RECENT CLEAN-UP The Hollinzer mill shipped four bricks this week of an amerate weight of three hundred and sixty pounds with a Value of some 960,000. The steady output from this mine has not bad a strengthening cflet't on the stock and a downward tendency has been felt for the past ten days. the stock dropping 50 cents. has has the AT HOLLINGER MINE Four Bricks Valued at $60,000 Shipped Out of Camp Last Monday South Porcupine Will Try and Wipe flut Memory of for- mer Defeats Bull GAME SMUHMY MTEHNUHN To be sure the team has been beat- en occasionally, but like the drunk- ard who occasionally wallows in the gutter, the disgrace is not in falling but staying there. American Goldï¬elds. Apex .................. . Dobie .................. . Crown Chartered... Dome Extension... . Eldorado ............... Foleyâ€"O'Brien“. . Gold Reef ............. Hollinger... .. Mnnetn ............... Pearl Lake ........... Porcupine Imperial.. Poreudine 'l‘isdnle... Preston East Dome Rea Mine ............. Standard ............ Swastika .............. Vipond ............... . West. Dome ............ Jupiter ............... The following are the prices on Porcupine stocks. furnished by A. S. Fullnr 00., Gibson Block, South Porcupine, up to noon August 8th: DON’T FORGET South Porcupine Will Celebrate La- bor Day With All Kinds of Sporting Events The committee having the big Lab- or Day celebration in charge is spar- ing neither time nor industry in male ing the day one of the most interest- ing sporting events of the year. Dur- ing the entire day something of in- terest will be happening in the way of ï¬eld sportS, water events, baseball matches. marathon and other races and baseball matt‘hes unlike those occurring every day in the big leagues. One of the important events of the day will be the ï¬remen’s contests be tween the teams from Timmins, Vol. I. No. 20. Stock Quotations Bid. Asked. .38 .09 .04 03 .09 .28 .14 3:") .) .15" 0'3 THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 01 ’09,} '29 :20 27 04 .02 0‘39: 035 10 00 17 THE BIG DAY With a daily tonnage increased from two hundred and fifty to three hundred tons and ore that runs in the neighborhood of $20 a ton in val- ues. it will not be long helore an- other unit ol ~tcn to twenty atamps will be added. There is probably no garden spot in Northern Ontario equal to the one owned and cultivated by .I. F. Reil- ly. and during the Visit of the Row- ell party to the camp many of the prominent members were most hos- pitably received by him at his home. In speaking of the visit the Toronto Globe of Saturday had the follow- “In Porcupine the leader was es- eurted to the beautiful gardens of Mr. J. R. Reilly. a minim: engineer. overlooking Porcupine Lake. These gardens were a profusion of flowers and rich in vegetables. Ere the vi- sitors left each was the recipient of Everything at the mill is working smooth and the recent. clean up was what could be expected. Reilly Entertains Liberal Member mg a charming houtonniere fresh gath- ered from the blooms which bedeck- 0d the flower beds." Caught With George Kalial. an Assyrian by birth. was before Magistrate Tor- rance last. Tuesday charged with il- legally having liquor in his possesâ€" sion. George and his pack sack of booze was taken from the Pullman on Monday and the gentleman was graciously allowed to pay one hun- dred and ï¬fty and costs and depart, it is hoped. on other business more in keeping with the law. Do You Know Sam Richards ? 'l'om ll. .lUllt'S, superintendent of tho Hullalo mines at Cobalt. has had an inquiry for one Sam Richards, supposed to he lomtcd in some of the northern minim: camps. If this comes to the notice of Mr. Richards or any one who knows of his where- abouts. they will kindly communi- cate with his mother, Mrs. S. Been- ey, Menheniol Village, near Lis- keard. Cornwall. Schumacher, Porcupine and Soutli Porcupine. A band will be in at- tendance all day and also furnish music for the big ball in the evening. There will be valuable prizes for all ï¬eld events. Special train seruice .will be given to and from Timmins and Schumach- or. J. M. McGill is secretary of the committee in charge and every sup- port possible should be given to make the day a sueeessful one to the visitors. Don't foi‘get the date is \londay. September 2nd. the Booze SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. AI'GUST 9th.. 1912. fllï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ BHUBN Montreal then Interested in the hughes Paid Visit to the Camp .l. W. Blane-hette and J. R. Laur- endeau. both directors of the Hughes mines at Porcupine. leit camp Tues- day morning for Montreal alter‘ a week-end trip to the propertygaeeom- panied hy 20 prominent Montreal husiness men. whom they had taken on the trip. This is the fourth party that hae been taken to Porcupine on private car by the directors of the property. and these trips have done much to interest Montrealers in the gold camp. The mine is look- ing well at the present time. accord- imr to Mr. Laurendemi and the visi- tors were all greatly impressed with the showinas that they found at. the Baseball Dance Given To-night' mine 'l'licrc will llC an cnjoynhlc time to- night at tho Mincrs' l'nion Hull. whcn the South Porcupine Baseball Association gives their dance. Re- frcslimcnts will lic schcd and an or- clicstrn of good music will lm in at- tcndnncc. Procccds to ho devoted to improving grounds and building stands. Everyone should buy a tick- ct and no and have :1 good time. Tickets will be $1.50. ladies free. PLAY BALL, SA cries, Fear and failure in his eyes. â€What's the use? It’s all a frame. There is no hope to win the game." So he fans the air and dies. The married men and bachelors gave their ï¬rst exhibition of major and bush league ball last, Saturday afternoon and the young bloods who as yet haVe not been led to the trough of eonnubial bliss and joy everlasting were given a taste of de- feat and mowed down by the veter- an householders who many times be- fore have faced and fought harder battles and been called down and out at home. â€â€œï¬afs And the Married Men and Bachelors Dug in and Walloped the Horse Hide R. (i. Southee. of chilled steel fame. was in the box for the ï¬rst inning for the bachelors. but like Bender of the Philadelphia Athletics, his ball is not working well this sea- son and after seven runs were piled up he was relieVed by money-changer Birkel] oi the Bank of Tomnto, who during the balance of the game only allowed twelve more tallies. 'l‘he ceore was 1“ tn IT and each inning: the hnuhelm‘s tattered and fell hefnre the stellar pitching of slab ar- tist .(lihson. Geared up to the top notch he had the old pellet drifting amass the plate in the most tantal- izing manner and it had all the twists and jerks that are known to the “big league†slabmen. Holly Clayton, the banker wonder, who played the right garden for the shop worn outï¬t. of married hasbeens had the honor and surprise of nail- im: the only fly which was tucked awav in the ï¬eld hv either side. He looked as surprised as if some one living in the camp had come in and paid off a note or squared an over- draft. (h-o, Insole received for the bachel- ors and was kept busy howim: tn the errand stand. dropping balls and rag- L’inrz the umpire. -‘\ 5', Fuller plum-ii the initiai sank like a veteran and :lurrg‘ed the hall. The line-up for the married men was Donald Frood, Homer Gibson, A. S. Fuller. Alex. Branch. Glen Henry, Holly Clayton, Archie Brown, miners and Browne†the use fBflM IHE MINE .?H the bachelor IIIWISHIP [ltfllfll HI flll VAEANCV Good Man Should he Selected and Council Vacancy filled by lcclamaticn Township Clerk W. \l. Why“: has been directed by the Council of Tie- dale to hold an election to fill the vacancy caused by the. resignation of Councillor Kennedy. The nomina- tions for this election will he held in Wilson's "all. South POI‘Cllplnâ€, at one o'clovk Friday afternoon. Aug- u.~'t 91h. Should there he no olwtic‘n Councillor Kennedy. The nomina- Despite the fact that paper proï¬ts tions for this election will be held in on Big Dome stock has been hitting Wilson's Hall. South Porcupine. 3‘ the down slide. the mine itself seems one o'clock Friday afternoon. Aug- m look better at the end of eaehl ust 91h. Should there he no ehctivn day's work. 1‘3" aeelamntion to ï¬ll this vacancy l'mlemrouml development is pro- polls yill he held at South I‘meu- grossing most satisfactorily and at vino and â€hummer on Friday. the hundred feet le\°el a body olhigh "“3"“ "3th- .L'ratle ore has just been opened up in This vacancy should he filled hv ae- ‘ the crosscut from the shaft, and will l "l“li‘m. 3‘ â€l"? is "0 â€â€œ30" “7“." he hroken through to the raise lend- " ““0“ “â€2“" can ""t "9 “RNâ€! “9‘ int: to the mill. The shaft near the "n and "WM?“ “PPR-‘9 93"0‘1 ’0 â€'0 -(lolclen Stairway vein is to he sunk township. ‘tn the 400 ft. and a ('rosswut will I Rivival of Interest 1h Mining Claims \WiiiFfthm has been a doprnssinn in Porcupine Wties during the mist vom it mu not have been an unmixmi mil. fur it has resulted in vliminzitinz the great majority of wild rah: whirii flourished mite ex- tnnsivuly about a your ago. -A‘t tho prvsvnt timi- thvrv is quitv a revival “f intvrvst in claims: and despite the inmim-ss dvprvssion tiw outlook for thi- working prom-rtivs has never iwvn so bright. For the single men there were such husky braves as Birkell, \Icï¬ill, In- sule. Fogg, Hadwin. Quinn, Easton, Southee and Croskery, and were as noble a band of parlor athletes as over toasted marshmallows or bath- ml a ping pong: hall. The bachelors~ not contented with one beating, had to emulate little Oliver Twistâ€"now deadâ€"and pass their plate for more. and Tuesday af- ternoon were again given their bumps, and went down to defeat kickim: up a, rumpus all the time,the score sheet at the end of the seventh inning when the game was called showing: 17 to 15 in favor of the What they did to him was a shame, for Thorne is a good fellow. He will not be retained. much as he W111 be missed by the householders, but will be allowed to go back to Cobalt and look for hidden treasurer on the Sil- ver Bar. Another recruit was Mac McKay, who runs a little bank of ten or twelve or twenty millions capital, rest fund, reserve or whatever it is called, out at Timmins. This tall, quiet gentleman, received for Mrf Thorne. and has a wine: on him which could he used by the lz'iupp people in testing the veloeity of thrir rapid ï¬rim.r guns. lt didn t seem to make much difference to this money handler whether he threw the ball throng-h the second baseman or c\er his head. The bachelors are going w krop (m ('hullenuinf: until they win. so the games will he continued du'fl r: the inning: who] showing 17 married ones The line up was about the <ame as the first came. with the exception of (‘harlie ()rr. who does townsiting and farming,r on the Mattagami riv- er. catching for the husband. Fo. the single buds Stewart Hink Thorne. who at one time played with the Preston East Dome, was on the slab. ‘teorge Lake umpired both games and gave the usual satisfaction and vpceix‘od thn regular courtesy due to gentlemen who do this work [D THE UMPIRE frown am It In r1 M the II GOLDEN STAIRWAY Will be Sunk t0 the 400-foot Level ---Rich Ore Struck in Corsscut (inldon Stairway win is to he sunk' No oflieial ï¬gures are obtainable tn the 400 ft. nml a ('rnssvut will from the management in regard to t'mmm'! the \mrkimzs of the different ret'm'el')’. It is a sort. of general shafts-l. knowlmlre around the camp tilmt it I'm-ins: August it i~' ('V11N't0tl by the is a most satisfactory one which is irczmmzenwni flint frnm 375 in 400 being effected by the mill. The fact Some Ore In Sight Roach Claims To be Developed Mr. “(Wine is one of the owners of these claims and was looking over the property in view of starting moreactive development work Northern Whitney is recognized by mining men to be one of the three important and economic ore bodies in the camp and where work has been intelligently done in this sec- tion most favorable results have been obtained. The announcement that a 7200- foot tunnel] of large dimensions will. he run neanJuneau to tap an ex-' tensive body of lowâ€"grade gold ore,‘ estimated to contain $800.000.000.l is not, likely to encourage those whol hold that, the price of commodities will diminish by reason of the de- creasing: production of gold. R. .\. lN-vino of Ottawa with Cap- tain Anchor of tho “mm- Extension made an examination at what has been known as the Roach claims in Northern Whitney near the Three Nations Lake. It is estimated that the mine will produce $4,000.000 annually for 200 years. in addition to which the tun- nel will afford a more economical outlet for the ores of adjacent pro- perties. The production of the Tread- well mines exceeds that sum and no practical estimate has ever been made of the time when the ore will be ex- hausted. 'I‘he ratepayers and inhabitants of Pottsville, Whitney Township, have joined the citizens of South Porcu- pine and circulated petitions asking for better road facilities between the two towns. The petitions which have some hundred and ï¬fty names attach- ed is to be sent to the Honorable J. THE BUILDING O. Reaume, Minister of Public Works, Toronto, and asks that a road be constructed from Pottsville westerly to connect with what is known as the (‘rawiord street road, which extends from South Porcupine northerly to the Crown Chartcrml, Dohie and other mines in the northern part of the township. The road required to be built will he a little better than thrce~quarters of a mile and Will give easy access in South Pormipine. Schumacher, Timmins and Mattagami river. Residents of Pottsville and South Porcupine Petition for New Road SHAFT AT DOME OF GOOD ROADS ed bx the 40 stamps for any one day {during Iulv was 386 tons, and while this “as satisfactory to the manage- i:mom an increased tonnage record éwill be maintained during August. With thc adoption of coarser crush- crs it is cxpcctcd that the duty per stamp can be made considerably higher. and the adoption of coarse: crushing will eliminate plates scour- ml hy the coarser ore from the stamps. Not wishing to detract attention? but every square foot of Canada hav- ing, we understand. been “presentd†to the Canadian Mining Emlorï¬ (ion Company, we merely remarif‘ that the charter of the company does not forbid investment. south of the lineâ€"San Francisco Mining and Scientific Press. The Canadian Mining and Explora- tion Company, which is looking over several properties in this camp, is a eoncern recently capitalized at $5.- OOOJNK) by some of the most prom- inent capitalists in Canada and the l'nited States,. as an exploitation vompany to take up new properties and examine and finance meritorious ones. T<nthing has been ‘ï¬nesente(†this ('ompany, and it seems quite willim: and able to pay for what. it gets. WlllING Tl] PM PM WHAT II SETS Canadian lining and Exploration Not favored lore Iran other Exploration companies“ The road whioh the township of Tisdale is building to the north to connect the mines will be completed in about thirty days and iftbe road now being petitioned for can be ex- tended to meet this one it will give access to the mines and claims in northwestern Whitney as well as to the large number of people livingr in I’ottsVille. as at the present time the residents of this village haw no means of getting tn the western pow The hull game between the Dome (inld 131ng and South Porcupine Wed- nesday afternoon was called at the 0nd of 1110 third inning on account of rain, the score standing 7m 5 in favor of the Dome. tion of the camp except Porcupine Lake. Now that. the mad h in such mic-client condition for driv- ing and the Dome mm] almost mm- plated it would seem a most wise and necessary part of the towï¬ship and government to give necessary aid in building the road asked for in the petition. SINGLE Curiae 5 Cents. 'l'immms 1"“ on for driv- boat. on