SOUTH PORCUPINE ITEMS OF INTEREST Q'lll 'l‘l'v Huxm' liro' H'mn c-nmlmh against llu- Sumâ€: Pun-u )ifll‘ Ivmn 1912! Mr Ilw shield nuw u lu- mmuu N! fur III ('m-llrmw and Sunâ€! Pun' pim- \mn tlw Imphy. Last your ('0:- mno lmok it mmy {mm the Inc-n! fl clvnmrlmvul but this yq-nr alumld s and (In Mr. Hmmrd IIannn In†last SIIIIIF clay Inr (IIIIIIII. IIII' IIII‘ pllrlmsv III III-(«IIIIIIIIII‘vIIIg Mrs. IIIII'IuII Imvk MIN III-r \nIIIIInII v. II I III-r pun-III III I’tlITIIIn. .\'.\. {mm haunt: friends will I'Phll'fl In r I' I9 iIIIvIIIIuII "I tin. I'IIIiIIIs III (III wiil N! Y] C‘ H 'l'lu- ' PM l'iul urdny u on» :1 Matt : 'l'hmna Conditions for the Fireman’s Comes. afltll'fl that 3105 N Th0 l‘vnmi'tfti pine ““51“:le [ 111 (mm rmw u! on the grim M r. E. l' ‘ugmuzn vluclv M r le H lll'll The livid 3 3‘" .‘h m r. Ii. l’. Reva-s n! the fnnno-r Lake â€cold Mines left Inst wwk fur parts at eastern Untariu. S'Iu‘ h l'urm Tmunin.» \ e; .U‘HL'ST :21. Timmins u. Dame. Smith l’urvupino vs. [inning .H'GI'ST 2S. Timmins vs. South l’nrcupi: uulzmger w. Dome. “oiling“! lkmw vs â€all“! ‘Dnlnn South PU'W'uphlo \s llulhzzger 6. Dame. «yrs. G'nrveth. Damn an: m loft last Saturday for a mm in rash-m parts of Ontario. 7.10. kmu fool l'rul -N( Yl‘ I'I: l‘)|np and Mrs IN BASEBALL SCHEDUL :‘ll‘ NIH: hunk plm'o un Mummy l’nrc-upim- ut’ Mrs. Mary Mfr Hf Arthur Hisumn H1" rt'mnins were taken In ‘3th \lenosduy fur intermvm. UIN‘I 10; N m N'Nl H'Ill Hulil it l't Him m SEPT EM BER 4 RPHHUI 'c'uplm ill lw ' ï¬xiu I’Q‘HSHI UH ullclu)‘ \‘N‘N 8H nth Hummus .\l but Mr. 1'. L. Stu-r1 vamp m-M week w l‘ â€walling up â€w M: :0 Tisclnlv Tuwnsllilv .‘Hll' N m-c-n m IL'I :1 ..:: of the £1 D. Deacon n-hlrnml inn last Saturday visiting Umrkvillv mum clllal U mm \‘5. ID Eluflmgcr. H l'S'l' 1 t l 3" rcupinv st [1le «ml and landed» «of lmnw. Ala-m" that N Smith mph 'l'immins Iran HIST T ft D l‘ ll H mclvl‘ lm lm' r: min†1‘! vmil up My NH wllit'll is 'l’inunms will In- (I w! m IFS ‘ are as mw \Hll llvms Mn lhmmmm I) ll l (‘t' Mi n" loll ’urcupme H l! .\’lt August HIP ll‘ HI l'\' Timmius l( ’urc-mum- 'm't l! â€HIV. (l luwn {m t'ruzu In"! ll tl it! .\I mun-In! (mum in c-nmlwh I Pun-n- 11° ('11le- tau Slwrrill ull \ in“: â€Hair ll_\' HI H"! {.0110 he D3 \‘11 ran i111: Wm [I ll! nu II Q U ? In relrhmlhm of his birflldny Jim ZHImal’d vntrruinal a few t‘rivnds “as! «wk and a! l’utfllpine. The I'Mrinlir Smitty nl‘ South [‘nrc Mlpilw “i" I!!!†meetings every Thursday in tlw t'arr Building. .‘Ir‘f [Douglas ' by Mr. “ride-H's n Hailoy'mry last 3' returning Mumlny nrnordm m-vumlmulmtun in H frivm C HATTY ITEMS FROM \\‘ "I Mr. .I. .\l. Sic-Hill arrived in lawn :wmlny frmn llnilvylmry. and was rmordeul “arm rem-Minn by nmny rivmls u!" â€w ulch'r clays Hf the HI H Hz; Wmhlesday night the British 4 "5’iBQ‘1' [.aii stopped the Dutvh steamer XirL’v-riv. {mm Sumh Anwx'im and West Indian parts. at? Burnogat and UmL nt‘t' (ntu Kruz and Max Wein- zz'uut. l'uptain Van Burden reported tin» im-idem when he reached New 9“ tiw l‘atuln'ia Steel ('mnpauy of .lul.:t~tun. l’a.. has begun to ship :tulllzm. a uwessity in the manufac- ture nt dyes. In several points on the east. The output of the. plant at pro-«ant is 1.000 pounds daily, which :9 uttly a part uf its captivity. Until the Mir hruk'e out practically all the aniline was manufactured in Ger- 5 Q III Q \IN' «I: Huh" ‘ .- uhnn vmvnts H‘ shin! 2:: l). Hurlmfcllm' has; ul'derod IJHHS cm his estate at 'l'm'rytmvn H't'imsv ï¬rst ('lalss watvh dogs. xx :Iul'yml [u reimburse them for mutiny. Mr. liuvkefellel' is tak- lxis :m-zms further tn pruteot his H! .I'm: In \‘fll'iulls upmmns ('X- in Smith l’urvupinv there ‘is «I fur I'uur-rumnml I'uthlgos. vnquiric-s hun- I’m-n made for u-vmly nml yuan}: nmrriml Mm dram-cl tn tukv up hum-w- m-rv mmhh- In swuro Hu- mlnliun in this lino. “Ill luriu l'! l'l ii ll! mnithw- in t-imrgv ul' lhv “mum hvhl IEIS' Friday «hmimus nt' vxtmuliug their all lhnsc \\'|In mntrihutml til szu'H-ss ut' the I'unvtiun. llhh' lhv (â€1101' 01' (thPl- hp 1150 u!‘ thvil' hall. the I'Ih-Mriv Light and l’mx'or .2: Hum. S. Whm'lor. Miss nl svvm'nl murvhvhn «lunat- ln spilv ul' lhc iurlvmmxt :4- Him “3' $111.01) was run!- mid in M the Suuth l’ul‘a‘n- .Hlir Suvit‘t)’ fur “ml '('l'uss mm the [mat hm weeks 'ummuglll has been ï¬lled ! eupm-ity nml speeinl m" Inn! in he mmle in regard in unler tn m-mnnnmlnte h‘sil'illu l‘lmms. ('nrr .l SPVUI'IH n In spito HI 1- MN†Hf "~ aid in M 1! â€iv Hnl'il'l)‘ rug; 3-3:1cl|nl'd02' has gone a! Atlaintiv (‘ity to (Inc of- â€uwz'y bathing shirt \mm \tlnntic- lwm-h must nut he an three int-hos nbm'e the w wearer.†.\ tape meas- {0 H19 ul‘dor 0179(4in has 1 tn the equipment of Leach . uf Ilw Into Pike Lake Ims rlust‘d UM his lmsi. inns in anifurnin and :is vnlin- time h: Hm do. ‘ Ilu- [mun-rt in Dolum. IN the ll“ IiQ'. u! .‘IHHU‘H’I I. wlm «at “00k mud is very in tho district and is . the WM ostaltv ln'us- Pun-twine. Since his full he nun-s a very the ut'm‘ml uutlnmk ill It :H'Ilpilll' F'iw Downl- .tI-IIIII In (“Pill‘lllfl' iII !(".!1|ill the shield nII gust â€III. the ('iviv 'l'lw trnphy is rallmi id. but More appears I'ux'crsy regarding this It is ('iflilllml that it the SIIIIIII l’nI'I'IIIIiIIc IItiuII IIIII! IIIII tlII- TIII iitlv \mIIM signify. «- IIIaIiI- up "1' six "WM and it is (‘Xpi‘l'il‘ti will IIII HII' i'ulinwinzt-H '. ('IIIIIIIiII: ll. \\'i!.~IIIII. \\'. “man. .I. l'lastun. ’Iiil'lliimi. H. ('I'upsvy. ll Hridvn aommpmniml mutlwr arrived frnm Saturday. the latter ACROSS THE LINE N HS Repeating Arms Hm'cm. ('mm.. have :aiuin plan luulm' -.~; mm in: rotirml. I'm-s an- eligible llflll IUBIEII Illflllf Iflfllflflflllï¬l Klllfll Result of liar Wheels Going Into [leap But and Slipping on Illa Clay lloatl St. Thumns. July 23.-(ienrge A rm- itnge. tnimeflmist. was instantly killed ahmit 2 n'eluek this nfteriimm. when his mntumuhih- turned turtle on the mm! In Windsmr. six milevn exist ut‘ iiiilgetmi-u. With him in the car were Mrs. .\rmitnge and Hyde Kruker. the hitter mn mute mnehinist and expert chauffeur. and his Wife. Mrs. Kmker. The men were in the t‘runt sent and Krnker was driving. The hunt wheels dmmveil iiitu ii deep Hit and in turning «mt the ear slipped nn the elny rum! and merturneil. thiamine all M' the party elenr exeept Mr. Armituge. wlm tell heueaith the rm' and was erusheil to death. his m-ek heing hmketi. Mrs. .\i'mitn_-:e is: suf- fering I'mm the severe slim-k xiiioi hruises. um! the'nther twn t'i'nm Siittt'k and bruises. .\ mmmor‘s ,nuy was nfn-r \wwmg Hm rcmmus was mljuurm-d. .\n lrislmmn. mum arriving in Am- c-ru-u, was nskml Ins mum» at l-Illx.‘ Ireland. I!» gave It. ‘ ‘ Speak luudm'. ' ° â€0 rmwntml It. “Immlvr.†again said Ilw Mun-r: â€,-:S.°lu_\‘. Hum. ynur vuim- is us an“ as said HIV â€Hic't'l'. â€W0“. " said I'm. "llm! mi Mo Ilmtlwr \. us a mmmn. Hugh In ylc TiLEPHCIM 62 AND SURVEY OF "GUS FUEEHSRED IF ï¬EQUiRED "09060000999.089.99006696909090680DOOODDBGEOOCOGOOOOOGAW 80899.039898980000wa09.890500080990600 8989000989966" wmmm 's (0-003-0009voooohbooa Dominion Diamond Drilling Company (O Agent For Gourlay Pianos, Grafanolas and Records. Stationery, Toys, Etc. _Photos of the Gold Camp ' PO$T OFFICE BUILDING When You Want 2. Suit TRY Connolly 85 Geils Ladies and Gents Custom Tailors NEXT DOOR T0 KING'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS N EWWFGN’S I D E N E N 8 HA L L CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS Real Estatemï¬ouscs To Let and For Sale LIMITED 50th Porcupine Sullivan 8% Newï¬on CONNOLLY 8: GEILS Clothes Make the Man We Make The Clothes Right Here “pp. 1511“ (ï¬rmnuls. THEIBXHNS jut; was mllml. mul Opp. Post ï¬ï¬ice. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS WHRSJ -CH ASS MLS 510.0.0-590’00IO-OOOOOOCQ THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE Ju- st ‘3)ï¬ice. Telephone 49 TIMMHi S, ONT immvsl It Mcr Q ’0.\.¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢.v¢.v.v.v¢¢.n.¢b c:. 0:: 0 .0 o o O o o .00.. 5.0.,“ _n 0:“ Co tzo o o. ï¬t Q .0 . .:. . ’0 0 40 gt. 0:. 0:. ":‘ Q .0 s20 a. S. WHEELER Tl“,- lwst mul must-up-tu- «lutv Livery of its kind in Automcbiles {at flite- - Open Day and thl- Phebe 3| Livery and Transfer 0910:0000! South Porcupine Stmth‘ l’m'vupim- I.) f) .3 oovoooO’0' TIMMIHS Proprietor § Best Quality Cigars, Cigarettes iand i Soft Drinks ALWAYS COOL AND COMFORTABLE : â€0600â€â€000000096000 00990009009009.0000». Frood Rayner TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 FF. C. H. SIMMS, Bowling Aliey and Billiard Room scum roxcurmn RATES ‘1 Hotel Connaught‘ SOUTH PORCUPINE Real Estate and Insurance AH'mmh-l'n('Oln'cnim|(:(a~'. Aluvs'ic'un Mun. Special Sunday Dinners E. G. DICKSON TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE Geo. H. Perry, Manager Timmins Representative SOUTH PORCUPINE $2.50 to $3.00 Phone 30 P.0. Box 319