Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jul 1916, 1, p. 1

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~ THE I'RPOCUINE ADVANCE .V 'l‘\\'0 lltlt‘l. -ll\'t' l'tml :sltztl'ls' been sunk nl the pnmert) and t .,_lent I‘Ulllu'l'c; clepusits eneunnl “finch run It“: tn 4 per rent e» ' Wurk utt ' the pruperty is pushed and xi‘lr. llaltun is run! that he has a guml I‘HI'IM‘I' and pmspeet. whil-h will enlarge the let)" ut' tniner‘tl prmlttvers in the eupine vamp." 'l'he' prnpet‘h' is almnt tlllt' sun '._l'imtnins and’ only a few miles Wawaiatau )uwer plant. .\lthungh t is generally run that iron is «if little value in : tt‘iet where «ml is tint easily able, the gr le ul' irnn ure {rut Dalton pm rty is .su intense make it pm tahle tn ship it m: smelting in he math. Immune mum .. ll IIIE mam snunnnv mums “Vigilance Committee At South Porcupine A «m drum'ning now-idem smurf! «n Saturday evening alum! dusk who Iilllc Min-fl Irvinr. 7 your: COM. fr into the Managua“ River near wlw: the transmission Iinr rmssws. The lad land been playingnu H river slut- with a little- girl Mum! In Vol 2. No 38 river edu- mu own age. and f n! was filling *1!!!“ when he Ruhr «luv!» u penclirnlnr I‘m: playmate \wm «la-um. and up: inn anything :1 To Increase Number of Holly Directors A! Um sperm! gnu-ml tum-ting Iln- shamlnddq-m M' the llullm ('unmdidatml ”(dd Hymn-s tn lw !. in 'l‘umntu un duly 2M“. it will derided tn im-ronm- the mmdu-r dirt-Mum I'mm live In sen-n and 'JHI DMTflN fllfllMS IN PRICE TUWNSHIP ABE Will MINIMUM] The muruiu 'l’lw .‘lr. mu m Hwir Un 'l‘hursduy owning. tlu- 13min. at mass tum-ling was hold in tlw lelm- dist ('llul'vh. wllivh was largvly ut- h'ndvd by MW vitizvns. .\ prngmm ut' musiv. vim. as. Well as u temper- sun-v address, was gin-n. ul'tvr Whirll u Ludo ut' tlmnks tn Ilmsv \vlm had taken pul't..\\'us mun-d by Mr. .I. Hurt and Mr. ('mnpsall. and a Vigil- c-‘nm- (‘m'muittoe zippuiutvd. 'l‘lw mm'ting vlusvd with the Naniumall Anthem. Pun-"pine is pluhzglhlx tint in in: arthm in mmnmtiun \xith ”Marin ”'lvmpvnmi-v Art. “him I M'fmzt. un Svplwnhor lfith. 3|” l't‘spumlt'tl Wurk an t w Dalltun vlnims in l'rim- 'l'nwus‘hip «In in: the past few Immllm ‘lms l‘t‘VNllOf tho prvsvm-v n!‘ In»!!! vumwr and in" in guml paying quan- Jitivs. has wwk G'hzn'Ho lmlmn hmughl in u llit‘l't' ul’ imn Hl't' album 3 I'm»! sqlml‘ . whivh was alums! snliul iron. and Inn ' has it nu vxilihitiun in the (inldfield Hutvl. I’rumpl u ‘\'h‘v 1 m-w shmuah m- rm Km}; 5 .\1m ‘1‘me .356 tons milled lwtm-vn and June 16th tlu- pm. (H.900 m $.49] m-I' Inn. grade at mo millml mu lhnmzht thv mmmgvnu-m ‘vivo is the unit“ at m rm‘ntly nnsmllm 'M‘uwul l'm'lurs. of little value In a «Us- uull is lint easily avail- 1h- 03' irun uru {mm the My is an intense as to table tn ship it nu! fur he sumh. been plminxiun HI a little rl mm hi .m what run he lean n sewn mm In uf mm'hmn m lu-ml "Ilium. “I!" shafts have y and excel- vuvuulltvl'ed. rm! v.1»ppcl fly is being is umfideut gv the var m the I’m u- suulh Hf m' wlu-rr Sumln) wminm an" out DIH't‘t Hm aka-a M‘l'll {rum the his tl ll at cm. PIEBBV mum iSecours National Day at Bflflllfll CAMP l8 l ' . - Mflflil [If ”Hm“ So. Porcupine Big Success Ilium lms ('ll‘flV l'rum Say“. mg m I‘QDII'D' O'UII'I' uguv as \‘ Uuwsun h‘ Smut. Thu '9leng his I) ('mml.‘ as mm: m Hu- uiw Hf WIHI'I‘ iv rs m1 BIVERNMEM W15 Hlfl MINING ENGINEERS iN TUNNElllNG SERVICE .\ «- nnnmniv-aiinn has lwvn rvm-ivml by (‘unnvillui' (I H. Williams. asking pnliliviiy In vnahlv tlu- (invoi'nnwnt in M'G’Ul't' minim.r vnginvvrs. 'l‘hv noml fur men of Unix vlas-s. is very in'gvnt at tlw present liniv. and an_\' wlm may ilusirv nmi'o pai'tivnlars hiltilliti mm- nnmivatv will: ('unm-illnr Williams ”1' Mr. .\l. W. Hnnnm-rhayvs. l’rcsiilmn ui' the [mail Ihwrniling Loanrnv. 'l'lu' rcqnvsl was llHUil' by ”In (hw- vrnnn-nt iln'ungh Ilu- (‘anadian Min- ing lnstitntv, and tho fullmving mics- sagv was t'nrwanlml in Mr. Williams: “ll' yun knmv any mining: vagin- vvrs «Ii-airing vmmnissiuns in tln- 'l'nn- milling Svrvivv. please 50ml names and qiialilivatiuns imnmlialvly.” ll. Mui'timm' Lanil), SW. (‘anailian Mining Inst. llw alm't'l't' I) ('umpnm‘ lw :1 151mm Jack Munroe Says Arm Improving Hm c t‘t'l\'t‘(l hy t'uiistzihlv “llivk” ('l'ztt't. :uul zilthuugh .shurt, ”wing in the dif- tivulty (‘Xlk‘l'lt’llt'ml hy .lzivl; Mum'iw in writing: with his left hziml, gives tho \wlmmw news that his wmmilml arm is shuwin}; signs ut' yivliling tn iiimlicail ti'vutiumit. llttl 231, liml ('l'nss lltlr'vlllltll. llmir t‘rzit't.â€"- Thank you .t'ui' ynm' lllt’l‘ lvttt-r l mu awfully glaiil yim gut allnng su \‘.'('ll :it the river, and yuu may depend ulmn it yuur land will impmvo \\'llllt' mm 3100'». His m the Irvur’ws. I am gen: .xlung as “(11 as pussiMc. .\I\' u is still useless. but the reeling is m ing lmvk muler m-aztuwm, su Illa om-uumging. My kind regards tn Mr. Wilsmx Rinvvn-Iy, Yum' lllmmv-IHIHIing: vhum. gut own with Inn-«hut i n Inn}.r timt- tn square us fine shunting: mw (lay. ' littlv mum to tvll. I \m tns in the trmwhos. l 5.: 5:: r. 55:. :34 _ E; iii 2:: 1:. :c:_::_u.. $.17 25.4 :E:._.< .15. 3...: 2:: ::.6:_:: I 5.2:; :12. War Anniversary At Cochrane l'1i1l.1\'.\111_'ust ltlx. is the sot-“ml anniwrsun ut the1 “111' 11ml t‘nvlu‘a 111.1 are arranging 11 «lmnunstratim1 1111 11 large svalé. .â€"\ big vmml is expevtml trum all the tunns math ut t’.ubalt 'lllt1 'llmmins lmll team 111” gm 11p tur :1 311111111. and also .1 large 1111111ber tru111 tlu1 guld t'an1p.'llu1 «lm has hevn prucluimml 11 prux'invial publiv lmli- rum 0W1 'l'hv fullmx'ing: 4H HS H whit-h w MW l'ul H 'H' Nu flu in n HIM «its ....:.. 3.5.5... .3 :2... 1. 1............ 1.2... .i:...:_.’_ .z: E 2:... . :2 .75: 127...... .z. :2... E mmm uul H tilt! in thi amt H MM NHHP I! I! lnmlt'l u} M'ory roam-l. limit it mm sham-r lmllns mm mun-'0. "H n! tlw .\'mtlu-m lusil- sinus tn soc-urc- u hear vuh Sinus I'D SON ul' lhv ('mm 1 muup wlm w playful I" » :mtilmlv c Ilvn. I‘INH' vrysuu wuu nllml nrhmnn wells gm I'lmv thrmluh Imlvs v 'c It mm! tn nry m1 mm-II urr m m Ill 'lninm yum: Imrtlu Isvnt I‘Jllllflgfl military M‘ll !' HHVQ'IUPIH'Q‘ II If mm' in ”w \le Dru!!!" Him Ic'km mun Ihfl‘.‘ 1111' has M't'n 1'0- Iv ”Dirk" (Taft. ,mving tn the difâ€" hy levk .‘llllll'tw a left hand. gives .l.\('l\' Ml'XHHl' “puny. Anyunv Em vnulal mmvh [Hts would mm 0! NW luv" 0!! mmlcl cvl'tuinly ! fur ”In men ro- H: distric-l. I!“ and inf luvmlun. tlu- suldil'l‘s Hu- mm up “HHS. mum- "00!. and lw nuthvr s'm- \\‘Imlo prcw. mimhlv in rump us is rum! wan-r ll Mlvm 8|!!! M “W xvvllom. IWt-ssful is with TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. JULY 26th. 1916. ’wrvy t'i‘ic-i- mun- mIK at ntml by Sky ”mm. H. Ilnrlvy; .mu Mullah-cl by L. W. Hrcm'n). 1'. Mo'- “0W0”. l ”pm Hm ycls. Huro-Jfl (G'UIIH'Q'O' Ivy Hu- Xtrl‘llll'l‘ll I'mmdn Snmviy ('0.) Am" Slrnp Numr. H. lsnlwll: 22ml (vlu-h'iv Icmstvr clummwl hy J. V. | I‘HyC' ). 'l'vlliug. 'l'lu- lmsvlmll 3.2mm was um um! ull tlu- urn-gram. Hu- All From-II Stars and Snuth l’urc-upim- lcmns fighting it um tu 3| draw with ”Iv svul‘o 5 ‘0 5. TM nrizv was at lmx ul' vigxlrs clmmu'd Tho Svmur M. Suulh I'm last. in "il' 0 and the Son laryn- rrch' 'Hw Somnrs Natimml Day ul’ spurt M. Smith I'uro'lpme 1m \lenmhy last. in aid 01' the meh Rod (“mils and the Soomn's Nntimml. drew a large rmwd I’rum nll 'minls in the gold ramp. "wing tn the Wednvsdny lmll‘ lmlidny mnjnyod Ivy tlu- rcmil nwrrhnnts. le intvnsv hem did nut lmnd tn lesson tho intern: and c-wry- um' hulk :l ki'l'll (It‘ligh‘ in ”I0 mm: Mm! by (clmmh Ireland 'I'IIII 'II'IZI' II'IIs II Imx III' I'IfJIIIS IIIIII: IIIIII III' .‘II'. SIII'I‘IIis. IIII- III‘M'I'IIIIIIIIII-I III' IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII sIIIIII'IIII IIIIIIIII skill IIgIIIIhI IIII- Auglu- SIIquIs III II M'\I'II- iIIIIIIIg gIIIIIII III IIIIM'IIIIII IIIII II I'IIII'IIIIIIII III' spIII'Is. III ”III IIIIIII‘ \IIIgIIs III' IIIII gIIIIIII. IIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII. II IIIIIkIIII IIII'I' II I'IIII-II\\II\‘ IHI' IIIII \II-IIII-S IIIIIIIS IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIissIIIIâ€"IIIII ~IIII° III'IIIIIIII III' IIIII II"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-â€"IIII' IUIII' IIIIIIII. II'IIIIII (IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII' |II‘I'IIIIIII'II um I I'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III cross IIIII IIIIIIP. SIIIIIIIIIIII I'II‘ IIIIIIIIII IIIIII III IIIL' IIIIII IIIIIIIIL' IIIIII IIIIIP II'rIIIIIIIIIIIIII :IIIIIII'IIII with ( like a win» ll twirlm‘ I'Ims‘. ‘ «NW 1"! SIM mmn; tin-n" inning Wx' \'('l'\‘ “1112 lflflfll BHUKEBS MINE HI NEW UUflRTEBS IN Mflflfif BUilHING :lmn 'l‘lw i-niiigdvtinii nt' thv 110W ”Muui'v l'dm'h” ummsitt- tht- (inldtivlds Hutvl is a wry .suhstuuliul :idditinn tn thv rapidly grmving tuwn ut' 'l'immins. and tho tirst m'i'lltmnt tn nmw intu tlw new hhwk is .\. S. Fulh-i' (‘u.. hwul stuck and mining hrnkoi's. This firm is the «dde eataihlishod iii thv Sitlt‘h' hi'ukvi'aigo business in Xiil'tlit-I'li (hitail'iu and haw hcvll (-hisrl)‘ identified with tho pi'ng‘rvss ut° thu l’ui'rupiiw (inld ('aimp. \\‘hvn this miiilmny npmml up its “mm-s in Snuth l’ui'i-upiiw in 1911 tlzm'v \wrv six hi'ukm's in that tmvn. and :1.» many Hlnl’t‘ in (inltit't! ('it}'. at whivh timv that IHWII hmlstod ”10 lmmd distiiivtiun ”1' having its uwn INTENSE HEAT DID NOT DETER TEE ENTHUSIASM AND GOOD PROGRAM OF SPORTS WAS THE ORDER OF THE DAYâ€"A DANCE WAS GIVEN IN THE EVENINGâ€"GOOD SUM REAL- IZED FOR FRENCH RED CROSS RELIEF WORK. \Vcn-‘t Hump ('nusulitlzltvd lllmlzlgv- mvm sm- mmploting :u'mngvnwnts fur sumo nvw vlm-lriv Imistin}: marl:- incr)‘ mul mmprvssurs. thv Xvwruy In '30 1°00! HI mining: fru- Persistent rumnrs have neen eireu- lutetl fur the past twn ur three weeks regarding the l'v-ulwltillg ut' the Fuley H'Bl'ien Mine and it is quite pussihle that this prupert)’ will open up again in the near future. t'. L. Sherri”. umnnging (lil't'elnl‘, arrived in (‘amp Tuesday. m 0" 0:0 0:. 0:. 0:. ’:° 0:. 0:. 0.6 a. 0:0 0:0 0:0 0" 0:1 The UN win un (iii'l'urcl is begin- ning tn slmw values. Extensive de- vvlupmvm \mrk has been mrriml on at this pmlwrty all spring, and sim-o waiter (liflh-ulties were uvermmc Wurk has lwvn pmgressing fuvm'uhl)‘. 'l'lw lmmis mmrt at St. Matthews ('llurvll is nmv ready for play and will [In (lullllt hemmo a pleasant reu- «ltzvuus fur the young pec'pplc 0f the clmrvh. ('unsilleralllc care and ex- penso has been (-Xpomlexl to put. it in first (-lus.» :lzapc fur this pupulux" re- «rezumu. hon. m and :1 NW Hmvly nus Hu') lu'u ’ HIP m-‘ulv. “lissull and his suppmlms plan-«l 'r\ gum! lmll in the In»! tlm-v in- 33:4. nnh nllmxiug “no nmrv mu. llw M'ul't' at the mu! m tlw sowmh Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest T0 Mining World rls Ht lmn I'( and alppl'm in' u H «lisrm'm' l\‘ tlu- Frrm-hmvn shuwml wiutiull Hf this vhnngv t'vw (-l'rurs lwhiml' Shro- t'vw limvly hits they tied m D 1pm} wrt )‘ H (51 ’h‘ns.) :hl \V ' has I200!) maulv nn 3115'. it slmws 1.") st and mllvilv mm- 9:. (o 4. .‘d 0:. 9:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:. 0:0 0:0 4‘ 0:- 9:0 9:0 0:. 9:- 0:0 0:. o} 9:: It‘ll KN Hrnm‘m )~ 1st (clun- llurlvy: 2m! Mn. 1'. Mo'- been l'il'Hl oooooovoovvvvoooo v 99 9999.9... .9 0.9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.0 9‘. 0.0 9.0 9.0 0.. o“ 9.0 0.. 0:. 0.0 9!. 9.9 9.. 9:9 9.. 9’ 0.. 9.9 9.. 9‘. 9.. 9.. 9. - 1' g‘llllll‘. luukt'd ...~‘ux.'m.< I‘H‘ silll‘ 'm' l'mtl' -rmittwl Ila: 2m! . Ilvm Mun olllll lmll Apparently Hm Frmwlmwu smm- mimppmlwnsicms rrgnnlmg lnsluriml staying pnwors ut' huys mulr-r I“ fur n lircm'lm dulmiml 'Iy Tulllpkinnull n H. "alluiil: 2m! Allan l’mm-u 1"" wk. Swimming Harv. no 95‘. WIN" ed by 1'. .\. | L'ml («lulmhwl buruugh) clnlmh-ol “3‘ ”PM. l-Ixtm ('nmw lhu'v (HI rd) “amidesâ€"«l. Hillwré. 'l'lu' tln‘vv-Inilv lbiryvlc- was Ilw c-unvlmling: "H‘lll vmm'stml. um! .UIu-l'! I’t Mm. t-xhihiticm nl' riding I unsml «on! M ”w finish. as fullmvs: 3613’?) (gulcl lm km . Will!" $7. IIIIIIIIII'II '3} S‘PHHHII ”I'Im.) .\liss (”5111\8 SiIIglI-tun. $2".7:'I, (DIV/.0 clumltml IIV .\. Hllvnvvlsky). Miss Maggie Umrio $10. (prizv IluIIIIII-Il In S. Slutnivk). .\lIs. ( lullllkt'. $9.5“. (mi/.0 «hunted by I). LmiIIsmI. III tlII- ('\'('Hill‘.: :I thllll'k' was given in tho HIIIIY'I-llmvs hull and :I gum] III- tI-IIIIIIIII-I- was «In IIIIIIII. .\l 'l'lw vullnnittm- will hau'v u gum] sum In mm m In lwmlqlmrtm's us a result ut' the day's ulwrutmns. Shwl: l-le-lmngo Building. During tlw loam yvau's whirl: I'ul- luwml llw big lil‘v aunl Iulnm's' strike ul' 1912!. «me by mm the ullu-r lll'ul{l'l‘- algv lmusvs vlusml llwll' tluurs :Iml Sullg‘lll gnu-UN“ llt'lllh'. :Ilnl l"ullm° A" (’umlmny l'ur nvnrly Hm",- yvurs won- llw only IH°nl<m's“in tlw (‘lllll't' l’urvu- pine «listl'ivl. mul likv Imlny murv ul' llu- “Ill linwrs. \\'lIHS(' \‘ls‘lull saw :1 mm” l'nllm- l'ur l’urvupiuv. :u'v lluw ('Hlllllu'lu'lllg lu roam llu- hum-Ills nl' llwir jmlguwut auul l'nrosigllt. It is mulvrstuml tlmt llw svmnul flunl' ”l. ”W ”.‘lunl't' lllm'kH Wlll lw um'upiml by John Fugg. lumlwr «lou- Im'. mul Hunluu \Vilsmn nl' tlw (‘mm- diam l'lxplusiws. 1w” “Id-limvl's in llw mum. wlmsv Imsinvssvs :u'v ulsu 0xâ€" lmmlin;r (-nnsistontly. -._:._ £2.37. .7. 2.5.1: 3” .._ 31...? .t. 1.7.:5 i: .z: 53:7. ..: .......:.r._:..: 1.1.; 7:: £523.39 .t. .._..:.<_ 11;: ._.:::.1. 2.5,: .3 .357. 3.2”: 1.17. mupinv fur :1 I'vw Minimum] drilling: has started «m the ('lililllb‘ ut' tlw Augeritv Mining: ('n.. ulmut ”no and a half miles suulli u! Suutll l’urvupinc. This «mummy is ('Ullil'nilwl by HIIHHIH capitalists. 'l'lu- Humiiiiun llizunuml l)i'illin;_r ('umlmny this wwk shipped mmplvtv «lizuimml drilling nllllils «ml ul' Sulllll l’urvupiiw tn 'I‘aslmtai. wlwrv they will (lizmmml drill the l)CVEIII”OX-Blurrimnl grim]: nl' prupvi'lios. .\ galvanized in”) t'vm'v has I) built in tlw c-vntrv ut' the tuwu Svlmumvlwr. wlu-rv tlw nmv shaft the Scluuuzu-lwr llultl Mines will sunk. 'l‘lw .IH‘W shaft will In.- ri alungsitlc t||\- i'uilrmul, :1 l'mv ll tll‘ml t'evt cast at tho staltiun. ; eventually will lie sunk to a depth .140“ t'vot. Smith K lhnrkw, . mntrm-tnrs from Sudh rured a c-untmvt fur put 1w” thnusaml funt lu‘rlc tw” thousand t'nut lmlc an the Dunne Extensiuu [mummy a few hundred feet east “1' the Dame line. fur the purpuse nt‘ vutting tlw Big “mm are lmcly wlwrv it enters the hum:- [ix- tcnsinn pruperty. t (Ilunmml by m'cls. mlm- $5. at J. Mt-mi H'umlmninu SM. vulm ,5", «haunted by W. I). Penn-v). ml .\. I'vnrm' (HuH .‘Iirrur. vuhu .‘lih Mil: pu vnlm- $0.5M) clulmh-d I») .y M 'nmw Nnm' mm ‘uuw Singloro-lst («lunar t'ulbqrt) II. .\I. Wilsmr ll J. .(umk) J. "mink! on QQQOoooooco o .0. go. on. 0% co. 9. no. 0. o. co. to. .9. Ct. 050?... lhnrkw, diamnml drill from Sudhury, lmn- seâ€" mvt fur puttmg duwn the 1' Hum‘ lhmhlv ”'le'- (n tum-rsvlmum pim- Hnlhm. mul silk shirt ') H. .\l. Wilsnn uml r n "I‘HWIHQ' vmm'rt npkimun “VHS.”|N Hlxm I’mm-v. ming Ran-0. Upvn.~ lh‘nmslmnum I‘H 0.)..1 Urol; 2nd (val J. H. (Sunlun) H i|_\' ((‘zmms - rxm- whirl: l. was kN'll'y mm-v gave a and was just Hrsulls wvrv (lvplll Hf mmwm (dumfl “UVQ'I' ZH'H'H right hun- and mm the Hu‘ lwon “I. Hf he OH. in. Tavrntcmm mm: m msmnns m cmms u: mums The l‘nlluwing lvNer uf umvrwin- (inn fmm LLJ'uI. Armstmmx. "Mr" mmmamling Hm 159th “Indium Was torch-ml by Maynr Wilmm, and is «1‘ slum-in! inn-rest tn the rititvns uf Timmins wlm nuislml in any way in in rovrniting Ilw I59”: Raunliun. Tlu‘ .\ln.\'ur and "mnwil. Tum: uf 'I’ilmuins. um. C‘VI'I‘I‘S "rm inn HM and m n ”mun-ml rt-sjmluihh' limos "M ”w publiv mm ”ll mm 'l'lw 155M: l I . Wm'nhlhvv H! lmrtn-ulnr. It lwvn clruwn H vs. 'l'lu-x re Mllnml'! Itm)‘ \wll IH' pl‘mttt. Hut tlw sum-c-«t'ul ttt’c’uttt]Iltxtttttt'ttt nt' thi-I. gro-nt txt~k \wmlcl tml Imu- lu-rn [utssthlt' witlmut tlw gt-m-runs mul “tiling timistttum- ut' tlw vivilimt Impulutiun. In this rvspm-t ymu' t‘uum-il :uul ritim-ns ut' 'l'immins mon- vmlly 'ltH't' c-untrilmtc-tl in n lttt‘gv tnvusttt'v tn tlw allt't't'bs ut' tlu- thum- liutt. us tlu- nsaistzum- whit-II ymt Imu- pruvitlml us at 'l'immins Inns mmtv it pnssihlv tn vttt't'y utt uttt' Wurk Within the rtwtrivtiuns nlrvmly nu-ntinm-d. mul In lmtw tlu- distx'ivt with the business affairs ut' the lhtttatliun all in gum] t'umltltutt. It will lw t! suttt't'v "1' great! [blous- uro tn tuysvlt' uml nttim-rs tn wvlmmu- yuu sir. ur any tut-minors ut° yum' (‘nnm-il tu uttl' Hltiwrs' Moss nt mtt' wlui. HIIIH ('uum-il tn nnr Ullim-rs' Moss m c How lmmv. and it is sim-m'vly Inn] that am ummrtuuity nt' rwviving visit t'rum ynu will prvsvm its mmminw «luring uur Any m ('m Burden. Oddfellows Lodge To Be lnstituted 'l'hv nmv lumtl thhlt'vllmvs lmlgt- hawv unnuum-mt thu «hm- ut' institu- tiun t'ur July Itht. The m't'vumtlivs will tnlw plan-v in thvir new Imlgt- I'UUIIIS nwr thv stnrc- ut' Smuh'rs uml l’vtt-hvmky un that «httv. It is vxlwvtml that (i'alml Malstvr L. H. ('nnlw" will lw ntl hum] tn give the now lmlgv u gum] nttll't. All chH'Ullmvs nt' thv distt'ivt an- invited tn lw prvsmt nu this m-msiom tn llmkv the birth ut' this uvw hulgv n nwummhlv um- iu the vamp us :1 hright future is untivipntml. WAR NEWS Hot hand-to-hand fighting frequent on British front. German infantry hurled against Pozieres from north- east were repulsed by artillery fire; British fully maintaining ground won; extent of Anzac's success not made clear. British now in full con- trol of Pozieres. Foe stimulated by other in making furious attack. Germans employed long .handled .mace studded with nails, and fighting was of extremely savage character. Australians bay- oneted machine-gun crew. Russians gain control over Turkish base. Seize heights dominating Brz- ingan in eastern Asia Minor. To evacuate town; Turks prepare to abandon important centre to Grand Duke. Deadlock over Irish problem can be broken. With Redmond and Carson in harmony, Britain is hopeful. The Duke of Brunswick, the Ger- man Emperor's son-in-law, is hope- lessly insane. (Kiely, Smith Amos private wire) TICKETS ALLOTTED FOR BIG DRAWING CONTEST The Drawing (‘untvsl for at plnyw pimm. tlw prurccds nl' \Vlllt'll will lw in aid M" the 228th Buttulhm. is nnw ready fur [Hiblll' participation. 'l'lw dil'l'vrmit series ul' livkots Imu- liven ullultcd tu .\lau'slmll-l‘lm'lvstnnc, 'l'iiw minis. .l. ll. 'l‘udd, Svlmuiuvlim‘. and W. l). l’ozirc-e, Swath l’un-upinte. mid persm‘is desiring tn assist llw mldivrs may nmlw tlwir I'lmiN’ in Wlllt'leVI‘I‘ sectiun uf tlw vamp (lugs) reside. ll is likely that a prim will We given fur the permit: drawing tlw must iivlg- (ets. and l'm'tlwr particulars Will liv :7in regarding this 1101:! week. air may at unmu-umlit . Wurk "8' r lml 'nliun “'le 3w | l‘" \ Wlllt |\ way. WNW" fur this “- Ilmruughlv gt'lwmlh. ll Hmmliun M Hm «Ii: ”N‘M'fl! mum prc'sv Ills. mu .\I'III.~‘~tl'nu;:. l.l.-('ul.. H.1'. 1.391!) “.5. Butt clislrio'l hwrs and all ranks WIN! \\ I" A! I‘ic'l n Imnnlicm is "may «liilh'uL manic-Hulls in PM "lam Hume pom"! mv h sinm'rv gm“ I_\' kimllwsw HHII II VP 9“ "I" ultlstrivs my and fur! H clish‘ivt ils mm- N8 ilsvl 1' (‘ump A NEAR-HISASIRIIIIS flflf M MclllJBlllll'S HEPABIMEIIM SHIRE Mum! h-n u'rloek nu Wednesday night the smell uf burning rlnth and the sight M“ snmlw inning [rum Hm 90mm! flm-r M“ .l. I’. McLaughlin's scum ma Thin! Awmw thrtml Hm am‘miun ul’ paxwmhy wlm «In! in an alarm In the fire hall and thm hmkv in ”w {mm door in 'NN‘ “ht. aid in quenvhing H10 “11'. Mr. Mrlmughlin llml game an! with his family fur n mutur riclv. mu] 15w. maid. wlm was left at lmnw. put mum walh'r mul vlutlws in!" n 'nrxv 2m shun h-um hvmg m mu- om Hw guru mum" in mmllu'r sm'liun n? llw In \‘vl'y “HIP almlmgv was alum. villwr Hrv ul‘ WMvr. .\ lnrgv lu-Io' ‘ lmrm-d Ilu'uugh tlw sunlll wall “2' mum in whirl: llw lirv slan'lml. Hw wntvr whirl: h-nkml through llw grum-I'y «It-purhm'ut ht-Iuw. tnustly cm {lu- apt-u flour. Huh mans wvrv rum-ml um-r tho mum in prvwm clnllmgv tn gumls. mum \s-lwn flu Hun MARVHIBUS GRADE [If {IRE BEING TAKEN HUT M “if 830E303 Mlfli SCHUMAEHEH WINS WEEK-[NI] Bflll GAME [HUM 3. PUBBUPINE 'l'lw 3.:lele ¢ twvvn Sullth «4101', «m tlu prulmhly the smsnn. H alums! clM't-Iupml lmttlv, nltlmugh Hu- 1i: nut indivutv this. I! rum-mlcd by Hw Yam pilvhing was mlwriur Slwolmu haul lwttm (irau' all round. bnth South Porcupine (irzu-vhlvr. Zircl. Lux'vr)’. Isl. Krll)’, 1‘. ”my, p. Sullivan. 23ml \Ventlaml, 5's Dakota, rt'. Vaughan, If. l'mpires.~â€" Spevial attention giun drsiring their slmc. ulna cc at King :5 .\IIIIIscIII9II.. .a: wing: IIIUN' musislv 'l'lw grand-stand .II'n-rnuun was “an )2! at Single Copies 5 Cents wl\\1Ir I‘ll! xtlmml and t\\‘ UH I N I" h l'lllllllll guuw on Sumlvy nt'tvrmmn Sun”! l’m‘vllpilu' um! 3le1 nn tlw lath-r7" :rmumls, Iv the lwsl It-umu- Iixlnn- “'3 mn ImiMm llm' m fl" 'mi't‘tl ‘Ilmm‘d in! H \‘ll! o” '3‘ lrikv: lwnd N‘rl'lt Ivr turning “1'"! HM fut H H Inc-u! cluul‘s it privnlv Imm- w w lmll musiclv Mn?" «lurk-d. fln- mu. .\m (HI. iguit in "with! \\' n H BUNK rich high ‘..' min '0lumm-m \\'n!‘.‘. 41: brings it tn hm is! ”f gum mws M'. and it is «Innin- milw mm mum. ll! um. .\I dull!!! r". mmh-m.‘ : hi l'l!‘ V ('I'UNII' 0': s” t-Irwvr and with 1m» HWII Hm Ime. Sullulmu-h.. 4. Schumachor .’\mh'v\\':-'. «'1'. szimt. 22ml. M1 lllh'l‘m v. \hu'llzm. ”l' ”'lxipp in nu: m, .h ”.0. Eltmstun. Id. Ill'( umml't bani": light mm wh H gurlmgv llu- lawn. clmw 31y Ellis. If. {helm-y, as. nrumhm-l. Ul .hmtlwt u!‘ W. fr" Himlwt' WM lzulivs Hum and Hill" NIJ H I.“ u! H H'- .h h

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