Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Aug 1915, 1, p. 1

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PARIS.-â€"GERMANS CONTINUE TO MAKE DESULTORY ASSAULT \VITH GAS AND BOMBS ACCOMPANIED BY HEAVY ARTIL- 2[LERY FIRING AND FOLLOWED BY INFANTRY CHARGES wTH GRENADES. BUT AT NO POINT HAVE THEY BROKE ENCH. BELGIUM OR BRITISH LINES, WHICH HAVE BEEN STRENGTHENED MATERIALLY LATELY. NEW YORK.-TRAVELLERS ARRIVING FROM EUROPE REPORT THAT BULK OF BRITISH NEVJ ARMIES ARE BEING SENT TO DARDANELLES AND SERBIA AND THAT IDEA OP OF- FENSIVE IN FLANDERS PRACTICALLY ABANDONED. LONDON-THREE SMALL BRITISH SHIPS AND ONE NORWEGIAN SUBMARINEDâ€" NORWEGIAN CREW ALL LOST. CHICAGOâ€"CANCELLED HUGE ORDERS FOR AMERICAN WHEAT GIVES RISE TO RUMORS THAT DARDANELLES HAVE BEEN FORCED AND THAT BALKANS HAVE JOINED ALLIES. NEW YORKâ€"WALL STREET STOCKS WERE AFFECTED T0~DAY BY REPORT THAT BRITISH HAD FORCED DARDENELLES, BUT THERE WAS POSITIVBLY N0 CONFIRMATION TO THE RUMOR Rumor That British Have Forced Dardanelies And Balkan States Have Joined the Allies-Bulk of New British Armies Now in Action. 'l’urmunm- lllllwl‘iall Vipuml l’rvstuu I'I. “W's! lhmw {Supplied by . Apex .. . Dulm' I'Ixtmmun ”Ulllt‘ Lulu- lhmw Minm . Fairy (D'Hl'ivzx . HUM Hm-t' ..... Hullingm‘ .... Jupitvr . ... ... Alt-Intyrv . . .. Munch: . .. . 'l'he Melntyre ('nmlmuy has agreed In expend $15,000 t'nr clevehmment work un the I'Ixteuaiun pruperty. which. at. the uptiun ut' the Melntyl'e (humanly. "my he expended owe!“ a! periml of eighteen umnths at the rate «1' $1,000 per lllmlth. Fur sueh I'V- penditure the Melntyre ('mnpnny is tn rem-ive 'l'reusm'y Shares ut' the Ex- tension ('umlnmy at the [wire ut' ten rents per share. TOoDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS (Noon Closing) Min vlnims “nu-h. if Hut I "3'. \anlM lmn- olvlnyml I tlw «lvul and might lmv fiericms In.“ on!’ Iiuw. Mm Nil‘flbll‘ tn mnicl in omlm devolupuwm nu Ilw Mrh "v as abun- nullim-cl. Payment has been mmlu- by ”w Ma'- Intyro t'nmpmw o‘t' Hit-Jilin i.- sntist’m-tinn nt' all vlnims nt' ('rmlitnrs 0f the Pearl 'ottkl' t'nnumny (with tlu- exvoptinn «of NW vluim «W It. If. t'nrt- wright) t'nr whivh paymm tlw Mr- lntyrt- t’nuumm‘ rm-c-in-«I 1.02"."0" shares nt' llu- Mc-lntyrv I'Ixtvnsinn ('nmpmty. Mr. t'urtwright n-c-cn'n'im: 980.000 ntmrus in sutist'm'tinn nt' his c'laim nt' “75.1“”! t'nr nannvys ml- \‘tmvml by him tn tlu- l’o-m‘l Lulu- t'nmlmny ttfi mlmillml mul pussml by the Assigm-v. .\ t‘urthvr lmymvnt nt' $2.500 was mmlv In Mr. t‘urlwrigint by pun-Imam: t'rnm him 2.5.00" shares nt' his lanhlings in thv I'Ixtnn- sinn ('nmlmuy at ten m-nts lwr slum- ilt nrclvr tn mmhlc- luim tn satisfy c-vr- 1 ('0l. .\. .\l. “any. signs Hu- rvlmrt which. in part. Mlys:â€"- “A new mmpnny has burn furmml mtler tlu- mum- «of tlw .\lc-hltyrc' Ex- 1ellsiun Mines. Limilml. with u vnpiml 0f $2.5mUNm slmrm «f ”In par mim- of $1.00 vac-h. ul’ “MI'II 500.000 shares are plan-ml m ”w 'l'n-nsnry. In III? report IssIImI In the MP“!- h're I’urrIIpiIII- Mines. Limitml. fur IIIe nIIInIII «If .IIIIy same partivulnrs are given In sIIan-lmlclors rogunlimz the rem-n! flt‘I'IIISIIIIIn III' III? I’I'IIrI Lake [Inilmrly IIIIII IIII' prulumnls WIIIC‘II it Is IIIIPININI “III In- I-arrII-II IIIII regarding IIII- mmv. I'III. .\. .‘I. “fly. signs IIII- Import Old Pearl Lake Property Will Be Given Chance To Show What it is Really Worth WILL SPEND $18,000 0N y; MclNTYRE EXTENSION Vol 1. No 49 “HY” (Special War Dcspatch to The c-lnims ut' I'rmli ('umpmny (with lllilll 09’ H. '3‘. (' Vulim' mt Hum dispusml m! ”10 rinsing: Hf lmvv iln‘nh'ml n Whirl: it was «Iv- nlvr In vxlu-dilv lvlntyrv [H‘nlwl'- 1W H )H UH mm 8| [‘0 PH .\l‘ Nu 1r!- “N0 Buyer For The ' Bartlett Property lfilril'ts. .\°n. 5 shaft is iinw clnwn tn it ' '«lvptli nt' mm l'm-t. uml u statinn is lw- ' in}; rut at that lvvvl. .\s 5mm as tho 'lwnrkings urc- sutlic-ivntly mlviuwml. tsinking will lu- rvsmm-cl tn tlu- sM't-ntli i lthl. ”wing tn the sntist'm-tni'y tltllllt‘l' nl' rwvnt «lvwlnlmwnts. arrange-"wins urn mm' living tmulv tn im-ri-usv the impurity nt' tlu- mill tn 400 tnns gu-r clay. l-y making: tltltllllullfi tn tlu- t‘yuu- ‘iclv plant at at vnmlmmtiw-l)‘ mnclor- .utv vusl. 'l'lu- vi'uslling: uml milling: I 'ilpm'ity will lw l'ut'tlwr im-t'misml tlS Imuy lu- wurrimtml by future clm'vlnp- Iuvnts. ° ° selling: the pmlwrly was ruuvm'nml. (mly #15."th was bid and us :1 H'- svrvv haul lwvn anml nn ”:0 prupvrly ul'un- this mumml 1m sulv was vlTw-t- 'l'urumu lust wwk when the mu! (hmrumw ('umluzny haul ‘ ”In! i! “0 SUN]. 'l'lu-rv was :1 gum] .lltvmlum (1 mwiul men at tho v'vwmmn hmwwr. [mm-«l mmuliling su selling: the pnwmulx “as «Hump 'Hw «mu tixm- t'mmms Hurtlvtt Mine in (iuwmuulu vamu- much-r Ilw lmnmwr .‘H' I IImI II‘\I'I III II IIIslIIIIII- III siny I'WIII SIIIIIII II'IIIII .\II. 5 “MIN. II IIIIIIV III HI‘I' IIIIIIIII ‘IIII-IIIV II-I-I “Mo was in- Il'l‘I'I‘IHI. IIIIII IIriIIs IIIIH‘ III-m: IIIII Lust and \\I'.'II IUI‘ II IIIIIII IIISIIIIH'I' III' IIImIII 17.3 II~I~_I. Irum “IIII‘II III(‘ has ”'l‘lu- uprmling c lust mumh “wing I an shun sinking m «It-x'vlmmu-nt. all 0! against tlw tunmu: Tm» nfl'ers have been ruvoivml tu' purchase all m- nny purtinn ut' thug l‘remnry Shares «1' tlw listensimHMi t‘mnpnny nt ton vents per share. will! that this uhligntiun is uninumrtnnt.‘90 It is nut. hem-Nor. the intrntinn at be the «firm-turn In ufl't'ery ut' the Ex. [“1 Hc-nsiun t'mnpnny's sharps t'ur sale ntvi ‘ lprosvnt. Slmnld it In. t'nnml awn-w h-nt In .In an lute-r ntl. tlu- Trvnsnry {luv Ih'tm'k will be 30M tn the- best mlvnn- ’nr. .tngv. l'ruspovting nml dovvlnpnu-nt3w" ,m-rk un tlw I'thq-nsiun t'mnpnny'sf l Tprupvrty c-nn Ire nndvrtnkon at n min- imum nt‘ I'Spt'ttsu' t‘rmn tin,- Mc-lntyro n ‘ workings sunn- nt' \vlnvll am- within'wh 1cm t'm-t ut' tlw Imnnclnry linv. mnl in gm" tlu- (wont nt' sun-II «It-w-luplnvnt pnw- gpirt ing sntist'nvtury. the lnrgv almrvhnhl- imu ing nt' tlu- .\lc-lnt_\°rv t'unnmny in tlu-S 1 I'thvnstun t'unnmny slumhl ht‘t'ttllll' n ;,-,,,. vnlnnhh- 11.45th ° “to. Ito-gnrcling ulu-rntiuns M the Mc-ln- Hm. tyrt- Mim' thwlt'. ('0'. ”up; gums un' III'I‘I 'nln “'0“ ”III“ 3”” fun! IN'I‘ hm u\ Advance) u'mg an assay vulm- uI' vr tlu- l'ull \mllll ut' the slut“ is "cur cluwn In at wool; when the Trust ('ummzny haul unlvrm In IIH- c-xlovmlihlrl' ml HUM-r q'xh'llsiw' l' whirl: is c-lmrgml :1- millml. Hn HIP cllslamu' n! siXH’ u. a film“. at luulv is hi .' mm'u In :3 Mini: is lua- 5mm us (In- mlvum-ml. ”w 5141*!!!“ nt' lin- whivh, far as Hum If happiness «mild he termed :1 \ix- tue the special “hich cariied excur- siuziists home from ('ochrune “as merhurdened with it. and if Some people “ch; nut have much fun” there was at least enough to go around and then same. All avmunts against the “l’ntriutiv Relief League of St-hmmu'hm' and 'l‘innnins" should be sent in before the fimt, ut' September to Mrs. George Marion Brmvn at. Sohumaoher. inn The first “1001ng m' the Svlnmm- vlwr-Timmins In'mu-h'ui' tlu- ('umulizm Hm! ('rnss Sm-iuty ms held an 'l'ucs- «lay last in tlu- Musuniv 'l'muplv at 'l'immins h_\' llw murtvsy ut' the Huld- 0n HmH'N‘ anlgv. (”livers \wrv (-lm'tml in mnnwliun with the ln'mu'h as t'nlluwszâ€"- . ('hairmuu uml ('urrvslmmlixm Sw- rvtm'yâ€"Mrs. (ionrgv Marion Brown. \'ive-(‘Iminmmâ€"Mrs. J. (‘. llnus- 11111-111-1' 11111111. .\11;.1'. l‘..’.~~11 11115' 11111111 511111 11111'11 1111 1111111 1111111111'111 111111 .\'111111 111111111111! 111 11111 111111111g111'.1111s 111111111 1111 11151111111111 1111 11111 1111111 11 (11' 111111111111. 111111111111. 111 1111111111' 1111111111 11111111. 111 11115 1115111111. 11111 11111111 1111s 11111111 [111111111111 11111 111111 111111'1111341111' 5111111111111. 11 is 1111111111111 111 1111 11111 11111111111111 111' .\11'. '1‘11111111115 111111 111~ 11551111111115 111 111511111'11 11 11113.10 [1111'1 111 11111 11111511111 1111111111111111' 111 11111 11111111 111 11111111115111" 11111 [11111111111211 111 1'11- 11111"'111.1. (111111;: 111 11111 1111111111111'111115 111' 11111 11111 :1 111111111111 11111111 is 11111101' 111111- 11111111111111.11. flPTlflN TAKEN BY . RUM TIMMINS Local Red Cross Society Organized llé This is wlmt mining mm «if the l-ggultl mum gem-rally umlvrstnml will '.‘°élN' the rose as scum m4 tlt'mitinlinns I. "urv mmploto Wlllt'll hm‘v liven under it ”my fur, sum» time tmw. ”i It is stutml that :1 2mm» ut' lmlinn- " 'ulmlis tlmuwiul men have lm-n lwhiml ”in (lNll l'ur tlw mist th tlmnlhs in " lwhivh tlw l’ike luilu' was mncorm-«l ":nnd lllt',rt'-urgttlllltllin" “'lllt'll trans- “ipirml has rimiilti-il in tho vlmngo ut' ‘ i'tltttm- ":4 imlimtml. "l The (lni't-rtmu-nt has hml a large i'it'm'm- ut' men Wurking cm the mud it‘mm Sunth l’urc-ttpinv In this pnrtii'uo ' ‘ lhir pram-Hy fur the past ten clays and ‘nih'muly the-y lmi'v Ntlt’t't’t‘tlt'ti in put- itim: tlu- ruml in and: shmn- that u ' hxrm- lmih-r which is at present “I ' 'Suuth l’nrvupim- will lw lulu-n in tillr- ' fins; llw \ka ”til. I. it is stutml tlmt mmthvt' lmih'r is .illlltlt'l’ \my mul. tngvtlwr with u mun-J 'lln'vssur mul lmist. is («pm-toil In lw ' cm the grnmul in mmtlu-r \\'(‘('i\'. l Mr. lullvy. nt' lmlimmpnlis. Wllu is. | rinse-[v mmwvtml with tlu- pt'u'wrty. iintt'mls tn lllttkl' his t‘i-siclvnm- tll ih‘uuth l’nrc-upinv nml will thus lu- t'lt-i .‘nhlml tn law!» at lwrsnmtl superintmul- ivm'v nu tlw upm'ntinns living vut'riml ’un umh-r Mr. Phillips. i This upmiing up nt' tho llvlm‘u sw- ‘tiun by tho (luvi-rmm-nt in the way ll't'l'vt't‘t'tl lu is httVittf...’ i'utlsicli-rtlltlvi fc-tTM-t nu tlw fooling regarding that ‘1 ipurt ut' tlu- gnhl mum» and tltm‘t- urv many prupvrtit-s whivh tlmsu wliu tll‘l' intm'vstml in :lllllt'l'mlt' will sm- lllHl't’ iclewlnlmwtit with prnlmhlc twgutiu-l ltiuns \‘N'y mum. TXMMINS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13th be known as this DéléEaâ€" 6613 filling; Limited. The name of the Pike Lake Gold Mines. Limited will no longer be uti- lized by those connected with the pro- perty concerned. but in future it will Pike lake Company Has New Name ---Gnvernment Making Better Means of Access llflflflfl Bfllfl fllfiTfllfiT BEING flPflffl UP flN Hflflflfllfl remittance. :1 mo uouar mu mu assure your getting The Advance every week by maili in Canada and three dollars in the States. Mail your name now with rah-1.66..--- Next week may pussihly see the de- visions given nut after the Magistrate has had time to g” «awfully into the merits of the cases. ‘ __ _V-.- v,-â€"‘.-u tb‘lleCl the bartender tn drmk 1L qmckly be fore It became WUI‘SP. There was nne amusing instnnee just [H‘im' tn the elusing ut,’ the ('mn‘t fur the day. A luenl snlunn keeper was ehnt'getl the szttne us nthet's with the usual ul't'enee hnt an the «leteetive taking the hux against him he eunhl nut swear. even by his palate, as in other eases, that it was strung heer. \.|Inust ('\"'(l\' III'IIIII'ietIII' Hl' attend- ,'ant in II salImiI in 'liInnIins has heen HIIIIIIIIIII the usual nutitieatiun that he IIIIIIM haIe III aIvIIIIaI' hetIne the Mag: istIate and the Iases aIe NU“ IInIleI' eunsiIlIIIatiun. all the eIiIlenIIe itttIiltL’ in en I-IIIIIIIletIIl tII- IiIII'. i [he tIlH'hliHH seems tII he as tn IIIhetheI' IIIII'tain hI'anIls ut' huttleIi ‘heeI' suhl as teInIII-I'anI-I- beer was really what it was maintained tII he. The VIII'iHllS defendants in the eases have sII'IIrn that they III'IIIII'IIIl anIl IIIIIIIhaseII IIhIIt they believed tII he tIIInIIeI 'anII» l.('(‘l' hut IleteI-tiI'es en- gageIl III' the l’IIII'iIIIIial IIIIthIn'ities. naInIIl tI\‘°Il.IIIlInI l’aIlI'insun anIl lI"eI- ‘gnsun. haIe sv'man in IlitTeIIInt eases Ithat heeI' \I'hiIIh they hunght was HL’tHHi” hIII-I I; that is it IIIIs name than III“ and II halt IIe 1' III.IIIt 'Jhe. agents tIn IaIiIIIIs kinds Hi the MINI age. all gaIe eIiIlenIIe to the etTeIIt that the heeI' as supplied [HI their IIIIIstIIIneIs “as said as tm» and a halt IIeI' vent. and that they did nut: taInIIer In' alter it in am am after I'IIIIeII'inII it in easln‘ tIIIin the hIeII-. CI'S. l t t Mum III ”III sIIlIIIIII kIIIIIIII's III ”III ;rIIlIl IIIIIIIII III'II IIII.\IuII.~|\ \IIIiIiIIg IIIII IIIIIIIsIuII III .‘lilgISIIIIIt‘ \Ikillh‘ull in IIII:IIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIII' III IIlIIII‘gIIs III III-ll- Jug IIIIIIIII \IIIIIIIIII II lit't‘llst‘. “III III- IIIgIIIl IIIIIIIIIII III IlIII IIIw IIIIiIIg IIIIII. IIIII) mid III-III' “IIIIIII \HIS IIIIIrII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIl II lIIIlI IIIII' IIIIIIt. 53);: “url ' Fimuu-inl IIH‘H inn-rc-stml in the PIII‘PINL'W ul' mining prnpvrtivs lmvv luul I'vm’em-mmivm visit Hw prulwrty lull mnrv tlmn «mo M'leiuu mu! it is 'shllml nu nth-r M' $35.00" malt has already lu'vn mmlv Mr ”"380 «Minna. Tim! at trnusawtiun lms I’m-n mmlo is lmt gin-n nut fur lmhlivmiun but Isllullld n «lull Iw vurriml tlmmgh it will ul' mum-u- lmw mnsidvrnhlv lwnr- ing am this sm-liun «1' “tr gum rump wlu-rv Immy murv vlnims un- lu-im: \mrkml uml in \vllivh vnnsiclm‘nhh- lsmns lmvv lw-vn inn-sled fur prmpvvl- Cases Against local ,Saionn Keep- ers are Not Yet Decided by Magistrate There hns been eunsiclernhle spec-n- lntiun and talk nnmng mining men ut' the guhl rump regarding the value ut‘ ehiims in the ltuhh 'l‘mvnship and hm ehtinis whieh have been referred tn mm and then are thnse knuwn as the lJnmiesum pmlwrnes. There has heen t'utlsitiernhie \vurk dune all these ehtitns in whieh the 'ehiet' interest is hehl by Mr. Jntnie- sun. .\ shnt‘t hns heen snnk tn n .iciepth ut' thirty feet and all the way «hm-n t'ree gulcl almwings hnu- heen inlet with. WAS N All TWI two doll n a 1‘ bill Reported litter of $5M"!!! Bash Deal, But No Statement As to Acteptance JAMIESUI CLAIMS IN 8088 TUWISHIP ABE TAKING WEN"!!! half ”'1' Wm. wry prum'ivtur nr uttmnl- Inn“ in 'l'immins has lwvn usual nutilivutinn that he In umwnr lwl'm't- tlw Mug:- lhv 11508 urv mm' under n. all tlw (widow-v having PER BENT BEER? lm-all 5211mm keeper same as nthers with Iml «m the «let eetive gains! him he mmlcl his palate, us in was strung hvvr. ' sand the Mums- The umuativ spurts \vm'e the first events pulled MT and wanted grout intm'vst. 'l‘lwsc took plum. in ('nm- mandu Lake whic-h muld nut In.- ex- pelled fur the purpuse 1n the wlmlu uf Northern ()ntarin. Gamble in the Swim. The \vhnle Hf Nurtheru Ontario was 'Fherc soenunltu he unly nne pnint ut‘ dissatisfuvth»n ztntl lint! \vus re- garding the servivv tn the bull grmmds \vhure the athhniv events “wrv h» be [pulled (HT. l’rulnthly this xvi“ lu-n»vvlu (lune 0n uncnlun'nvvushunzuulzt\Vurd tn the wise may be sufliviem in this respect. Avmmmmtatinn t'nr tlw vast M'nml nt' strangers had been zu'mngml fur and the vuriuus lmtels did a rushing business. At the King Hmrgv. 'l‘lw (Whip, The Queen's and the Uruml l'ninn (every t'm'ility haul luwn 0x- temtml in urdvr that \‘isitnrs Wulltct have a right gnml tiuw-umt Hwy sure did paint the 'l‘nwn ut' ('«wln'mw rod. i Always up tn «late, the nttivials nt' gtlm «lay at. (‘moln'ane had arranged that the Town hand he in attendant-v at. the statiun and tn thv strains ut' t"'l‘imwrar.\"° the train pullml in 'with snngs t'rmn tlw HtilH'l'S vnnngh tn drawn out, (won thv ,jnhilant (-hvcr- in}: extended thmn. The Town was (it"‘(ul'illt «i in a in: in- nor whirh wunhl oxvvl vwn the pass- ing thxnugh ut' thv ".\atiunal°' and the H’sidenvo ut' Mayor Huthsvhihi was a mnspimmns feature in this lOSP(‘(‘t--tl tzutur spmiallx nutml In \isiturs tn tlw tuwn and taken as minplitncntai'y in nmu- ways than one. A spuviul lmin leaving: tlw gum «listrirt nlmul half past sown in tin- muming arrived at ('nvln'unc at HUN) and u rm! mmliul rvatiun was aw- mrdml tlw lmys wlm imlimtml their inlentinn In make a «lay ul' it all 1110 mih'uaul tmvn. Cochrane Celebration day last Wednesday was a pronounced suc- cess from every point of view both in numbers attending and in meteorlog- ical aspects and an outstanding fea- ture of the day’s proceedings was the accunimulation of prizes gained by contestants from Timmins, the centre of the Gold Camp. Visitors From Gold Camp Took Away Many Honors In Various Sports 'l'lw result 11.‘ this smnpling will '11- \‘1‘l°)' 1°lus1'ly \mtrhml and naturally grout inn-rust is 111-11101! 1111mm: minâ€" ing mm: 11! Hw 111ml» 11s it has I11 m: the “piniuu .ummg quilv :1 l'vu that ilw Hullingvr lh'svrvv 1111111! lw mmlv intu u 1l11x1'l11ping 11ml 1111'111111111" mine. COCHRANE CELEBRATHON WAS GREAT SUCCESS It is lvurnml Hm! m tlw Imus! tlwn- urv sm'vrul toms ut' Mlnwlvs In In. luk- c-n lrum tlw prupmtx and a will run made in mm M tlw mills nl tlw gnld rump Thu llnllingm' Hvsvrw' pl'n hot-n «lo-“mutual um! it is Um! smuplmg m lwmg mrru am c-xlvnsn'v svulv. 1915. Awarding to imlic-nticms during the past wevk it mmld am" that tlw West. “mm- pmperty Is tn rv-upon nmt mmmmwo uperntimls un an m'tivo basis at am «My ctnto. ' Fur svvcrnl clays nuw .\tr. .\lt’rml Whitman. t'umwrly ut‘ tlu- lentvrv stat? and :1 well knuwn gmlngist in tho gulcl vamp. lms lmct thrm- c-rmw Wurkmg mule-r him making gvulugivnl :surn-ys at “w Wc-st ltcmw t‘umpnny 's property and sum» wry Stittsfnvtut‘)’ t‘vsults are stntmt tn lmvv brought ntmltt. .\ m-uom! nu-vting ut‘ ttw shun-huh!- c-rs is tn lu- lwlol in 'l‘umntu nn Ht? .220”: ut' tlw prosmt muntll wlu-n tho "v-urgnnimtiun ut' tlu- mmumny will lw mtitiml nml whirl: will :mtlmrizq- hm-n Will be Carried flut following Inc lie-watering flperatians Which Have Been none SAMPUNG fflflM THE HfllUNBEfl RESERVE Geological Surveys Being Carried Out Indicate An Early Re-Opening of This Property WEST DOME MAY rw prupm'ly lms BE WORKING SOON l'vlmrlm] l um un :I It was whispered on the train mm; 'Hn ('m-hrmw that u «'rm-k sprinter lt'rnm ('nhult \x'nuhl he in tlu- raw and Wnllld he hm'kml tn the limit but \\ 'mn the 'l'immim; hnys landed tlwre 21m: wry little Mnntgnmcry mnm'} and :10 Hit; huts wvrv hoard ni'. ()m- 'l‘iumzius spurt nfl'erml tn hct $700 tn $531M) that Burns wnuld win and as tlw hum were gning tn the mark “0 c-uliml nut; ‘3. tn 1 and all you want of it. hut thLir was Hn takers. i Mnntgnmery was {i st tn gr» tn start/- ing mark and pivked nut. a hive posh- tinn on the excrmue imsidu n1" track. Lon lhmst'nrd uvonmpunim! Burn-s tn mark and had tn «hear tlw “Huh: 3:1 ’t'rnnt nt' hi's mun fur a new yams J'I'hc starter ummunrwd thv sizmnh: .H'.‘ O Hmmrs in this rospm-t haw ._., ally been mnvvded tn Nurmzm A]: gunnery whu has nvquirml quilv u 5'0 (Minn in HIV an'tll for his sprin‘. nhilitivs. It. was lmncsll)‘ than 'thut. lw lmd vvnrylhiug at his .-. imzmd in this rcspevt but an lhum {his sidv was wanted wlwn Hun». 'l'mvellink from 'l'immim «m early ”running.r train the imvitn “('urne v” “as prepared in] NIH!!! and e'sg'unthing and he hm! «the '_>: hune h n! summners win; new ml! (0 gmuMe their last dullur nu the sull. Perhaps the must in “1' [ho day was the 14m Hm ('halmpicmship M" :u'in. The I'm! ”1' 'l'immins talkin'r tho [Hi/.0 “.Is :1 grunt sur'spzi 1‘ ‘: ('whmnv «mm! “11' mwrh mnli lmd lwcn tell bv the gnld vamp that (iamblv wmxld be u surv u} well rom'vsvmvd in this [um lino nt' spurt llu- vhivl' t'vzlturu the HM) yards rum- (whirl: run“ :35 yard mmx'sv in whirl: K Hmuhlv mm whily uvvr lam winnvr. 'l‘hv fart Hf 'l'immins hllcincr l°'ullu\\'illf.: lllv H'pul'l ;:i\‘vn \wvl; that lhv lluiiw lmkv .\liiio shimwil their svwnti-vnlh gnhl mum-s. thv amummwnwnl. than cl tho past work tlugv hun- :ulclwl nmlvriullv in lhvir uro rvswvw. rosult ul u may l'ivh llml lnhwoi all” illltl ~iUil-luul low-ls. This was at the ll. Slml't :mcJ mmmgvnwnt is wry highly plo with the new «lisvuvcijv tlu- vsli living made that! ill(' minim.r l' will son a wry suhsmnliul inn-rm- llw pl'mllli'liun llgllrvs l'm' llu- : pm'iml. Which Management Consider of There is nu qnosiiun in Hw minds ui‘ liwnl mining nwn hut ”in! llw West. Dunno has n wry mlnnhli- pruiwrt)’. its lm'ntiun living innumlinhd} ml- ,iuining “I0 Hi}: ”ulm‘ un illv “mat. Th0 rvm-nl mMitiunnl finds un Hu- lhnnv Lake have inspired m-nliuivnvu mnnng tlnmo nnm' «lirvc-tly c-uin-o-rrml with Hm \Vosl Dunn- and it i\ heâ€" lim'mi ”mi Willi prupvr ili'\'vlulum-nt and onvrgvlii- plans ”in Wm! “unn- nmy in the near l'ntnn- ln- nmclo- um. ut' the prmhwing mini-s ul' Hu- 02.»qu HUME lflKf MAKE MOTHER BIG HM] tlw giving 01' um' milliun slmrr treasury stm'k tn the m-w mmpm a par value M' $1 per slmrv \\ hirh he Milimwl in Humming llw 21-qu of the property. ‘n m I t. H'untinmzd un page :3) The 100 Yards Dash. Single Capies 5 Cent: must impurmm yards «In-M antlwru 4 imevimhlc uwumg vat; 1'6- Ll! Hl In I“; 31] ml It )1' Um It" fl“ all lal H} ry l) Ii

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