In a picturesque. spontaneous out- burst duringr debate of the Presi- dent's wool tal'ill Veto in the Sen~ ate. Senator"ollette on Satur- day last attacked the new Progress- i\'e party and swore nel' allegiance to progressive Republicanism. The “original insurgent." quiver- ing with emotion. with clenched hg'nds and strained face. poured out a flood of impassioned oratory that kept the floor and galleries of the Senate rapt and silent. Senator La~ Follette assured his associated that he intended to “keep up the ï¬ght in the Republican party. to make that party really progressive. and to keep on until the last hell rings and the curtain falls." “On the day Theodore Roosevelt was made President Of tihe l'nited States, there were H†trusts and munhinatiuns in the l'nited States. When he turned this Government over in William Howard Taft, there were 1-0.4)?" plants in combination. When he became President. tnhese trusts had an aggregate capitaliza- tion of 331.000.0111).000. and when he left the Presidency they had an as:- gregate capitalization of $30,000,- 000.01)0. and more than 70 per cent. of it was water." There Were 143 Trusts When Roosevelt Was Elected and $10,000 When Taft Started Andrew Carnegie tells of an old Scotch lady who had no great liking for mxlern church music. One day she was amassing her dislike of the singing of an anthem in her on church. when a friend said : “Wool, Weel!†said the old woman, “I n00 for the ï¬rst time understan' why Saul threw his j'melin at David when the lad sang for him." “Why. that anthem is a very an- cient one. David sang it to Saul." THE Bllll Mflflï¬f GIVEN BITTER BflSE an orator by mum: his 111 ol pebbles. thus compellir mo lu- brief on pain of ch cleanly. This plan has lallm use. however. Oramry is as hard to aviation. The speaker 11 astride of his thomo in a 1 ant Volvo and then gliclv 1' into a loud shriek, pausing breath and water. lie mus remarks with smiles. n apostrophies. Word paintim isms and opittrzuns wltilv a“ and the orator who smppu full cry to vlaw for an would meet 34 tlimx‘tt'mh ‘ the aviator who let 1:0 of inc: wheel two milvs from arrange was that ï¬gures of rmdy for i they are fl'it-ml at u (lt'mand for the plalfm llm plaifurm totally unpropmwl mu rim 7.004) {wt in :1 fc'w ll whoops, ('nmim: (lawn aftm'w; from patriotism to poanuts in beautiful spiral glide. A talented orator is alm a 2‘ athlete and can uw both arms lontl} for hours at a time. Sv absolute and] descend about . â€rnbory. Goof flrwt made {any Greek boy who {Ore Chauncey ï¬rst invontnd. structive war Before the Bull Moose party came into i-xistonCe it was thought by many of even the learned masses and ignonnt rich tint oratory. which is the art of talking with the hands. feet. shoulders and mouth and mmeo times the brain-31! at onceâ€"had he come a lost number and joined the extinets. The honor inr reviving this ancient custom of talking when you haVe nothing to say is heimt divided between R00: spell binders Oratory Coming into Favor Again Yield twenty-five thousand Dollars in Jewelry. and Bring Worn Mostly This __._ “For "1‘â€th .n th»‘ .th: 09' ' . 'otvrnl I'Hm 1pm“: t L «‘h .\‘h Season In the States :1“ SOMETIMES THE invontnd. Hnm water by ï¬lling 'nr instant use re surprismll at a [“1le me It rv I. The speaker must get. of his theme in a lnw resum- re and then glide rapidly up our] shriek. pausing only ï¬or and water. lle must feed his . with smiles. metaphors, phies. word paintimze. author- d epitz'rams while sna'hriekim: orator who stamped while in y to claw int‘ an adjective neet a< tli~sastrcm~ a fate in "or who let 1:†ml the eteer- eel twn miles it'nttt lam] to his necktie. ('antimis orat- 'efnre make up a full stock of of speech and keep them it‘ instant use so that when is as hard to leam as‘ Dramry is the mm: all gifts. Men haw intn thmnes ‘ «lential (‘hflil'a. Start thing but a strum;r f arms and a deep, «lm armuirinc nnthim: t'l‘t‘ ynllnt! man can nnw l; ('uncrrw‘s and if same rate open a little 0; natiunal runwmiun :11 into a shrieking mnl) mirers' wit‘h a ieu‘ th- remarks. Ut‘atlm‘y a0! em'e :u \\‘lti~‘ke}' tines takes awav its hrair But it does nu the next momii M'i VIN lit-i112. zltï¬ilt' EX PLAIN Ehi i" vessels which heoom Inn» to an in“: th liv "Pf Dt-pmv's storms were llnmnsthonos hevame Him: his mouth full .4 mmpellinz himself pain of choking to n has fallen into (lis- h. they mm go on 1y unpreparml and t in a few horse down afterwards painting“. anhm Whilv sna‘hriokin smppm] while i fur an :uljcvtiv strum a fate a man h\‘ is alm a great both arms via- a time. Swim- ;vh says. Wm Dcmmthcnes, ; many years he a law resum- alv rapidly up sins: duly ï¬or must feed his . metaphors. Ming“. nphnr- Iv sus‘hrit‘king t1 ll that whom "I" "‘8 ham with 1'50" BRAIN IS USED to .93.“)0000. A was passed at the annual meeting on December 10,1902. au- ' ihuiizing an innease of the capital 1110111 . 2(-,)00, 000 to $3,000,000 and I 111.:‘11i11 on llecembm 11, 1007, a fur- :111111 inuease in the authorized capi- 1:11 to 3471,00i);l)()0 received 'the assent of the shareholdem. .-\l)nt.menr.< 11f Panitzll stuck have Lho Inml'a mmk, thv Hunk 0f Nova Suntiu in;r simï¬tivd its intention to 1m HANNAH)“ par 'aluc of its stoc' eharvhuldm's‘ at SL1†just a V‘Well. I did once.6 but I stopped smoking." The Bank HI. Uttawa was founded in 1574, when the capitalization was $1,000,000, u’hich became paid up in 1H9“. In September. 1801. there was an increase uf $300,000. In Decem- hor. NUT. authority was given to increase the capital from $1,500,000 llmxlx' u!’ Htmw.‘ will issuo $3M),le BINULl I Dar Vuluv nf nnw ~‘tnvk In Hllfll’t‘lloltlâ€" * ~r~ Hf n-mml on Anuust 3] next. at ' â€"lw‘mn 5*“ T $30†:1 4mm. in tho proportion of : lminimum far «mu share of nvw fur M‘M'y sown nuw 437)") fur adults lwlcl. 'l'l|i~ is lev s‘tft‘nllll int'rvuw in all points' in C tlw mwituliz-utiun ul‘ ('an;u;‘;m ,William. .-\.l}< uf mpital stnvk have boon madv from time to time as fol- IUWS‘ Previous tn H295. $1,000,000; "('tnbm‘ SH. 1591. $500,(NN) at It}; ; September 30. 1'39â€, $5M).000 at 17:3; February :3. 1303. $500,000 at 190; \'u\‘omhm' 1:3, 1MB. S:')(H).(M>fl:1t300; Nanm'hm‘ 30, 194W, $500,000 at 2'00 â€"-11 total 0f 353.500.000. The Bank of Ottawa at present is paying a dividend of 11 per cent, and last year its net earnings amounted to 17.01 per cent. on the paid~up capital. The stock has been ruling umund $210 in the open mar- ket. “Oh. you donjt understand. Do you mean to say that you never had a burning sensation in the heart?" To Increase “Then you never loved a woman in your life ?" “No. I guess not. You see, Inewr had time." nlll “uh Plpi‘. I thing the mnrc Pal mimr is a good preliminary training for orator-s. If a man can swim a mile he can expect tom through a long and eloquent oration witihout mttinz weak in the shoulders. .\ tine orator has a Wonderhll ef- fect on an audience and can make it believe whatever he Wants to tell it about the tarifl or Andrew Jackson. \Vehuter was one of our greatest. or. arms. He could begin in a lowdis- passionate Voit‘e aa if tired of life "‘l) nmmry ,\ mm lw thv nc-xt morning whic lmts for £110 fact Hm it :zu'dod with favm'. H‘l "I“! "I Illlfllnl‘ H ll mun THE SAME THING IHS' ll me-m H I" tx' ,1 [1 [1011119. im: nmh th M if FOI‘V 1 1‘ H's America hired or I it; publiv business "0 IW H mum-ml within thy of .VgnVa Suntia 'huV- intention to put out haw umtnfl thank mvs and int“ prosi. Martins: win}: no- mgr flexible pair of I, dumhlc \‘nic'o and .' vlw on the Wm’ a aw talk himself imn Its Capital luvs an (I "‘1“ mm“ for the mrwt DUNN)" Dattor mutiful made that I! ll im talk mmmiï¬ . using the sam litrtlo. Mob [[1 n oration-m on the otlwron hi tcr being- if any f! HI proï¬t ahlv I U“! NLVP a 110.11 wh it'll m lat when a or 0rking So nowthe are done by EOVPI‘nIllï¬nt to interfere )fl h anus mom ) man? col PRVQ‘S H) into .1 ansfnrm it {If NWI'N Yank Reduced Fares 1n and them \V U 9 *3 "I It timo .til the mw QC Ike U ll Single) far» ('oxvept on special Flt- cursion dates) fuom all T. N. O. Rly. stations to Toronto and return éâ€"good going Saturday, Aug. 24th, lto Saturday. Sept. 7th, inclusive; glimited for return to and including g'l‘uesday, Sept. 10th, 1912. [ Those requiring Pullman accommo- dation will please advise local agent 'early 40 equipment max be arranged l for. ("mud 2min! Friday. S;1t1mlay.Sun- day and Monday. Aug. 30th, 3lSt. Svpt. ht and End. and Valid for reâ€" turn up to and including Wednesday, Sept. 4th. 'l‘lmse requiring Pullman accommo- datinm will please advise our local assent early. On special Excursion dates.Wednes- day. Sept. 4th, and Thursday, Sep- tember 5th. fare will he two‘thirds of single ï¬rstâ€"class fare. plus twentyâ€" ï¬ve cents (25C). P‘urn'her particuiars may be obtainâ€" ed from any '1‘. N. 0. Agent or Botwwn all T. X. 0. RI)’. points (minimum fare twenty-five cents (351') fur adults or children) also to all points in Canada. east of Fort William. For further particulars apply to any T. S; .\'. 0. agent 'or Reduced Fares Reduced Fares Single {are marsiun dates“) R15“. stations Julio" will day. 'Hmrsu: Hhh. 12th :m two-thirds of plus tm-my-ti agent .4 early ranged for. Placer minim: in the ashes of the burned Dunes hotel at Loch Arbor. New Jersey. has romlted in the re. rm'ery of 825.0!!! worth of jewelry lost by guests. The ashes were wash. ed through three screenings. About SUN)" worth of jewelry is still miss- mg. Labor Day Mummy. Sept. 16th. ml fur return to an day. Sun. 17th. .19 Ashes Washed and Screened PlABEB MINING "It September 2nd, 1912 "You undo! min. "(that \1 s thoroughly 2mm 'l'h 'l‘. N. 0. Railway Canadian National T. 8: N. 0. Railway T. N. 0. Railway [IUMIIIIIIII EXHIBITION RINRlE fRRE RETURN SDN'I' Exhibition :m m: 'I'h â€[8 MA \‘M’SER TORONTO OTTAWA «lax rmd 13th nf simrlo p “mum! on sperial ex- “ from all T. a; N. 0. s tn â€Maw“ and return. \lenwula)’. Sept. Rh. to rstand." said the can‘- vo want a secretary Who .- acmstmnad to mating“ : Pullman accommo' w udviw our local quipnwnt may he ar- mcl Friday. ‘s‘cpt A. .T. FARR A. J. FARR. ursinn dates ' anawerod the ap« I'm afraid it's not "4 “BE RUINS THE PORCITPINE ADVANCE "I 3‘ inclusiveâ€"“mu- invlmlimr Tues-.- fare will be tint-class fare. Nort’h Bay. North Bay. North Bay H "CS- Manager-â€"How many orders did you get in that house 1 New Sewing Machine Agent-Two. One was to get out, and the other to stay out. Steamers “Toronto" “Kingston" Running the Rapids. 1000 Islands and Return Montreal “ “ Quebec “ “ Saguenay River and “ . 1 Montreal ll lleturn $15.00 Hamltltlln gnueuec “ u use" Montreal“ “ 18.00 I ‘ Quebec “ “ 24.50 Tfll‘fllflfl til ) ineludlng meals e berth Low rates to intermediate ports. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., write H. Foster Chaï¬ee. G.P.A., Toronto. including meals and berth. teamers “Belleville†“Dundure†Leave Hamilton and Toronto every Tuesday and Satuvday. Bank of Toronto INTER EST A Savings Account THIS BANK 2.30 pm. daily from Toronto. 100 Branches In Canada TWO ORDARS ENOUGH. Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 ‘X/c can supply Ruck Breakers, Rolls, Ore Bin Gates, ()re Feeders, Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, Ball Mills, l‘cbble Mills, Plates, Classifiers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks. Filter l’rcsses, Agitation Tanks and motive l‘ower fur operating the above. Our complete line Ht Air Compressors, Receivers, Rods Drills, etc. is particular l} up-totdate and worth your consideratiim SERVICE TO SAVERS Cor. King 6: Simcoe Sts., Toronto. District Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer Will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE-PROOF MINING MACHINERY renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their SaVings Department. is added to balances half- yearly. is a. great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. 7 VACATION k TRIPS South Porcupine $15.00 $24.50 $55.50 $45.50 “ADVANCE†3: A. .1. PARK. (2. 1°. \ P. A. North ’my : +++++++++*++%+%%+++++$%+++ + +$$+*+++#++¢ +++++$+++++++ Through trains daily between Toronto and South Porcupine- operating through pullman sleepers to and from South Porcupine making connections at Iroquois Falls for Cochrane. Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and Englehzu't. Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane operating through CPR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. +%%++W+++< ETEMISKAMINE 81 NflflIHEHN flNIflfllfl flflllWAVi WAREHOUSE at Local service on Charlton Branch connecting at Englehart with main line trains. Local service belwcen Englehart and Temagami, also between Porcupine, South Porcupine and 'l‘immins For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. 8.: N. 0. Agent. The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the TRAIN SERVICE