There is eonsiderahle talk of a train service which will leave Tim- mins and Schumacher at 7 o'clock in the evening: for South Porcupine, re- turning after the evening shows at the Rex and Majestic theatres. The board of trade will probably help this movement along. This evening train service is needed. A slight wreck occurred at Schu- mzwhcr last Tuesday on the morning combination freight and passenger local. No one was injured. just a car of mixed goods belonging: to Sulli- van of the Eby~Blain C0. being jum- bled up a bit. The three ï¬ne buildings composing the boarding house of the Gordon- Davies Co. are almost completed and will soon be Opened. At the present arrangements have been made to hoard all men from the Vipond.. Jup- iter, Melntyre and Plenanrum mines.. George Lundberg will he in charge. as well as the one at the Hol,inger. camp for years Mr. and Mrs. ("hurlvy (' haw: been Visiting: the pun Carr in Cobalt. haw loft camp for a sham stay in Phil Mnnrv has hot-n in camp dur- ing the week on Canada Fuundry business. leaving Wodnnsday for To- ronto, where he has his ofï¬ce. Charlie SteVem. who is well known as a clever manager and actor, has taken charge of the Rex 'I‘heatrc.and good hills will undoubtedly be given under his management. Mrs. SteVens will join her husband here next week. an! at North Bay, was in camp the early part of the week. returning Wednesday. Charley llall will lc-uvc this week for Cobalt. ll with the Proslnn Baht Ill its work of npvning up Bar. which has hem idlv l Mrs. Homer L. Gibson and mother, Mrs. Atkinson. Joe Atkinson and C. O. Weston left here last. Monday for a week's ï¬shing and vacation at a The Misses Annie and Florence La} England on a vacation trip Frangc of Cuban are \isiting “r. f and “ms. “C(aï¬en at ‘heir homo (ml The Liberty Stores in GO]! "100! street iant to the Munrhv Hons C. A. Watson. manag aurum. left Tuesday f in Cobalt. Frank C. Loring. mining minur.‘ well known in Cobalt and Porcupine, is in London, England. 3 J. F. McKenzie went to Hailey. bury Monday for a short visit. Harry Seguin, manger of the 11m perial Bank, is in Toronto. John B. Holden. solicitor for the Hollinger mine. has returned to To- tonto. Mr. and Porcupine and other Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park are now home at. the Nipissing mines. Cobalt, after a three weeks’ wedding trip. (T. A. Wm Wakeï¬eld. I'nited States con- 'ee weeks’ wedding trip. 1 Manager P. R. Robbins of the Hol- ilimrer mine. loft camp last Sunday on a business trip to Toronto. -‘d Mrs. Charles Mclnnil oi leit Sunday for Toronto points for a holiday trip. Dug Jemmett o! Cobalt arrived Iobalt. He will be LOCAL ITEMS up the Silver dlv fur an n‘nny I?! “t ’ William Tripp and Jack West have ‘been in Cobalt [or a few days. of the New llismantlinglhe a lmv days "I“ 'arr. who Hits Of Mr. the silver Powasrzun. Pomupinc who m Porcupine will send a strontr Mica cer eleven to Cobalt on’ Saturday eer eleven to Cohalt‘ on Saturday owning: of this week when theyplay the Victorias on the Cobalt Athletic grounds. The. Hold camp have sev- eral teams and a. picked team will represent them in the silver camp against the blue shirts on Saturday eveninL'. The game is called for 6.45 sharp and it is bound to prove an attraction and a close game. Those interested in church work in South Porcupine will assemble in a gathering next. Friday evening. Aug- ust 17th. at the Presbyterian church to welcome the Reverend Mr. Lav- ery. who comes here as pastor of the Methodist congregation. All denom- inations are most heartilx asked to make this social reception a success and cordial welcome. Don't farm-t to talk up the big: day in South Porcupine on Septem- ber 13nd. The sports will be worth coming miles to see. .loe Bell. who for mme time has been in the employ of Pine and Pres- ley at ('ohalt. has taken a position with Peters and Company. the fruit dealers. l-Iis headquarters will be in Porcupine. (icc._»rgo E. l’nrish. minim: enrinccr. who fur the past your or more has had chnruo of the Dohio mine. will Miltnn Carr of Cobalt was in Por- cupinv during the. Liberal day cele- bration. Mr. Carr is rushing his store in Cobalt to completion on the 93!“? site as the one destroyed by the recent ï¬re. Mr. and Mrs. Robert llodsrins of 'l‘nrunto are Visiting this week with their son. Charley I-Iodgins, on Main street. Mr. Hodm’ns has just return- ed from Gowganda where he has in- terests and reports considerable aet- ivity in this silver camp. lvnw the camp m-xt week. The Dollie has shut down for the present. The Liberty Stores in Golden City. next tn the Murphy House. com- mence their big sale Aumlst 10th. and Pontinuos it for 20 days. R. B. Lamb. consulting engineer of the Crown Charters-d mine. is in .-\. (3. Shields. minim: man. is in Turnhull townahip this week looking aver properties for prospective buy- Fred Kenning of the Hotel Con. naught was in Cochrane over Sun. day. Dug Jemmett of Cobalt. arrived with the Rowen crowd last Friday, but only stayed for the day. Manager James P‘nwley of the Bank of Toronto, is away on his holidays. George Riley, manager of the Ringo aton Hotel, has returned from a short trip to Haileybury. ! Considerable other business was gtaken up and discussed before ad- ijournment. The Board of Trade is inmdoubtedly accomplishing lets of jg‘ood for the district in general and ;should be supported by every busi- ness and mining man in the camp. A .recent circular letter sent out by A. S F.ulle1 Sen-Treas. states that ithe Board is now regularly incorpor- gated, basing: receixed its charter :from the Government, and that it is §desired that the membership be in- icreased to at least 100 by the lst of September. At present the member- ship is ~45. Among other important matters taken up was the coming visit of the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade irom Toronto and other points in the south. At a business meeting of this body in conjunction with the North- ern Ontario Associated Boards to be held at Haileybury on August 14th, Messrs. H. K. Joy and Glen Henry were appointed as delegates to re- present the South Porcupine Board. A committee of ï¬ve .was also ap- pointed to look after the entertain~ ment of the visiting Boards of Trade when they come to the Porcupine camp on August 15th. Messrs. Joy, Fuller, Gibson, Cook and Terrence were appointed. ‘ of. A full and complete report of the special ï¬nance committee in charge of the celebration in connection with the opening of the Dome mill was al- so made by C. O. Weston and refer- red to an audit committee of three who will report at the next meeting of the Board. At its regular meeting held at the 'l‘ownsite oiiice in the King George Hotel, there were present seventeen members and a very large volume of business was taken up and disposed Despite the summer dullness and the fact that a large number of peo- ple are absent from the camp on their vacations the South Porcupine Board of Trade is still the active and aggressive body that has char- acterized it from the start. I Attorney 8. Alfred Jones, after a ’month’s absence in New Orleans and father southern cities, returned home i yesterday. in Important and Active nrgan- ization lining flood Work for the Camp The ten gold medals oflered by the llaileybury ball club at. the tournn- ment held last Tuesday were won by the Cobalt team. The teams com- peting were Liskeurd. North Cobalt. lluileybtu‘y and Cobalt. Rcamsbottom 8; Edwards are get- ting their grocery stock on the shelves at t’heit new store on the cor- mrr of Crxmfmd sum and Bruce Aw. Members of the South Porcupine Harliers' Association will hold a meeting next Sunday afternoon at Nap Service's shop at 3.30 o'clock. The question of keeping shops open on Labor Day will come before the meeting. ï¬lllJIH PflflBUPINE Bflflflfl 0f? E. C. Nichols. Cobalt, formerly ofi the Cobalt Nugget, now manager of‘ the International School of Corre- spondence, is in town this week. I An unknown man was run over on the street the other day by a brew- ery wagon and escaped unhurt. It was probably two per cent. beer. Fred Luke's will leave for Winnipeg next week to manage a large flouting mill business. Word has been received here that the Foleyâ€"O’Brien would commence operations on their property! here September let. Jack Callinnn of Porcupine is in Mexico looking over mining proper- ties. He will be away during the most of August. Tommy Rogers has ï¬nished his work with J. C. Clearihue at Kami- scotia Lake and moved back to this camp. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE mam A Coupon Will Be Given With Every 500 Purchase A free round trip ticket and berth to Toronto and $Io.oo in gold will be given the holder of the lucky number. Special drives in all lines will continue until Saturday, August 24th inclusive when the contest closes. ) Someone will take this trip at our expense. Why not you ? NipissiIIg Stores Limited The Big Clothing and Shoe House, To Toronto Exhibition and Return Commencing Saturday, August 10th FREE O 0.. 0 .0 O. O O 00 o '0 O .0 O. O O O. O O 00 O O .0 .0 O O M O O O. o ’0 O O O “.00....0 O O O. 1 .0 O O 00 O O H ., O O O u 0.. .. Q . 00000000000000.a...ooomooooooooooooooo0000000 IF you want to see the BEST, Just follow the rest. They will lead you to the R E x Get our prices. Jenkins' Valves. Canadian Rubber Co. Steel Products Co. of Canada, Bar Iron, Iron Pipe, Steel Plates, Tapped Nuts, Bolts. Horse Shoes. Rivets. etc. Jessop’s Steel., Canada Cement Co., Ham Nott Refrigerators and Screen Doors., Oshawa Fittings, Metallic Rootinï¬ Co., Corrugated Iron and Siding Carey Manufacturing Co., Roofings.Asbestos, etc. Burrow, Stewart 81 Milne Ltd., Stoves and Ranges, Canada Furniture Manufacturers Ltd, Berlin Bedding Co., Ideal Bedding Co , and many others. Many of the largest mines in the camp find it to their advantage to deal with us Why don't you P. Largest and best assorted stack in the country. Marshall = Ecclestone Marshall-Ecclestone Commencing Monday, August 12th Hardware, Furniture and Mine Supples PORCUPINE “The Store That is Different†Let us get acquainted. Chas. Stevens, Mgr. AGENTS FOR HIGH-CLASS LIMITED ILLUSTRATED SONGS MOTION PICTURES “With all effects" It will pay you Limited o‘c-