Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 9 Aug 1912, 1, p. 4

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The Porcupine Adxance Just because this is a mining camp is no reason why one should always use the hammer; and just because some one is doing something of which you disapprove, does not constitute you “your brother's keeper" and en- title you to spy out and judge his actions. Why not start a revival of friendliness and neighboring instead of knocking, and guess eVery one we meet is as good a fellow as any one of us. until he does someuhing that prOVes he isn't. Suppose we do make a mistake once in a while. who's harmed by that ? Nearly every one is as good as 'he's had a chance to be. The world's congress on eugenics is in session over in London. People who have had time to look it up in the dictionary have a hazy idea of what eugenics is. Nobody has anything: clearer than a hazy idea, not even the people at- tending the congress. The best that can he said for them is that they know where they think they are go- ing. h'ut they don’t know the way. Really, however, and this makes it interesting to us all, eugenics is the science of breeding better men and women. drivers. It relates to babies and the im- provement that“. It seeks for an improved transmission of the best qualities from one generation to anâ€" other. \vh ivh There are said to be two hundred and fifty ex-Conviets employed as nhaull'eurs in New York ('itv. If thie be true there are a lot of them who are holding their jobs with some- thing else in view than the salary. The important part the taxicab and automobile have played in criminal operations in that city within the last year is leading to an investiga- tion of the antecedent employment of when‘she clings to the motto. "Be a lady." Alberta expects (4 five million bushels . Cutting has already bushels to tho. :u-n wheat in mmo [ml tion block. 'l'lw wh should amount to ‘37 Money talks limited and bye. Every time you swat a fly you low one more chance to get. typhoid fever. more tha It's a great. and alluring idea. Burbank breeds cactuses without thorns. and persimmons without pucker. and why can't we breed peo- ple winhout diseases or bad breath or criminal tendencies? The answer is plain. It is too bad to damp the ardor of the eugenists, who. on the whole. are doing some good, but the fact is that people can't be bred as plants and animals Keep your cards down! I'll be around to see you. Oh! you Black Jnck. Take the money "it me; again ! .\"o young lady (w H Canada. United Slates 0%“ did you make out last night Advertising Ratel Furnishefi Phone 25. 'ublished every Friday by SUBSCRIPTION RATES: “'0“ FRIDAY. AUG. .9 CEO. lAKE, PROP. \V II S it It t its Vncnbulnry i: usually says wood I! H't ”01H It harvest sixty- m‘nin this fall. mmm and fifty $2.000 year 3 0') a Vral’ th \' N ll'l'lL'il ~11 arm hf 0111‘ 4) n "4 are. We get better breeds by saving only the best. and killing 03 the 0rd» dinary and imperfect. To ordinary and imperfect people this seems an objection to the appli- ,cation of the principles of scientific lhrncdinr to as l “"9, don't like to be killed ( The team shall consist of ten mem- bers of any volunteer department competing. who have been members of the department for three months 01‘ more. ,« New Camps better be injuncted 3 And min. suppose we adopt. for the sake of argument. the plan of al‘! lowing only the extraordinary and the perfect to perpetuate the race.‘ Some Who shall say Who are extraordinary contain and perfect? You and I. my dear. ,Mining rulns aro tn zm’m‘n: I‘I-avh team shall haw rwl with -50 ft. of hose on it, and run 200 yds. tn hydrant. 1:1)“ 301) ft. hOW. cnnnvct muzzle. turn on watm' and knock «lawn svmiphnro not 105s than ’300 ft. from hydrant. Tho hranuh man standim.r not 1055 than 17:3 it. from hydrant. shut off water (nu kinkim: hose allowed), uncouple first two lengths and insert Siamese. attach .-xtra hram'h cm om'a long'th. turn on water and knock down somiphm'o with each stream. each semiphore to ho 10:3 ft. from tho hydrant, no cut MTS to ho usmi on Siamese. out. tho of course. but how about Harold and (lladys ? Hasn't Harold's lather a questionable ancestry as to mar- ality? And doesn't Gladys's mother have “queer" spells that send her to a sanitorium 7 We are all richt. but nrnbahlv Harold and Gladys had 'l‘he Porcupine Lake Gold Mining (‘0., known as the Hunter property, continues to find rich values by sink- in::. This company expects to soon put on a strong force of men. and are starting to build camps for their newnnmodation. Mr. llunter return- ml on Monday from the l'nitetl States. where he has been purchas- ing a 60 h.p. boiler. 13 drill com- pressor and a motor. which is ex- pected in in about a month's time. a sanitorium probably I! Gladys had I The rMuI hp 165 ft. from tho hydrant. no cut 017.4 to hv 113ml on gianww, cut thv has» at the first. coupling from hy- drant. unmuple the length of hosn with hx'anvh attached an left side ”1' Simnnse. Parry same hack and at- uu'h to length remaining on hydrant. turn on water and knock down 4th semiphore 115 ft. from hydrant. Hose Reel Race '_ Wet Competition Il' the matim: businv itsvlf. It is tr fm-hlv-mindcd pen hromls out tl Redstone Claims Starting Work at tom: tl rules Mr. R. Shirrell has returned to Porcupine from Buffalo. and has at once started to work his properties at the Redstone Rapids. A force of twelve mm started in on Tuesday, and it seems likely this well-known property will soon be mined in a profitable manner. It is understood that W. Armstrong of Buffalo has taken charge of the workings under the direction of Mr. Sherrill. who will be things. :vniuses m: " )0 H Unv nf the intm'vstin ivon during the spa 1)i¢ out u ,IQC‘HICS am '1 prong): nv on narv Hm \i 118 an ls Ml If .H mm ougoni brow] i n .vmllcl 11nd "I“ Hons lis'h fnm Tl ) wn "In!“ 3' not marry had hotter in them H‘Q at on the spot to supervise \V a V n IN"! lines MI I‘ W {I with “’0” 3‘ W \\' P H‘ ‘It'l mal n «m 1H wmlld n91 1M mmv. Educate. and nvss will take care of true that cpileptics. mph. and syphilitic: Being Built luvzltinr u.- spm‘ts at South 'lhm' Day will he the and thv {allowing '\\' )l' broodinc rv} rod merely bee-an ll “him: mifnrmh‘ .\l '0 w )rc m1 mm m pemetn th rou ”I! mum he noratinns of Mnet vrtm athletes am m1 200d ht thn TY}! H‘ HI Tl and the D hett 1t wi t1: tt Bl er ’nmv rnnntcnua What the Camp is Producing Just tine Year After the tire ! A motion was made and carried to send George Qua. former secretary, :11 picture taken at, the C1116 Cafe at gthe time of the farewell banquet. Some interesting iniormatinn is contained in the. Engineering and Mining Journal relating to the pro. «lacing mills oi the Porcupine camp. With one exception. tonnage mill- ed. extraction made and production projected. have been far better at the four mills than could haVe been anticipated two months ago. Though in no case are the following figures nmcial. they are sufliciently authori- tatiw to give a Very close approxi- mation of what the Porvupine camp i. prmluvinu just one your after the his: fire Which swept all iurf‘u'v im- oxtt'm'timt mi 93 pm. mm msilv ho uhtuinml. and the fiL'lll't‘R in the sum- mary are reckoned at‘vm'tling'ly. The Vipnml mill is m'nhahlv the mmt siirnal nwtallurgit-al success in the camp: :1 result not altogether ox- pootod. Mr. Poirier is crushing: with roll: and T-lardineo hall and pebble millé. and he hzu fmnvl that own when rho mils are snt tn 1 in. he can get an average daily nt' hotwccn 7'0 and .«n tum. Thm'o i< no doubt that when he pleases he can obtain 1’3." The proposition of Chas. Stevens to hoid a firemen's benefit perform- ance at the Rex Theatre in the near future was dismissed and taken under advisement. Quiet In But little business of importance was transacted at the firemen's meet- im: WedneSday night. .\l tmnm Jack Walsh. who had laid off on account of sickness, was again added to the list of firemen. H ma! H tnns gothvr stamp In The Crown Chartered mine has felt; the slump and dropped to seven cents this week. The mine has neveri been in better working condition? than at the present time. t Tlhe Bank saloon was raided by the police last Tuesday night and seven participants in the national and in- ternational game of poker were haul- ed before the court Wednesday after- noon and allowed to pay $5 and costs. There seems to be an underâ€" current of feeling which says that too much open and public gambling: will have to ease up a bit. Too Much woram‘ \\ *xtrzwtinn H It ipnl \l It 1t duH‘ vkl \‘ ti)! ,rown Chartered Takes a Slump nin Iulv m : tho I and t? without any 1n m (MW N '1 V0! thi< mmtth the Dnmo milk! Its in LN hmtrs. but that' tinnal. and a daily M‘crmze us for July is mnsorvntive. 10 tons: per atmm can whtainod. .»\n («traction of made cm the flr-‘zt plates. I \‘trm-tinn nt‘ 96 31.0. alto- nm‘ a duty of 10 tnn< pct" nhtainml thorn is little I another unit of 10 or 20? II he :uMnd tn thv mill :14“ Hf 97) IM'. and the fimu‘r reeknnod arm the mth annrnxinmt Daily "mm: I! Open House [If H188 MINES Fire Circles undue ('1' THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE hmlld hp front 0 dmxht tha' 0 m n ! in. he can between 7'0 doubt that obtain 1’35 {u ) M] i 112'. Tuh' the 30. _\n Daily prmluc. $2908. 4260 000 M1 $4 M‘m pine. in the Province of Ontario, has made an assignment of his es- tate to me for the general benefit of his creditors. The creditors are notified to meet at the oiiice of Cook 3.: Mitchell. South Porcupine, Ontario, on Mon- day. the lflth day of August. A. 1). WI"). at eight o'clock in the evening, for the purpose. of receiving a state- ment of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with refer- ence to the diSposal of the estate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate must file their clainls with me on or before the 315t day of August. 1912, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof. having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have received notice. and I will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim I have not then received no- tice. 5! Northern Canad S gg Co., Ltd. a Upply Tenders are invited and will he re- ('eived by the undersigned up to noon of August the 10th, 1912, for the purchase of Lot 124, Corner Golden Ave. and Crawford street, in South Porcupine. This lot has a frontage of 43 feet on Golden Ave., by a ‘depth of 75 feet on Crawford street. Dated at South Porcupine this lst day of August, A. D. 1912. (‘}F‘A)RGE H. B. IXSOLE. R.S.O. CHAPTER 129. In the matter of Joseph A. Morin. Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent, Joseph E. Morin, of the town ofSouth Porcu- Subscribe now for THE ADVANCE Dated South Porcupine, July 30th, 1912. FOR SALE â€"~ BEDROOM SUITE for sale, in good condition, best mattress and spring. Globe Office, Commercial Ave. Assignee. 30 King St. East. Hamilton, Ont. SUMMER GOODS ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fm, Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : 30. P0 NMIBE H] BREDHURS South Porcupine. Ontarim Assignee. ASSIGNEE’S SME Mil SUMMER Gflflflfi flfflUCEfl. Screen Doors Regular $1. 54) " " " $1.75 " $2.1m «Complete with hinges, screws and pull) " New Perfection" Blue flame 011 Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13.m) 2 " ” $ 1H} m 3 Burner Regular $13.0") Now $10.00 2 " ” $1”.”” " ' $7.04) Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3.5” " $2.75 One $27M” white enamel lino! Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. $1.5”, .2 qt. $2.!!!» 3 qt $3.50 MCLEOD TEW, S aughter Prices Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays Matinee Vlad. and Sat. at 2.50pm. Mme PRICESâ€"â€"â€"100 and 150 M AJ ESTIC I TH EATRE BHMEâ€"flur Pictures are Nickel-less Two Show: Every fivening First Run at the MostjUp-to-dale MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT llflN’T MISS THIS BHANEE SO. PORCUPINE Delivered to any part Of the town at reasonable rates. The Unign [Inalpnmpany OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCCOOC 000/! 0% Mitchell Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"Notaries Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcuplne Telephone Ont.

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