The Porcupine Advance Rather than sacriï¬ce a legacy of $50,000 a Missouri man has assumed his wife's maiden name. What would you do for $50,M07 By the law of averages a French- man has ï¬gured out that. the next panic will be between the years of 1914 and 1917. The Grand Trunk Railx huild a new station at‘ $10,000,000. The proposed the buildimr alone is .92.?ny During the past six weeks Toronto ï¬rms haVe paid $35,000 duty on Vir- ginia potatoes alone. To consumers of the murphy it. looks as thong-l1 re- ciprocity would not. have been the worst thing in the world after all. The women of England are assert- ing their rights outside of the home circle in a truly domestic manner and cabinet ministers imVe called on the police for protection from the muscular sufl'ragette. John D. Rnclnféller i~ seventy- thrcc years of an and should his present plans and intentions be car- ried out. he is going in liw- a long time yet and hcuome thv world's ï¬rst billionaire. There is an abundance of money iv the Canadian banks and the people's suVings amount. to over a billion dollars. The total deposits in Can- ada at the end of June, 1912, were just 130 millions greater than .ut the same time last year. Saskatoon is one of the hustling towns of the West and the growth has been phenomenal, but its sub- diVided area is enough to house ev- ery Canadian west of Lake Superior. Real estate is a risky investment in the sub-divisions. unless one cares to hold for a number of years. Some of the 'l‘oronto papers are discussing the “passing of the Em- pire" as if it were a cup of tea and a few biscuits. The Empire ‘llas seen many generations of croakers come and will probably see many more as it continues to do its regular busi- ness at the old stand. The Winnipeg Tribune says the West is overwhelmingly in favor of reciprocity and larger markets, and- it will take every opportunity to make its feelings known. until the Federal Government recognizes the logic of the situation and grants us the relief which by right is ours. Even dispensers of early morning life saVers are now in danger. In Montreal the other day a Chicago man in a ï¬t of insanity killed a bartender. It is all right in the ear- ly morning hours to hit a gentle- man who follows this profession, but not to kill. One should be careful at all times how he talks to a lady. A judge has recently ruled that a gentleman has no business to tell a lady to “call off her dâ€"â€"-â€"- dog" even though it has him treed on a picket fence, and flu- ed him $1 and costs. . 8-11 Canada. United Slates Scientists have voted that the sen. 1 modern wonders of the world are: Wireless Telegraphy. Telephone. Aeroplane. Advertising Ram Furnished. Phone 25. â€ublished every Friday by BB). LAKE, PROP. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: FRIDAY. J L'LY Trunk Railway will 52.00: you. J 00 a year at Toronto ammo cost of Radium. Antiseptics and Antitoxins. Spectrum Analysis. X-Ray. To the ancient a wonder had to be fashioned with the strong arm; its virtues were chiefly those of size and strength. To the modern brain has taken the place of brawn. i I..i1.:~ht laden. gm forth 11111011: na- |ture. Look up toward the sky so brilliantly lil‘ilrht By «1113', 01' at night Emorrv with ten thmnzmd stars join- iinu; hands of light. with the earth iin the 1imz. (mini; mum] and round with gleam and dance and song. lmuki'ne: Old Time itself feel young Give yourself a chance. Get out in the open as much as possible. Sunshine and air and pure water are the great enemies of disease. In Par- is the scourge of consumption has been tracked to the shady sides of streets. The increase in the number of consumptiires in Canada is a and commentary on the ignorance that still obtains regarding the laws oi hygiene. Fresh air and sunshine. that. mean so much in the physical and moral weleing of the race; do not yet obtain the full recognition they demand as vital factors in the lives of the people. (in to where the streams leap 'down off the men; and their crystal lhools clatter and gliSten over the pure white pebbles. . Hark to the ï¬uting of the winds thunder. Hear the fitful patter of {the fairy-footed rain dancingr on the land the loner-meter psalm of the l l swaying leaves. amusements are source. It you won: all week take a true vacation on Sunday and get out into the open. breathe the good air. instead of sit- ting around in a stuffy back room swinging down a few drinks. saying hit me and taking the overs. We see and (rot in this \mrM chiefly hit me and tflKlllK ["0 men. “1: see and tret in this world chiefly what we look for. A farmer going along examines the farms. an architect the buildings. a. merchant the mndition oi the mar- kets. a minister the churches. He who is constantly looking for troubles will iind them stretching oï¬ into gloomy wihlernesses. He who is watching for hleasinzs will see them hither and thither extendingin har- vests of luxuriance. in this vacation season he sure that you take a vacation from your troubles and worries. Leave them your bazaaze fnrobodings ! Light laden Do not look sour and sad and grumble about the camp because the amusements are scarce. If you work aqain :1 ml t ll ['0 ! ll ['0 Look at the morning striding down the hills. routing the skulking shad- ows. See evening: drawing aside the curtain from heaven's wall of jas- per. sardonyx and amet‘hyst. Look on all this. and feel that “God's in his Heaven. all's right with the world." and that some- where in the great open chamber of the universe there is room for }'( ur soul to live in peace. When one analyzes the situation. it is somewhat extraordinary that there is the amount of interest in minim): shares which exists. 'l‘hose of us who are in reasonably direct touch with actual mining operations, who understand the vast amount of wealth which is being taken from the ground. who witness on every hand evidence of fortunes adhieved in a few short years from successful imining operations and investments, Fare more often prone to wonder that public interest is not greater. Strange to say interest very fre- q-uently depends upon one of two diametrically opposed conditions of mind. One is thorough knowledge and the other is almost total ignor- ance. 'llhe unknown always has a cer- tain fascination. 'Nie man to whom mining is a mysterious sort of. magic or blind luck by which a fortune is won without labor either mental or physical, regards it with very much the same sort of interest which" a hi ml h) to the wands where the cooled :1 sifted breeze is scented with na- ‘e's fragrra'm‘o and swvot with na- S songs the most useless of Awayâ€"away with all small boy might have in the feat of a magician who was producing can. dy from a preViously empty hat. If he saw that the product was being distributed to individuals in the prowl. doubtless he would make an eï¬ort to secure his share. His in« terest is based to large extent on lack of understanding; and upon hopes. often unfounded. of personal gain through sheer luck. On the other hand the man who has a knowledge of mining cannot help being interested in it. because of the stupendous results achieved and the rewards which come from intelligent participation in the in- dustry. It is the comparative lack of information in regard to mining and the prejudice which often takes the place of knowlcdtre whim. upon consideration. makes us wonder that intcre~’t is 3% wide «prom! 34 it i-I. Tailinc and sumps whiel abandoned are subject to it upon unoccupied public it the land is in private suvh material lielonzs to of the surface riirlits and i to location. Tailinz f1 the tailimr. If the tai upon public land it is 0 (ion as a placer deposit number L'UVOI distribution hill NIH: sp and I’. E. 1.. are anxious that their tepresentntion in the federal house should um he reclueed. the premiers «.t' the province are desirous of get- ting together and threshing the ques- timt out. Increased provincial sub- sidies is expected to form one ofthe principal questions to be taken up. reference to the Panama Canal ad- ministratinn hill until Mr. Enmsï¬le British vhame. can present a uth in behalf of llia’ government. While the reasons for the request are not stated in the Charzre's nute there is no doubt that the British Washington news specials make it appear that Great Britain seeksvcs- satian m action by Congress with .1 (Ton nt 11 m Government is converncil in the (‘lallse to grant free passage through the canal to American ‘-'1>.~:els in coastwise trade, and that relating to the passage of railroad owned ships. The Canadian railways are deeply concerned in both and it is thought that some of the representations will he made in their behalf. One of the provisions in the bill as it now stands would make it im- possible for Canadian railroad ships to pacs through the canal if they on- gagred in coastwise trade. Alloys of steel have been extensive- lv investigated by railroads and rollâ€" ingâ€"mill operators, in order to pro- duce a rail that will give more sat- isfactory serVice than the ordinary rail now in use. One of the princi- pal metals used in these experiments, according to the U. S. Geological Survey, is titanium. More than 250.000 long tons of rails were rollâ€" ed in 1910 from steel to which fer- ro-titanium had been added. More than 150,000 tons of steel rails in which nickel or nickel and chromium izllly Httawa advicmi h were used as alloy were also made during 1910, and experiments were made with about 80,000 tons of steel rails in which chromium, manganese, vanadium. and other metals were used. Certain steelmakers are new advertising titanium steel, claiming that although no titanium is left in the steel, the removal of gases and impurities effected by it greatly 3â€in- creases the good quality of the steel. It nnW S HOW mmmt intmrals bringing was to of mt. which “‘3 of NIH R il‘ll ll pcndim: elections in a 10 provinces. will proh- called for September. (morally known that the Imps which 11 provinvial premiers. haVc been held this a \V l C in the non the province THE PURCUP INE ADVANCE open to loca- pnst pom- n'th that the 4) Va H.“ ‘colocation land. but ownership the nwner 1"9 in a re- W Scotiu been OS on In the matter of B. Burnnnd. South Porcupine. Drugg'ist. Tenders are invited and will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the pur- chase of the stock of this estate up to six o'clock p.111... July '15th, 1912. The stock consists of Drugs, Drug- qist's Sundries, Fancy Goods, Con- fectionery. Cigars, Show Cases, Safe, ~Vational Cash Register and ï¬xtures, and is valued at $2.600 wholesale price. . Stock will be sold en bloc at a rate on the S Stock sheets can be secured upon application to the Assignee. or can be inspected on the premises at South Porcupine. Dated at South Porcupine this 5th day of July, A. D. 1912. CHARLES S. HODGINS, FOR SALE -â€" BEDROOM SUITE for sale. in good condition, best mattress and spring. Globe Ofï¬ce, Commercial Ave. HORSE FOR €ALE -â€" TENDERS will he received up to noon of Sat- urday. August 3rd. for a Bay Horse. eight years old, weight about MOO lbs. This horse can be seen upon application to the under- signed at Kennedy's Store, South Porcupine. Get your information Direct from the Camp regarding MINING STOCKS, MINING CLAIMS. TOWNSITE LOTS, Etc. We are “RIGHT ON THE GROUND." SUMMER GOODS Let us TellYou the One Best Stock to Buy South Porcupine. 0nt.. Can. “RIGHT ON THE GROUND†ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fri., Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : SO. P0 Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. ROBERT MCHAFFIE, Agent for Mark McLeod 'I‘ew, Assignee. . S. Fuller Co. Classfied Ads. US PORCUPINE Assignee, South Porcupine, Ontario. COOK MITCHELL. Barristers, c., South Porcupine, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. ASSIGNEE’S 3m Alll SUMMER Gï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ REDUCE“. anything about PORCUPINE~ that's what we are here for. Screen Doors Regular $1.50 Now $1 on "‘ " †$1.75 " $1.25 ††" $2.00 " $1.50 {Complete with hinges, screws and pull) †New Perfection" Blue flame Oil Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13M) Now $10. (It) 2 " " 31mm $7.4m Ovens for same with glass door †$ 3.50 " $2.75 ()ne $27M“ white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers, now 1 qt. $1.50, .2 qt.$‘_’.HH 3 qt $3.5†Slaughter Prices Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays M AJ ESTIC THEATRE Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50pm. H Inc PRICESâ€"â€"â€"IOc and 15c COMEâ€"Bur Pictures are flickerlessl Two Shows Every Evening Assessment Work First Run at the MoaLUp-to-date MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT [ISN’T MISS THIS CHANGE SO. PORCUPINE Delivered to anv part Of the town at reasonable rates. Ihe Uninn ï¬nal company Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"Notaries Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcupine 000k Mitchell Telephone 90 Ont.