Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 19 Jul 1912, 1, p. 5

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has the followmg offices in the [he Milton Carr 13 Hardware Co. Porcupine Three Nations 3103K FOR SALE BOX 511 ruuuc .10 {g} mdaag @‘flfii @fl@ 1., Aura Lake South End C. H. Day. Manger Haileybnry Box 522 Hardware Co. Sou th Porcu pine Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through any Branch of this Bank. u-uvvw v V Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. Brighten up around the house. make old things look like new. Our stock of Paints and Varnishes will help you. Full line of Brushes, 0113, etc. We have SnId :1 guml many during the lust tvm weeks and all give 'thc best satis- faction. Call and see them anyway, they cost only $1.25 L“ 4' '§ E. L. BAUGH:; 00., and are a wonderful saving on fuel, worry and time INCORPORATED, 1885. Brokers Montreal Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. Small Block of THE Porcupin_e Gold District, Manager Porcupine Branches $ 6,800,000 $ 52,000,000 J. D. Tipton, ’Phone 16 Hits the Members at the United 3 States Senate and Wm. tnrtmer is Reposed AFTER W0 YEARS fl SPASM [If MUBAUTV The end of the long struggle to oust the senator came after six days '0! protracted debate in which Sen- ator Lorimer himsell had occupied tthe floor for three sessions. making tan impassioned defence of his elec. ition. , i The final vote upon the resolution offered by Luke Lea, senator from *Tennessee. declaring the Lorimer lelcction by the Illinois legislature in £1909 invalid. The adoption of the Lea resolution carried with it the senate's verdict that “corrupt me- lthods and practices were employed in the election of William Lorimer.” making his election invalid. For more than two years the light had been on to oust Lorimer from the seat in the senate as a represen- tative of the State of Illinois. A constant newspaper agitation. inves- , tigations by two senate committees n and one committee of the Illinois After about two years a spasm of morality has struck a small part of the United States. hitting one Wil- liarn lnrimer. junior Senator from Illinois. and alter a long and bitter fldlt he loses his seat in the United States Senate for using corrupt me- thods and practices in his election. legislature. millions of words of tea- timony. and scores of speeches. have kept the case of Lorimcr before the house. Charges and counter-diams of bribery and corruption, criminntion «amazon; THE PORCUPINE At a Bargain First-class property, conveniently sit- uated on Bruce Avenue. With suitâ€" able building thereon for business or residential purposes. A snap if sold at once. . Apply The Porcupine Advance soé03990o9o0o9oo.0oo»o~9 and reorimination. indictmentsxrinls and “confessions” galore, have filled the history of the case. The vote in the senate ended one of the most sensational legislative imhroglios that the country has ever known. The vote ousting him was conclud. ed at 2.05 o’clock last Satunday. The man who had occupied a seat in the senate since June 18. 1909, by the vote, passes out of the records and never officially has held a seat in the senate of the United States. {In the matter of B. Burnnnd. Southi Porcupine. Druggist. Tenders are invited and will he re. ceived hy the undersigned for the pur- chase of the stock of this estate up tn six o'clock p.111... July mm. 1912. The stock consists of Drugs. Drug- ;rist's Sundries. Fancy Goods. Con- iectionery, Cigars. Show Cases, Safe. 'Nntionnl Cash Register and fixtures. land is valued at $2.” wholesale price. Stock will he sold en bloc at a rate ton the S i Stock sheets can be secured upon inpplication to the Assignee. or can be inspected on the premises at South Porcupine. The staff and working force 000-; nected «rid! the Big Dome mine are; thoroughbred sportsmen. Their ball l grounds and tennis court are about; completed at an outlay of something * over a thousand dollars. i A DVANCE Dated at South Porcupine this 3th day of July. A. D. 1912. CHARLES S. HODGTY9. Again-nee. South Porcupine. Ontario. COOK MITCHELL. Barristers. c.. South Porcupine. Ontario. Solicitors for the F‘statc. ASSIBNH‘S SME 2: Still another “'umlcrful pmperh' m 6 ‘ uulium has now to be plan-«10:1 re- (3 hunkâ€"tho plOpClt)’ of being able to §gchzmgv the 001015 of pretious and . ~cml- piecious stones. INTERESTING ITEMS FROM PORCUPINE A canoe accident occurred on Sun'- day eVening. when two young men were overturned on the east side of the lake. Beyond getting a w‘etting they escaped without further injuro ies. By an error which occurred in last week's issue Messrs. Unapman and Tapp are reported to be building an. other Masonic Temple at Timmins. It should have read for Messrs. Gor- don Davies at Schumacher. It is expected that on his visit to Porcupine in Aug-“st Mr. Rowe“ will be asked to pitch the first. ball in a game to be played on the Porcupine ground on that date. On the 11th inst. the anniversary of the great fire. Hutch Burns round- ed up a numBer of the Iioys and took them over to graveyard point to help fix up and somewhat improve the cemetery. To show the whole- heartedness into which they entered into the war]: a visit need only he Radium Changed Precious Stones. paid to the ground. The names of those who helped the good work de- serve mention. They are E. Connor. 1’. Roach. D. Dooley. W. Smith. A. Dooley. C. fllnnenu. W. N. Bums. of the gasoline boat Mart. J. Paliser. F. Cassndy. H. Charlehois. H. Bent- !y and others. j A young German chemist recently Ipurchased seVeral varieties 'of sap‘ Qphires and placed them in a box [with a small quantity of radium lbromide. The astonishing transfor- 1 mation of the stones after only about lone month's exposure to the rzulium tare described as follows: 'I‘he (mange is effected nvrely by continued exposure to radium salts and the stones which give the best results are sapphires. Original Color. White or uncolored Top Blue 1 Violet S Wine colored l lnlcrior dark colored Original Color. New Color. White or unt'olored Topaz, like yellow lllue Emerald green Violet Sapphire green Wine colored Beautiful ruby lnferior dark colnred lleep Violet. Scarcely daring to credit the evi- dence of his eyes,the chemist visited a jeweler from whom he bought the stones at an average price of 40 cents per carat, and asked what. the jewel- er would offer for the “new" parcel. The jeweler suspecting nothing even after a close examination, offered $10 per carat for all the stones,with the exception of the small 'but exâ€" quisite ruby colored one, nor whidh he said he was willing to give no less than $100 a carat. Jack Johnston Arrested Again Jack Johnson, champion pugilist, who, with his wife, was recently in- dicted by the federal gTand jury on a charge of smuggling a diamond necklace into this country, was ar- rested Monday afternoon charged with striking and intimidating Chas. Brown, a negro chauffeur, one of the government’s principal witnesses in the case. Brown was formerly employed by Johnson as a chaufieur. He is five feetfi in height and slightly built. When Brown entered the pugilist's cafe, Johnson asked him wnat he told the grand about the diamond necklace, and when the witness de- clined to tell him, the pugilist is al- leged to have struck Brown a blow in the face. Johnson was arraigned and hearing continued after he had furnished a bond for $5,000. Chief G. E. Fairbairn of the fire- department reports that a small fire occurred at the Italian Bakery on July 16th 21121.30 p.m. 'I‘ne blaze was put out by Constable Salle, us- ing chemical extinguisher No. 17. The damage was slight and was caus- ed by a burned out or defective pipe. Mr. Bruce has been here since the camp was tirst started and has cer- tainly done much towands the up- ,building of Porcupine He was the first J. P. to administer justice in Porcupine. and no matter what the case. was the parties were always isure of an impartial hearing. Mr. lnruee treating friend and foe alike. land ne\'er letting friendship stand in ithe way of his administration of ins. itice to all parties. The above was iiully borne out by the tokens of ad- miration and esteem towanls him which was expressed ht his hosts on Satunlay last. SeVeral speeches were given in which all expressed their admiration of him as a rerorder and the upright mmlm't he has always shown. Reeve Walsh was in the ehairavhile the rive. wan occupied by the Rev. Mr. Wakefield. English church minister. Between the speerhes some fine «mus were rendered by Carl Evans, l‘. K. Gallaehor accompanying at the piano. and some good selections of Smith and other airs were. well ren- Ilm'ml by Mr. Scotty Carney. The visitors sat clown to a splendid re« past served in that excellent manner for whivh the Mulligan House is so well known. Among the guests were Messrs. Gordon Gauthier, Dr. McIn- nis. Newton Roach. C. Pierry. 0. Preston. O'Brien. Mellougall. Carl Evans, Chief Brennan. Geo. Mlnrray. (‘has. Molnais. R. Phyre. Capt. Rag- ers. Marshall J. Callannn. N. Find- er. .\'. Milne. Smith R. Sims. Fos- ter. '1'. King. Capt. Anchor. Chief Mclnnis. l’. K. Gallagher. J. Mulli- can. (300. flannerman. Mr. Farrish. Air. Norton. Mr. Riley. ll. W. Clay- 'tnn and several other mallemen lWllOSt‘ names The Advance was un- lahle to obtain. In Penpie a? Haiieyhury Who 90 Not Support Their Home Paper ' (j. (.7. Farr, editor and proprietor vi the llaileyhurian, printed at Hail- ‘eylmry, has seen lit to reduce the size fiof his paper from an eight to a four .page sheet. simply because the peo- iplc and merchants of his town have {not sullicient local pride and good :sensc to subscribe and advertise. 110 ',gives the following as his reason for ithe change in size: l. The llaileyhurian has an idea of l .going smaller. Hanged if I can see ",the sense of buying “boilerâ€"plate" land wasting- paper; to say nothing ;of paying other unnecessary expens- Efllllfl E. 3. H133 WBHES mm [NElISH Lies, when the merchants won't adver- itise and the subscribers Won't pay itheir subscriptions. Four pages is "good enough for mine, which,at first 'sight, appears to be ungrammatioal. iliut how about the “wages of sin is Edwin 3’" The Bible cannot blunder, {in spite of the number of transla- |Lions, and revisions that have been lmade. But we are going to.out out ”our pages, unless the merchants j back us sutiieiently to carry on eight. When they (10,, we could give them eighteen, or possibly a daily issue, if needed, though if they will buy the “boilerplate" we can get it made up. I could do that mysell, and I don't know the first thing about printing, except the fact that it is an empensive luiaury for the man who has got to foot the bill, but I do not want to 'have one half of the paper printed in Toronto as is done by the New Liskeand newspapers. The price of The Haileyburian is one dollar a year, except in the Unit- ed States. where it is a dollar and a half, simply, on account of the fact that we have to pay fifty-two cents a year to 'get the paper there, leaving us forty-eight cents for the rot that we print. I am not going to do it. I am not going to give my cousins a paper like? that just for their own enjoyment, and a pe- cuniary loss for myself, at least. The “fiat" hath been issued, and I woufd not blame an American for ceasing to contribute towards the maintenance of a paper that is pub- llished by a “Green-horn Britifiher." Cards are being issued announcing the wedding of Miss Fennie Rosen- bloom of Toronto to Solomon Sky of South Porcupine. The wedding and reception will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin David Sky at. Niven street, New Liskeand, on Sunday, July 28th, at 7.30 o'- clock in the evening.

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