The Porcupine Advance The Bull Moose party is harmony. It has no chance. pected There is a plea: minim: work and the1 better every day. I whimpcr never wins With sirloin steak at ‘27 pound the butchers in To: making it worth while to ' stomach vegetarian habits The hull moose refused to be de- priVed at his horns when Rooscuoit decided not to commit hinmeli to a prohibition plank. thins: new umh professor hm (1 man talks too In France it is p: men with hoards t tire. The law m‘ I‘ back to the Reign Will there he a new plank in the political 'vlatiorme promising less courting and more marrying when the suflragists come into their own and have access to the polls 7 You will no down the sun act side of life with contentment and many worldly goods if you never forget that the ï¬ve cont piece is a most fascinating coin! This probing business around town can he overdone. It will be plenty of time to report your neighbor and fellow citizens for some trivial slip of the foot, after you have hrusnml the mud from your own garments. The handana hzuulkvrehief wasusf ed as an emblem by Allen G. Thur- man away back in 1976. Thurman was defeated for the Presidency. Will history repeat {with Roosevelt and the Bull Moose party? Never kick on the old pine. it dead- ens the odor of the perfumed man. ens the odor of the perfumed man. makes hzu'mless the moth and gives your wife something to think and £11,1-: about besides your failing-s and little indiscretions. Can-do Untied sums The tongue is mightier than the brickbat. American suï¬ragists have come within hailing distance of sne- Do not kill yourself for the love of woman. the husband might be sus- cess without throwing a single brick, while their British cousins are still divided as to whether the brickbat or the hatchet is the proper equal suffrage argument. - Sust to About half of the city council is behind the bars in Detroit. accused and arrested for accepting or solicit- ing bribes to put through a street closing ordinance on behalf of a railf road. The Wabash refused to be held up by the grafters and a private cit~ izen put up $10,000 to employ de- tectives to ferret out the hold-up. Times may be a little big sluggish just now. but that is no reason to “knock and holler" but should be a spur and a gad to greater endeavor. It isn’t a penitentiary offence to speak well of your neidxbors or your Published every Friday by OH). UKE, PROP. FRH)A°.\ ALG SUBSCRIPTION RATES: crv dn)‘ too much pr discover! )VI‘ pleaslmt the pormissih that thm Play the game. 3 camp at 27 cents a in Toronto are :ulation sun \VI'IU $2.!Da you 3 OJ a VB" error 3 â€award that u wo- teach your cents L- tor wo- male at- 1 dates “0‘ town. Keep t hustliu, the things that come to a man who grumble: and waits have generally been pretty we" Dirkcd over before they arrive. Lieutenant [lecker of the New York poiice, accused of being the murder. er of gambler Rosemhal end Ignit- ers who ranks among the topflowho ers. is a native of Renfrew.where the huuer comes from. His early sur- roundings may not have had any- thing to do with his present unsav- my position Why not abolish all bars? Why should tne man in Old inmrio be legalized to drink himself into (-liiivo ion while his handy brother of the north does the camel stunt. and even a hem! of camel stunts. There must. still ho 50m: i'itiZens in the older part of the Province worth saving and -thi.~i discrimination is unjust. and this discrimination is m Save the farmer and merchant “C Q 'l'hcrc is something in a name af- ter alll Uut in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, prominent citizens who patronize hand concerts in public parks have delivered an ultimatum to the park board that the popular tune. “Ev- erybody's Doing It." must be 011111- inatvd from the program. The basis nf the complaint is that. the tune is sllufltOStch and the bands play it con- tinuously. Like a politician, maybe the band has its our tn, the ground. and givos thv mujm'ity of the people what kimls uf snobbery. n thousann kinds of jnhlmry and ten thousand kinds uf I'I)l)'l)(,‘l"}' in everything but the mining gnnv. Civilization i~ ml- vnncing rapidly. the ministers are aliolisnim: hell and the public is be- ginning to understand that mining is illegitimate business and not a kinds of snobbery of jobhory a ml 'l‘hv tnwn may be full of knockers, the knockers full of ills, but you sun: can earn your noiqhhnr's lnvqif you pay your weekly bills. \thhvr or not the ministm's of (lit? (inspt'l «lm‘illt‘ tn :‘llmlisll llOll-lil‘o and eternal burning. ynu will still lint] that the host way to prepare for the hereafter is to deal judtly wiflh the things that are here and treat your neighbors with kinnliness and furlwarant'e and remember the Gold- en Rule. Some. of course. are too human and stray from the. path and bend a commandment or two, but there is good in .all of them. milt m :11 mble We lanow not whence we came or whence we go. so sang out the Per- sian poet a number of years ago. Prohahly the biggest subject that cdncerns scientists at the present time is the origin of life and it will he the main topic of discussion at the meeting of the British Associa- tion opening at Dundee on Septem- lil‘" ~lt-h. and Professor Sohafer. of Fhlinlmrqh. the eminent psycholo- gist. will devote his presidential ud- dri-ss to this vital subject. ll At the association's annual con- L'I'Css important additions to the sum of knowledge are likely to be made 3st vigorous discussion among many ‘uoted scientists is expected on the question: “Is it possible that life can be manufactured chemically?" Even the policeman u l Discoveries made by students ofi chant. plants have in some cases corrobor-A , , , . .\ot1ce is hereby given that the ated results of animal life shady. Ilt I above named insolvent has made an has. therefore. been arramged for the assignment to me of all his estate, 50950115 0f botany and 20010.2." t0 icredit and effects for the beneï¬t of meet jointly to discuss the mystery ; his creditors or other persons entitl- of life. Eed thereto, or having claim thereon. 3 A meeting of the creditors will be Dr. Chalmers Mitchell, of the Lou- ' held at mv ofï¬ce Second Avenue in don Zoo, who Will join the discus- , the Town of Timmins, Ontario, on sion, has an interesting theory of , Monday. the 26th day of August, the origin of life. Many scientists l 1912- at the hour 0f ten 0,0100}: in Him morning to receive a statement believe they have touched at least, , . . iof affairs, to appomt inspectors, and one important secret in making rudi- for the ordering of the estate 881131“ mentary life which may lead to prac- ‘ally. Him» that then one important secret in making rudi- mentary life which may lead to prac- tical rewlts in the labbratory. hm m it want the list mom the miner llt days nf crimi-s i-ommitted hoodled you begin to there are a hundred wry. a thousann kinds «1 ten thousand kinds everything but the Civilization i~ ad- .1 ml g, the things To realize how fast we are pro- w‘ho grumble: grassing along all lines one needs on. M been mettv : Is to turn buck a few pages of his- not without. 1.}lt! basis look tory or memory. Josiah Strung in a recent. discu9-2 siou of soda] reform told how rapid-2 15' we Were improving in Harning2 a"! imention. He said. in 18282 leave was asked the sChool beam! of 2 Lancaster for the use of the school room for a debate upon railtouds and telegraphs; and then he quoted ; this answer by the hoard to the 311- 2 plication: 2 “You are welt‘ome to the uï¬e of the schoolnouse to disnute ull proper questions in. but, such things as ram roads and telegmphs are impossibil. itics. and rank inï¬delity. There is nothing in the word of God about them. If God had designed that his intelligent creatures should travel at. the frightful snced of ï¬fteen miles an lmur by steam. ho would have clear- lv fnrvtold it throumh the holy pro- phets. It i4 :1 device of Satan too loud immortal souls to Hell.†Of course it was not intended as a ~«lam at the town of Lancaster. for it was as much up-tn-‘date than as nther communities. but simply as an instance of the remarkable change that has occurred in less than a hundred years. We are going for- ward with such sneed that between now and 1928 we may ï¬nd chanszea s-arcely less-z prononnved than that «hnwn in the paragraph unearthed by I'Dr. Strong. Surely. they who. znnn hdmlred rears from now, read â€no h i max-If mu m mu rdm'm‘ honor with nonhi n tidvnvc of th lizrhtmmwnt. « nut mt them l’i'isuns haw lmcn in all ages dark and dismal. unlwa-lthful and inhu- man. and-«must of all to be deplor- Oilâ€"degrading instvatl 0f uplifting. Mankind, swayed between the ex- tremes uf hate and pity for the crim- inal. gallnws and hoquets for the (-nmlmnnml. has made its prisons a st,l'illl,‘.{'t' (-mnbination of hell and par- mr miscivnw \‘icts. have ishmcm allise. (lutmmm sense has haul little ('h'unt'e. .\'n offense that the misguided may mmmit can he just cause to depriVe them of opportunity to redeem and remake themselves throngh the Vit- ulizi'ng inxuenees of wholesome labor umlet‘ healthful conditions. . 1 w a y Through crime men may forfeit their right to all the blessings of civilized society. But they do not l'urfeit their inherent right to God's free gift of sunshine and pure air. free gift of sunshine and pure air. And they can never forfeit their right to the exercise of what honor is in them. For honor, however small. is the vital spark that must he fanned to a gluw and to a blaze, if there is to he redemption. Are we learning at last in dealing with our unfurtunates to sweeten U118 primal animal instincts with human sympatihy and reason? It 'l'hv In the matter of Pierre Alphonse Marin, of the Town of Timmins, in the District of Sudb'ury, late of Cobalt. butcher and general mer- chant. .l I 1‘ 'l‘his looks lit mnntï¬hs horn \x'cn'kim: out on a o) farm. without armed guard and x novhinu' to hold them but their th In! mlr but. not heim: vnmvn MINCE H] CREDITDES ummon sense has had little h mks like civilization. Pun- in this day of ndvancml on- int. ought to rofm'm men. 'l‘hny nc $911 [011 won the esteem and con- n vomn‘unity p mm from now, ream .vill not be less nmus 11 THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE H O W on wilt. lit’ It fur llff 1v (3W!!! redeem 11‘0 realiz 1101‘ run with i n ()hi have (‘OH \z tile their claims with the Assignee before the (late of such meeting. And notice is hereby given that af- ter thirty days from this (late the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- card only to the claims of which no- rice shall then have been given, and the assignee will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Date-(1 at Timmins, day of August, 1912. In the matter of Joseph A. Morin. Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent, Joseph E. of the town of South Porou- in the Province of Ontario, has made an assignment of his es- tate to me for the general beneï¬t of his creditors. The creditors are notiï¬ed at the ofï¬ce of Cook South Porcupine, Ontario, All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate must ï¬le their claims with me on or before the 3lst day of August, 1912, after which tdate I will proceed to distribute the ;assets thereof, having regard to those 5claims only of which I shall then {have received notice, and I will not ibe liable for the said assets or any lpart thereof to any person of whose l . . gelaim I have not then ,received no- 2 tice. l. “U U uuuuuuuuuuu at the office of Cook Mitchell, South Porcupine, Ontario, on Mon- day, the lilth day of August, A. D. 1912. at eight o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of receiving a state~ ment of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate. Dated at South Porcupine this lst day of August, A. D. 1912. GEORGE H. B. INSOLE. South Porcupine, Ontario, Assignee. .I. F. Reilly of Porcupine: has 250 more geranium and fuchsia plants than he desires to carry over the cheap. ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we Wholesale and Retail BRUrE AVE : : : 50. P0 NMIEE Til BHEDHBRS Mil SUMMiB Bflflflfl BUNCH]. PLANTS fllfl Elli and will sell them very Assignee. Timmins, Ont., this '14th Screen Doors Regular $1.50 .. .. .. $1.75 $2.1m .Cnmpletc with hinges, screws and pull) " New Perfection" Blue flame Oxl Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13.! u) 2 " " $10}ch 3 ‘8tirner Regular 313“) Now MOM) 2 " " 51mm " $7.0m Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3.5†" $2.75 (me $27M†white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. 51.5â€, .2 qt. 52.0†3 qt $3.5M Slaughter Prices M. WILSON. close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fri., Evenings to meet {mew 2m: v M AJ ESTI£ TH EATRE Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. mus PRICES AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty comâ€"our Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening First Run of the MostZUp-to-date MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music Homer L Gibson Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT' 100 and 15c flflN’T MISS THIS CHANCE SO. PORCUPINE OOOOOOOOOOOO@ 000...... Delivered to anv part Of the town at reasonable rates. Ihe Unign [:nal_cnmpany Now $1 an †$1.25 $1.50. 000k cï¬ Mitche/l Barristers-Solicitorsâ€"â€"-Nutaries Temple Building. Toronto Golden Ave. South Porcuplne Telephone 90 Ont;