"if MCUHIE ADVANCE Lodge Cards or Notices 3'60 I'. Furthe- bv had cut M'h Wm Profession“ and Bus! 5 "PM! lwr innmhem 0r M Quad: United Sta hauling Noam.-.m Condemed Ad nl Found. “.u the Ad\‘ l' sus MUM Porcupmo (Town at luumun. left. the pmperty Friday after aver the 'l'muscumiueutul. The at the mine carried all [1w papel the company down tn the hun foot level for safety. Ahuut t1 {mdies were hruught in uvvr the «ms mad and therv are about known to he unaccounted far but the mine. Bill Mct‘linchey, of .\Iun_tieth, it! H‘ mm! 1 \‘C 1' (‘H IE" I“ (‘ I'H'H NEW ONTARIO IN SORROW 1080†Published every Wednesday by 000. Lake. PIN-uh†ms . . . ONTARIO musnv :t't'erin If“! \\ WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2nd mud 'mh ml .10 mi all 'l'h Bath tn wludin {110 are 'hl‘uup H 'lH In 1.5th HI tcrvicowod at Pumuui Juiiu 0 NW: (‘ll l’l ll 155i“ uh nu 1| {UH 11H“ EVEWEWESS STIRV H llul‘t DIM mtinued from page ll will ll Mine Manager Safe. ('nhon. manager “1' the no. and funncrly with w (‘ruwu at Timmins. pruperty Friday aftm 'l‘musconlineutal. The H slutc ll tee ’Phone 28 'u'l ll l't‘VlUllS .md was at in all m uf his Ill ll )1in< W (7 I'll] 1H vertisements II HI H Hll Inn tent tho hunt an! tlw bodies. Xulam of Tim wn tn “who: a. It) (In 5mm Null“ 82.00 a year 33.00 a year Ldncsa Cards. \VilS "I {UH hilit)‘ 0mm l 111' "It not Ices a '1'! o rnbn papers 01 r hundred vut thirty 0 per .zd,iâ€inil I)\' H 1) lllllll 9th, was although he me may {If l'u Ill tt‘ wiiu lam V C(, >n‘ days, mwmg mu (‘ulmlt by I“: (‘03; tn his new 0 (mo of the mus v.3 ï¬nding at Nu .th. others on her breast. am rinse tn her sides in a vain e harlmr themselves; from the a c whivh had overtaken them. 229 was Mrs. PC rrault, and the \H'imx ut the! famih was arm u bad game up to Jacksonbmo The bmlies were all taken tn: . :h. where Mr. Thompson 5 saw \V t rlusv around atholic Priest Lc â€Little Faltlwr" tlmliv church â€1' tlmso wlm pcrisl HI alung the I'ailmzul. Thu! ’9 t'uund in «me rut near N11: :wy werv making: fur lh'i1 Creek when (loath uvertu Unly twn little hays and n SAVE Announcement We desire to announce that on or about the first of August we will move our ofï¬ces to the “Moore Block" opposite the Goldï¬elds Hotel. Timmins. where we will be glad to welcome all our old clients and friends. It will be our policy to continue the same uniform good service that we have given the investors and tra- ders in this camp for the past four years. We desire. however. to take this opportunity of im- pressing upen our clients and friends that we are en- (leavoring at all times to improve our facilities for han- dling their stock business and as we are represented on all Exchanges. in Toronto, Bcston and New York. we feel that our facilities fer the execution of any business en. all Exchanges. in Toronto. Bcston and New xorx. we we: that our facilities for the execution of any business en- trusted to us are unexcelled. Cur Mr. Puller is a broker of over twelve years ex- perience and our connections in all big ï¬nancial centres are with conservative brokerage houses of the highest ï¬nancial standing. ll SRVL m the mum having been t by Father ' new charge TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. H' must pam’ul mg; .t Nushka Hf the and seven ('hildl't‘ DEPARTM ENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. ll her 'unumm’xt)‘ 1'10!“ YOUR It mt m st Life 'l'hvriault at Xushl Xushl- a vain et'furt m) the awful :1 them. Her Some mule STOCK BROKERS Half: “t FOR THE am n vlus- awmill In! If UNUUS M (‘11 \\' 11 S W a S â€11° LV u] H MONEY left at snnie ut' their charred remnins.‘ Doctor Praises Nurse. When Dr. llniney and W. M. Wid- dil’ield :H'l'iVed at Kelsi†they diseuv- ered that n wurk train whieh was in that seetinn at the time of the tire had pieked up :1 trump muned Bi'nwn- lee, who is well known h_\' at“ those residing.r alum: the line for miles, as he and made this lm-aiit)’ his stamp- it}: g’i'nnnd t'nr n nmnher «if years. The nnt'nrtunnte man was lmdly burned about the feet and hands, and had been left in n hnx ear hy the workmen. Ur. llziiney did every- thing pussilfle tu relieve. the man's! distress and then prueeeded sunth. ’ l)r. Huine)’ is loud in his praises of the assistanee given by Miss Ateh- esun. a trained nurse who worked burned a: had Iwor wurkmvu thin}: 1m (list fess (’5 «m arrived. .-\t l’orquois Junetion twenty-eight building's fell a prey_ to the flames. The tire hurried to within seventy ï¬ve feet of one side of the town and then jumped elear over the portion elose to the railway station and start- ed again on the other side. The Angliean ehureh and rectory were .lestroyed and Mrs. Woodall, wife of .\rclulezu-m: Wuudall. Who is up at James Bay at present, is in a (-ritimll ((unditinn “wing to the strain placed upon her by the catastrophe. Big Loss at Iroquois. T hirtyothree houses were burned at the [l'uuflui‘ Fails tmvnsitc. All the uml (mg: lh' l'llll a tmmud nurse mm in mujunvtiun with 11 below uther nutsidc a n all «lay fur the run UIH‘ “Wt H whnlt El! m IOROUPM ADVAflCE ll) lt' nluy tn mukv Mills in Whit'll. families wvrv side assistmu little was dm'tnl‘ @0000 slur suit \\' shirt S‘H‘lx liot MI u Subst-riptmussâ€"«Paul Mageau. 530v ('. A. .‘Ifllvulm. $3; Mr. (‘ussette. $1 Mr. Wilkins, $2; Total $5.50. At a special meeting held July 2 it was decided to make a (lunatiom u '.-' main) to Serums National. luun‘ 1011: mm! ship UV he (‘uttim . W. Wilson, Mama! by Mr rs. Smith. th; 9 Field (‘um ‘1 in: meeting mUuur . August 23rd. ll ul n1 nlies [lull foes 300000006†OO‘)OOWOOOOQâ€O¢O 0.000009000 oâ€ooooouooooowtweoowomo meetin st 25M. plim )U ton until Th awmmt of ting: and elm [m l\'(‘ll 1111? 11:15 1km) N' H res pilluw ('nttun lmlls knitting mt ummitlev's l‘t'lml nu. 8 shirts. ( '21 rru Hutu use remember m due next meeting l'vpul'l vaip 13ch [hat D\' ll at HH HI l'l‘lt slips turm (:ilmu Nan inuul ‘M l 61m .-llt', scvulult’d by 50ml $100.01) tn ('ulmuissimn fur the Belgium Re- tiun of uflirel's 111V") k, sm-nndml by pustlmlll' nlll' nasday, August Black. See ‘0 1'5 twins yam uttun: ll mi umil Thurs- ('ntl MHI Sl Sm'KS nwmlwr ntll' an :21!) 32H} ’SHS M rs _. .. 3.000330000209009939293960033 0609669300009" O )U (S H†(NI of 000000000000000 00090000009000006000006090009000000000 9690000000WWOWMQOOOOOQWMOWOOOW O NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser Bldg, Timmins J. W. Mahon BARRISTBR. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIB S. Temple Building. Toronto Golden Ave, South Porcupine Cook Er Mitchell Campbell; 8: DQ376211 Md. Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 MARK HARRES 81 m1 a A. MCINNIS TIMMINS, ONT. COBALT and PORCUPiNE Standan Bank Building TORONTO SOLICITOR. Axmlym prompt uttvutiuu. (Members Standard Stock Exchange) mum Mining Shares Bought zinc! Sold SPECIALISTS IN Our' Statistical Department will furnish you with latest on request. and Custom Sampling Plant FOR ALL ORES COBALT, ONTAR 7 I I (‘CPIVH of ll Iiiml l:.\'l‘l"..\' ().\' IH'X‘H'I'ZS'I‘ 1105!: or express invlmling Automcbilee for Hire- Open Day and Night- Phone 3| The lwst :lml mnst-up-toâ€" (lutv Livm'y 01' its kind in Snulh I’nl'uupim- Livery and Transfer Box 345. J. V. Guilfoyle, B.A.,L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Telephone 116 Reed Building, Timmins Prof Steinhart 'l‘mcl'xcr for Vocal and Piano Music still has a law hours u» spam: for Pupils. S. Wï¬EElER South Porcupine .: RADIUM Moderate Terms Concert Pianist l'N'UI VI South Porcupine