Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jul 1916, 1, p. 4

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"If l'llflfillfllf IIIVIIBE and!“ Noum~neadm2 notices of rnlertninments, om. where a charge is to be made. will be inserted in The Porcupine Advanro at the top “I" we nf 5 rents per line for new: type or 7 r-c-nts per line fur black {are Iype. one,“ where Hm jnh work is done M "w Adwmro Printing 0mm. 41")?" nMic‘n will be inSerted free of that-3a. Proms-foul and Badman Cumin: 000.th 'mnmts 'Pimne 26 ONTARIO Mu Curd: or Notices. your. Oondonud Atlvex-tmemenw.w Lust and Found. Wanted. I-‘ur Salv. Tu Rent. chm. MW im‘h nr loss. 35 routs per amortiun; Advertisomonh inserted witlmnt written instmvtinns will appear until written urclnrs t'nr their discontinuo nnce almll have been received. Tu ill-turn inwrtinn, copies of ml- t‘nrtlsenwnts «lmnlcl be In tho lmmln of the printer by Tuesday noon ot‘ each week. Further rah-s4 and partimlurs may be had on application. 'l'lmt llu-rv hm hm: nu rvully 30r- in‘m m-c-iclc-ms ull tlu- straw-ts ut' uur 1mm up In tlu- pun-awn! linw. tlnruugh hwk ut' trnmv regulntimh. is mun- n nmttvr ul' gum! lurk Hum gum! judg- mom. 5 cents per insertion Alum! ninv nut 01' and mum" drivers l (of stun-ts cm Hw wr rum}. t-spm-iully wlwl Cum ‘ United Bum - $8.00 a nu $3.00 a yen timely rvmimlvrs by llu :mlllurilivs. whirl: WH' dampen tlw :zulm' nl’ ut't‘ uulttvr. l’vrsm-miun u!" clrivm yard is nut 10 lw (l'Sll is a limit tn all thing». the uutuists lmvv gut limit, mul 500m tn rem; izmlimml’lv right in Ivan PnHislm! "pry Wednesda- In- BRITAIN A MILITARY NATION. W In NH Urea! 1’»! military Imus! 01' any {and lighting hm- histurjs' i< tury achu-vvnu-nh agaunsl 1111111151 111'- m'wlmhning mlds. .\t. the «unbreak uf 1111' \x 111' Britain wuld vlaim 1hr sOI‘Vit'v ut' 1111 great Suldicrs {mined in tlw designing of battle 111.1115 «111 :1 huge 51-1110 111' 111 the dirvvtiun u! large armies 111 the field. The 11110 1.1m] Roberts was the only 2 rev m‘nucs In llw mm. “W urgauuuus gcnnnsin linvhonor. the finv suhficr- 5: ip ut (ivn. lmu ll, .mcl. ubme all, the lhunsh mu}3 gnse [hinun tune in hecunu*u unlnary pu“1n'. 'The de- signer 0i gnu-it lmttle plum “as help- less uni“ the urgaruzatuni ul 8 .nithy alnrx uncltluéinuhihzatuni(rt uumun tumulrivs and shell tm-tories had enabhul Bruain to secure nuni and materials adequate 1.. the fulfil- ment of a groin designer. Munitions and menâ€"and munitions even more than menâ€"are the secrets of victory in the warfare 0f (0-day. Britain is only beginning in fight on land. alimmhlv right In 1031' H roots as fast as their in; :n‘ol, l'cu‘:ll'dlvs.~s 01' the rig, tlking publiv. 5mm 1 nlliv rmmlaxtiun slumlcl h WEDNESDAY. JULY 26th. Hut'l‘s TRAFFIC REGULATIONS thi Subscription Rates: H \\' anythnng 1n the fig; urgaxfizathn 3°i<lwqdoto “ith wwuurnts against 12 udds. zhm't spare ut' two years lin has lwmuu- :1 powerful Minn. ['p tn the opening ‘ll' uur Hull-ire cullld nut Anything in ”w way uf 21 ll}; urganizminn. although i< n-[ulvto “ith grout mili- fvuu-nh' against almust uv- Wu” nr 51': per your. fleet-«$6.00 per Snmv uwtlmd nt' ut't'mnlvrs \vnulcl .xinimiZc these l'a in this re- nl. but there .md SHlllt' ut' hoyuml U10 1 it as tlwir thruugh tlw nan-him- will rights ul' the h'lul iuuugm‘ in this l’vtorsun Luke . ......... Right 0! “m . .......... Selma Stun-rim ........ Tomiskmning. . ........ 'l'rotlwwvy . . .......... \\°0ttluul'vr . . .......... Yul‘k-UM. . . ........... Market Letter of A. S. Puller Co. 'l’he nzarket euntinnes ln shuw a lt'lltlt'ltt'} tn sun. and there is very little pnhlu- interest manifested. the only partienlar hright slmt in the mining market this week being the small nclx‘anee in the priee ul' silver whieh llils heen marked up tn (lily-fie and an a result there has been a little strength in a few ul' the ('ulmlls. In the l’urenpine list. Melntyre has shnwn euttslt‘lvt'ttlile weakness, selling tlthl tn $1.47). 'l'here is within}: in mining mmlitiuns ln warrant any ile- relitle in this Hltll'k. ‘ The rest ut' the l’urenpine list is huhling lll'tu and steady. with Danie l'lxtensinn. West Donne L'un. and 'l‘eek Hughes the strungest t'avnrites. \Ve helie\'e all three ut' the stueks slmttltl he hunght t'nr the quiekest prutllfi. The weakness ut' the New York stnel; market has a very ennsiclerahle lhearin: un nllt' lm-al markets and un- ltil enmli'iuns inmrnve in New York. Ewe Iln nut lunl; t'nr Inneh imprcweinent iin the l’nrenpines and ('nhalts. althn we are inc-linecl tn helieve. hmvever. that lltslllt' ut' the next thirty days all the markets will eninlnenee lu reenver and there will he aetive trailing again ‘het'ure the lat nt' Septelnher. As we stated in nnr letter last week the wise ltrauler will take advantage nt' present [emulitimh nml hny in stueks while ”wires are hm“. I. .,A . I- -12...\..“\1‘ Alivmiun “1' Hlll' (-lwnla‘ IS (llrm'u‘u In the mmuntxccnwnl 0f uur rvmuvul in August In ”W "Mcml't' HIm'k” up- pusitu lln- ('thivlds Hufvl. 'l'iunnins. nur (-lionts is directed :nwnt ut’ uur rvmuvul 1mm .12! .1! 1mm Jr: .02 Market Letter. Homer L. Gibson Co. week has remained quiet and print-- tieully featureless. with hut slight ehanges in quntatinns. 'l'racliuf.’ has. been mainly ut' a prut'essiuual ehar-. aeter. with a nutieeable laek ut' pulv‘ lie interest. The intense heat and the euusequent sununer buliilaying has tin clunbt been largely respnnsible t'ur ai eurtailuu-nt ut' publie buying. ‘ The mining market «luring the pa~t\ 'l'he anunuueeinent by the lhuue Lake ('uinpany that an nt't'eriug at 459,688 shares at New stuek Was lilie-. ly lu be nnule. eausecl a sharp cleelinel in this issue. t'nlluu'etl by a quiet; re- envery. Sn far as we eau learn. uni statement has as yet been made as tn the priee at whieb the new issuel will he offered. At. the nutset at this week 's trading, the sih'er issues bar- «leuecl eunsiclerably as a result ut' the slight anlvanee in the priee at the l silver metal. With a further break in Melntyre. Despite this unt'aynrable l'euture. huu'evel', the latter issue still maintains its pnsitinn as market lea- tlt‘l'. anol well-infuriated interests are apparently buying: the stuek as t'tllittt- ily as it is living ul'l'el'eit. l ()u the whale. the market iiulieates lstrengtb rather than weakness. and 'in View at the t'aet that the periml nt' lltqlltttllliult appears tn hare passed. ‘the present luu' range ul' priees WHllltt ‘seeni In ut't'er an excellent uppurtnn- ity t'ur aeciunulating lines of the bet- ter grade stm-ks. buth gultl and sil- ‘ver. in antieipatiun ut' the usual Fall nmvennent. 1mm 25.41" 0,; 3L" m I‘OIOOPINB ADVANCE IIEBEASEH Pflllllllfillllfl M SEHUMABHEH MINE Hlfl MllNIH llf JUNE 'l'lu- pl‘mlm'liuli l'm‘ llu- Svllmlliwlu-I'! .\lim~ l'ur llw IllUlllll ut' .lmu- WllSl $24.5llll, l‘l'ulll 4.1”" “ms nl' ul'i' lrt'lll- 0d. 'l’lu- ulmw ilgurvs slimy u grud- iml iiwi'v:i.-v in prmluvlinn. WlllI‘ll has lu-vu mmd Iimntli liy nmnili. ziltlmugli llu- gmdv ul' uro millvd is the same. The m-tmil duily lmmugo millvd was slightly uwr lllli luns. va-n drills? am» \mrking nu prmluvtiuu uud l'uur drills nu duvelulniicnt. 'l'lw \mrk mir- riml cm from .\'H. 1 shall lms lumn wry sutisl'nvtury in tho mmlumy. Sumo wry rivli un- lms lu-vu ou- jmunici'vd and tho vein \‘iu'ii-s all the lwuy fruiu I; l'vvl in 7 l‘m-t in width. at tlw luwm' lvvvl. 'l'liis vain will lw di'il'lvd nu and in all prulmliility n m'nssvlll will lw run in rut sullw utlior vmssvut will In. run tn rut sumo uthor wins an Hm sumo low-l. 'l'lw :mmml nun-{mg ut' tlw mmlmny . . ,. . . wnll lw lwhl m lnrunln With”: a num- th's tunv. 'l'lw «lute “1' this has nut as yet lwvn sot. SHUBTMEE [If PflWEfl BUflIflllS [lWElIIPMENI M TflUBH-UAKES MINE 'l'lw 'l'uugliâ€"Uakrs mill is nnw treat- in}.' almut 1:25 tuns (laily. ()iw hm». (lrml tnns «it this is «aiming t'rum tlw minv anol twenty-lire inns is tailings from tlu- ulll amalgamatiun mill. 'l'liv cumpany is mm‘ mulurstuml tn lw1 shippingr lwtwvon $80,000 aml $100,} 000 umntlily. llvmarkalilv urv is liv- ing: minml nu tlw~ .\'n. 0 win at tlw 40043.”! law-l. 'l'\\'oiity-um~ drills are running: at the mine. ()a awnmit ut' the slmrtagc ut' pmx‘vr, than the liyil- ru elm-trir plant at ('liarltnn. aml nu avmmit “t the uxrossivo rust ut' pru- «lm-in: lmwvr by steam when mal is 10 la- tiaulml sm-h a distant-o t'rum the ‘zlill'niltl. “1in mm at tho liig: omnipres- surs are l)('lll,‘.f l‘llll. Worv sutlivient power available, almut 237 «lrills muhl the run, as there is nuw a largv am- Emmt ut' (lvvolnpmvnt work alivml in the mino. 'l'lu- tunnago treated in the mill lias lM‘l’ll materially raisml sim-v llast year when 01in almut 80 tuns lilailv was being: Pl'llSlH'tl. 'l‘liv utiliz- fur rcmm‘in rcspunsxhlv. KIBLY. SMITH AMOS ADVISE IMMEDIATE BUYING Kielv. Smith and Ainus say: Our opiniun is we ('all 100k for a bull market Sunlu‘l' than exported. There is a very large demand for stoeks withuut any offerings aruund pres- ent. levels, and we firmly believe that het'nre this time next munth prices ut' all stacks will he a gnml deal higher. There is espeeially a very large demand fur West Dome Fun. at 35‘,“- and Il5‘.-_-i-. This stuck ap- peals to us as the best buy on the market. Dame lixten. should have an advance before the end of next munth. Unr advice is to get in now. Fire ('liict' Javk Nolan left town M) the early morning train yesterday with some new diamond :lrill sets, for the new llullinger claims at Mathe- son, and will return about Saturday. Get your shucs shined at King 5 Amusement Parlors. atur has hoe 1H3 W up- the have next now. 6 - 0900”““6'ONOOOQO”O”W¢WOOOOWOOOONOm BARRISTER. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange Bldg., Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrouer Bldg, Timmins Physician and Surgeon Phone 55 '. A. McINNIS TIMMINS, ONT. SOLICI‘I'OR. . Mahon All kinds of Jewelry nd Repairs on Watche 2. PO. Box 123. Livery and Transfer The bust and most up- tu- dutu Lin-n 01 its kind in South PO“ lipim: Automcbilcc for 'l'HU'IH-r fm' Yuan] um! l'izum Mum: still luv u ‘Mx' hunk-s tn 51mm for l npilrf. Moderate arms Box 345. S. WHEELER South Porcupine 2c for Hire- Open Day am; Night. Phone 3| Concert Piani$t ' l ext Post 0663. ulh Porcupine RNET

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