Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Aug 1912, 1, p. 8

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Ccoil Horton. of Cobalt. manager of the Jmks Machine Co. in the North Country. was in Porcupine for a few days. commenced soon. Tom R. Shaw of ('nhalt arrived in town Wednesday and loft Thursday for Cochrano. returning: here the lat- tor part of the week. He is with the. Northern Canada Supply Co. 'l‘ho entire stock of goods of B. Burnand. assigned. located in the corner store nf the King George Ho- to]. will he offered for sale by auc- tion, commencing Friday night at 7 n-clock. Everything will be “ham- mered away." Postmaster (.2 turned from n and fishing trip Joe Hnuston. who has been an the Port. Arthur country for sum months, was in camp the. early part. of the week. P. Kirkzmurd. W. H. Merrill and A. .I. Macclunakl of Tovonto arrived in camp Wvdncsflay to look over the ADM mine. Active work may he C. [human 01 the Dome and Can- adian Mining and Exploration Co‘ is in Montreal. RaiSing gold and silver are not the only diversions in this north coun- try. Otto Knapp of the Maple Leaf Hotel at Haileybury has Been win- ning: prizes and glory with his Bos- ton terriers at the bench shows in the United States. ”IR The bnflt 4ka at ”10 [not Of G014] en AVcnuc has practically hum com pletml and ix a much need improm- mcnt tn the travelling public. R. J. Jemmet‘t of Cobalt. account- ant for the Northern Canada Supply (30., was here during: the early part of the week looking over his part of the work nf tho Pormnpine branch. W. H. Hayden of New York is a viaitor to this camp. where he has euensive mining interests. Mr. and Mrs Jack IInmmil arrh- od in camp Monday and “ill xi~it at the "filling” Roscrvv. in whinh Mr. Hammil is interested.’ Charles McCre-dy is h Haikybnry The Misses Annie and Florence La this week! iFramte have returned to their home --- ’in Cobalt after a pleasant Visit with {Loam aninmr n! ”I. jnh h ithPiI‘ SiStCT. Mrs. MCCORQT’. Alex. Branch. manager for the Gordon-Davies Meat Co.. feeling a sickness which he thought. was fever, boarded a train Tuesday for Hailey- bury and will continue on his way farther south to the hospital if the sickness continues. George Salinger of the CEO!) is home hmn a short stay in Ottawa. 0988 \Irs Caroline M. Flower wnting from \Iew York desires to keep in touch \sith current wants of the north country. The Advance will he sent her. Chief Caldhick and W. S. Black- wall arrived in town Wednesday on a \‘iSit to thm'r manv friends here and sociallv were well received. To those who are cutting H10 comers of the law, phntngmphs nf the?» officers might. be jmt as pleasing: and satis- factory as tho actual presence. ("30 inc: (Mar Smith, who drew the suit of clothes from the Nipissing Stom. is in Toronto. at well dressed inan. Attorney A. (3. Slaght was in Por- cupine last Saturday on legal busi- 1m: flornn Milne of Porcupine has gone to Calgary to live. W. R. 1:“an of (‘olvalt who has a branch tobacco warehouse here in charge of (‘harlm Hodrins. 1° in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs; ii. .1. Holland were at the Connaug'ht Hotel for several days. They leave for Cobalt tomor- row wzhere Mr. Holland willgrab of! a chunk of the Gillies limit. In voting for your choice for cow? cillor today mark a cross opposite the name. i Bennie Hollinger is in camp mak a an inspection of Honingcr Tu: f0 1‘ ’etar‘l‘ at need later "HM“ an \I 103'. H. Smith i= arrang- nterestinc meeting to he n. Charley Carr has re- 1 three weeks' Visiting ’0 n1! LOCAL ITEMS m \C‘ ll. Burton Ransom, president of the Porcupine Miracle Mining Co., with 1300 aeres of good minimr ground in Langmuir township, was in town this week. Work at this mine is progressing smoothly and the new buildings for the housing pf men and machinery is going ahead rapid- lv. standpoint it. was not a success, and not much to look at from any other point of View. The hall has no dress- ing rooms or ordinary conveniences necessary to a dance or reception of :my kind. The baseball association held a dance in the Miners’ Union Hall last Friday night and from a financial standpoint it. was not a success, and H. C. Muck, Captain 2-hour) and Doctor McNeil of the Dome, James 'l‘udd of Schumachcr and ‘3". J. Mor- rison of South Porcupine wore in Bristol Tuesday and Wednesday of this week taking crock snmplcs o! sprcidcd trout. 'l‘hoy were inwrtain- ed at the Brown camp at zine r; yids on the Red Sucker river. C. E. F. Galbraith of Cobalt and the world. beau b'rumrnel of Canada and the I’nited Kingdom and inci- dmtally a clever salesman and bar- terer of cheddite for the Northern ('anada Supply Company. arrived in town Wednesday. The fame of the South Porcupine baseball team reaches all quarter- of the Globe. Jack Callinan writes trom Texas that we should have knnwn hotter than to go up against Porcupine and knew we would get licked. This refers to civic huliday game. Mrs. P. W. Blue and two children of Hancock, Michigan. haVe been stopping at the King George Hotel for a few days this week. Mrs. Biue is the widow of Peter W. Blue, so well known in the north country,and whose sad death by drowning in Por- cupine Lake occurred on June 25th. Mrs. Blue is here looking after the settling of the estate. not Wednesday night a most pleasant reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. Levering at the Presbyterian church. Mr. Loverinr: is the new pastor of the Methd’iis‘t ehumh at Porcupine and both me chumh workers‘ to he moat cordially welcome as residents of the ramp. The. evening was spent with iniormal speeches and music and delicious refreshments. Colonel W. H. L. Stevenson of the Pearl Lake Mining Co. left Monday for an extended trip to British Co- lumbia and the coast to look after his minim: interests in the west. Work at the Pearl Lake mine is go- ing along smoothly and development. is showing up good ore. h’. S‘hil‘rcll. who has a mine at the Redstone Rapids, was in South Por- cupinc Wednesday. Development work in this section of the camp is making claims have a face value. At Mr. Shirrell’s camp work nas progrcsscd so satisfactorily that a mill is being contemplated and ore seems to warrant the construction. 0. E. Bashaw. who holds dancing classes in Porcupine twice each week at King's Hall and. M Wilson's Hall, South Porcupine. has opened a class at Hotel Cedric, Cochrane. His classes in both towns here are well urn-mini and plcmant aflail's. Bob Hastings of Liskeard is in camp this week on his way to Codr ram and the north country to look over invesunents in farm lands. Jack Bun] has accepted a position as salesman at the Nipissing Shores. lie is also an acquisition to the base hall team. Jerrv O’Donnell has come to town and hereafter will be found with Davis Dunn, the general met- chants and grocers. Inci'dentally he plays base ball. .npnm The resignation, which followed a. bit 0f punk advice. was seemingly unnecessary and the election will cost the township, already light of purse, a considerable hit of muney. It is an election to fill the office made Vacant by the resignation of Sylvester Kennedy some few weeks The candidates for election. so the ballots tell us. are two in numberâ€"â€" Sylvester Kennedy, gentleman, and Thomas Albert Strain, contractor, and there is nothing in the code book so far as we know which pre- vents a contractor from also being a gentleman. Choose Your Councilman Today ago It is the opimion of many that the resignation of Mr. Kennedy was ill- advised and should he be elected again it is to be hoped that he Will stay elected and bustle for the good of the whole town and camp. It is to be hoped that the council of the future will hide their petty feeling and personal prejudices. A council- man is elected by the entire town- ship and when he accepts the office he becomes a public servant Whose duty it is to look after the interests of the people as a community, not as individuals. There is one thing about Kennedy â€"â€"<he fights in the open. The polling: places will be the va- cant store next to Servais’ barber shop on Crawford street and at J. Price's place at Schumacher. The present council is Chas. A. See. Golden Ave” Dayton Ostrosser, Schumacber. and Irvin E. Dunn. Golden Ave. Today Friday. the 16th day of August, is election day in the town- ship of 'I‘isdale and a calmCilman is to he cnthroned. Porcupine Ball Team Trimmed South Porcxmineâ€"Blosser 3h. Mo Dormott rf. Lake p. Gibson cf. Jack- son 1!, Miller 9b, Clemes 1b, Burk- ell. SS. Brown 0. 'l“he gold digging baseball club from 'I‘immins left yesterday for ('ovhrnno to trim the farmers of that town in a basoball tournament to be held at the formal opening of their new grounds. The line-up for Tim- mim will be l.. Smith. l..;l J. F. l‘ldis. 2%.; C. Avers, c.; E. McCoy. ll».; .1. (hlilfoylo. 3b.; 11.“. Mc- Kay. 55.; .\°. Rncicot. p.; C. McDon- street th would I‘f, The third game of the series be- tween the married men and bachel- ors was played Monday afternoon and resulted in a score of 7 to l in favor of the single men. It was wash day and the married men were somewhat worn out. Space and son row prevents a detailed account of the name. Another battle will take place this (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock diarp. It will be a bloody fight. Good Bill at An especially good show is being put on at the Majestic Friday and Saturday of this week. The Danger- uus Playâ€"three reels of wonderful pictures. This is not all.two other plcaxinq and amusimr scones will be given. . - “I 'n.‘ ‘c Gold Diggers The South Porcupine hall team tasted a little tlelicioxts (lope Wedâ€" nesday afternoon when they defeated the l’oreupine aggregation by a score of 31 to 9. Goalten- nur was in the box for Porcupine and was touehcd up freely for numer- ous two-bangers. McKay received. Porcupineâ€"Running 2b. Graham 3h. McKay c, Clark rf. Stevens cf, Marshall 1f, Turnbull 11). Taylor 83, Coche'nonr p. The Husbands Were Trounced war was in the box (or and was touvhcd up freely ous two-buggers. McK-ay The battery for South Porcupine was Lake and Brown. and they did wood work. The team from the now}: end of the lake was somewhat vripplad. but had the boating ('om- im: to them. as the South Porcupine swattors played the snappiest game of the season. Joe Clemes did good work on first and with the stick, The line-up: me enort I'mpiresâ€"Hatch and Insole. to. 1mm th n the office and/not serve Mr. Kennedy desires thé )0. most emphaticany de- has been current on the Mr. Kennedyâ€"if elected-- THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE The Majestic At Cochrane Racicot . ’ictor, r '1" at“ The Big Clothing and Shoe House. R E X T H EAT K E Now men here is something worth trying for, it costs you nothing. You get a ticket with every 50 purchase. The draw will take place at 10 c p.m. on Saturday night, August 24th and the man who holds the lucky number will getafree round trip ticket to Toronto and return and $10 in gold. We are also making Special Reductions on Flen’s Suits. Shoes, Straw, Panama and Felt Hats, Shirts, Under: wear, Sox, Overalls, Smocks, etc. to make room for new fall goods now on the way. The big reduction in prices which we are giving will save you money. Someone will get this free tri ==-why not you?. Have a try any- way. Come in and we will tell you all about it. Nipissing Stores Li “4‘ o o o o o o o o WW”..«.»O«.M:«.«.«.Ǥ Illustrated Songs and Feature Vaudeville Week of August 19th Jenkins’ Valves. Canadian Rubber Co. Steel Products Co. of Canada, liar Iron, Iron Pipe. Steel Plates. Tapped Nuts, Bolts, Horse ShOCS. Rivets. etc. Jessop’s Steel.. Canada Cement Co.. Ham 8; Nott Refrigerators and Screen Doors., Oshawa Fittings, Metallic Roofinfi Co.. Corrugated Iron and Siding Carey Manufacturing Co.. Roofings,Asbestos. etc. Burrow. Stewart Milne Ltd., Stoves and Ranges, Canada Furniture Manufacturers Ltd, Berlin Bedding Co., Ideal Bedding Co , and many others. Many of the largest mines in the camp find it to their advantage to deal with us Why don't you P. Largest and best assorted stock in the country. Marshall = Ecclestone Marshall-Ecclestone Do you want that Free trip to Toronto and return and $10.00 in gold 5 - Photoplays - Hardware, Furniture and Mine Supples PORCUPINE “The Store That is Different” VEST STILL HOME OF REFINED AMUSEMENT Chas. Stevens, Mgr. AGENTS FOR ALL WEEK Lecture and Pictures Rosenthal Case. Turkish-Italian War LIMITED O 0.. O .0 O O .0 O O O. O O 00 O O 00 O O O. O O .0 O O 00 O O O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O 0 00 O O O. O O O. o .0 “3‘ o ’0 O .0 O O O. o '0 South Porcupine limited Chang’d Mom, Wed Fri

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