IHE Pflflï¬ï¬‚fllf MINCE Lulu Cards or Noticu. year. To manro Imwflmfl. mpws m an- vcrhsvmmus ahnnld be m the hands at. the primer by Tuesday noon of each week. Advertisements inserted witlmnt written instrurtiuns will appear until writtcn urdors fur their dismmtinu. mace shall have been received. To insurr ilmoflinn. cnpivs of ml- Further mics and particulars may be had on npplicntinn. m NW“HMG!3¢ notice! of entertainments. elm. when! a charge is in he mule. will ‘K‘ inserted in The Porn: vino Adi-aim- at the ram nlar nlo 01' cents per lim- for news type at 7 cvnls per line for black face type. exec-pi where the job work is «lane at the Admin-e Printing (Miro. than 110:in will he inuflml free of charge. Proteuional and Bndntu and: There are anther things hesides tiresi which are daaueruus tn the welfare hf a emaamaity. and «me ut' the greatest ut‘ these is a tax euaditiua «1' expert medieal inalwetina at ï¬nal. and the euaditiuas generally sur- rmmdiug the restaurants ut' Tiimains. It is an undisputed t'aet that flies are a Iueaaee tn health. and in a hunt where ttn drainage system is used the hreedim.r plat-es at these 'DIH'MS make them duahly ulnmxinus and the num- tn he guarded against in the interests 05' l)ttl)itt' health. The restaurants ut' 't'iuunins are veritable havens t'ur these lml'hitigers ut' disease. iizusc litti‘htttgvt's ut‘ tttsmisv. Am! in regard to mums purvhzist-cl :md rwrvml hy timu'fy all thvsv t'nmi «lispvtisurit-s. it “with! sot-m that thvy :rc- uwrt-l)‘ utttlvts i'nr thv saili- ut' meats and uthvt‘ thmlstut't's unï¬t fur human i-unsmuptinu. and wlh'wh rt-taiil [uttfl'uyyrs mitthi tint hnpt' tn disiumv m' tn the tiiï¬t't'l‘ltiltg lumsvwit'v whu «houses. with u prtu'timl mm the mummditiw whivh she buys. 'l‘immius is tl minim: tmvn and mm- ‘5 com: pm 'l‘iuuuiu.~' is u mining: tuwu uucl enu- wqueutlv hurhnrs it great quin single men and "them without hmue emitti- tions, and these are t'ureed by ueeesz- bity tn putmuize the restaurants and trust tn the pruprietur tn supply them with Wllflil‘sulltt' t'mul. But their trusting t'uith (Wakes nu reslmuse truth the â€strictly business" [mtg-ri- c-fut‘ (must «if wlmiu are t‘hiuzuueu). 'I'hey buy the eheaipest stuff they euu get â€"â€" uhsnlute refuse m whieh u'uuld he euusiuuetl In the dump it' it were not t'ni‘ these “eulitun'y experts" whu :It‘t’ tillHWt‘Ii h)‘ litt‘ tllltiml‘ilit‘s‘ tn mmk it up and feed it tn their helpieim \ ‘etitus. Same ut' the eeiizirs “1' these tï¬uees ui'e ulsn in u disgl'ueet’ul eun- hem duuhly ulmuxin In Iw mmrolml :Iguius If pllhliv lwullh. 'l‘l 'l'immins un- veritu UNSANITARY RESTAURANTS. \\'e are int'urtned of a ear “1' meat vizieh was refused at Selnnnaeher. owing: tn its unsanitary eumlitiun. :tml later sent in to 'l'ilntnins where it found a ready market. These wnditinns are nnhearahle and unwarranted. \\'e have a aedi- «all health uflieer and he should see tn it that this state at affairs is renmlietl at nnee. (‘untplaints are unneruns and it has been drawn tn the. attelttinn ut' the Advanee in sat-h e. manner as tn leave. tm Quuht as to the temper ut' the people wlm have been uhligetl to submit In these eun- (ittiuns. Beading Notices (‘uchrane is providing for the. fut- [are satay of their town by drafting :2 bylaw which will permit thc erec- tion of {mine buildings. within a speciï¬ed central area, unly for the space of t\vu months. after which time the owner must erect a building hf brick or other acceptable material. {:5 well as complying with uther 1m)- .\'uw that a shakeâ€"up in tire depart- l on! mntlitinns is almut tn bear fruit and 'l‘imiuins is slated tu have a much imprm ed ï¬lt'-h ï¬ghting' machine. would it not be at stop in the iight diiectiun ii the (‘uunvil took up the matter of greater ï¬re prevention in mniunvtiun \.ith thcii gem-mus pln\i:i'm fur ï¬re ï¬ghting. Published awry Wednesday by Let u~ have quirk m-tion in this :zatter as well as continual \‘igilenve :‘oln now on. Let the health ollirer -roteet those who have not got the »ri\'ilege of home mnulitions. to the ~xtent of preventing unscrupulous w-staurunt keepers from foisting lzea’e insidious poisons into the sys- t-ins of their patrons. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9th. 211.05 a 1'0 lit m. “'0 are BUILDING BY-LAW NEEDED. 000. Lake. hm Subscription Rates: inset-ï¬rm or $12 per your ’Phone 26 ONTARIO com: .) I!" .00 per Market Letter Homer L. Gibson 6; Co. ll lull mnlmuos. tlw muting full tizll mun-s in l l’l'nllls un pun \isinlh \1hi1h \xill 111iliga,1te tn :1 001'- tuin extent. against the Iisk ut tire. 'l'i1111.1iiis t‘tblllti I111\'(* 11 1)) -11111 \\ili(‘il 11'1111111 r11«,11i1'i' (1\\'II(PIE§ (11' l)1'(»;1()1'tjv “ithin idem-l'ihed areas in «autumn to certain wuditinns. Slu'h 11$, fur i11- stum-u. where buildings heeume de- umlislzml hy tire «11' turn duwn to make iuwuu hir luguer :nruetures. that in rehuihiiu: the uwners he obliged to [H1' in l1rhd< iburty “udlsz alu1r0\1nl 1-..i11111«~1's : \1'i111i1111u1 i11 iil(! 11111151911 Zliiit' quit-es between the ceiling and hunt. a“ 2111 aid to tire-ï¬ghting: nu «hsvnniuudiwllnuldings an the rear of hits \\ ithnut the consent and approval of tiund’ “11use (luty it is tu ¢u1f0rce such :1 i))‘-iil\\'2 and many other reas- unulde restrkflions. A great number ut pr'upextx 01111- 915. prineipulh tureigners. huild dntdhugsiu1lnnh Huztruntznul1ear ut thiu1' lots. 'lhis liruetiee shiuihl be I'm“ 119d on hv the authmities as it is nul\ 11 (~01111i1e1'einl consideration by the mxuers, and an undoubted menace in case of tire. Flower and Vegetable Plants of all Varieties for Bedding of Highest Quality. Hardy Plants Guaranteed EAGLE HOTEL BERT DEW’AR. PROP. SUI'TII PORCL'PIXI‘I, ONT. Inspection Invited Market letter of A. S. Puller Co. 'l'lw marlwl l'ur tlu- past week has slmwn unmiatnkuhlq- signs ut' mlwuw- ing and We xm- ut' tlu- upiniun that tho m-xt (Wm M thrm- wvvks will slmw nnwh lniglwr prlrvs. A spvvinl sign â€1' aha-"gill has ll(°('ll 51mm: in We»! lhuuv (‘nnml.. Dunno Lukv mul \'ipuml. 'l'lw mlvmm- in tlw pric-v 01' silver "total to (315‘ W has also lnul u lmllish 'l'lw mlvunm- in tlw privv 01' silver metal lu (315‘ x“ has nlsw lnul u lmllisln cl'l'm't «m the l‘nlmlts and those stuvks xm- all strungc-r. vspvvinlly 'l‘muisku- wing. whirl: has :HlVflllN'll tn (31v uml looks like lligllvr prim-s. “'itll tlw (Wet-Minn «if at l'ew dis-i tnrbiag eunditinns sneh as strikes and â€the!“ unsettled lalmr eunditiuns in the United States we ean see nuthing in the way ut' a big market this fall. and we advise unr elients to aeenmu- late a line at the best stocks, being,r euntident' that an advanee at‘ 25 to 50 per eent will be registered in a number at them inside the next sixt)" days. (lne thing we are sure at, and that is, that there shnnld be tln fur- ther delay in buying as we feel eun- tident that the market has reaehed the hutth and is nuw bit the way up. We are mm in 0111' MW UfliH'S. Ml)- lmsito the (iulchiolds Ilntol, 'l‘inuuins, where we will be glad tn sop nlll' uld clients and friends. SAVE DOMINION WAR LOAN “.1 tin "ll 08' 24' 05‘ ‘5" r o“ TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE? OTTAWA; By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. US .')~ 193 m IOBOUPINB ADVAHOB YOUR FOR THE Schumacher-Timmins Red Cross Society 'l'lw regular wot-My mot-ting M' tlw (‘muulinn "ml ('rmm Sm-iol)‘ wllivll was held in tho ('uum'il ('lmmlwl‘s cm August last. vmlml uur ymn'ly h-rm. 'l'ronsurur rulmrtod as l'ulluws: Expenses. nmw. 3.5.7 13â€".â€" .13. 31:. .1. 222.: 3.1.. yrs/1...... . ........ .17... 2:17....» . . .27.? 77.3.5. . . .. ...... 3.1.. :235: . . ......... .27.? ...:._h_::.: . . ..... .231. 27.7.3. . . . ......... 9â€"7.. .zzn..m.n::: . . 371.. 7.»... . . ........... 57.. $.11. . . ......... 27.3.. 7.327;. . . ........ .11}. 7.2.9:. . . ........ :rzziz: 3...:â€" e::._:.<....v. 01' Mt lntvrv Minâ€. Juno Jupiter .\lim- ............ l’ulvlmsiuyr zlf't'llt s lmluuu'o lnlall $310.39 A Iantiun was llltltlt' by Mrs. llruugll sommlml by Mrs. Sauvtun. that all uutstamliag hills lw paid but'urv the banks were t-lusml fur the year. The Svlialaavliw-'l'iimnias llram-II will «lismntialw. am: wv will lwro- at'tvr Iw knuwa as tlw 'l'immias llr. .\lrs. lennis was ananiamasly ('l- m-tml as l’rvsiulcnt. .\lrs. Harry W. Darling as Sevrvtar)'-'l‘rmisim-r fur the minim.r mur. Mrs. S. \. Darling: will have ('ll:ll°_‘_"0 at the stuckâ€"mum with a «annuittvv ut' Mrs. ll. llrnwa I'm-airing." all tiaisli- actl work aml .\lrs. ('lialaamly distrib- ltltin}: Work in lw llUIN‘. Hun. .‘l. Hnm'u .\Iv.\rllmr Mnskvtt . . .. Murphy . . Harm" . . .... 6‘. I J1|ntr kvtl II'U“ ll thy . . ... UH . 0.... :hurn . . 3' . lignun . . h . lul‘ . hn°. .0... O livlmw Yam hurling SW. Receipts $310 BARRISTER. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg., Timmins Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 . W. Mahon '. A. McINNIS TIMMINS, ONT. SOLICITOR. Automcbilee for Hire. Open Day and. Night- Phone 31 The host and most-up-to- (lute [Away 01' its kind in South I’orcu [)illL’ Livery and Transfer Prof Steinhart Concert ‘ Pianist Td'ilCllUi‘ fIII' Vocal and Piano Music still has II {cw llmlf‘ri to SIIIII'I- for Pupils. Box 345. J. V. Guilfoyle, B.A.,L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Telephone 116 Reed Building, Timmins S. WHEELER South Porcupine Moderate Terms South Porcupine