Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Jul 1916, 1, p. 1

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nth III'I'. In "w haul of III!- ImrIIIlaml. III II"- font“. UT Ilw nIIlI~. In is crying out I'ur sumv Inry Mfl'iro \vlwro- lu- I'I'IIIIII «If his sIroIIgIII In his numlrv. I‘wro- Inn WI nmmrIIth I. higwfl 'Iun- uI‘ mIliI II'\ II l‘nrvslr} IlnIInliuII which has: Just I'm-n IIIIII LieuL-I'ul. W. II. Sum Algnmu. “Illl Ilm riglII IlIe -\\‘lIIIlI' an'II I'mm Imumlury uI' HIIIIII'III II' l’aviIlv I'u.I~.I. “Ill. “I Iom'lI rz's'mnsiu' vlmrcl-l I‘IIIIIMII HI Imummlfi u IIIIil Inmsihl} Ilu- IIImII m will III.- Ilu- um- wlIiI-h wI IImIlimIIIs I'rum III-III]; Illis m-rvII-o. .lmlging I' III wlIII'II Ilpplic-Illiuns III In tho rz-I'rIIiIIIII: III-pub. International. Montreal 9. Providence 1; Buffalo 7. Richmond 0; Baltimore 4. Roches- Brooklyn 9. Chicago 0; Cincinnati 6. Boston 4; St. Louis 5. New York ‘2: Phila.-Pittsburg. rain. American. Chicago 9. Philadel. 2: Chicago 3. Philadel. 2; Detroit 4. New York 0; “ THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE The first duty ut' Hi0 ‘Jlih‘th. mum itmwhing Eliglmul. will lw in juin tlu- 22-1“: Furvstr)’ Hilltuliuii \x'liivli is nmvmiuuw-«l in vuttiiw (iHWII tliv fur- .' F. " .m‘ls u! \\ iliulsur tn supply ruugli lum- lu-r fur its Iiumli'ml-uml-uiw mlil usvs at llw l'i'uiit. While iliu'v may he :i 'litllv loss glni‘y alum-lied tn this (mm “1' nuliumil svi'vivv. it is. witlmnt a: gum. just us vsscntinl tn llw sucm-ss tlw Allies. us is tlu- lim- ul' im-n in fine tronvlws. l’vi'lmlis ymi lmvi- WU“- (lured Wilt'l't‘ tlu- uu-u iii the {rum lim- Winn IU'U lllHil‘l' iirv. got Uivir supply “1' rough lumlwr in build Hm trviwlws mud the dug-mm; in wliivli ”H')’ must mkv rvi'ugu “lie-n ilw heavy tirv ul' the tummy nlwus. 'l‘ili'y g‘i'l. it fl'ulll WAR NEWS Capture four lines leading into Hungary. Russians achieve three im- portant advances at widely separated points. Cossacks take Turks in im- petuous charge. Capture over six hundred men in advance in Caucasus. ,. Heavy firing may portend Balkan 'drive. Cannonading is reported in p‘ 633 along entire Saloniki front. 0 ensive is coming. Despatch so in- dicates. but Allies‘ plans are closely veiled. Boston <1. St. Louis .I-iilI-Il tII IIIIIkI- tlII- I'lltlllllt'ttllntlh lltllt‘ll ' l'I'IIIIt. IIIII lll‘tllltlt‘r iII tlftll‘l‘ that IItlII-I'II may it is “'0“ II-atI-h II [Illlt'l' in the ranks. that it' If: \\ lIilI-. U\\lll:..' m “In P'H't ial IIIItlIuI'- llgllllll: l izatiuII IIt this lIattIIliIm. its schlH's is III»! H: «in tlnl iIII-lIIIlI- lighting. its IIIIIIIIlIIritv it was i M‘t'ltIS III III- IlIIo l’:lllii'l' In thv t'IIIt lllmlwr 1'! that ”w IIII-II will wot a tII~2tI- ut' active Utl t'IIIIIIIl lIIIIIlII-I'ing. and that many III' tlIII~II~ ”00035le wlm (’ttllt‘l will hr t.l)lt' tn t'IIlllllllH‘ SIH'IH' in tlII-ir I‘I‘gIIlar tI'IIIlI-. with I‘ll lllt‘ llUllHl aIIla tIII .IIt’ wearing kharki. and will llt'PUI'Il- tiIIIIII aIIIl iilgly IIIIt. ltt‘ ('atllt'tl IIpIIII tII lt'ttl'lt I‘NISHN it IIIIIIII- III-w husimwua. llIIIIIlrI'Ils Ul tlII' histm llllltbvt‘tlu II and lt‘llllts‘lt‘zs whu stvp llt‘. llt'l‘lll IllireI-tlv truth the \IImIls Ill lllt‘ laIIII. L14 ‘.,l mu» tho... ’Ilh‘th ltattaliIIII will find that in”. \\'I~s 1lII-v will [)0 IIhlI~ lH tlU tlII- \Hllk II"- his ”In-u «Iain-(l Ul llll‘ltl just as H'tltlllV as “1.," WP tlIIIIIgh thI'y hIIIl l)t‘('ll sIIlIliI-Is all ”r smut 't'hIIir livvs. m...mi‘iu British fiercely resist German at- tacks. German gas shells precede the attack. British stoutly defend newly won positions in vicinity of Longue- ville and Delville wood. General re- sults achieved by Sir Douglas Haig afford keen satisfaction. (Kiely. Smith 8: Amos private wire) l’rIII'IIII-I- IIIIII In ”In 'H‘ldlqllfll'zi'rs III fittIIII'II. II III” III- II mm. ”1' IIIII'I‘I' II' II "III" Is I» "IN?“ II plum-9 II:I ”III-I IIHII- I-IIIIIhIItIIIIt IIIIII. ' TIH'I‘I' IIPIN'W In 'N’ :; PM"! IIII I‘I'Iw- gm IIIIIl ilHlt‘IN'lH't‘lH'l‘ III ”II I '_\||1' III" III'rIII'II Whit‘h is IIIIIII-IIIIIII; In II IIIIIIlI ("“89 III I-Itizvu. IIIIII “Mr ”I" IIIIIriIIIII 'iIIIIIIItiIIII “1' VIII. SIIIIHI II':I~+ In IIIkI- IIII IIIIII' 'HIH'IIIN‘II. IIIIIII'I Is. IIIIII “"(Il- hers and IIIII-IiI-IIIII'II IIIIIIIII-IIIII-II. tlw dl‘llllllld IIIIII IIIIII 'MN'UIIN‘ IIII kI-I-II t'rIIIII I'IIIIIIg IIIrIIIIIrs. IlriII'I a. mlIliI- '3 fun" nther IIIItIJliuII-I IIIIII II'IIIII Ilit'fI'rI-III type» III ('IHM'HS. that It lIIIa “(90" do- Tn Hu» )1 been l-mkm flfi‘irc In ! hut-inn Hm Vol 2. No 37 Ngw Forestry Battalion Recruiting in The North WILL NOT BE ENGAGED IN TRBNCII FIGHTING BUT WILL BE BHPLOYBD IN CUTTING TIMBER IN FORBSTS OI‘ BRITAIN AND FRANCE FOR USE AT THE FRONTâ€"EXPECT TO GO OVERSEAS IN SEPTEMBBRWARB NECESSARY TO SUCCESS. IN BASEBALL Watwn arrived ’ It. nmlllmllluns um- llumum rrullmg «ll-gum; nll uwr and in Hm lwmlqlmrtvr: :l will he I! mew ul' lmrr; lu mud: a plan? ml this I .t unit. :mmmrs tu lw :: «vrtuin l' National. In! ah ['n “Mllurlzwl Smyth. .\l.l right too re"! l‘mm Hm (- - :: m-rtuiu ' in this lv Iling in n I hilv the uri All was tn ryrrs, mill m: fur ms Nu without clmlln '4]! ill the Iml‘ u!‘ ('lnmhmw rvcrvttnhlv fur! wili l'rum )IH' It mi! in l-nstvrn ,A {SH H III" The farmer hi;.r league hasehall manager. who had heen eanned he- eanse the team tinished last as usual, was taking a eivil serviee examina- tion in order to seenre a political juh. He was amazed at. the list «if t'unl questions on the examinatiun paper. He didn't know the distance from the earth tn the [110011. SH he passed that une up. And he emtld nut describe a syzygy. so he called that test a laser. But the third question inter- ested him. It said: "Name the largest lmne in the hu- man frame." pun un t'mtml mmt'm-tu-J'Je. :15 H bet-amu- Iteeessmy tn Mth' all the shipping spam- in the \‘t'rit'lh' miling t'rmu ('amc aulat fur the ll'flttstmt'ltlltntt ut' muni- tiuns um] t'uud supplies. and t'ur this ream-n it was: essential that .sume ut' the hislm'te t'ut'esté ”1° i'Ittg’ltltld sllnllltl he Silt'l'ifit't'tl. Lt.-t‘ul. Smyh i< mm mm at tunr ut the \Vestet'tt I’ruvim-es. establishing his I'N'I'lltlillg tit-puts. lmt het'ure he went \Vest he left ntlieers in elmt'ge ut' stattiuns tlu'uugh this I’mvinee. Heeruitiug «leputs in Hntnriu have been Int-Med eltiet'ly thruugh the tmrth enttntt'y where the must ut’ the Imuhermen live, but a letter tin-upped tn Lt. H. S. l’l'iee at :35 Queen Street \Vc'st. 'l‘nt'nttin, nt' In ”to llt'a'lthlltll- let's ut ()ttuwu. will seeure am} intui- nmtinn required. Heputs in (mturiu are lueuted at Hent'rew. Mamiwnki. Huekinglmm. New Liskezn'cl. 'l'nrnntn, (tttmm. l’urrv Suuml. \Villtlswl' l‘urt ('ulutlgttt‘. lauxn\".uttll Sanlt S. Marie, Hure Ha}. l’mt .\tt|nm. l’emlnuke. Veneltm Falls. Fm't Pram-is. mu] t‘m-Iu'une, and the utlieers in elmrge ut' tlmse stutiuns are uutlmrizetl lu attest any applieunts whu wish In he- t'UllH' members of this very Useful unit. SCHUMMIHER Tl] HAVE A NEW leEHAll Ml] PIPE EXTENSMN it is “I'll In thIIm IIIIt thv .‘Ill"f_'('f€iiun that it Itm IIIIIII is lI'IIIkiIIg IIII° IIItiw fighting iiit‘ lth‘th V'uIt-str) lhIttIIliIIII is "III the unit In jIIiII. .\t IIIII- tiIIIv it was iIItI~IIIivII III ship thu rIIIIxh illhllll‘l' l'rIIIII ('IIIIIIIhI. but it was later Ull t'IIIIIIIl iIIIIII'III-tiI-II'IlI-. :Is it 'H‘t'tlmt‘ lll’t‘t'a‘mll'v In saw all thI- shipping lu- lmilt. llu- pl'ups rmluirm mim's if England is M mmti plying Ilw Allim with mud. rmulil)‘ all-prwizm' Hu- ( quantity “1' timlur rmluirml l'rnnl. um] I'I'um this. um' may .\ ml wit ’urmvr mu “ The he VIN"! I: number will In chum BASEBALL ANATOMY mavhvl' ml the ”list with ”I Hf gratitudt I lwhiml will in tlw yours tluim: mm M’ I ”W Hmpirv ' ' of mm: will u porl'nrm. m .0 km"! II the" 238th For fur immediate at early 'Molw Hwy may won I 1 hp Sumlwrn 1 I' II" dug-mus. ”w I'uadways um- um! III-IgIIIIzI mmld I‘IIII IorI-IIIHII' ”ll'l‘l’ \I'uulql In! In. III-III»: In lu-rIIIiI Ilu- mmIiInI- 'I'i-mllllilliflg. in :Ilmfl, Ilw 'III IerIIIiIIIIIiuII uI' IIII- mu m manly IIIIIIIIII'IIppI-II, [wr- Ilnyml for many ymers. II is W IIIIII IlIv Wurk uI' Ilu- Fur- lIuIIgII I':!l°l‘i('ll "III qIIiI-Ih IIIIII u-IvIIIIIIiuII. is mvaIIiIII In II: "I Ilw LIIIIIIN‘. mu! II Inl- \w-ll. IIIIII IlIo IIIII'IIy IIII'II uI' IIIIIIIIII IIIIII I'ruIII Ilu- I'urms. EIsI \I'iIlI IlIis IIIIII. will iIII‘Ill‘ HI' :I‘IIIIIIIIII- whit-II IlIusv whu )0? .d umv vullfiidl'l's Hu- milvs ul’ llw llmusnmls ul' «lug-nuns is! In. rmfl'ml. tlw lnnnlb-ln‘mfl' the m-w railways whirl: must Hu- prups rmmirml in Hu- I'Ilzglnllcl is in mmtimw sup- w .\lliv~' with mml. mm mm “In”: :1: "1‘0. Ml nas‘urm «If in ut' confidence x wrute this answer tn urea and Hm ml I’m-t that tho cronies: Wu - Irv ('(lllll' IH‘ duty. in r. in Wi 0‘" mt IN “'1': will Ullt’ smm' uh I’urvu Windyâ€"1r llml upnn m tn 1'!" now hm ll _\' uhlv tn TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th. 1910. DHHHHS c'nill‘cl ’ HHW HIM‘ 5" HM l‘( )lnnugu' t'liaii'l(-lmi.~;. wlm has lH‘t‘ll plan-ml in a-lnii°;:e «if the .\'e\\'i';i).' inine ut' l’ni'enpine. is now in the ‘tilllll. .\li'. ('hni'lehuis states that he llitr‘. re- upeneil the property with a full «uni- pleinent of miners and is wnrliing :it the present «m a new find. The quartz vein is almnt 12 feet wide and has been stripped 11w :1 mnshlentble «lis- tnnee. 'l‘est pits are being sunk, and assays tnken slmw guml gnlil vnlnes in lmtli the quartz and the seliist. ln :nhlitiun tu this work, :i ennti‘net has been let fur a: large :iinunnt ut' din- niuml drilling, \\'lll('ll will he min- nn-need as mun as the maehinery can he. installed an the grnnncl. The first hole will he put «luwn to lueate the vein \\'lll(‘ll t'nnlteil at the 200 fun! level. and when this is l'uund wurk will he started in the shaft. Mann- l’runi very reliahle anthurity it was learned lip-«lily all the nlliev ”l. A. S. l"nller ('u.. mining.r hrnkers. that lw"l\\(‘(ll two and three hundred prns- ptetnis ha\e lett Sndhnn fur the West Shining: lree llistriet npun the news nl \er'} rieh linds ut tree gold reeently inade npnn prnperties under uptinn In A. .\l. llilsk)‘. 'lihe \Vest Shining 'l‘ree (lnld [lis- triet first value intu pnhlie nutiee in ltlll, hnt it is ulll_\‘ within the last l'unr inunths that renewed interest has heen taken in that seetinn. Ser- e 'al ltl'nllliSlllf.’ pruperties are under uptinn there mm. and well [rusted mining.- inen piediet a Ill“ (luld ( map in that seeliun. h’epresentativse nl smeial large mining.r emnpanles haw their engineers ull the grunnd lmdcin;r H\'t'l' a nninher nt' dit't'erent pruperties with a \'l(‘\\' in pnrehase. (‘llullllg mining: prulu-rtivs. 521.150,. 2-“. plant 341517.321. clowlu'mwnl $565,113. «lvl'vl'l'ml «ll-\‘vluplm'lll $21”.- 185. and 1mm: real vslntv $2.950. ('m'n-m assets tuml $911,196. im-lml- iug ('muuliuu War lmzm $1415.23“, mull in lmml mul in hunks $274,421. and alvmmnls l‘('('('1\'lll)1(' $201.5”:l. Hulliun asst-ts mm! $301,922. Wurking mats aggregated $SS~LUS1L ur $21,111“ pvr tun 'l‘lu' lzllvlv nu elv- \'vlu|nurnl \mrk slums u tummgv ul' 18.7111. with 224.69” hills in sic-pus. 'l'lw mill run 92.5 per men! n!“ tlw pnsaihlv. mul trvulml 2133,2156 toms. 'l'lw uvvmg‘v \‘alllw 01’ ”1'0 tl'mltml was $8.th “('1' Mn. mul milling I'thfi m-n- Newray Mine Will Be Diamond Drilled $0,893 pvl' tun BIG BUSH HEPflBTEfl INTI] SHININB TREE fBH Efllfl fllfiEflVEfllffi mnuum cunsuuumn fruncumt mm "mm mum um ; RECEIVES 12.nnuvuns suuws an; nssns nun snu um A "II n" hiding a woviuns N ullnwillg 3am Mine M2011 v-slu-vt shuws‘ that pru- rmicms t'rum Jmmury l \H'l'l' $1261.90". I’l'mn subtracted Milli oliVicl- 1‘ ch”)? ‘hnn‘ m'vurrml nmmmlns fur ”w mill I llw vuumnny lms nut I’l'um “WM- Milws 20.000, mum" is a mystery. us lu- mm un- musviuus fur nlmm lit'tm-n minutes "Ht-r IIH' slum-k. and it is gvm-rully' llllth'l‘slcmcl that this monlliIiIm fur (I lungvr lwriml tlum Iiw- minmvs will:- uul Hm amplimuiun ut' :IrliIh-iul rvs- pirmiun is fatal. Mr. Aloxumlvr is :1 man ut' strung physique and this prnlmhly hvllwd in n grunt measure his rwulwmtiun. ..\Imtlwr i'awtur whirl: mu duuht uiclml in saving his life was that the mil of wirv rvstml “II n largo stmu- whirl: [was nbsulmoly dry. l llmv lu- osmpml vnmplvtv vim-(rm 9 “m... A spovial nwcting uf lbs» sharvlml- dvrs of the Sc-lmlum-izgr Mine has been run“! fur July 20th. tn :mtlmr- iZL' the (lirm'tnrs tn sell 100.000 sharps ut' the treasury siurk at a (“M'uunl nt' 37 3 per vent. A «Hill llult‘ whirl: was put cluwn on the Home l‘jxtonshm 2500 feet east of the 1)me prupcrty pmved tlw t'ur- nmtinn tn he identical with that “f the Dome and t'urtlwrumrc this «lrill cut a 75 {but ut't' hmly. It was ulsu reported. ulthuugh lacking uth’rinl mntirmatinn. that an ore hmly having: :1 “id”! ul' (‘1? fuel ut' $5 are has lilie- wisc been cut. A number ut' ()‘zmgt-nwn in the I’mvupinu (lump \vtm muld nut got away un tlw ("l|:t1|tun 0x Hlllh'itlll. lwlcl a supper. Suriul and dum'o tt'n thum- sclws and hit mls .lt tlw ()1 amp Hall in South Pun-ultimo. Sumwr was St'l'vml t'rmn 5 tn (3 n't'lm'k. 'I'lw N)â€" ('iul mntvrtainmvnt lwgzm at 8 u'rlurk and was t'ulluwmt by it damn. :‘t 11 u't'lnt'k. .v\ gum] H'mwl was lu‘vsont and HI- quMI 1110 lmspitulily vxtvmlml by 1110 Suns ut' William. During: thv t'\'(‘Hill;_' :1 c-ushiun mmâ€" ust tuuk lb]il('(‘. and 13m winm-r was Miss l’mm‘n nt' 'l'immius. 'l'lw pru- vvmls t'rmu this mntcst amounted tn the guml sum ut' $922M), SCHUMACHER MINE TO ISSUE TREASURY STOCK a .\t't¢-r putting up with tho tlvlnys ut' tlw gux'm'mm-nt in the quttvr ut' rum! impruvvmvnts in tlw 1mm t'ur altmut half the Sltllllllt'l'. mu] thv lttltt‘lt \mrk «lune in the way at «lumping q-mu'sv l'm'k utt thv rum] thwvcu lwrv uncl Snuth Pttt't'ltltilu'. whirl: is u wry «luuhtt'ul' nwnsurv when Hut. strum l'ullt'tl, tho lm'tll Hum] itmuls ASSm'tu- tiun lmw mmv tn tho rcsmu- ut' tlw vhalgrinml residents ut' the gnld rump. 'l'hv .-\ssuviatiuu have St't'lll't'tl a tmt tun steam mad rullvr t'ur use in thv distt'it't. fur whirlt $13,500 has lu-vn paid out ut' lunacy sulm-rilml by tlw mines of the clistt'ivt. 'l'lu- Assuvia- tiun haw a halanvv ull lmml tn \mrk with as smm as tlu- rullm' arriws. and users ut' the roads may vxpm't a dwiclml vhang'v in tlw tratliv mm- tlitinus in tlw m-ar t’uturv. Dome Extension Drill Near The Dome Line Ho wus rmum'ml tn thv lumpitul wlu-rv In. is umv prugl'vssiug us wvll us might be vx'wvtml uHM' suvll u puiul'ul auul uuusuul vxlu-rivm-v. STEAM flflllffl BflllBHT BY lillllll flflflllfi ASSN. fflfl USE IN CAMP Orangemen Celebrate at South Porcupine "' While wnrking un n mission tnwer Iwnr “W on Sunday mnrning Ia; under. line WITHIN! 01‘ mg 1'. ”It I VII"! No “as standing IIII II staging III the tIIIII-r IIIIII hI-hl in mm IIIIIIII II ”III'IIII" \Vit‘l' t‘rIIIn II PH” lying upon the ngIml. III sump tltfllllu‘r hp IIIIII'. mt lmvhwnnl IIgIIiIIst II ”live” th’l' behind him. This I'nIIIII-It tt IIIIIl IIIII‘II IIII his hack about right iIII-lws in loIIgth IIIIII Nu m tlIrI-I- iIII-hI-s II-IIII'. (”III also ("401' “II n I'IIIIIIIII'tIIr III the “III-ml” II'ire Wltii'll 'tt‘ III‘II. in his hands. musing ”N‘ t'lvsh III III- IIIIrIImt than ”I? fingers at IIIII- hand and II hIIlI- «hunt the sire of II ttt'ty.I~I-IIt [lit'tl' in tho IIIIIIII III tlu- ntlII-r. H'IIIII t'ttlltptlltitth \H't‘t' IIuI‘lfiIIg IIitlI him at tlw ”Inn. and ”"0 had tn Ilishulgo his hands t'ruIII thI- th‘t' with It II'IIIIIlI-II lmlo \I‘IIIII- tlII- ullwr I’tlttglfl hiIII \“ltt‘tt rI'lI-IIsoIl. «mu-r. line l'nrmmm M‘ the .\HI (‘anmln l’uwer t'omlmny. um! knmvn in the mum. mm the ‘ of animus shawl; mu! lmrm Hi minim: in «)an with a Mrr 1 ing 12,000 \‘CIHS. Ho wns standing cm :1 Maxi llw Imwr and hold in unv In ”ch-ml" win- I'rum 0 mil lying 09h tn Iu- lmrm-d West. um- lmml mud n H 58 M' n “Hy-Wm “is.” ”In ulllvr. nlung “1'10 “"115": mm": '. and mm lmcl hpflmh'fi ('k; - 'l‘llv N)- :H 8 u°('|u('k damn! :'I 11 mwr 1mm. imml mim'. )Nk‘ kAlQ‘X‘ fl' Xufllll‘m and walk the firm“ rm Hmmgh wire raft)“ ‘13" Win' nirkvl mu! l’urc-upmv mm In". bur" “'l‘flfillfl‘. XHI' I?! I!" "‘ mph” in wealth mmlhml In ”Mari: 1m. Widv. this [mn'im-t- unclnuhh-dly ur u. 3|". «hr in this rmqtm-l. Fm Id in his film- wo hour of NW 2"ch v Fun Inn-"pd W93“. Whit"! i! )1" "Ill-V i" l ml and n I! is kmm-n us Hu- Nim' IA lig‘ty.....m clistrivl. whirl: hrs mm ul‘ "or. nlnng llw umwr Wnlvrs nl' wurlfing gutngun His-pr. It is m m» mu] m milvs in c-xn-m unrthm-d win. wn|.l\wst and M' tmknuwn \w-n f l’nslnl' J. .‘l. Allan vuxuluvlml ‘ :1 {shun scrviw at (3:15 11.11:. last 'l'lmrs- ,dzxy «msr the romums uf Frank Andor- jsun. .Umul 25 lnml melnlwrs n!’ the b HUM". wow present, im-luding throw I'mm his lmnw lmlge, Hmngvlinv, .\'u. ,78, Huldslmm. .\'..\'. “0 was ulsu I’m- ; 'iurvh in Mmmt l’iZgnh l‘lnmgmpnwnl ;.\'u. Hi. The mmnhers furnu-«l in tin- [pmwssiun to the train. ' 'llw lltBlflbHS and friends ul' St. Matthews ('hurvh will lw minimal to lleurn that the l‘mlul‘. Rm. .l ..l) Put- :9 9151111 (-xpmts to return tu-muiiam HThursdm). llis triends trust he is tullv rosturml tn his usual health anal \‘igur again 2'21111' his rt'Hlétll imlia- lumillUll. l ! 'l'hruugh tlu- ”moo ut' A. S. It‘ullt-r (‘u.. luvul mining ht'ukt-rs, \w Imu'n that the l)M'utltwy-Muri'isun t'ltlillth‘ at 'l‘uslmta in the Kuwkush «listrivt. am- smm In lw «litutmnd clt'illml t'ut' Hw :purpupso ut' proving tlw ltl'nlwl'i)’ zit idopth. It is undvrstuml that surt'm-v th'vl- npmcnt has hwn \‘t-t'y szttist'm-tm'y tn date and tho tiizlltltmti drilling: will hv waitvhod with a grvut th'tli ut' inton-st. 'l'hv smuv'intvrvsts that purvlmsml ”W i)t‘thlllt(’_\'â€".\lul'l'i5nlt grunt» hair; r0â€" t't'ttti)‘ :lvqttil'ml tho \Vt‘iis pt'ulwt'ty Esuuth ut' tlw trait-k mul haw sturtml tl shaft and «Iain: mnsidvruhlv sur- 3t'nrv Wul'k, tn-m'hing and stripping. it"t'w gulcl has hm-n t'numl nu tlu- !\\'t-I|.~' lit'ulwt‘ty as \vvll :lrl un thv lh-v i \‘uitm'y-Murrisun. ‘ Mr. Fullm' (‘Xttt't'ts tn make» at trip .1” 'l'nshutu lit-x1 \ka with thu «lir- :m-turs of the. ’mt't'atlu Syndivutv and lit is quitt- pussihlv that ntlwr intrr- goats will hr :u-quit'mt in that ‘wt't'iittlt. has: In Wcmlcl in u ‘ whirl: rum omin- arms uf [mu extend l‘nvm t Slaw Lnkv ‘ detriment mu ('mmdn's :18.“ Thu! vmm' Smllmr)’ MU REV. J. DOUGLAS PATBRSON WILL BE HOME TO-MORROW "Hid W'NP ~|lu\\ll Ill sulm' M ”w WIN-i chms in \\ mnilum. This ultrawl In“ the zitlmtinn n! svwrul |n°°nspmtnl'5.i ll. Angus .\lvl)umiM and A. l.. .\lltivl'~ sun alum“: tlu- I'vst. This was in tlw full ul' 1911. and in the spring: ”1' 1912! Mr. Amlvrsun hmk :m nuHi! inlu Hu- ('ullllil°_\'. Th0 gull! «lile'ic'l Ik‘ l't'm'llml by lmzli t'rum Svlkirk tn (hmli tn Mumgnm- gull ul‘ Haul 'l‘lll'um. n!‘ in Hulv HIVM' Members of i.0.0.F Pay Last Tribute cllsvuwru-s nmclv m .\urllwrn Hut pruslu'c'hn's M-l um In 1'\‘||'Hl‘v wilclc-rnvss mul t‘muul tln- .umm- llmliuns HIM yiva' 2m Wc-II in "NW!“ pruvim-w hvrv. hm. Sun fllflMflNll flflllllNB Tl] SIM" [IN flEVflNNEV [MIME M ”SHUT“ In Ilw mtrly «Inn '0th :Wniclml ”w I" fertile lands M: Hu- uf tlw pmvim-v m- wlml u whitv mmn'~ mul tin-y lvt't film it in ”w l'lll' H'mlvr I Stiumhuml. lmwvvvl‘ «Haven't-rim Imulv in Spectacular Gold Samples At Rice Lake. Manitoba PREE GOLD SIIOWINGS IN TRAT DISTRICT SAID TO BE A3 SPECTACULAR AS THOSE OP CROESUS~DIPPICULTY OF ACCESS IS DETRIMENT TO GROWTH~-GOV'T PROMISE TO PUT IN SUMMER ROADMWILL SURPRISE MINING WORLD. .\lt mun Hum Wilmi am. ”up hm- Mr l'l'uili sin wamumu' Handgun“! \\ the suwral thnunund l'm‘t Hf diza drilling (lum' UH mm Hl' Ilw lll; phidv ci)'l\'l'h in the imrtlm'vst s ”'1' the vamp. This will lw llll ”no «if these sulphide dykvs ii handed irnn l'ui'imitinu lu lw diz drilled, and 11:0 suvcess ui' Hui.- ture will lu- watched with at deal of interest by mining: 0m; avqiiziintml with such I'M'nmtiuu nll rum l‘ Mm“ tn lw ulwnml up. “mum! 41),!)th t'wt and it prulmlflv that tiw mntin nt' alimuuml drilling: and I will he «lune nu \ztl'inlls I side the tht t'nm' nl‘ tiw Hizmmml «Ir saunpling lbl'nln wrtainin}: lhv hudios, in $.10 tiuns. and it « is vspm'iully ll 5n llllll'll Hf l ~Em|w "1' ii MIIHNH'I' “H Um Hudsuu Hay lisiilw; ('lmrvliill in “Winnipeg. ‘ «anll HH' Wis! shin ”I. I. will run Hiruugh :ihnui llw minim: «listi'ivi. llwi lulv siii'vly Hm! this mukv ii gulcl lil'millm'i' w prise Hw miningr Wurlcl. “ml Hie szilm- slmwin; in British ('uluuihizi nl’ would lmw lun'v Iu-c-II- thv clisirivi and MW IV ing: and «iiviih'mi puryji Mugniiivvm wuh-r pmx'd the lines! in ('mmciu. us ‘ in xilmmlmm-«v in i'mt. mining vvntro. um! flu c-miiiti'y is in“ n!’ 2mm- in: animals. 'l'lu- «m mumry is wry similar i’m‘vupiuv «listl'it-l. sill mmrnmus lvmls ni' «mil Hit-so. :1 little n-Iziulv I gulcl «listl'ivt. is m’l-l' and zu'vurdillg in Mr. rips high-grmlv n-umwr swimns ”2' HIP ('zunp. H was ai-‘vvl'laiim-«i Hm Fullvr (‘u. iu-duy that «liammml drilling: mnfll’m-h tinii with tlw pl'vlimiimr Im-nl nn 1| numlwr “1' new 'l'lu-rv “Nor was :I tinu hislm'y uf the l’ul'vupilw Sn umny dimnnml drills- orutiun. and so» umny tl {PM “1' hnlvs Irvin}: 1m! . sm'tiulls u!’ thv ('nmp. H was il-‘N‘l'lilillvll 1hr THE PDREUPINE CAMP BEING HflNEVBflMBEfl BY fllflMflNfl flfllllfl .\uyum~ lumping in i-luw tum-7y prvlimiiian'y delupim-m uni-i. guiiig: “I! in tho l’urvuliilw ('aimp lill'L'P mimlwr cil' premium-ls in HM lying sm-tiuiis. :15 “ml! as llllcld'l';.1 WHI'k an all the hi}: iiiiiios minim! living: iluprossml will: llw imlm purl Iiuw living." played by din drills. I]: \\ (‘ 11“ rge of the ('hi.-;1mhu lrned [0 New York Single Capics 5 Cents Fullm the \ Mm lw ox! rum ”1' fin ll drilling is .' 01H prulwrt H 'l'hmn H mun! n rvlmrls that an us dmmuml drill” the must mtmmtn. 1th n H: Whu MI- :1 m l' I\'.'vm_\' 11ml." nl' Hm; WIIII ('H IWH H Q'HHI in that. climnt md IPH'sUHg “ill be «lizmmml big: Mll- ; sm-liun the first. hut-n In prcqwrty nu UH lh’ V6“- SH H N u 914er great. "wars d In d! H NI”! l( hi”. H‘ll H at ll'. \V I!

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