3 Phone 10 Phone 95 B 3 '3 zooooooooooooooooéoooooooooooocoooooooocooooooooooooo E John W. Fï¬gg Eégï¬mwï¬gaflï¬gï¬gï¬lï¬z WOOOOOO 00090609000006 999090 0 0990090099906'9900 0009 MARSHM a MESW m. For Town of Timmins E. M. Allworth TIMMINS Our Furniture Department is overflying with goods to suit the needs of the people of this country. Pitch. Coal Tar, Corrugated iron, Rock Faced Siding. Galvanized Shingles. Cement, Paristone Wall Plaster, Exterior Wood Fibre Plaster, Hy= drated Lime, Metal Lath, Hard Red Brick, Fire Brick. All sizes Window Glass. Nails Locks, etc. in fact we can sell you everything to complete the house and furnish it from cellar to garret===1f you are thinking of build= ing, Come in and talk it over with us. Our stock is the lam gest and prices the lowest mmnuy Q (‘uuuuiug's Opp. P11 All kind Bishopric Wall Board. Neponset “’3" Board. Asbestos Wall Board. Neponset Parnid Roofing, Neponsct Flooring Paper. Red Rope Sulphide Building Paper, Asphalt Felt. Barrets Tar Felt :, â€W . . -- - ‘ a. - v a. W ___. __._. -_... W a“.- 0., aâ€"uâ€"o ----â€"o »<-.. _. ~g â€"-â€".o .â€"-.. ,«. â€"â€"-. . ’ . . ‘ ",_‘ , ', ' r ' -. '_ 7““? , ..,'I , - . -‘ . ' ’ ‘ ‘ ' “"' ‘ ’ " " ' ’ ' :::-1‘¥~‘U-1‘::3n4.. I: .‘.. .. ‘.:,w:-_ 1:..- .- -1 L‘; ‘z:“.:: 1:3:-‘_:â€".-_:;-~:,“‘ ‘:-‘.‘ ‘1‘.“ “.z_‘..,_““-:_“ ‘ :'“_“_:." f“: “.“r “. :" “L“:t .. . .4. ‘v . - . . -_ _ - -,-' 5.1K..':, 2““. J‘ZJK'L r; x1) k‘JICJ:sC- .1":ng"; -7; at"... 52“.)“: -CZ. 31.. .m.-.-.:__. 5.Lâ€":‘~‘1‘â€" -€fâ€"\t» ..â€".- ~'. ' -‘1 - I.» » "“:::L.:::'"= Contractors 32:22:: and Builders Take Notice Tires 8s Gasoline Poiarine Oi! QUALSFIED ELECTRICIAN Heml “Him- umber, Building Materials C021! and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies AGENT FOR Coloniafl Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL md In (mi DU ll H to re Mining Muchiuu'y in ï¬rst-class ( H( We Have in Stock The Store with the big Stock and Prompt Delivery M3 MAREEHES Hardware and Furniture 3 Banncrman Ava, Timmins o mmnowomwm 0(‘6‘ lllll! SCHUMACHER BuildersContractors Estimates, Plans and Blue Prints given on request Yard and “'urolmum- lh'ill E5 SE SE E'FEHEE E5 SEEM“? E'E ES BE â€2% ER 92% SE Eï¬fwï¬ ('IL omlitm ‘li 80. Porcupine News _ items of Interest? mmvm l'lclilml Mlitur CANADIAN MINING JUL-$3.5; tn CANADIAN MINING MANUAE Journal dcmtml tn thv mining industry. Published micv untlll)‘. Sum] fur 1L >11va 20:: Adulalidu 5L, “1, Toronto ll H u Miih n! (Divk) Walsh 1 Saturday last fro is the same old g his absence from Ford and Overland Cars UH m tlu H lti ll Imnvs. l'rlw. ‘SZM Ht'gillzlhl H. â€on v ('aunulizm Minin ()ll W ( h lmnml hunk (m :u-s. l’riu-S 842.00 W (K “'11 Ill ll THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE: If sh rcturnc from the (l genial '1 mm the 1 all H put 011 Mm!“ He will re- Minvs at the l( H mth utiml H) H â€"â€"_â€" â€" . . .â€" N. -~.â€"---.-. Mom -_---.â€".â€" ‘h . ' wnâ€"“uocv~_â€"a --. 11111111; 1 15." .1 .\11:1\' 111.11'111'1. 1.1'1111 1»; 11111111111111 111 :11 1 1 3 - - , - , I 11111111311 1:.Li1u11m111111 111 11111 \\ 11:11. :11'1'1'11111 1111111111 11111" 111 [1211' 1115 1:15? \‘1811 11111.112‘11 11111111.: 11\'1 ' I a 9 I“ 111:11'1-1111511115 11'11111 11111111115 1 111x111. 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Burke 3] t( \\'( Ill 1'0 V â€alarm (3 Ll V lll] ll )Hll 1 1m rl nuanced m 8N mmplv u! - pruhuhly .(‘H f r\' t r: \\'r ll mu N 0 .1 0000000009 0000 12000006") C") 00 0 9000 00000 90000000000000000 H!’ . !\' ’lRlNl ~ I Q . >¢ooo9§o¢c 3 LL THE NEWS § ALL THE CAMPS E h ll Hi! \\ ll'\ lit NH m HIH ll "mm s and \Zl‘ Hlu Mr M H M'('H “'Sl'i ! (in [I 'mor HI Ill "I h no 00600099009000960000¢00602 6090000999990 6¢09009M09< ADDRESS: Cappea Curb (87': Mining Outflook 72 1R5N!?‘x’ 2" “ACE -:- :-: NEW YORK WWW ~ 5.1M 5:12;: ' M J.- ._C_AJ. ...- 'Mr 6.: 'l..'. I â€â€"W‘ .~ I‘ a‘ g .. >3??- Paid-up Capital $7,000,000.00 Reserve Fund - $7,000,000.00 PELEG HON-TAXI). Praia’ent L". HA ‘1', General flfmwger Repair Shop on Balsam St. K. I". "(ILHNU .‘lxumï¬t-r Tiuuuinu, Uni. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Central Banking Bun’ncu Transacted UM palm 40 PAGE Vgléula The News Service is fresh, ably prepared and complete lim-h xmmlwr m mining pmlwrty The Copper Curb Mining Outlook mmnun‘.‘ m: Druggist - and - S'tationer REED BUILDING 22.. TIMMINS, ONTARIO Leave Your Films With Us WM. GAME Branch Ofï¬ces:- Timmins. South Porcupine, Schumacher, Cobalt, North Bay and Berlin. Best possible facility to handle a strictly commission business. Private Wire with Direct Connections with Toronto and Cobalt KIELY, SMITH AMOS PRINTING AND DEVELOPING .\'i.\'l". YEARS H ('(H’H OHIO! Head Ofï¬ce 12mm H Deslcrs in Government and Municipal Securities. Drafts, Money Orders and Letters of Credit issued, available throughout the Interest Credited Hal yearly at Current Rates. ’Phonc 6-4. ’Phone 33. ()t )0‘ i Phone Orders Promptly Delivered STOCK BROKERS l'l 'ngs Department at all 000000 VWWV “‘30 hash :u 01-1; our work is right U tlm'f Hotel «1mm in all tlu DH ll ll Foreign and :changc. Mumhm {SSUED Bl-WEEKLY m H.000 to 10,000 nu UH H as u .\ll.\'l.\'(} ()l"l'l.()()i\' muph H H! (‘0! Slum] mtlmrily on Miniu #00 OOOMOWOOOOOGOOWOOM :OOMOONGOWGOGMOOOOOQ: l"()l{ SALE-«An Olive!“ 'I'ypmvriter, slightly used. Apply tn .1. A. La.- One Doilar Annually H Timmins South Porcupine ()\‘ uling Mining Camps. Cochrane and Timmins, Ont Ladies, Hand n] M. J. ROCHE it Bags and Card Cages PRICES $1.50 to $4.50 lions um (mu ll SUL‘I' (I on Hem: mml an'tit ll Toronto. (-t on sccurilit H rlv (m nf (in- ISCII -1n«l()pti( \G “1211 )1 mngt [LN H uni Mini“ H nt 11L Ill JICUUS! in mu'h HM .\l mhn Fl "8 llt