99999.09. Shrinkâ€: g: WVEW warm mu SIX N Kan" is Mcdut u†olnrm: Hm lm SYDNEY NORMAN, Managing Editor IHIQ ("in The duly pnblicaticn in the North. west xitï¬ng fearless and truthful rnalynes of Coeur (I'Alene. British Columbia. and other mines and stocks of the Northwcst. Twenty pages of live. readable matter in attractive typographical term. If you are interested in North- western stocks you cannot afford to miss a copy. SPOKANE. WASHINGTON. 1300-1 Old National Bank Building. Subscription $3 a year. Mailed anywhere, postage prepaid. MINING TRUTH “Ml Tl wk!!! \' "003°C ch‘a IQ. \\ res: Agent's Watt i" n _\‘ :1"!!! MM I" slul‘)‘ 3». .un {\3‘ has Hu' mum: hour the Kant!†ting. m has had n wk om way. so lid tho Rant 31 were led to tn speak. “at t‘mm nmr on he till Items:- of flu; Rum I! guy but: at thou same flutters. tun [l hy the fact that Run" in; the advantage at kmmmg cm amt mural all the twists they‘ve gut in m. way at {mien tn him. They wen fhmt flit G a. ï¬lll He Has Made Good colï¬ p'cmlscs are lnspecch regulatlyJ The milk is all aosolule safely. “Canada Fin!†makes coffee and cocoa more ("taking it is. convenient and always available. 0 Tm: @vax’praled (unsweetenc‘l) whips llkc cream. . n--n..n.. Mn '40: um"! i still is In“ "9 Mr higlu mmlimmmi I mt lu' Ims Lv'.".\'||'~' I‘ I“ .VUUVUUIvv- Tm: Evapnrated (unsw'éewtéï¬Ã©i) whips like cream. See lnkmd Rev. Bulletin No. 305. page 5. Table 11. for wmparlsons. nmrly TliE £3 yaur Grocer / bout "Canada F1321": know. anon THE PORCl'PINE ADVANCE Miran all u ><r3mn~ OOZOMZGHO 3F: 00.. P40. >...r,...na. 07.3.30 NH" .wn. nrol. up A I'I'KS :ml "W mm llw nmo. 1915 Mar .INmâ€"JDM ‘u-ls. â€v u mm by «I strange lmt r:=nr==1 n' um "I ufllï¬â€˜ HI' HIN‘S The good the Summer nutlng docs '12:; the children ls ullcn more than undone t). lay the but water and lmpure milk. "~31 Boll the water unless you are sure and .5 take “Canada Fin!" Evaporated lun- ‘4 sweetened) or Condensed (sweetened) \ with you. {f1 Most cases of typhold mm (m the , . country. Water and milk are vapon- (D .53: ‘1 '2 slble. “Canada Flu!" ls produced {mm healthy cattle on clean larms. 'l‘llc :ularly. The milk is sterilized to lnsurc “a mu mt Km“ has Murcia! that he is fast â€"-- mnfllmnl: fast. hath am and all "19 MM "is?“ nut he is nmnrm â€to Waders "f "19 “Wk that I'I "I IlnII'I think Hm! \Iumon IIIIII- alums 1mm \IIIII: mu kIImI HIM “mm!" \wrv mmlo [Nuns IIIImIrs. "\I%. and Ilwv lune lwI-n III-10w than m M niIII-II. {III 7" '(3N‘M. I’M In my «if» s ""18in TM WC ['8 ‘Q‘RIM on! .embered vii-3? an hurl 7.8! i! ImmoummouumoooemDmoomm Fine Tailored Garments 90000000099600.0000.â€00000000MOOOOOMWOOOOA Next Door to Empire Theatre 'I‘IBIBIINS, ()XT. 0006 00900 60090“00966000000990.0000000000NOOOWM 0006000696006 0609066906006000096000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO09%. Ymt 3“ all "use «um Mun t HOBBERLIN TAILonmé Mgmw Tim‘kns SOMETHING URGENT! YOU WANT A RIG WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME? THEN PHONE No. 12. A. Brazeau, Timmins ‘ 57 , P..O 303302 Phone.’ 1. :chittcr. Sheet Iron Worker. Comm: and Skylight Maker. Smoke Stacks Made to Order. AGENT FOR HEOLA HOT AIR FURNACES. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED FREE. F l kin-w you and mm klww mo, "I‘ï¬s M'ldfllll we Wuultl div-nerve; Hut :wwr havim: 314 Manual hunch Mull! m'u'u Fail to mulrrstuml 'l‘lmt "twin intrmls tn «in Mmt'~ rlum. Am! (rum ouvh utlwr "hmmr bright†Ilcm little to complain lm-rv'ul luv. 1! I knew you and yuu knew "w. ll IZN'l-Z RIC m- min Hill In midnko Ur in \(Hll‘ hill HHIN irrur limkc; l-‘rum irriiiitinli )uu 'il he fro-.i If I Imms um and um Liwu nw. Hr Mivli NW 4 lwqmm «inn t i mm. mi ii: in- Anili‘ uunuwrs mm us nur) in line We'd wait without anxiety. I! I know you and ynu lam-w iiw. I’HUNIC (3.") ()mnmitv Spurting (immul. DID M m REALLSB WHAT A TMI‘OREfl TD MEASl’RE SHIRT .‘HZASS? 3.x. Brazeau PLUMBER Tic and Lumber Merchant All Kinds and Dimensions of Mine Timbers Supplied. nih' Humming (Immui. All Kinds llrl-swd Lumlwr. .' E. Dorway » A l'imeharvestâ€"(1fplL-usurw:mtl' proï¬ts is reaped by Hm nun: who drivvs :1 1‘ For tlw trip to tmvn-â€"1'(n'u rim to 11¢,riglnlm1'sâ€"11n' :: hurry-up «lriw: ' when: bllr‘illyss nl' pleasure clmnmz tlml'v's 110 other car which will ‘. we]! at, :mywlwrc nvur the «:mt. The Ford Touring Car is $530; the Coupe-let $7; Sedan 5890; the Town Car 5780; AH‘prices are: Fc‘d. Ontario. All can completely equapped. ixé electric headlights. Equipment does not mcludeg ometer. Cars on sale at MatshaN’Eccleston: Ltd. jg M} ATT The Ford Runabout Price $480 , mmimnenu and lunar «till vi the «and mix-mul- ohms. links made under aimiht mm Moore’s Livery Teaming and General Cont: MAKER or LADIES' and GENTS' :3." cum .0“ m mum-u. Bod. “MADE IN CANADA" MEN! (he "(3. HEN Iv! nn dnuhun'.’ mnuums nl-Mu U! Iirm unml mm: «m rmwr sitlv. (‘umldvm-c- In mwh ntlwr uh’v; â€Hm: nut-(ohm. IN nlho'h lino: But any timv ynu mnnc this wuv. ‘. hat yuu u m rull \w lmxw am! pm)“: The" {aw tn fuw- “c «not: mall rum. And I'll Bums yam and gym: U know me. Hr nva u “kn-k" nu um ur um. Wm! lulu' it in gum! part you see. If I km-w ymx xmul yuu kaww "W. t. With mutmncra u tlmusund stmn '. (um-minimally lhiuuw aw v. “mum SUIIII‘UIIH'.‘ um “um. mum-time's others-â€" Furlu'armwt- v. uultl ‘h‘t'fl‘llfl‘ all â€le. Kim! “10“") lm\\' plrusam mums wuulal be H I knew yuu um! um Luv“ mo. OR ulwn unm- mmd- yml ï¬re back. BOIVIN runs mtm flu! it Is. and Nifllt the “b 50:0.