The Porcupine Advance _________________.__.._._ :ing sound at the axe. the dull thud Th0 western wheat yield i! W‘éof the grub hoe and the intelligent mated at 208,000,000 busheh. wielding of the pick and shovel i4 Emore of a duty for every patriotic :citimn just now up in this north Binder twine and not the tie that country. War is the luxury of weed- binds theEmnim is. the alarm of the f im; out a too thickly populated con» W Binder twine and not the tie binds the Empire is the sloran Western Provinms just now. Counterfeit one and two dollar bills are in circulation. Take nothing but (he: and tens till the scare is over. The 'Rosenthnl murdcrc uncooped. A little slim: 1 efï¬ciency and justice woul thing across the line. Anent the hell‘ï¬rc pmpuiition now being dismissed by the clergy 3 Hum. ilton paper has declared that. hell is no myth. These people oucht to know and we bow to blue judgment of the "man on the spot." Roosevelt's running mate for Vice- prcsident is a man by the name of Johnson. but not. the holder of the heavyweight championship and slug- ger of the white hopes. Word has been revcived that. a. Maryland mam kvpt his savings in his cork leg. If you are an indiï¬ercnt sort. of a Black-jack playm' a lmllow tooth is a good place. If tradition is to he fallowed the Bull Moose party in the United States is out of order. This noble animal usually kevps rather quiet until along in October. Western farmers will have about seventy-ï¬ve million more dollars to spend after they harvest their crop this year than they did three years ago. Quite a uidy bunch for nature's aristocrats. l ll'u'mon' )i'evailed at Chicaru last . '. . ' . . . ‘ 3 I . . k e idestmatmn 15 concerned. 311mm; 15 no week at the conventlon ot the I’m- . . B ll \1 h ,more a gamble than real estate or 'ressn'e or u l oose art' w en 1 . . f. p 3' . llanmng. and no one ever makes a l‘heodore R. Roosevelt was nonnnat- . . ~ . .. . _. . . .lng successln llte mthout takxn; ed for Presxdent and Governor le-i W J h f C l" . f isome chances. am . o neon 0 1111011113 or 1 . V' P 'd t l When a man puts an 1ron dollar on new 1'881 en . a number at the roulette wheel, cop- pers the ace at faro or places two Ibits or the long green on the turn oi It is worth while to recall. in the light of the Panama Canal leg-ism- tion. Senator Root's high-toned statement of national duty: "I know of no higher rule of ethics than that which requires nations to observe good faith in relation to their treat- ies.’ Editorial comment on Woodrow Wilson's speech of acceptance is favâ€" orable in all unbiased newspapers in the States and abroad. Very little attention is given to the Roosevelt panacea for all ills, which is regard- ed as too comprehensive and theore- tical. Canada. United States Tduzred bandana handkenflnefisto be the battle flag of the new Pro- gressive party, headed by Roosevelt in his ï¬ght for theâ€"PresideHCy of the United Dtates. It is to be hoped the Bull Moose emblem will be dropped, for it is too free and noble an ani- mal to be mixed up in American po- litics. Let everyone who is afraid of Di- vine wrath pray that Labor Day will not be a wet and W002): one and that the sun will once more shine on its own people, for we are not all for- eigners. Or maybe Lhe good Lord only reads old Ontario newspapers Advertising Rates Farm-hut Phone 25. ’uhlished every Friday 5! 0E0. UKE, PROP. SUBSCRIPTIO‘ RATES: FRIDAY. AUG. 16 wo u M 32.00: not 1 OJ a year. )f are still Canadian he a good and thinks the whole of this north country is inhabited by wild cuts, blind pigs, horse thieves, gum tho. and renittanoe men. The peril of the country is tram l’lermany, said the Hon. Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia. in a speech at Vancouver, and declared emphatically that it was the duty of every Canadian to learn to bear arms in the defence of his native land and the Empire. He had scath- ing remarks to mike of the loydist who refused to be trained. The ring- munit)‘ .mm of it ï¬ne reoo w a 3‘ public-5N "1311 public owners}: mminm 'HH put though in the main correct. So far it can only he a‘enerally stated that the mills are Working satisfactorily, that the ore is free milling. that the extraction is high and that the av- erage returns will run over $10 per ton. all of which is unollieial and based on the opinions of those on the spot who are trying to size up the situation What constitutes the gambler? As the Irishman would say everything in life is a gamble except death, and this may he a gamble so far as your destination is concerned. Mining is no A man may take a chance at a] drawing for a gold watch or a church ' organ. You may call this gambling. but is only speculation. The farmer sows his grain and plants his pota-i toes and expects a harvest; but he is 1 {likely to be disappointed. for there :may be too much rain, or too lows,r a wiry spell. and his crop is ruined. As in matter of fact he is only taking a fchance and gamblingr with Pl'0\'l" z«lence. Aucther may may {men in i‘i11ines or stocks. He is willing to ltake a chance on what some omu’s i111ight term a gamble or speculation. i No man will ever make a success {in life unless he takes a gamble of isome kind and mining is no more of :1 risk than farming or real estate. -..\'0 man will ever make a success un- In the Toronto Globe . th a tribute was paid wnership of railroads. "The Timiscaming and destination is concerned. Mining is no more a gamble than real estate or fanning. and no one eVet' makes a bit: success“ in life without. taking .uul general a card at Black-jack, he is speculat- ing, although there are some who are narrow chested enough in the brain to say the man is a gambler. 1838 he takes a chance '- l.ady (00 small way who is ï¬shing) â€"I wonder what. your father would say if he caught you ï¬shing on Sun- day. Ht ;u'kn I'h Boyâ€"I don't know. You had bet- tel ask him. That's him a little far- Lher up the stream.â€"Lippincott' 5 Magazine. .1 n te-d Lll surroumlml h for t!“ flicicncy iustl)‘ (1') t of the statemenu .ll'S'F VP THE STREAM The publit which 5dr. Engl fun: we itm Huh-id ' 00d hv th 0W ,I ll t1 ' a fatal accident to acmpluyes. Rather a the Provincial Rail- Lnglchart. the able and citizen who is chair- ll "I“ men mti {1"0‘ lbscm'c of any loath to accept the fl never killed a ru; commission. with whom he i 3 In this case ainly has spell- and Northern usual summer ) wn W a 1‘4 1"0 avtual out- on hearsay years that Until yes 1d-ou colli ogethcr ac the August cupinvs Embhc CZIUSG ten- MARIAN Still BREWERS†ASSflBIATlflN iiiier Special Prizes to Buys and Birls for Seed Brown in the Province of cash and special trophies, are 0!. feted for seed grown in the province and exhibited at the next unnual Winter Fair or Provincial Seed Ex- hibition. The date of this ediihition will he made public later. h addition to the regular prizes nï¬ered to members of the Associa- tion. special cash prizes are offered to hop and girls hetween 1’3 and 18 yearn ni age. for exhibits of spring wlwat and white oatï¬. A sweep- ~.mlm-z prize in ï¬lm form of a beau“. ful cold medal donated by Dr. Jan. W. llnlwrtmn. ia alm offered to the 1an or girl liavim: the beat exhibit Ofï¬cial notice is given by the Can- adian Seed Growers' Association that substantial prim in the form Wheat. a stake! I" ful mid W. Robe mvtor at the hand. and a (ration m thrashed train. The plants for this th‘flf xhnuld he selected by hand from the ï¬eld before. the crop is cut. Thaw proposimt to compete for those prizes should arrange at one» tn make the necessan selections and shnuld al-m mite to Sectotnry. Can- :nlizln Svod Grnwcrs' Asaoviation. Uttnwn. 01 tho) Pri 7.0 I mnmmlmn ~' IMMIGRATIUN EH Almosta Third of Bur Settlers Come from Across the Border for flames ï¬fteen per cent. an compared thh those for the vurrespomlijtg‘ months of last ï¬scal year. which were 105L310 at oveun ports and 43,802 from the l'nitod States. making a tutul fur the three munths, April 1 to June 30, 1911. of 153,118. Intrim,r the month of June this year there were 4:3,5‘H arrivals, 3'2,- HU of them having been at ocean ports and 13,745 from the United States. as against 40,006 for June last year. 27,!)755 of whom were at ocean ports and 12,035 from the I'nited States. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolVent has made an Eassigmnent to me of all his estate, icrodit and eï¬ects for the beneï¬t , of l.,l1is creditors or other persons entitl- fml thereto, or having claim thereon. 1 A meeting of the creditors will be {held at n13 oliice, Second Avenue, in the 103311 of â€linimins, Ontario, on iMondzu. the erth day of August, ll‘llfl. .1t the hour of ten o'clock in the 11101'11ing to receive a statement ‘ni affairs, to appoint inspectors. and it'or the ordering of the estate gener- i ally. .lt hurim: the three months. April 1 In June :m, uf the current ï¬scal year 175.341 inuuigrants arrived in Can't :ula. Of this number 121.9!H arrived at ocean ports and 53,343 from the l'nitcd States; These ï¬gures show an increase of In the matter of Pierre Alphonse Marin, of the Town of Timmins, in the District of SudUury, late of Cobalt. butcher and gvneral mer- chant. Creditors are hereby requested to tile Uheir claims with the Assignee heiore the date of such meeting. And notice is hereby given that af- ter thirty days from this date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard only to ohe claims of which no- tice shall then have been given, and the assignee will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed. to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. T. M. WILSON, Assignee. Dated at Timmins. 0nt.. this 14th day of August, 1912. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AP- bly J. C. MCNABB GO. LU} NMIL‘E II] CREUlTflRS 11H! .hihit write to Secretary. unn- Hmwors' Asiat‘iation. L. and obtain a copyof at rules and special ar- rocnrdimr the transport- an compared with ¢_»l'l'es|)0ndijlg‘ months year. which were an Ports and 43,502 THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE THE INEREASE ritimc l'rovm ) and when‘ res of Marlin .\lhcrta. E80 t'nnsis of a 3‘: G in. in d a gallon Provinces, wheat in Manitoba. anh n! dax of August, A. D. 1912. GEORGE H. B IVSOLE. South Poxcup'me, Ontari0.. Assignee. In the matter of Joseph A. Morin. Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent, Joseph E. Morin, of the town ofSouth Porou- his creditors. vâ€"‘ The creditors are notified to meet at the ollice of Cook 8: Mitchell. South Porcupine, Ontario. on Mon- day. the 12111 day of August, A. D. W122. at eight o'clock in the eVening, for the purpose of receiving a state‘ ment of tlhe insolvent's aï¬airs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate must ï¬le their claims with me on or before the Illst day of August. 1912, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have received notice, and I will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose :claim I have not then received noâ€" Ltice. BRINGING [lll'i' Hardy irappers Who liniy See Civilization lince Every Year With the winter's catch of fur from the Shipewayan country, Colin Fras- er has arrived in Edmonton accom- panied by ï¬fteen residents of the nortcland, who see civilization only once each year. The fur catch of 1912 is .1111 improvement over last year’s and, amounts to between $30,- 000 and $35.0!» It includes many valuable skins of black and silver foxes. " Dated at South Porcupine this lst ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fm, Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : SO. P0 Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. NflUEE W Bï¬ifllfllï¬‚ï¬ Mil SUMMER GflflflS flfllllllfll. CHAPT ER 1'39. Screen Doors Regular $1. 5n .. .. .. $1.75 $2M!) «Complete with hinges, screws and pull) " New Perfection" Blue flame Oxl Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13.1)†Z " †$1IUM) Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3.5“ †$2.75 One $27.HH white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. $1.5M, .2 qt.$‘.’.HH 3 qt $3.5†THE H185 NflW Slaughter Prices Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. same PRICES AssessmentWork comâ€"nu:- Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty First Run of the MostZUp-to-date MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music Homer L Gibson Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract Undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT 100 and 150 flflN’T MISS THIS SHANBE SO. PORCUPINE Delivered to anv part Of the town at reasonable rates. Ihe Unign Cnalcnmpany Now $10M†" $ Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"-Intaries 000k Mitchell Temple Buiiding, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcupine Telephone 90 Ont;