A Danger Rectiï¬ed. The guy wires on the street run- ning parallel with the 'l‘. and ,.\'. U. Railway. wliieh have been the muse «if two unpleasant expel’iettees hy par- ties driving there reeently. have been placed in ii safe position by the Nor- thern Untnrin Light and Power ('u.'s utiieials who, nn realizing the danger to travellers. lust no time in eti‘eeting a remedy. If the 'l‘. and N. U. will ‘lu likewise and remove. the other guy wire remaining, whieh is if anything more dangeruus than the uthcr Um, the thiinks ut' the public will be equally due as to the Light and Puwer Connmuy. “I u.‘ "__- from : cxtorh pil’t' ll (-rm'tic I'l’unt mom hllih“) day from 01!!st un HH- m'rzlsiun â€f the Imxing lllllh'll lwtwm-n llugdm and Vim-mun. I’rmn “nilvyhlll'ï¬' were untim-d .\:(‘Snl'.Ԥ. l". ('ulmuam. I). )lvMulmn. I". ('lmm-ns. . .\'. llurnm'. Juc Lynd. Siwrritf ('uldbivk. Altaruoy Frank L. Smiley: t'rmn New Liskmml, Ruhr. Montgmuvr)‘ and the Hun- wcll knmm mntl'alvturs. Messrs. Hill, (‘lgtrk mul Pram-is; and from 'l‘urumu then“ was Fred .\rllutf. boon dum able tn m \‘imxsly. for quick Would ho rinlrd 3:15 Roaming Horses. .\ i'nrrespnndent this Week draws attentiun in The Advanre Letterhux tu straying: lturses and nuns around tuwn euntendin}.r that they slmnhl he dealt with under the same eategury as (lugs. Seeing that his letter in- cludes narrow emapes. 'l‘lte Advance might jn~t ret'er ln «me seen last Sunday when three little children were passing: along“r the street near the Imperial Bank and tw“ heavy hurses eatne [mtmdillg aeruss the mad m'er the sidewalk. How those kiddies were not knueked dmvn was a marvel. lt‘ they had been. and seriously injured whn \mnld have been l‘eslmnsihle hut the uwner ut' the animalsil nmstvr I'MM‘ vnmmmlut mu l’nst ()Him'. make two cal every Mendy: \‘inlh'ly whore Dr. S. ‘ thy mwmi "nit. ('levi 'l‘hvrv Wt vmlturs m nu: at iw mvmmm tend um! lmtm ml! I We live to m; we dye to live. The Swim 8mm Laundry. South Porcupine. are white. Give us ml '(fll ('IH The Mt ll uh “U ¢ ll H“ No. EIGHT Timmins News in Brief )II N nitiary l‘( HUI an: mdlin H Ml uh distal 3C; n! all mm! HM SUI largo numlwl' ul' uup un chzu's. Hu' um'usiull ul i'tWN'n nghm um lluilcylnll‘)‘ l". ('ulcmun. l)‘ k at Thu: lama]. a mug: HH- publiv m nurntiun ltrr tlmn 'prv mun- fuvilin the wicket i‘ till '3 (m Saint Minn in I)! 1| II “0‘1 18313“! .\l l't‘ llt l( It A3 Basalt a? Briving Dawn Mc- En‘tyre Hill at Inn Great 8 Spaedand Hme Eel! U l’ullmviug uu the usamiph’ set by the Sunth l’urvupinv :ihlv hmliml men in forming a llnuw (luaml tlu- similar- ly invlinod at Svhumzu-hor lM‘L‘illlH.‘ busy this week atml set almut the {urination ut' a Hume Guard there. A list of signatures has hoon ro- rviym‘l at! llw slurv nl' (l‘ail‘Uh‘St‘l' «K' ('n. and already some t'urty muuvs have been zittachml. A nwetingt will lit" lwhl this. Friday Honing: at eight u'rluvl; in the Empire Theatre at Schumavhor fur the uppuintuwnt ul' ofï¬cials in runnevtiun with the organ- izmiou. [853M EEï¬MSY’ER Sn far 115 mm he gaxlhcrml. Moldvn had been delivmgviug some Huur from his empluyes and was an the trip lmmv tn 'l'immius. 0n rout-hing the Mrlulyrc hill Iw slumhl have pl'nceml- ml mun) slmvly. in the upiniuu nf utlwr drivers in town. but as :1 result ut' the hurso falling rweivml severe Hits and bruises almut the hmul 11ml fave. â€P was rushed tn the â€Hive ut' lh'. Munro. at 'l'immius. and umlimlly alt- temlt-d m by “1'. â€Hon. vim after- wards haul him reulm'od home. there l‘oing nu hunos broken. alllmugh an sovm'v shaking: up was vxpvrit-nvml lay the yuung mam. .\s the W511“. it is >1?th 1! 1mm ‘lmx‘n the lllll at 1 Mine at :1 fast pm-v l l'ullml alum! vigil! ()°('l; Multlvn. Ivanmtm' l'ui' llm'ies ('0., 111110 In grief ut' the llursvs stumbling prvsont mnlinml to hml. Forty in Home Guard at Schumacher UV H ll ulillzl E’fiéï¬ii m Efllfl HD' 1298113 3‘ HE f! n93. K1 Mnndn)‘ {HIM ml. ul' driving tin.- lentyro last evening wk. Xuruum Hm (inl'dun r' tin-â€ugh 0119 and he is at ll \\' W83 0 h m'pimn. \ nldvl‘ lhu absent-1m angular «him-[inn and dug: HFFH‘I-ZS .\.\'l) mums m [01 in Municipal Building. 'I'immins, at mmlomte rout. Apply '1'. M. Wile NU), 'l'immins. (-lzu'mg Ins nnw that a" late tn nil}?! 'l‘mnighl and tu-uun'rmv the ï¬fth epismle u!" The Muster Key will he presented in :uldilinn In an I. K () eumecly "The Butvher's iride" whieh is full ut’ fun and .enjuyment frmn start In ï¬nish and the humur- nusly im-linml slmuld nut mnit seeing: this speeiall feature nt' than manure. nmv that hilt' XS pnni'. he (invszi 't “(‘51: tatv tn nii'm' himself". In a stnry nt’ this ('izzti'm'tm' it is uh- viuus that the x'vtihmi artistry nt‘ Miss Martin timis adequate smlw. This beautiful girl shines in «Ivory him in \vhivh'sho is seen. but who†thv (‘ll- tire l'i'zuumvm'k Hi the play has hovn espvviuii)’ designed t'ui' her. her pleas;- ihg porsunulity stands nut. all the IXIUH‘ hmrkmlly and distinctly. Tit-night am] tu-mm'rmv thv tit'th SI'I'I'ATH ).\' \\'.\X'rl'll)~~â€"I'Z.\'p(-rium-- ml Sit-ungrzlphvr clusil'vs pusitinn at MIH'P. Apply Stellugl‘uphm‘. Ad- vmu-v (Mice. 'l'iumlins. l’mpvtm tiqlw 021‘. x: \\'.-\ lXWHlHH'l' ~-- .\I mem July 1911:. tlw wit'v ut' (' \\'uin\\'ri§:ht. a «laulghtvr. replied the {'mmcillur. l'ul' :l to his th"l'H-â€".\I the Lymlhurst I'luspitul in 'l‘urumu. nu 'l'uesday. July 27th. the WW? â€1' Phil 'l'mn't'. ni' 'l‘immin‘s, al mm. \\'.\X'I'I'IILâ€"l’nsitiun lry ymmg mun, vxlu-rivnm-«l Ihmkkwlwr :uul Ston- ngmplwr. Apply in Hut: 235“, Tim- mills. Hut. Harm bllf; Wlm hemmed them Ht W 000 00000 $1,000 '1‘! The Timmins Empire Theatre tinw 11ml [ix â€1'05 a" H “'(‘I xl I'HH H H H ued (mm page I'Ulmm zulequ shines '9'“ fl 1‘ ll Ho smpo. This in vvcry lilm in mt who†the onâ€" 10 play has bevn l) t! a... 2 m H tu ll ll lu-z'. lint (-511 't 32051- P GROUPLV B ADV/£333 . 1m hurles ll powmoo .9 . mow WW 0000 mm mgmmmcamgmamg It "its: 34 , r J L,“ l ‘_/\ Challenge. Regular $32.00 each from stock Agents : Ball Bug Steel Penherthy Valves We are clearing out"= Refrigeraï¬ors at Ke- xmced Prices WWW THEATRE Raï¬ Brick fire Brick price cn.:; 25c per 8:.ch 00 f0: trad Refrigeratsrs ’: ado rad? The Arrival Thischarming:lctl'vss :Ippmu‘ml in the wishing ring~~snitl M locwluitics to he mm of the best pivmn‘s they haw; smuL “131' §J for $5.00 eel Refrigerate: $UPREME EMPULSE Usual Prices 25 and 10c tickets goc Imp. Cmnmly Drama iMARSHALL - ECCLESTGNE Regal: Rexnla FRED/AV AND SA'I'URDAV, JULY 30?†AND 318T THE CAMEG .RENG THE MASTER KEY Marshall-Ecclestone LIMITED TWO PHONES: The Store with the Big Stock and Low Prices TIMMINS, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. AUGUST 23rd and 24th Thu \Vnrhl Film vurlnn'ntinn lnwswnl 00 {or get TEE $1 01' gallon for 00 Regular VIVIAN MARTIN cgular DO 2 Reci Big U Drama EPISODE No. 5 Téï¬i‘iMiNï¬ 14.00 0218 00 00 LIMiTED l.\' Store of J us: VOXY lines of 0112' $28 Machine complete compete with We have Rec rust received shipment of Pmy latest thing in the 1)!) .cratching or metallic sound. 310 BUTCHEK’S BREDE Perpetua 1138110 GIVE US A GALL m :ket D 3 I..K.() :niturc. BCCIS OCR OI THE We also 21 any one Ofï¬ce Hv 1' $18.00 reducet other 8 ("HUM them over Ont alum V0 Sh DEG .Il 1393201123. The graph line. No ‘ Milan’s Stoves and Ranges Puiastone We have a Haster Wan lines and Beard ‘unc Oll \-.‘ -_,â€"- a a U “VI: .V;