Kw "ohm: has a an: (M at and is not «an»; ink: the Cork-s of Motor lunmmtinn. Mn. W. 0. 8mm! and infant! clan shirt up grading a mouth in “MI: ville and «stem points. Mn. 5". Maflin. and has been xii-fling in yedordnv an "n- nun! huh. Hrs. Martin wi ’2. M. (\“WHfl'h '0» “('0th “n" (2 ramming! went "M In the “Historic river on u flaking: mp cm Friday. They went by rail 10 ('«mnnught and hunk a mm in In the Knish-nu During the hearing "1' mm! c by Magistrate Atkinwn last “wk rurimfly I'M' Hm fate of trim"! adversity olrrw n man. whn In"! mlicms I Immunly "I!" "8‘ 0f "Slim" Mm‘IItr. A. and II. P. "mun mmlt "in Water I‘rwk I'm In I! Mr unxieh In W CW) "\I'I'lunkm‘ II MIN I'm"! In" wee "Urdu" “1'50" “1!! mu! [mm the â€3p: slums M prom-m lw clitlh-ulty in “warm ‘tihed hi" frwly W. ll. llnlvin ul' .\lnnli°vnl. lnw aln clrnl nt .‘lvllill l'niwraily. is visiting lll lawn and will slot-nil lln“ sunnin- willi his ln~ullwr. l'. l'. (inlvin. u Hm. Ih-mzr. l’c..-t:ua~lw' l’vtt-rs. .l. Ii. Hrismm and .l. l’t-Io-rs. lmmgln hnmv t‘urty-liw tim- slm-iznms ul' llw ï¬lmy "‘in :ll'tvr tlw wm-k-vml up Hiy: “.nlvl' ('rm'k. (imp. lk-wnr r0- purts plvmy ut' gaml ï¬shing. but mm- clitinus u! prvsvnt fur getting in um! nut am- haul «wing to a mmplc ut' luau'm' clams having lu-cn ln'ukvn. .\ \IIIIIIg IIIII \IIIs slillvk “5 .III :HHH l.I.-t \IIII'k IIII â€llIixIl .\\1'. and l‘("('(‘i\(‘d illilll‘il’s IIIIIIII I'H'NiP-(‘I' IIIIIliI-.I| :It- lI'IItiIIII and u mmplv II! stitvlws. It truthâ€! and u vuuplv ul' stitvhm. It in mid that ho ram um in am nth-mp! tn hum-d the var while it was gning at :l guml speed. wishing the sum and atrikim: his lmul. .1}. 3. 33:5: :27. Rt... 2. $2.1? 1:: 3:. = 5.52.»; 1.1.1. 7.... :27 2.: :7: 7.... 2:: :7. 5.5:... 3:. 2.: :27. .z. :53. ....: 3,: $2.71.. (3.qu material fur was supplied by 1’} Friday. wlwn with and suuu-luggagc h: Friday. whvn with him passengvrs and sum» luggage ln- gut in thv stu- tinn just as thv train wns pulling nut. llv started tu bunt tllv trnin In St-hn- innvlu-râ€"nnd ilitl su with tinw to spare. He was uniting mi thc- Svhn- nun-hvr plzitt'urni Wilt'll the train pull- ml in and with n grin nskud tho t-ngilwvi' whnt ih-lnyml hiln. l'iuuv ’: .miits llw public-spiritm! szc-ntlvnmn wlm will supplv a hour ion!) as mnwut lu l) (mupum ul tlw .\uil|u-iu lusilivia. â€llw buys in khaki urv amxiuus In svmu'v nnv “1' this spwivs as u «listinvtin- lnulwn ni' llwii' mitivv habitat. (fl .Isl rm‘vh‘w ammml. Xulit‘c IS I} partnership Ii twovn us. the £523.. 15...... >.._ 5:: 5.2:. .3 mi. .22†it 5...... 1.: 1.31.712. :95 .55 .u_:_::.z..r.::..._. .7. $4.22: 2: E .1.:::::._. .t. 25.1. 2: :. .n._.:_.r.:_..:,._ .\]l debts uwihg tn the partnership 8!‘(' In he paid in I". Murtugln. l'. Mt-(‘HRMH'K I". Ml'R'l‘AHH HHIHIHS fun.- svhcdnh' Hm Rev. J. Douglas Paterson. Rector Hnly (‘mmuuuiun every Sunday at S u.u|.. also nu lst Sunday of munth at, 11 3.â€). and nu last Sunday after owning service. Mumiug Prayer. 11 11.111. Sunduy Schuul. 3 p.111. I'Iwuiug l’ruyer. 7.210 pan. Baptisms and other services by arrangement. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 0P PARTNERSHIP mom's mum's (Empire Theatre) Pastor, J. Maxwell Allan Hihlv Sttub’ and Sabbath Srhaml 11 am. Divine Serviw. T p.111. Anthem by tlw ('lmir. Yszg Mon Specially Invited. ST. MATTHBW'S CHURCH TIMMINS THE BYRNB'S PRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH Church Notices Timmins News in Brief wlwn With fun: in mmpnm‘ Homls ~~ M; 'vmlq-rs s hereby gin-n that the hort'tut'nrv existing lw- L‘ umlm‘sigxml. as (:vuts t thv 'l‘mm ut' 'l'immins. rt 01' 'l'mniskmniug. has Inn-w 3'0“ man. W!!!) "I“ In lwnr the dis, hank" «ml he INTI l'ur Ilw week-0nd. gr! away in hast." small mnwuimlm‘ m and em spent a w" ur tlw muviu l’lnl 'l'lu-rwul'. II "P W new (krrllnd Him Kennedy of (NM! ‘lmmd is a in!" the .31» 'mitm in camp far I for days as the inn. guest of Mrs... . R. Todd of Stink market. I cal†“hie-h l wmfld how I "stmiumlry Timmins. Ion It sis! (It who «wt Musiv ; â€"â€"- §,\\'lil(' "I?! FUR Shula-Imam ; 3m IIIUVH.‘ HH'II 8'3}? huh"? Ml km! up. I. J. Wade 1;. up Hm week-NM. I Hi: The! 'ul' w 1011-} Hus I30 Aclvmm- "Hire. rvmrn \\ \X'l‘i‘uhnâ€"homl «mm! lmud am slaw aim. and "mom"! “mum! 1 ammo tn Hus mm. Advnnm «nice rd HI I' “509 end ll ul! Mr. W. H. Tlmmsnn arrival in the mmplasi wmk in take rhatm- 9f the nmmnlinx and managing of the business of (1139. Pierre 3mm. Mr. Tlmmsnn hm horn with Quinlan “ms. a large Tatum" ï¬rm. fur Hie past ï¬ve yenrs. previuus In which he was in the employ 0f ('hns. Pierre in Mimh real fur ton ymrs. He is n mmin of lmlh Mrs. Reaiiislmttnm and Mrs. Pastor. well knnwn in camp. just not In .cr than July 25th, 1916. Plume M l0!" 1‘" I‘TC I'mm tlw FUR SALE I"! Hi \\'.\ N'I'lï¬l ).-â€"r 'l'Iqwrit-m-nl yuung: man stonugmphor. with knnwlmlgv uf hunk-lumping. Apply stating «mah- flrutmns and salary Mpg-ted. tn Mosul In this i’nuuvr pmmmly mu] {“0 the "slivers the time mud trouble !‘ "Mainim: the sun-mm! {mm ynn. “live Kimball Bum-n. Prmidont. I’USI'I'IUX \\'.\.\"l'l.~ll).-â€" Yumw; Ind): 'l‘n IHI ’USITION “'AXTI‘ID.“ H: mmk. with \mrk fur lmslm: pn-I‘vrn-d; ln-st rot’ormwos "us 150 Advmm- umrt'. ["0“ l§l‘1.\"l'.â€"4-l"uur mum lumsv fur rm! nu Hill: ulmut rm! “1' numth; lu party buying furniture at “hunt $150. Apply HUN ~30, .\d\‘alll('(' umfl‘ I "I“! \VAN'I'FJ’ 'I'U lHCN'l'.-~--6 Hoonwd Hmm- or â€linguluw un Hill. (iivv full particulars to Jim 30, Advamcv. FUR S.\l.l°I.-â€"-H FUR lil‘l.\"l'.~-.\ I'nlll'-x'mml huuse lu luuh Inning furniture. livery- lhin: In slant lmumkvvpin". Almul [.50 mulml flux 10, .’\d\zuwo FUR S.\l.l'l~'l'|u'ee Airedale puppies lb)‘ “1'. Melanin" Well knnwn (lug; tvm males. nae female: ln'iee. male 3‘10. female $5; Also «me Irish ter- rier l'emale puppy. I'uur muuths uldz priee $5. 'l'hese are all strum: healthy puppies. and mmhl make exvelleat c-umpauiuus nl' guards. Van be seen at any time. A. D. l’ean-e. Small: l’ureupine. \\' 303‘. "In“: mmhla- pric “UK 77. SI \\' W ‘4 \(H N†LADY Mt}: «xpu'ienw us' lmuk-kt'opm and uitln knmvledge Ht st('llu;.rl;|p||\. uishes tn sovme [mai- tiun .flmut the ï¬rst â€1 lulu gum} relelcm-es. Box .18 ;'\¢l\‘dllu* uflice. HI l’l Touch-rs are m ing «pf nlnmt 5. Mains. Ilydmms. 01 'limmins. IR S.\l.l°l.~~l"ull Dress. Suit: «My how War" II mmplt- ux' Iimvs: ms! Iwurly $70.00: wmIlIl suit II mun IIIuIIIId 6 I'm nr M'I-I'. .\ IIIII‘gIIiII lur mumw III-«cling: sump. 325.0" rush. ('IIII lw sI-vn m (i. 1.. Nissan- vltr's slum . H'mnln I’mvupim'. Six-vilivuliuns and plans may be seen at the ull'u-c ut' the 'l'nwn ('lm'k, 'l'immins. nr Messrs. Suh-lil’l’o 6: Nee- lauds. New Liskcanl. ur will be for- warclml un written upplivatinn. Svaled 'l'mulers marked â€Tenders fur “'alm' “'urks Extensiuns†Will be revolved up w nmm nt' August 5th, U. H. .\m.\"r(;¢').\IHRY Timmins. July 4th 1916. ( clvsirvs pusitiun us att-uugraphor: ‘2 yx'urs vxpvrimwo: gum! kmnvlcdgt- ul' gvuvml nflivv wm-k. Box 30, Ad- vamm- nflim'. 1916. HI \'..\I II. Full! I-ulliv puppies-- 1 III»; IIIIII .3 II-IIIIIII': III-Iliglu'd ï¬nd register“! in â€w (‘IIIIIIdiIIII KI'IHH'I ( 'III'I: ||('(“,'_'l('(' uII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In .\. I.I-\iIII-. flux £322}. SIIIIIII I’IIII'II- Pill“. I’IIIIIII' 61A. ’ I"I. \"l' by tlu- «lay: wwnum w“ . clztmly I'm- rimming «- rugs. ('urluins. vtv. King's . uwnl I‘an'lurs. nislwd; mm terms. . Hiuh Slum-t. 'lilmuins. K S.\I.l‘l.~~Tt-m. T Inn-«mu! (‘mmo um I: rmmnmhlv. Am .5. 2‘2ï¬lh NHL. 'l'iu mivvd. '3». S'BIII‘ TENDERS WANTED FOR WATER WORKS EXTENSIONS ANTED." â€withâ€! us timokecpm‘ HUN 2U. Advamvv â€Hire. .\.\"I'I'Il) wages. \.\' I III). -\\'nmzm \\ lm mm nlsu grill tn “ash and imn. .\lls. .\. R. mum. Hullingu ZH' IMPORTANT NOTICE slmll-l'lvlmtmw. Ltd†:08. Apply Marshall. 12 .\| I I'm.“ matrriuls nhlaim’d 5vlmmnrlwro'l‘lmmins Bran: 1' hulwd In or flrflfllfl.m‘ fur Er“ Naniunnl ('nsh llvgiso I $150.00: will sell at rous- rim.‘ fur a nivk sale. Apply Svlmmm' nor. 1m Rwonls Full and l 1mm: 1'". ; are n-quirml fur the than! 5.400 {PM of \ rmmu-d [muse ('cmk General; gum! all um-c to Mrs. H. T Hmulm'k St. mrfls fur August and hem- Ihtm I! Apply L 'l'imxmns ‘lllli POICUPINB ADVANCI Ht v a... fly \mmnn lmslmml; mim- lmlul snl'o: wumml fur lmusv; fur- .\ppl}' to 45 fur the lay- I" â€I. \\.uter in the Town M'vly 1m \mblV Mim- Clerk 1‘2. w m m †WW...†m «“mmm “ 00060 O . 9006000.â€. 0 0M. m w W wowoooogooom O . â€OWOgong om M60 . 009990“ ‘ OMONO. O ‘ The Campbells are Coming p.11"? 5 ACTS. USUAL PRICES ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ z. 009