\Dgn’t Mind The Heafl nnm. FFFFFFF WW. â€MW†00300032’3 8 ', Wed., August I] O O O O 0 O O o o o O O O 0 o . 0.00.. . 0.... 0.00.0 ‘.Oo.00 O O O. .0 0.... O O O O O O O O 0.0..“ O O O 0...... O O O 0 0.00.0... 0.00. O O O 0.00.. O O .O. 0â€. C C O C .0 O 0.. Agent For Gourlzny Pianos, Grafanolas and Records. Stationery, Toys, Etc. Photos of the Gold Camp 890909990900999099060000869 OOG§OQ°OOOOOGODODDO§M 1. 699068.00000090006000000990000099090800089; thy W‘H L.- -.~1 c f «1: an. :im ~v~1‘\‘mi. .an «'nmw 1â€:va try 5-; .' "a“: 5'5" 1 A! It. "rul'. ‘1).‘ilï¬ï¬ q Wmooouocooooooooacoconaszoommoomoooa: . boilgououb. o o . 0.1 a; o a o o o 0.1 o .0... (0) to" (I \ LOWQ‘l-gflo'f‘o-o‘no’{mt/0V; a on o o 9.013, 910 p 5:}. o o o 9.0,9,.‘-_o,3_o,'o 9-. q o POST OFFICE BUILDING and bane some (£3221. good PC â€" (IRIS/11h}L SQDA \ x "xx commrpv‘ï¬i}. Princess Pat ice Cream JAMES K. MOORE £3 UPP. EMPIRE L. S. NEVVTUN. NEVV'H‘HN’S D I N l N G HA I BAKER and CONFECTKNNER Orders by Mail c: Ph :1 132-4"- :m Opp. Bull Grounds. 113131le MATT QQIVBN H Delivinus Pi No Better Lumber Ever Grew Than That We Have in Store for You-â€" Dry and Sound and Neatly Ivressed, The Kind That’s Rated Very Best. 6-H“!~H.%‘RH'H-++'H‘°3 TIE AND LUMBER MBILCIIANT OUR “OTTO IS- Nothing Too SmalleoLhing Too 1 Give us a Trial. F! R ST-C LA SS M EA LS Illa hunt] “dim-red to Your "on": “nil \ on Rmm TIMMINS tumor to John Watt) ll NH r Phone Receive Prompt Attention. TIMMINS. ON T. 0 0 :000 00:00:0 0:00: 00:00.00.00: 0-0. .00:0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 00.00H':00010 0 0 D00:00:.‘0000.00 0. 0 0. 0:000. .0 0:00 . . (H! Lundin IO!" it From . OIO~0ycrc ~\‘ .0 0-. o 9 o ‘0 o (NM! hull mul I IUIH' am Paris? CREAM or ICE I" H "II TIMMINS P1 '0 D riott ) x. HI ml! w ETHE Bifllf ID BE Frags: The girl steadfastly refuses tu give up her half of the coin and Frederick. hearing the noise in the next mum and realizing that if Rolleau gets to Iand asks Kitty to he. seated. 'l'his she refuses to do and he smiles hlandly. Kitty attempts to leave through the tltHH' leading lo â€the hall whirlt l"t‘e(l- eriek has just entered. hut is stopped rhy the entranee of another man in the femploy ot' 1"rederiek. She then starts Et'nr the door leading to the den. hut il"rederiek h rats her to it and, remn\°- ing the key. tells her it' she will turn over tn him the half of the enin in her possession, he will he delighted to allow her her t'reednm. She refuses and starts again for the door and is again stopped by Frederick. who ithreatens tn lnek her up it' she does hot. he quiet. This is overheard hy §llnllean in the. adjoiningr rnmn. and he tries to get tn her. hut the door is locked and the key is in the posses- Slot) oi" l"re(let'iek. lle is quirkly overpowered hy the men who have re- gained a little of their strength. 0n the other side of the door Frederiek gives the man who has just entered the room a side lnnk. and asks Kitty again tn give up the ruin: this she still refuses tn do and, as he starts to grah her, she makes an attempt tn strike him. She sueeeeds and sends him tlying..r aernss the room: she rusli- es for the dnnr, hut is grahhed from the hack hy the man and quickly tak- en t'rom the room. Frederick fol- lows and tells her if she does not enme aernss with the eoin and stop meddlingr with his affairs. he will put her where she cannot do anything. This remark. overheard hy Rnlleau. puts added vigor into his punches in an attempt to get help for Kitty. Empire Theatre, Timmins, Aug. 11 12 :wlu law “’1“! F. 1 Seconci Episoda 0 4 '.uiu " 11 isn't half as cxcitinv in \‘Uld mint an nu the serum, novdloss In 5n), but limo it is. impxay : Kitty. I'm-9 tn {are with 1101' nhl enemy. the mtox'natiuunl spy. nmv liv- ing undnr his own nzmw. (‘uunt Fred- H'ivk. realizes she is "up against" a very hard prupusitiun. in smu'vhin: fur tho utlwr half of her (win. Fred- erick calmly puts his. hat; un the table wuh' and (loop and verse itw‘H'. Am! hiviv with at 2300-! and u biggm' straw Sikurski al‘mnrm! Hero's 11w stul'y n! in}: insta‘lhnvnt . gaze! ta szict um Sturies‘i’t .\†“sell to Retain Interest in the 4;}: “8H Starias" nu lh Ilu In ll nvxt ll 1‘0; ma m: SEW†('lll â€H Ill ‘llt'int- ’anv. it '5 1:0- '0 us. The [mpnlarity 11 and Grace ('umml 3:. he) oml. It's as and hrmul us tlw uni- ,ml tlwy'vv gut a \‘0- (ND-Iztbx'se-lle'l' nmtnl‘ I'utvh uf wings than a (I mos pay. Ill) (U 1‘0! Imrx" (HIV «H‘ i H \‘. Ull T313 POIZO’JPIIIE ADVAIICB 'am' l1 1 siding. 'c whmm -\nd w «HUN' :sorm! 5r: bktfll gut 003m It 'upizuw 50mm] " “10 I mum-t it \\' ll surely it mu cm! H ml SlH 0:150 that a be In 0" ll'K ‘tlxeir way Arx'n'm H'limllty. l tam'v away. Suohio, whn is an un- wrupuhms villain at heart. pretends tn he 5mm rm Kith in her medica- ment and asks what he (an do to help her. Kim dues not trust him too t-ipality. the}: leave Kitty and ltntleau at a small peasant's hmne and. hid- tiin}: Kitty gimdâ€"hye, they lean: on their lung: .juurne}: Kitty, making.r llnll ~au emi'il'urtahle and prmnising.‘r In return at, uttee, gees out tn inspet-t the enuntry. ('uunt Saehin, at the diplomatic circle of tlrahuti‘en. nut U†a hunting trip, sees and hemiues interested in Kitty. whu seeing and remgnizing t'rum his hearing a, gentleman at least by birth it' not morally, plat-es hersell.‘ in his pathway so he will be sure tn see her.* He does, and they immediately start a eunversatiun, wherein Kitty states that she is a stranger there and has an injured ser- rant at the peasant home a short dis- and In mum Wm In £6635 5? H ll'l ,2 2"22222'c 122.2}102222 is lvi22:, 22222-2221- .“?!222 22-1222“: .233 his bad (22222212222222 22222-255122 2"2222 . 222222'. 222221, 222221;- 22 22.5 2'222222'222122l2lc as .3122- 2-2222, 2|222tzt 2222' 2222 2222525 1'222' his 2221202. :22'2223: about, she 52221210221)“ see-s .hc sky-lino :2 22223321222 022 route 21222232222. Waving 2202' arms and u got ,. l'cml W!†10th :1 in at (' )HIM' n :0! â€(1 wurcl it, slw ï¬nally zlltl‘au'ts 'l'lw lmulcx' 01’ â€no caravan 91‘ ussisizuzrv and. with the maple ul' Arabs. carries a camel, and. [daring Kitty ~ «mu. tiwy start again on tn Ux'almll'en. ' at v. \‘illngo near the prin- rtg‘: loam Kitty and llnlloall penismxt's homo and, hid- .' gnml-byc, tlwv loan: on h Imus m U m: his 1;: geitm'r :1 time to hear 15 acmmplim “0 rushvs u 01' any â€1' Nu m; Wit“ LHM Q.- Q'. H' (MS ‘I ll “$2.3 Deputalion rams mun :1 the .X'z'ies .llhl l‘m‘ 1Iz"s'11t-1.\'1'11‘11 51111.1». 1\111.\'.~;t1111~;111111 111111. 1111111211! 1311.1 111 1111111‘11l1n' 111111 1011\‘1'8 1110 1011;30. 1 ()11121'1'iv1ng; at 1 1~1 1111.11tn11nt 11011 .01'11-1; 1111115 an 1!1\11111,119.'t 1111 11 \1'1 111:- 01111 at (‘1111111 513111111111 111111111111 111111101 1.1111 111111-1115' 00111111.;- 5111110 111111024 111- 0'011101', 110 starts 1111' 1110 111111.10 111-r1155. 1110 (1(‘501'1. } Kitty 111111 11111101111, 1111 1110 11111 11111'5- 1014 th0y 1111111 1111111 1110 1111151110 111' 81101111115 11111;:0. start 111111155 1110 111-9011, 1101111011 1111‘ (11'1-12121111011. wh1-n 11111)’ 11111110 11100 to 11100 with ."1"101101i11 1' 111111 his valet. 1111110'111111111 Kittx 511110011 111 1501111121110 111111 1111111 1 1111111111 11} shver hrnte strength, wh0n 1110y 111-1: 1111 110111 1111 by a band 111' 110511011110 “rats" 111' 11111111113. 1"1'01101'i1111 111-- 1111111113 111111101111111- 1'0101150 111 1110 11111110 111' 1110 King 111' (111-17.111111011, and 1.110 11111111115. thinking Kitty 15 111511 111' 1110 011u1't., 501111 \1'111'11 111 King: 3110111101 that they have one 111' 1110 11111105 111' his 110111'1 and by paying 11 largo ran- smn 110 can haw 1101'. \\'11011 Michael gets his 11103511110 he thinks it may be mm of his many sweethearts and i111- 1n011111101y sends 1110 11111110}; with sev- 01'111 111' his trustwnrthy snldiers. A tight. ensues, \1'1101'0111 the 81'1111101'8 res- cu0 KJttv 111111 111110 1101' 111 1110. King, while Fredoru 11 succeeds 111 making his escape. IHZHH. Hull 515.5 I} Eli Kitty, Im‘ in (9:::;.-Il:' w; I)†My, but 1,6 gmsrzuyd/ nix; )UH h VII )1}! ( u Eimm‘. m of “warmer: Waited a mg: for Proicction in T1: l)() apartment, Fred- ,iun fur u wed-:- s lmz'xting' lmlge, some things to- tlw lodge um'uss Ht lmut Wu! \\ H .¢1 l'melin; ml albvm mum tru- Kilt tl'iPS ‘1) him. but (1 and he his arms H10 from mnkm a taps; hill! u's arm, In- fur Hastiand was inclined tu be cranky constantly. 1mm back slightly and again started mm, and kept on goingn. A boat that is difficult to handle under all circuiustumes is known as n crunkv boat, and Ihzme nutivcd that the “I never saw the I'Znstland loaded 50 heavily as it was Saturday morn- ing." said Mr. Weekler. “The boat ï¬rst, listed about seven degrees, then Mr. \Vrccklcr said tho 'aptain trim! tn right the ship, but she seemâ€" ed unable to take water into the bai- last tanks fast enough. The harbur master said the captain shuuhl haw been able in till them in f'rmn three to six minutes if nothing hud‘ been wrong with thy valves. Nth-:1 that tho Hmtt'tl nut in the nature nt' Inputs mutt-r tho lmt .\«-t and that they I uhtuin pmpvrly Sign t'nrt- prm'cmling with mom. L‘ Pia-3 ï¬pininn of Sim-bar Master at Inquest Fullewing Wreck of Excursion Baal iéï¬'ï¬iï¬i ’l'l In "11)qu hy-lam was varriml mnï¬rming amminlnwm â€1' Mr. J. W. Mu‘mn mm Knlic-ilnr :12 a salary 01’ $90 Jim MS {i _ “ais‘iiaï¬imm 5mm ll â€mm! M It Cl' SEVEN 11 HS Meeting m'vd min :15- l'lu'lhm' (lu- \\'m'ks mtrry mot inun'm'w lmprm'mnunt instl'uvtml tn lwtitinns he- 1H nuprm'o- 110 .mu- with as- \\ (“’l‘l' 01' UN. lnynr Ihit'ml I'ill ll 1!.70 { 0M \Vil M: [mid â€In law prv. and Mr- MN! lulu Wll‘i (‘I‘Q‘ lmt 11P- not] n'k )_\' 1'! \ 3H .I