Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 Jul 1915, 1, p. 3

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The Retail Merchants' Association of Tinmins has outlined a plea of ac- tion whereby they hope to reduce ont- stendin; accounts. protect the mem- W from loss through further cxten~ 3i" 0! ctedit and eventually increase th mount of home trade as com- p ._ with that which is at present th' the. VII!“ m-Hvr vnmlx feel Hm! ll (‘1' hatrclb‘." “1‘ Hmmfl ul' sluw 'my mm: mwtmu Ind.“ 6‘ the pmui adinn. ‘ a as I'ul IIWINIWH “.0" 01' gulll': Hum rlznning m- In" tnnlly nut all-Iv tar}. Mr. I". Y inhulmuiam u". u svllvlm- m M \\ Tl Whu tlwn 111k! I'm I [Minn-rs Hl' hm! \\l'l huw Hu rap!) w Mmlivim .‘ll 3 !G09990896OODODGOGBOOODOOOOOUOCO .605808680363.0060899000600860000.00.000000.00900GOODOOODODDOOOCODOO0000.0DDDOOODOOIOOOOOOOOUGOOOOOOO0°90900900608089999909.”0000‘ I- III. o'i'. iii). ‘l’! z! DMOOOOOOC his \\ rilh-u Business Cards CALL, WRITE OR PHONE ¢¢¢¢- '1' lllo H ALL KINDS OF PAPER H0 0:. 0:. 0:. 0:0 0: All Sizes of Posters ' O ‘ °. ’0 O .0 .:o g:- o FOR PRICES AND H duh O O O O O O ‘ 0.. 0.. O.‘ 0.. 0.. O O I O O C O O D.‘ .O. 0.. 0.. 0.. O.‘ 0.. O. SAMPLES MN . O 00.000 . 0.00 O rogrammes, I] \h N’l' evil (“VG another and serum um] Inervhnm. nut «that IlPMs wmlld him In run an arm alllI Illll Inn smu't mhlu Ix um I "de Minn N 1’ this Jo o v o O o v o o O 0 0.0 0.0 “0900.0 0.! 0.. 0‘0 0.. .0. . :. oz. 0'. 0:. 0:. 0:0 0:0 0:0 '3' 0:. .1. Schedules. Collection Letters. Ill! m-rrkmfl \s'l ‘rltanl a hill wnuld x» lo serum rrnlil. The 390. l. nnl lemming ul‘ his mmld prulmlvly allow n anm. The same mrnr “illl ullu-r dealers nng lu- mmhl limo im. whirl: Ité “as ulnhlp lo the \mrkimrs ol llwir A Blacklist. «h-m. wlmm 'nsyrv in «In wlmm Hwy m .II it was IIH 1'I' I“ was Ilw In Hwy \nshml Ihv lwuplv urklmns l’omml I Imsim I l'l'): plv haul \‘Imvs - 3 'n' I! uuld u" HM lumld nut ho NH‘II nwmhvr IH't «In husnu'ss mnlld abs”- Ilw lmhit mil guru Imm- (m‘ml Hum: IS 0 ”II «untuuwrs C 111' lnlllu it zmd an”. have "no ".8th in of tlwir Um! ”no PSI! WN‘O (him: In puyvrg Hf HN' W up!!! 30W! \H'I'P IIN'I‘ I ll: wlm ll c-nll The Best Medium for all Advertisers 6PH-i-HnM-‘H"H~2~H~H~°E~H«Z‘+-I~E~EWI~Z~%~I~I‘-:«2~!~2~Z~£-+~Z*Z~I‘ Published Every Friday Subscribe Now IS newr made any eflm't tn pay Mr. t‘. Pie-m in outlining his views on the matter thmIght that thIl scheme fmm \ledicine "at was II good one. Then “on! many «uses where a man had met with hard lurk but film. as sum as he 'xut to mark t'ulh ink-mind to ll!“ up and did his hosI Sn far as hr. the smaker. understmul the svhemr. sm'h men would nut he “hlnrklisteul” when tho vIrrIImstann-s were made knuwn In tho IIIrrvhnnts. ”n the «er hand he had up enred Hu- same thing as Mr. Laughliu when- pomms kept gm! vmlih my day mme nmuml hut cash mu] still Hwy wanted mum lu- mmml me down ”my wmllcl In mmo ler merrlmm wry M mu! run up morn rredit. ' 3w I’n‘siclom ~.\l)' Men is- Hm I H ml n mnn clolilu-mtvly PH" Hm! Way and r ram hi du lmsil with Im- Hm! I shunhl Ic-I my l‘u-I nwn Itot! I" with N! _\' Iml In Canada $2.00. 'l'|u- allmw- . l'nrmwl by [In l'immim with running mun- plic-ulinn rul' hvur Sir .‘lr. mrl mm. HAN“! M r. Pierre.- mw Ilw far It Mr C ' ' ' ' ’1‘ ‘3‘ '0' ’:‘ '0' 'o‘ ’0' '0‘ o‘ 0:0 0:0 01- '1‘ 0: ~1~ '1' ~Z- ’1‘ 02- ’1‘ 4' '2' '1- 0:. 4‘ '2‘ " Ir. l'u' milclin lm- ‘list 1M lu- Hll‘ Ill «ii! Don 't Like Is now Complete and Ready for Work any Class or Description With Eight Pages full of News of the Porcupine Gold Camp. ""30 rusting: In pay "n. W x $900. llc HSPTS Building. One Cause. ll In ll lvl‘c Illi‘l'G 8| l'fl'li1 8H hrs lm-rrlmn H "H“ "I "I! I'll ”(whee-+24%" H" M401"!- i-ééé-b-M-I-d'+¢¢¢¢éé++é$++++¢++++++«I»++++++++4+++++++++4+¢++++¢+++¢¢+ep+¢+++++a+4«nun-+4- muzlm M uulin m-x! mm might °rmlil mu! vulll‘sv tn HUM“ [w [MI W {Elvin Subscription Rates 530 H “S Iva Ming \' H \s . Friomllx we" HIM! Hm! I list “WIS THE PORCI'PINF. ADVANCE 'Blacklist.‘ ' immn "2“} P" 1 IIN‘P is 8| In! . .\ mm: is build. my 53'5"" and is ith am inmmw «1' mm' M hq-Iliml Is plum: ful luWHlf.’ id IN my that. they mm't nu ~.' the ”Wm! M H .\n "I“ I'll \HH non-1mm ' Imssihlt rulnt inns Q‘C'I'l pm mix 1'" tn HH' vllllum'llls hm]. «It wk 1' 3H) (Invitilt ‘Hl'. l'l'fill that if evading business 411°)“. 1b|tixc n‘Nin mmmt vmmu! H" II 3' ”\V rhnps m the nun}: n-lmm .lvhh‘ Flu-2w ”w I if HI HI nt M I U" ”I “I. o o 0,, .0... . '- 0:. o:¢ O 0.. O O 1 O .0 o O 0.0 0 .0 Q tween the retailer and public in gener- al a’ml incidentally fur the protection nl‘ ereclit and no ulmibt it will he pmv- on m the near future that it is a hem ellt hi all parties «invented. Delinquent ulehtors are reported at eneh and every meeting and as we no. tiee you have a stmtll hill whieh is somewhat ui'enlite. we have you will. uivie this ymir immediate attentinnl V 0 sick i5 :nm- fur (-\'(-I'.' h was elm-Mm] In swurc- Hun-ugh :vzn‘ium mun-0:; tlw xu-Hm! prim's l'rum |nwrvlnmts tlwmsvlws m uHu-r tmvus lulu! allHW Hu- puhlic nt' 'l'imlnins .tln'mm'ln tin-50 statements lmhlislu-ul in 'I'lu- .\cl\'um:o“iust how Hwy m-rv M'- in: h'vutml. and "ms ni-uiil our placing your name “PM" the Ivan! at the next meeting. {Signal} .‘lomin‘r 'Pilmnins Retail )lvrrlmnts ‘ .-\ intimation. ' ° while Ilw ‘ \vc-II Hmngl' tisiflg \muI lcwnl IIIIIN‘I‘ mugm by n .‘lr. "mks c rvpliml Mr. [In-«‘0! m'hmH)‘ rvm'lu 'l‘ixmnms. .\lr plmlsm'v M In: wnnplitm-Mnry I his nut In IINHLV IIIIIH Hum mun} "mm alm's ”If“ U \V "Mm-t lei! H .\l r IN H H (‘l'l v- I Jim: \ch'm! l m H Ic'l n c-mnpmgu om mum lsml by ilw l’rvsiclvm. is c-umlmigu mmlcl M In puim u tlu- public llw fut-t that in film's ”my mum m-hmlly paying Wire's I'M‘ m'riuin :muls in Tim- sin HM Nmflun again «Irow nth-Minn I‘vnsihility M‘ a puhliv Inn-ting Ilu- l'rosidmlt Ilmught sumo "ugh! nut vmnpuign nt' min-r- mmld ln- lu-Hor ”munch Ilwir NIMN In U. S. A. $3.00. 'Irl'm- mnmrmvd Hus h] with whirl: Iu- hml mm m Nurth Hay. SmHmry sly I‘c'm'xfll)‘. For Home Trade. 'I'imlnins Im-rvlmms am «of ”IMF ln‘lms." 3'me illm. "mu! Il' Ilw puhllv l 'l ['1‘ [“1 ['00va JUN! nssurml hy Mr. ”inks. M“ '9. llml h1- mmlcl ln- sur- v largo nunllwr ut' humps vlu'cl tlmmuh Hw mail m m perhaps 'l’lw Advnm-o -h m "may pouplv m \w pnhlir mm‘lim: l’vrhnlm un mlixlnvn us un this. .\o-\\tun. nqmrml :l pnh‘umzv vllalr sm'nl H'." II "II" 'H H‘ pzo 9:4 0;. 9:010? #0200: nty-ll mmm pup \m)‘ mt whm \‘ll "('1 r um “would this by in- lnml mmu- m Smllmry um! I" mls urv Imt ." snid Mr. publiv rmtlly wuuM in lmmv ll‘mlv 0:0 0:1 0:0 0:0 0:. 0:0 0:. 0:. 0:0 0:. 0:0 0:. o:- 0:: 0:. 0:. 9:. {a 0:. 9:. 0:0 «:0 0:. (a 0:. 0? 0:0 0:. -:¢ 9:0 0:. 0:4 O? + 0:. 0? 0:0 O!‘ 0:. 0:. 'z‘ 0:- 0} 4‘ °:‘ ':' nu-mlwrs u! \\' O ‘ I'! IN vsprc'ssml H. ”Um 'm'c- mud“ 1:! many thruugh 'im's' t'l'um 101‘ UN“ us 'limmins ‘ ll'mlv l'lmmms mm nut- Released Convict lies Strange 4'14} f Experiencesjn Enieagnltten Serving Nest of life Term ‘ allmjio : tum-tings lrmmwu {lily and fur tho r Hull tho-j 'nl'ujl'c'ls TWENTY WI] YEARS IN PRISM Will Wlfll BIIY SIRIUS he MINI. tlnmdvr. (3 ”w It!!! titm His l'mm ~snl ,immtl slllo suit "NIHRIIH at r I)" It mm mm! in! i ('immlwr I'I'vsiclvm ll ° \\' \\ thy hv sum-c. fitting: hmmm pammmm silk-n. Where Are the Bustles mu" 1mm «In “1"“ H'l I 'mmmn ~ mmtly cm lwm‘v uul mwr WI: II'H IIIHHIH‘I mm ml il Mvrrlumls I mun-cl om llu- IIIQ'IIHN'PS In Hm'rilim' In 3:110“:ch Hwir if nm-vssul'y. 'l'lu- lmsim-ss «I mnwrnml tlu-m all lwrsun- i! was allrsulmvly now-smry nun-use; ul' Hu-ir ln'npusnls .' mmhinv and c-m'r)‘ llwir lhl'nllffll. O '0'. O O O 0:. .0 3H! H I13 PVPIIIH . h‘l'u'wm'cl Ju- clnmnult uul‘lmdish Hm Hu-x'r M 'lc'fipl'v thus tn llw urxnni lulu ('N H‘almu HS In Letter Heads, ”Iv IN'IH‘IHS In In Ic'fiu'v ”Hum“ whu c llw urznmzzninn. N‘IIV no. NI! \' 0'8""! Il'c ll Il'_\‘ m o'u Imu- ing in ilu 'ul'v «lispvl m ”w Im- I'Sngl ml l'\' "mu hm ADVERTISING RATES HI HIHH “fill I w. u \ NI rs Mlvk In! "1's u pro! 1 ivil ' m'I-ltiv WILL BE SUPPLIED fine “1‘3“ 4' his Iu-ml "in slmmr T1 um .‘l C‘- umlvr Hm lvrmvrs Circulars, APPLICATION sill «Ir inllx his um "I we .vn wlm m shut THIN!!!“ We'll ' Hm: Hwy ,0 ll'! HI il Im-il Hu- 5 In llkv this 1'0!" HM this ll! m Ill I! R’ulcd Forms UPON it‘s a big as the «luv reach I ‘ away in? Home ear!" \ The aulemnhile 9m) ted under elevated structure at l'iflh me The man in the guld rimmed i uncles involuntarily «lurked. .\ he smiled his apologelie smile. ”You don't need to tell me: «lune my share M‘ newsm uer rem That's the elevated! amkml sues a train up there. “ .\ ml the huiltlings. llo-lee am I've gut a eriek In my neek l'l'um trying In see lhe lups "1' They're just iuummishle. I o! believe in 'em. There's n.» ”mu: as that one there. The tumour stamped in I'm"! u ('it)‘ Ila" Squaw building. ”I "w passu-nm‘rs- -.\Nnrm~y .lmnv ('«llen--Wukv the wvnrvr u guld rimlm-cl slm'tm'lvs l'rum H'VQ‘I'N O. ”c how upon tlu nliglmn ' y his pm'kor- Im-ntlmn om was "In hill Pczhaps you have not yet had your name placed on the subscription list; of The Advance. In order to mama getting a copy each week you slu-idd mai it in now to the otticc at Tinnxins ‘\'l his c-hm M! I"! him his ”.«t: 10 rpm“: to IIH‘HMIH mu m n. \Wllly-t‘ u “I" 0 I‘I‘" VII Il'km \‘1 o o \"l “”0“ “HUM I! gnm‘ N‘ an. Tum. -’” lw ask Tim «M man 3 MPH" l'kl‘C' hvm'tlwr. m- gambler. mum- lmrk ‘ rstvnlny "Nor SIN-min”: I M's in tho penitentiary M . «Wt-r hm! Hu- “prim" 1 s MIN-ks. \Vnrdvll .XHNI'.‘ m haul lmnishml it. TN lmlmr eystvm. hm, lu-r thing's. l‘nr him. It Mining Stationery sum nllnlmn mm Illshlc INN' m "w Firmly on Water Cart mt's ”I in kntm‘ .fl' ni ll "I '(Dl am Hukv and out" new I‘vnwmlu-r. Prison Pallor Gone avh lxkv tln- c'ulm'm HIM sul‘l Hf Q'H'IH frmn. 'l‘ll "III I .H' mm- me "HI 'ul'mml : hi3 t ho sum ”'0 ‘ m‘nu chmr. Illml n m" â€"n m” wit H10 "Maid 1'“?! HM“ c}. o} 0:. 0:. *1 0:. 0:0 9:0 0:0 3:. oz. 0:. 03 WI! _\‘ V. o m’ lulu-«l ull pnyi mm: strmullh-n lmvkv” tlwrv s . 'l‘lu‘)‘ I0 Ull'hilll zlllol Ills man-ml ‘ chm! vlmufl'vut Iinm-tvr lllll mum ms. "uâ€"IH‘ am In my "wk e the mps ut' "It 8| [‘1 nskm how" I! lc H THREE wluh Wul'lc ||_\' l|.o ‘N‘. "HII “V \€ he H4 alt It! n N‘ "y if HI lh LI

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