Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 16 Aug 1912, 1, p. 6

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The Ottawa club has gimn filSti call on Schwind to the New \mk; Americans. asking $2.5M). Schwind,| besides being the fastest fielder. is. easily the best base-runner In the} Canadian League. The New \ork Americans have asked fur Jimmie London also, and he. too. will likely] step up. . Geo. Gooderhum's Heloise, on which were the owner and Johnson, his mechanician, while passing a buoy near Station 10, went too close and struck the buoy. The boat was travâ€" elling so fast that she turned a com- plete somersault. throwing the two occupants into the water. She fell rig‘lrtside up and continued at top speed. Her rudder was so set that she travelled in a circle and ran for 35 minutes before she was caught. Mr. Gooderlram and Mr. Johnson were picked up by Lowe's Victor. af- ter which this boat went in pursuit of the runaway. She was followed for miles before her pursuers got near enough to board her. when Mr. John son jumped in and shut down the en- gine. Arthur Schwind. tho «mmtionnl young shortstop of tho- Ottawa team in the ('zmudian [magma will go tho New York or Chicago Americans at the close of the spawn. The High- landers have been aftm' tnc player for some time. and the Ottawa. were asked to name their price for Schwind. a Southern youngster, who has developed remarkably fast. Tommy Burns defeated Bill Rick- ard in the sixth round of a fifteen round bout at Saskatoon lust Fri- day. In the sixth Rickard was down twice for almost the count when the referee stopped the fight. awardins: the decision to Hume. Rickard Weighed 200 pounds. Burns 1%. If Johnson keeps tn hi4 promise and re- tires from the ring on and after La- bor Day. Burns will again claim to he heavyweight vlmnmiun and will probably fight shy of a low hlack hopes for a while. O'l"l'.\ WA [’1 ..\ V At the Hamilton motor boat races last, week a sensational and alto- gather remarkable incident occurred that has few parallels in sport. Wnlter Johnson. the Nationals' grout pitcher, in due to break his own strike-out record. made in 1910. and stands an excellant chance of not only topping the American Leme pitch- era.in his present form. but of break- ing the Lemme strike-nut I‘M‘nrd. bum: up by Who WmHvll in W04: Year. ”an”. S1). .\\’It. 1907 .................. (H (H 4.3 190R .................. 31' HT 5.3 1909 .................. 39 "H 4.3 1910 .................. M 3m 7.? 1011 .................. 36 209 5.8 1912 .................. 1M ‘2“ 7.4 Hugh honing: has signed a con. tract to continue his services as manager at the Detroit American league baseball team for the next two years. His saltry is said to be the big-heat paid any manger in the American League. oxuoouo tuna. o.“ no. 0.: 0:“:qu “‘9 A8. "8“... ....u.....«.A8. .8.8«8v.«8n..v.u8..8..8u8. $8.8... 8.8. .8.... .0 ::Sporting News .0 O... O. O. :CO C O O O O O O .0 0 Q 0 O o 0::00 OZ‘WOOOOO 0.00 00 0. 0.00.00: 0”“ 00. .:00 00: 00 00 :00. .00.“ 00 00 00 00: 00 00.00: 0 . . go. . :..: ..:..:. 3.. COMOOOOO 0| 0 O O O O O O O 0.: Totals AFTER STRIKE OI'T REFORD HFRNS WILL HF. FH.\MPN).\' MOST \.\YTHI.\'G HHPP IVS THERE. JENNINGS FOR TWO MORE ‘ YEARS. THE PEER HI" THE.“ ALL ITES. N l E FAVOR His boat was utterly demolished after he, won the. senior (Went at St. Kitts. In the demnnstmtinn by his eluhmzites. the Dims. a heaVy dom‘ was pushed agains‘t the frail craft. crashing: it to splintm's. At Peoria he will use :1 Sims shell. revemly purchased by Lemiei‘ of the Don; from Eddie Durnzm of 'I‘ni'nntn. the professional champion of the United States and Canada. The Don senior four will also cnmpete at the Amer- ican National Regatta. It is proposed to change the hockey rules. The changes introduced by the National Hockey Association last winter did not meet with the entire approval of some of the players, and Art Ross is one of them. While he considered that the six men aside game was all to the Velvet. he was not enamored of the cautioning and lining: system. and the classification of major and minor fouls. l’mhhie Dibble of the Dam. who won the junior. intermediate and senim' single soullinrz championships at the Canadian Henley. will go to the American National Regatta at Peoria. 111. Therefore. he has drawn up a set of modifications which he considers will better fill the bill than the T8931- lations at present prevailing, and will submit them to the National Hockey Association. Shaug'hnessy is almost certain to be drafted by one of the major league clubs this fall, but he intends to make Ottawa his home in future, and will purchase his own release for the purpose of managing the Ottawa Club. Shaughnessy looks for the ex- pansion of the Canadian circuit with- in a year or two, and thinks that it will embrace both Toronto and Monâ€" treal within a comparatively short time. It was announced Saturday 1:13 that "Bill" Donovan. veteran pitch er on the Detroit American Leainu baseball team. has been appointet manager of the Providence team it the International League by Fran! J. \‘avin. owner of the I’rovidenm "lab. and Prmident of the Detroit American League club. Donm‘an ex poets tn take charge in a few days. L'ia peach and inflicted a rut about an im'h hm: m'rnae his hack between the shnuldorhlado. The wound way: drossod by Dr. F. W. Van Longer! of Swaousc when Cohh reached the Yatvs Hotel there. The wound.which 3"- nut sorimm. is painful. ('nhh doesn't know why: he was at- tacked. and nsoapod his assailants :iftnr kmwkinc' one of them down. Frank Shailg-imessy, president of the Ottawa club of the Canadian League. and manager of the Fort Wayne club in the Central Associa- tion. has arrived on a flying Visit to his family at Ottawa. Just 11-: 'l‘_\' ('nbb., the Detroit Tig- or star. was about to board the train fnr Syrat'uw in Detroit Sun- day night lw was attnc‘kod by three man. One mm! a knife onthe floor- in the senior sinwlos. Winnipeg- won the double scull from New York add . . Louis. and the senior eight-oar- ml race from Duluth. Detroit and St. Louis. Cnnmliam won everything in H. B. Butler. of the Amounts. won the United States championship Hug-hey Jennings, manager of the Detroit Tigers. picks Washington for second place in the Antericnn Dame race. He thinks the battle for the pennant will continue between the Senators and Boston Red Sex. with the chances favoring the latter. WASHINGTOE FOR SECOND PLACE. ('.\.\'.~\ DI A XS TAKE EVERY- THING. WILD BILL WILL MAX 1.1 10K 8 FOR EXI’A NSION WILL GO TO PEORIA 'm PHANHE RI'IES 'l'\' ("1 ”Hi SLASHEI) ompe new] Saturday last mmn. veteran pitch- )it American Lemme has been appointed Providcm‘o tvam in II Imnguo by Frank I‘ of the Providom‘e lent of the? Detroit .\ G E I U U I. .4. 0.. mntest. lt is a pathetic eight to we a de- termined pineh hitter lean acainst an iii-shoot with :1 break in it like a T- joint in the kitchen sink. and after whii‘fine: three loud and explosive whifis. retire noiseieuly to the bench. and receiVe the coarse encon‘dums of a manager who just as like as not wouldn't know :1 finger howl from a jut-(linivre. hut baseball is full of such mout'nful scenes. 9 Noted Train Robber an Running Office nut in flklannma Wifeâ€"Tom, I wish you wouldn't play poker. I don't even like the name of the game. Hubâ€"Why not? Wifeâ€"It SUggests “playing with fire." PAHflflflffl BY Out in Oklahoma City an ex°train robber has been nominated for coun- ty attorney over half a dozen oppon- ents, and his campaign slogan is that a train robber is better than a pub- lic Vega, or in other words a politi- cal looter. The man is A. L Jen- nines. at one time a noted train rob- her and member of the famous Dal- ton gang. has declared on the stump that the "Dalton 231112;" was a tame affair as compared to the present “Court House gang," who were em- lwzzlers to the amount of $50,000. Jennings draws large crowds night- ly to hear him narrate his bandit Experiences. He was serving a ten- fvear sentence in the penitentiary for robbing the mails when he was par- doned by Rooschlt. ”I 'haVe stolen more than that amount from trains in this terri- tory," he declared, “and I have rid‘ rden away with it tied on behind my saddle in a seamless sack, but I was i'raug-ht at last, and now my great- est. desire is to prove that It can be an honest official. nun-lomod “A train robber who is trying to lead an honest life is far better than 51 public official, who. under the guise of respectability and honesty, robs 'the people." ed tn attend all brass and May Tom to Simon received his In“ The pinch hitt If hm dnosn' purplinc vim kept busy 1 pup Imttlm‘ his: physique The pim'h 0d onco a \ road firm print at :1 yards withnut puttin he stands ahnnt as hroakin The pinch hitter in the day. and there at In the first race for the trophy o( the Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes, on Saturday, the Michicsgo beat. the Patricia by twenty-«we sec- ends. The Chicngo boat looked best in the strong Wind. The Toronto boat led until after the first buoy of the. second round was passed. In the mend race on Monday the Patricia. representing Canada in the §eries of yachinz races with the Mich. icago. flying the colors bl the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. won the set“ and race for the International trw phy. She crossed the finishing line at 2.23 o'clock. The Mlchicm fin- ishetl two minutes later. Each yacht has won once. Have Won "'0 out THE intn the fireman in n't hit any!!! irmmmmhimn TEBUV flflflSEVHT AND IT IS. PlNPH HITTER n-hidv and at her it” SPVHI‘ FHE P) RCUPINE ADVANCE One Each $00 if his: lam: and if he can 1 diatanco of 9‘ much show of next came as a ‘ a hnee coupling mt. he will be 1| days pickinlz *I' debris out. of H his eye: :Iassm lamps New Sewing Machine Agentâ€"Two. One was to get out, and the other to stay out. Steamers"‘Toronto” “Kingston" Managerâ€"How many orders did you get in that house 7 Running the Rapids. lflflfl Islands and Return Montreal “ “ Quebec " “ Saguenay River and “ Hamitltnn j "'"é'fiéfl "'5“ ""2516; \ gontml“ “ 18.00 Quebec “ “ 24.50 lfll'fllltll l0 )0 including meals a berth Low rates to intermediate ports. Fot rates, illustrated folders, etc., write H. Foster Chafiee, G.P.A., Toronto. including meals and berth. teamers “Belleville” “Dundure” Leave Hamilton and Toronto every Tuesday and Saturday. Bank of Toronto INTEREST A Savings Account THIS BANK 2.30 p.m. daily from Toronto. 100 Branches In Canad a TWO ORDARS ENOUGH. Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 We can supply Rock Breakers, Rolls, Ore Bin Gates, Ore Feeders. Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, Ball Mills. l‘cbblc Mills. Plates, Classiliers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks, Filter l‘rcsses. Agitation Tanks and motive l’ower inr operating: the above. Our complete line Ht Air Compressors. Receivers. Rock Drills, etc. is particularly up-to-date and Worth your consideration South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert SERVICE TOâ€" SAVERS CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. ' where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE at MINING MACHINERY is added to balances half- yearly. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inViting depositors to their Savings Department. is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. Montreal Return $1 9.0:! ' VACATION TRIPS South Porcupine Cor. King Simcoe Sts.,‘ Toronto. Dist: 5Q! Offices; $15.00 $24.50 $55.50 $45.50 Through trains daily between Toronto and South Porcupine. operating through pullman sleepers to and fr om South Porcupine making connections at Iroquois Falls for Cochrane. Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and Englehart. ’Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane Operating through CPR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. Local serviceon Charlton Branch connecting at Englehart with main line trains. Local service between Englehart and Temagami, also between Porcupine, South Porcupine and 'l‘immins For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. N. 0. Agent. %++++++++++++$+++4 z A. J. I’ARR. G. I“. P. A. North Bay 3: ++++++++++++®++++++%+$++%+ “ADVANCE” ++++++++**$$++++++++++++++ ETEMISKAMINB 8! NflflTHEflN llNIAfllll BMW“ 5; The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the TRAIN SERVICE

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