slmtlltl lu- mutually salt i s hurt my. l’rulmlply tlu- biuu‘vst thin: 2min: :umm-d by unntiuu mu} llw Viymml (“:10 'lscd In Pun-"pim- iq swing through same hi3 rllnngvs nml is dc-n'lnping very rapidly. nnm- rapidly than llam- nni very rinse-[v in imwli with mining in nnrlln-rn finial-in iliink. Sinm‘ the first iii' the your «My big things haw hem: «lune liy iln- niinm. mriic‘nlnriy «lung ilw linc- nl' inrnmsing human». The Inwns in the I’nrrnpilw district arr Item-Ming in [in-[uvrlium Timinins vain-rinlly. nln-rv uwr hm lmmlml lmnses lmw lm-n lmili ur nro- nuw Illlltil‘l‘ mnsirnrlinn this year. Sever. nl business him-ks. ”w New llwnin‘. and the new railway siniiun mm mm» nnclor mnstmriiun, and n nmv m-luml! as well us an tin-Jun" nnil hospital are «m ”w prugmm fur immmlinio- build- ing. \Vnirrmirks Mic-minus. l'ulfl'rl‘h' sidewalks. inmnwml mmls lll‘l' nniung llw Inc-nl iinlmn-mm-nls nuw nnclor wny. nml n xvii-nui- systmn is nhmrli. in}: tho niimiiiun ni' iln- ('ulillvillum. 'l'lw nnnllgninniiun in Hulliimm' in- terests int.» n salmnumu I'omumll)’ lms mnvinm-«l nmny skvplio-nl [N'HI'li' ”In: I’urc-npinv i< nut n smnll rump. Prosperity of Timmins Reflects Growth of Camp RAPID DEVELOPMENT IN CANADA'S BIO GOLD cm- REAL ESTATE BOOM IN THIS SECTION EEVEALS STABILITY AND CONFIDENCE IN TIIE LONGEVITY 01' THE BIG PRO- DUCERS OI‘ PORCUPINEâ€"CONSOIJDATION OP INTERESTS. Proposed Mergers. \\°. Sunmwrlmxm ul‘ N'Q'H An ugrwmcut has been n-avlmi inor- hu:¢-n the British-l‘umulisn Nina! ('umlmny and the (im'm'xmwnt. ‘-»r tiw mmpuny tn «lvwlop its mu: 5.).»- ply nl' lmwer in mnnec-tiun with is new refining plant in be costahfishel [war ('nmwr (7lit't', Hut. The murce ut' puwer ski}! be 1'”: \Valnuapime River. The terms 01' the 103159 were not- announced by M Pergumn, and will nut be‘ until Mo: mntruvls are signed. v‘ to The: m w plant 3% to m»! botwwv' Inur and liw milliwx dung”, it u! all: rstm-d. ulmut 150 feet rust of Sn. mvk {rm-lures have lwon met «Krill, musing: the Inns ul' “1110': lmlv and ten bags “1' H'HH'I necessary In rmnmly thru- which has deluyml Inl'ug‘l'c'v; I extent. This hair has 1'0; dvpth ut‘ 40m fat-t. Company to Erect Huge Nickel Plant ('nnnidvmble tumble ham lwrimwed With NH. 5 11010. ulmut 150 feet must of Nu ruvk {Tau-lures Imvv lwon m d’rill. musing: the Inns 01' wall lmlv and tvn bags ut' mm l'rum Hit 1th fun but ('upr 101' Hm I! «it-pill. 'l'ln'w drills urv busy at Hum“ 93‘:- lt‘llslull in the «was! fur the- Hi: lliillid ui'v limly. Work is being lWUM‘t‘JlW! in the luw grumul'udjzlvmit In Hm lhnnv liiw and mum «lillic-ullv lum lH'l‘ll Q'Vlwrivnvml at Nu. .l lmlv uni). L: ln ilu- suggv nwrlmnlen “lllrll i-'. ii:â€" N‘lhllt‘l'hml “ill! mum-mus lmul-id‘t'4 lwlwvmi llw surl'au't' and Ill» “Vii-“01,3"? \\'lll('ll nm'ussit’utvs blasting as; watt"! l)Ulll(l(‘l' is vncuuntvred. lwt'urv urinal i'm-l; drilling can lmweml at this ’mlo. .\u (i lmle, Wlll1ll is almut.‘ WU :ml I'm“: the Hume line, in mm 'ih'fvll 1mm liQ‘t‘t and” still in tlw lmi'phyxy lmt l'upr. Am-lmr enterta- lu mm m- “‘1’ tlzv mineralizml 2mm vlnsv in “mi t'i'nm nu“ ull. The win sz olevo lure-l m-ll un the 50mm...” lrh'l ntul ll.” allnl'l “ill “0 hltl'lt'd‘ uttl lei -llNl Hut. The Numb 'l'bunnnsun‘is nuw V-Hl'rl- in: un the mm H. lM'o-l \\‘ltvt'¢' mute ('xveptiunnll)‘ guml nre lins' bm-r: er:- runnterecl in drifting upel'ntimn~. A4 tbere bus been eulmitlernble .lmt'nn: «Hi the tirat three levels it will nut be hard in eunple up the “writings m' the hm mines sbunlcl 1m mnulgunmtiuzx lu- eunsmnnnnml with (be Vilmml. .\cl,iuining the Uume Mina ll.” \\'e.~'t llunie ('nnsnlillntml is ateacliiy proving: up its property. biannual drilling lnls luentml several guml 0m bmlies and the high-grade win on wbieb the shaft is being sunl; has been slmwing up well. THREE flfllllfi. NUNNINB AT llflME EXTENSIIIN NEAR DUNE [le Thu-r9 in lifllv In my I l’urc-upim- ('rmm. 'l‘lw Mung su-mlily. turning m humane. and mmmmmt I g The .‘lrlntyw mill is bring remnda ‘rllnl in sumo clrlnih whirl: will tr-~ am" m an inrnmml pnulurucm. Tlm «In-rlumnc-m mufrrgnmml u the 1!.“ lntyn- has hem mum than mti‘fuw lury. The Mg win. sixty «do. («I with. ml an the 7004'ch h’rl has been pnwml fur. n mmidomMr disd "mm The 2.5.r....r win (mm! «long Hm lim' nf llw Mrlntyw I“ Hm Mes lnlyrv l-levnsicm at In "mm-and I'M. Inns born drinnl cm with good mam .\ ohmmmd drill lmlo (mm Nu...» a!!!“ r"! n \c‘ifl "\‘I'l‘ Iwrmy I’m! M!" M. alum! mm fowl on ”w Me‘lnl) n'. Tim Jupih-r is alvmhly wmlim: un- out fur tn-nmwm. mill has ulmdy started. The In... liars is steadily inn-nu. sing in mill and”. and "or sump-t an- lningr "Mud hy Nb! mills. N. is Ilw museum at «minim among mimmr men "M ”w «Minn "I" h" taken up cm "mm Extras-ism. SinglcCopinSCcnu um! ruminant ! 0min Production. 1mm "at I" gm H mm Jdnr Hm

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