Henry Ford May Run For Presidency â€(’fll‘)‘ Ful‘d. “1° “vtl‘uil. will [)0 nmuinutml I'ur Prvsiclvm ut' llu- l'nit- all States «m Hm ï¬rst Imllul hy Hw 'l’mhihitinu party at it‘- mnimml mu- wmtinn in St. ‘zml tan-day. if hv will awn-pt llw luumx'. was tlw npiuicm nt' mm ‘lvnllers whu lu-lal u c-nnl'vrvnm- 'ill '(‘hlcugm “I‘MéliL-vu Mr. Fun! WHNM lw Hm 8111)"ng .mmiliduh- \u- mmM Imnu'.†Sold by all Druggists Just a day or WM do 00“ with uzufacuon how W'Mc The ruined chucoa can: an! we: to the mo wmaï¬ \QQMKQ . .. .‘ ASK FOR THE TUBE IN KIMKI :hucoa! m thus Put: whiten: the yellowut teeth. harden: tho the mouth a mum of sweet dameâ€. nwywdonothtvetowaitlomlornwluâ€"uflywmfl "on how Mme your teeth ue 3mm. 25C. ‘aflitl liugmw ('lmflu. u furmvr I’m-si- Fclvmizll mmliclult- nr tlw l’l'ullihitiun 'purty. â€llc- wmnld got many (Imus- 'muls ul' lmlmr \‘uu-s. in mldilicm In ‘tlu- snlitl summl'l 01' old line pruhihio linnisis.†'l'hv t'unlisli virgins n'lm spend nine tvntlis «if their time in lonrning in «Ii-vnriitv i-Iiinn. “1:11ch «In wvll tn ro- nwnzln-r Hint n ynnng main in svni'vii an!’ n gumi with is llml't! likulv tn tit‘ In it girl “Inn klnms linw in duvulntv lwr china nitlr-n guml square invnl. “on r TI: \05: ‘ U "I!“ '~Ipngg ), 25C. PRICE Hal. nn hand June Isl 301 Prue-eds I'm tea ......... 5 .‘Iemlwrslip I'm ......... Ithscriplicms . . ......... 85 Sub. 1va Mine Employees 162 . Rebate. T. Baton 1‘0 ....... Jui; mm. The minutes of tho last It wm mud and adonï¬ed. Truman-I": "purl for month RWVJP’I‘S South Porcupine Patriotic Society ’ DISN‘NSEMHXTS Wm. T. In Sans (31:110.. anmshoflom Edwards. .. Sky "M. C Q I . tttttttttt O C Slvnson "ms. ............. Mrs. Shun; (' nu. RN] ( l‘fllo ‘1 \V Immun- Saba-rip! I ’rm'm'dt. 'l'n'asm'er am: July 12! Slvmu Laundry Hulnlm- nn lmml (‘m t in .lmw.~â€"Ii till}: mutton. Wurk «lune during me lmv slips: 133$ shirts: 125‘ 237 pm. sun-ks: 9 5110143: 1 : "HIS rut hm Hm: «'1 Sulm-riptinus: Miss S'nrling. 50v: Miss Ivy Starling. 50v: H. V. Harri- mm. $1: ()livo I’mu'vo. 25v: E. J. Hap- svy. 5W: lx'munshnllnm 62 Edwards. $5: “an lehumld. 50¢". ('hzls. Juvk- win. in»; Miss Berry. 25:". I). L. Wur- n-‘I. if]: .\. I). l’mrmu $1: W. I). l’c-m'vc. $1.50: W. H. Wilsun. $1: Mrs. l’c-m'vc. $1.50: 'l'\\'|ggvr. 50v; (3. .‘lcmrv. $23: .\ Friend. Lï¬vi “arrmv. $1: 'I' . ' um Axumâ€. I? retain tun-tin ï¬rm-mo Scrum-tn memht-rs rm â€W!“ 19!: vavb' \\ NICK pmrs W \\‘ Jun-.130 shirts. BIN-1mg mljmn'nml until July LENâ€: I“. l’. Him-k, Sm-rotary. W . It‘s amt-Ks: urk giw-n Inn fuses. xpr Known MSM'HSKM KN'I'S 0" Wu "1011' "l" évrrvmry '5 report skv l‘rimmors nf War u! June 23"!!! . .. ('ummiltm- s 'M riot it H FA °I".l I‘TS HIS 3‘11?" fur Jul“ rrpurt M I's. “iv? M r. o'Uh" 5) ï¬lm: m" .~-â€" Ill 5-2.3:. .4.: 3.7.1282... 25:22:. .4. _.H:::.._.m::. hi. 7.5:: m 'pilluw slips: THE POBCUPIXB ADVANCE fur work vil'h’ held on viv- ' ' “I lvlllnw I ‘ 1'. u ("I IIIIIIII. In" . l'fllfl IIII'I- .1" o l' t;h«,,;;n;;;.5...... 5.. 5.. 5.155... .5. II "In"! a Ill IpIIIImII. 251-; 12.11 tIaIIia. I; Mr ' . __.__. II matingg‘h‘IDh‘k 1')1‘;111‘II Dewar. $I: Miss. The attenticm III' IIIII I'IIIIIIIII â€Icasnn. “1 Mn. "rm. SI; 5.1.1‘III‘ t'flmu‘nt has been 111M011 ‘5“; MRI Juno: 3.... 9] [I Imhvmt 5‘; A. Tuna»; statement that nickel. nhir 'NIIII. «III I» "III‘P‘t‘d In II 9301 "I1 :1'I'In'15'23 21813:: "i." Jet-1:15 """i".IIIIImarIII1‘ I'I‘IIIII “IIIIIIIIHI‘I‘ I51 5:3:3.111flm111‘. Guiâ€: ‘\. In 1,1111". $1; 31.1%? ll:;1:é¥l::fllfh.1:‘ 1":::::"":1‘ 91.5. 1.511: Dr I'lmmas "" .‘lr. “""m 5m"‘\.'91811‘fllt‘tt1 that n-I'mrkrl Is :1 -5 I’.IIIIIck.5tIr:II. 11.1110k911n.$1“. 1-9 III- II) â€It“ 1 IIIIeII States cxwpt “III .. "0' "" Didum. 1" "' Andcmm. 5“ "' rIva I'mIII I'aIIaIIII. That III C. ,. 1 I“ 2: ' ‘ ‘ - '1' angling? '1“ {"31“ :l""' “an '11:?le mI-III Isa PNIII‘I‘I)‘ Imam-"rate I I o o I ‘5 II (‘1‘. I.) 1'11‘ 1," ' 119 1"""1V111‘I: r‘,“â€'r' frJ'I K).5.5. 71: - gl'm“ 119""‘15‘31 I'M“ 11mm. g" IIrIIIIIIItI .\. "1‘11. “‘11". SIIIN‘I .\ H ‘ ' C S I. " ' pus In" 20' 3Ԡ131mm." 5"“ “mm" "ru- ‘2' mImtIIs "I IIII‘ war. has IIIIII 1 m III'I‘IIII-s. 501‘; 111‘“ I 'mskon SI; 1“ - - ~ “1005"“: Wm. " ,5" W \I. SI 1 1. uf I'xaIIIIIIIII'.’ IIIIII superna- 8'“ ' ' 0° "'1"""' III‘sIIImIII-II IIIIII "W "1' II" It! .. H.605? 5n31l‘..111'\1m'. 50"1.“N'. s'""".5"':'11111‘11 m 1131' 1.11111'11 SIIIII‘I In l‘l'pul'l bulls knit ml pyju I? I!!! $135) 'mzngvs “a hm W . ‘. Mrs. 50:". ll 50v "9 H‘ H su m Ur Mr. (Vault. $1: Hurry.- “‘ilsmu. 500‘ P. A. l‘ulhefl. 9|: D; thumbs". 5% F. H. Won. ï¬r: Mr. (‘aflan‘llm 50¢ Mr. Bumreisky. 50?: J. “mm. M Mt. Hawaii. 50¢; “'03: Ling. In 0. "0mm. 50¢: Sam “'00. 251'; I1 "Intuit. 50“: “r- l-‘nu‘mvhim 95v I 0900. SI; ML“ Bk pim‘ "PM“. $ . .‘Ir. Denim". 50"; t “‘m. Jnorklrs. 501‘: II| I. \mnglmn.5flr .‘zlr. “mine. 50: I’. Black. 50! (3. â€ifkdem. ' D. Hill. 50c Airs shirts; Uih'ml shirts: 3| rs. l Slnlnmom «8‘ tin“? SUNNY f rvn. h stuns: M mu'kï¬z .‘IW. Singl Mrs. MrWiHimn YHHIIQ. 12 spun; show-LII: Mm. \\'I||iIIIII~'. LIIIII‘II L\lillvr. SD equm'vw IIIII. 1 pair writs; Mrs. \ .. III. :IIII'ksI. l shirt. I a Mrs. HHIIIIIIIIII. H shirt .1. ixzï¬czn .a 3...... 3.53... ._.:.r..:.:. z a “'i'hv my mum smoky murt jester. †I’lypnpvl'.†I'vpliml 1 making at hulmung vlmngv uf maul. pr. sax: slips: Mr Mam. T “mung!" Smith. M 2‘3. 1 “win. slmngvs: . Mrs. SIM: mm 1) nilh 511m l’Mnl Shimm-nt " “'11: W lxm‘ "'0“ fl \‘lf D W St‘ N13 rillm. slips 4‘s, 2|) slum '. 2 “Rh ï¬H1'!\. x: Mrs. Ste .\h at t‘ 'I I)" M I‘ mnulvr. I2 [IIIIon a. I'runk. II SIIII'IS slumgm: MN. 3. I'urmivhm-I. I 1 w. 2 shirts: .‘Irs. Lila .‘Ic'IInvaI. “05:. .. shirts: .\ Ms; Mrs. .‘Ivlmu (‘3 "up Sin Miss Skinnr 3w $1; .\lr. â€ml“ '5le Strain. 5 ill 3|» (innlh mm. 1 |nillc:\v [mum SU.\ nil :m. 2H lurts: M Kim'nic 'ur mum went lu-r wk»: Luz; Stvn'lwn 30“; \V. M 501'; “.0" \V. M. \V!‘ SH} H. H. H‘s: I'll Slwvts mum-s T“ shirt tun. 21$ \II ll“'ll Strum" Hm!" : “on ('mskory “N'mpklna 3f "allia. $1: Mt mar. $1: Mia m- may vxm-vt 1'. mm“! H10 llmmmdml ’nrt Hf 36 shirts: xiv vaim n. 12 piâ€! mml. :) pm pilluw Sh!!! bins; Hus ‘.) \\ Hm" "mm m. 50% W". v! ho 12 [HUGHV aux: Mrs 311.50 3‘!‘. i spun um N J. Dal Tun)" I! jvstc Wu 1‘ hirts. «n ,5 I“! UH ll flflllï¬ï¬‚lllll M" mm lllllfl HIRED ll lllflfll SIMS amnion! slate-mom said. will Ht mm quantity wuh Nu ('mmdm 'umpnny. In litnim'd frum a reï¬ned by H mmanm lmn cm I I‘nllcm‘ “W? HE lIIPkI‘ .\l up]! â€Ii! in t Minn an attentinn nf the l‘anadinn M has been (“redo-d I on! that nickel. which. bl“ 1'31 0min ‘unnw mm mum lerv I‘rum New :ummm' mm art‘s. bu! ‘ "f tuna 0f yearly “mm '3 Ink." by wmg rap"! â€0". wlm. s N" mm'cyod lw IW NH W31? Hml Sm {NH "m "f ‘ninml Hmmgh vmi. in â€w l'nitml Stator: "Hum! prinripnlly by :wltim: and Reï¬ning In. all «Ivm upornsu r all llil‘ nlmlcmir 1' 5mm 'anadinn fl what is d9~' I this shut» N- is. she-m1: fmm .‘Injnr ('9 "no early ad the duh“ ‘Iinn Min I “pun I is frflnl‘d tnrml l‘rux Im‘kol "rt THIN {9mm n mum which Nivkvl III‘K\ 3m H Iiro. Th -' kmm'lm'g .I I i ' *3 {08 a u I In . ndvqum'v h" if ll \ . q ‘ mg ml :2": "m â€mufï¬n; ich ' ' ha The la: hl' lire. This mlvm' u Imam upon knmrkwhw of "w lnmv mumml supplivs mm in hand and «T Nu Inulmumry In ï¬ll tho MM. and III 'uI' the very Inrgv clmmml fur sum ml gnaw mul rolhm in bulk mll‘ Hum prvpnrml drossings. 'l’iw Exec-"ï¬ve llwrol‘qm' lay thc romllmwnvlminns befun‘ ita Im hrnnvlu-s. mul auxiliaries. asking the In 3in up wurk "3‘ this c-Immrtvr u til l'urllu-r "um-v. Sun-kn. m'jmn and "M. "0d? sinner ersms (Tags 809%.)“. ‘ “mm! frnm a tour the Sm‘ifly's “ark England. advising and shilmwm uf su a matter of fad. the Maria-s in the l'niml Sung-s whirl: Ifl' mannfarmro in; guns tins and munitinm for flu- tlliï¬l nations dept-ml In; Hair supply «I nickel alum! wholly. if no! alto. gr!!!" mull the (‘Inadian pmduflhm. The Munitions plants in the “ï¬tish Isles and in nflwt Illinl mumrio-a are elm supplmi fnvm the (Banana ml- Marshall. | Important Information TotRcd Cross Workers. furl irl I lmgs. lumsmvivm. lumlmul shirts. Nu. tmwts um] pillnw vases may sul'vly made as Hwy mm lw stnrml vithvr did» M' â€w Atlunliv mt is ad I'UIH‘NIivm mul “ill "HI cb'll‘r- :atv Iw lemming. mu] all :m- in mu; tn c-Emngv ul‘ lu-mlmmrh-rs 's. â€w illstrm'liulls In mnkv llu surgi-nl dressings. mu! to flu- nlty in ulptniuing: rvgnlnr mmâ€" M' mml. warp and ler mutt-r. i! has lwmx (lm'iclml tn «'lmw llu' .lv lh-mlrnm-m l'nr hm mumhs, Irvssmg gnwm. kil hugs. mm H. hmlsvwn‘m. hospital shirt! tmwht and ||llluw mews mu; H Slli‘lfl‘" "min" 9. l'hlfl' “mumsâ€" prams ul‘ Hm I 'nmIIlInII "('1' Ion. IIIIII haw memflh 11-- um 1! war II! iIIstIIun m I_\ s Imrk In frame and mhisilm HIM Ilw making as how mum! {mm I'ul mimmh uf the I'Zxonmw "cirrus. I'Mof I'nmmis NIH! , m anw mm HIM "w making mica! pads. mm. and "3""! handâ€" mml furllwr nu- ia lmsml mum n lnrm' mmmm 01' Ind and «1‘ their uh-m SEVEN I3 lm‘xfl Sm: tin-m [INI‘I‘ un- pyjamas. "‘l‘